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祝彬  张传伦 《证据科学》2007,14(2):140-144
南通智障少女子宫切除案件对社会的触动,暴露出了我国智障未成年人知情同意权行使规则的缺失。文章分析了案件的本质问题,通过对域外立法、判例之考察,提出粗浅的立法建议。  相似文献   

发生在新疆佳尔思建材厂的这起非法用工案件,之所以引起国人的普遍关注,是因为它严重侵害了智障公民的权利,再一次挑战了人们良心和道德认知的底线。审视和反思上述案件,在痛心和悲愤之余应认真分析原因,以求避免此类事故再次出现。  相似文献   

本文通过一起有关医疗事故行政处罚案件的处理,对我国目前医疗事故行政处罚案件适用的追诉时效制度存在的不足进行了简要分析,并对完善追诉时效的立法规定提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

刑事和解自2002年发轫于北京市朝阳区人民检察院制定的《轻伤案件处理程序实施规则》,到2012年正式入法,从司法到立法用了近10年的时间。此次修改用了3个条文首次对公诉刑事案件的和解程序进行了专章规定,对已有的司法实践的成果既有吸收,也有抛弃。为了考察公诉案件刑事和解程序在近半年的实际运行中的情况,了解这一程序在实际运行中存在的问题,笔者调阅了Y市中院和10个基层法院2013年1—6月份审结的6件故意杀人案和86件故意伤害案的判决书,采用统计分析和案例分析的方法对当事人和解的公诉案件程序中的"该"与"不该"问题进行了梳理,这些问题既有司法中存在的与立法的规定不相适应的问题,如"法院对当事人自行和解的协议该不该审查,该如何审查"和"附民案件中达成和解协议法院该不该制作附带民事诉讼调解书"等问题;同时也有立法中存在的与司法状况不相适应的问题,如"刑事和解程序该不该扩大适用到故意伤害(致人重伤、死亡)和故意杀人等重罪案件中"和"刑事和解后该不该适用减轻处罚"等问题。笔者对这些问题的立法与司法现状进行了分析,并提出了相关建议,总之,尽管司法还有诸多与立法的规定不相适应之处,而立法也还有些不尽完善之处,但只要司法与立法之间形成了一种良好的互动,通过司法推动立法,立法规范司法,立法的目的与价值定会通过规范的司法程序而得以实现。  相似文献   

“酒驾”危害行为的刑法立法对策   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
近期接连发生的酒驾肇事案件引起了社会各界的广泛关注和热烈讨论,也暴露出我国相关立法规制的严重缺陷。基于社会发展和司法实践的迫切需要,我们应当积极寻求对酒驾危害行为的刑法立法完善对策。具体来说,可以考虑通过修正现有交通肇事罪法条、增设新的罪名、完善刑罚设置等方式改进现有刑法立法规定,从而有效地遏制酒驾等危险驾驶案件的发生。  相似文献   

杨朝程  钱昕 《法制与社会》2012,(30):186-187
为了保护企业职工的合法权益,我国先后制定并实施了一系列法律法规,如《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》及《社会保险法》等,2010年又对《工伤保险条例》进行了重大修订。这些立法活动对我国的法制建设无疑具有重要的现实意义。但由于各地经济发展水平、行政机关的执法力度以及企业主与职工法律意识不尽相同等因素的制约,劳动保障违法案件层出不穷,其中工伤行政确认案件比较典型。为了提高社会各界对工伤行政确认案件的认识,我们在山东沂源县人民法院进行了相关案件审理方面的调查。在调查基础上,分析此类案件发生的主要原因,针对性地提出相应对策。期待调研报告能够对行政审判、行政执法、相关立法、企业参保以及广大企业职工维权均有所裨益。  相似文献   

本文作者以现行立法和司法解释为依据,分析了我国在自诉案件和公诉案件中简易程序的适用规则。在此基础之上,作者对我国简易程序审判方式的改革提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

1997年,刑法增设私分国有资产罪对保护国有资产,打击犯罪具有重要的立法意义.但是在司法实践中,对私分国有资产罪案件的处理情况不容乐观.该类案件在检察机关立案侦查的案件中所占比例极小,与立法的背景和现实的情况不符.同时,国有资产流失所造成的社会问题也日趋严重.对私分国有资产罪案件的查处是司法界的一个难题,主要原因在于该罪的立法本身有一定的缺陷,反映到司法实践中,就是定罪难,定性难,查处难.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国企业破产法(试行)》(以下简称破产法)的颁布和民事诉讼法对企业法人破产还债程序的专章规定以及最高人民法院相关的司法解释,使法院审理破产案件有了法律依据,但随着改革开放和市场经济的发展,审理破产案件遇到了许多新情况新问题,现行的破产法不论是在立法上或是在适用上都存在难以解决的诸多问题。正是在这样的历史背景下,全国人大常委会立法规划正式提出重新制定破产法。本文旨在对审理破产案件遇到的立法上及其适用上存在的问题略作探讨并提出建议,供审判与立法参考。(一)破产法的适用范围问题。现行的破产…  相似文献   

侵权隐蔽性大,调查取证难是知识产权侵权案件的特点之一,尤其是计算机软件侵权案件。其原因既有立法上的缺陷,又有诉讼技巧上的不足。 TRIPS协议对保护知识产权而规定的证据收集与保全之内容和各国法律之规定,为我国立法提供了参考。司法实践中的一些经验也为软件权利人如何收集、保全证据提供了帮助。  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of the sociological literature on the mentally retarded. It attempts to analyze the reasons why the mentally retarded have been so thoroughly de-valued in our society that even social scientists ignore them as an object of study. The literature that does exist is primarily confined to the mildly retarded and generally applies labeling theory to understand the processes by which individuals unable to succeed in institutions such as schools are diagnosed as retarded. Studies employing labeling theory either ignore the severely retarded or allow the medical model as the only appropriate framework for understanding these populations.The failure to include the severely retarded in the general analysis of the problems of the handicapped by labeling theorists indicates a deficiency in the theory rather than the group excluded. A more critical perspective on the handicapped is required which ties the analysis to the study of other surplus populations such as the poor, the illiterate and other disposessed groups. The treatment of the severely retarded provides a looking-glass into the way our society can so de-value a dependent population that its very survival can be questioned.A version of this paper was presented to the Southern Sociological Society Meetings, Memphis, Tennessee, 1982.  相似文献   

The problem of the mentally retarded offender begins at the first encounter with the criminal justice system and continues through the correctional system. A recent survey compared attitudus of police and mental health professional. Police (78%) felt that disturbed person (including mentally retarded offenders) should be handcuffed when being transported. In contrast, mental health professionals (84%) felt no individual should be handcuffed. The mentally retarded offenders, once incarcerated, are a group that is confronted with problems beyond those usually associated with prison life. The authors examine the complex issued stemming from the special conditions of the MRO and suggest recommendations for developing rational attitudes and policies within the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

Conclusion Victor Hugo considered the death penalty to be the hallmark of barbarity. 104 International human rights law clearly contemplates abolition of the death penalty. To some extent, it has succeeded in promoting universal and imperative norms, as in the case of the prohibitions on torture and slavery. 105 With respect to the death penalty, results have been more gradual and the effort has met with more opposition. Although international norms now exist prohibiting the death penalty, 106 they are not yet widely ratified. This is why international organizations dedicated to the promotion of human rights have insisted upon strict limitation of the death penalty, including its total exclusion for certain categories, such as juveniles, pregnant women, the elderly, and the insane.No treaty provision exists to exclude the insane from the death penalty. The conclusion that this prohibition represents a customary norm is an important one, with consequences not only in international law but also in domestic law since many states consider customary international law to be a part of their domestic law. Wherever a court concludes that in the absence of any domestic statutory provision to the contrary, customary international human rights law prohibits execution of an insane prisoner, a small step will be taken away from the barbarism lamented by Hugo.B.A., University of Toronto 1972; M.A., University of Toronto 1973; LL.B., University of Montreal 1983; LL.M., University of Montreal 1990; LL.D., University of Montreal 1993.  相似文献   

Characteristics of mentally retarded criminal offenders in Northern Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristics and criminal behavior in mentally retarded individuals remain largely unstudied. This retrospective study sought to establish a set of reference of criminal behavior characteristics in an ethnic Chinese mentally retarded group. Data were collected from forensic psychiatric evaluation of 32 mentally retarded offenders. Of the 32 offenders, only four (12.5%) cases were female. Mean age at the time of the offenses was 31. By IQ testing, 23 (71.9%) of the group fell into the mild mental retardation range, seven (21.9%) into the moderate mental retardation range, and two (6.2%) into the severe mental retardation range. Nineteen (59.3%) of the group also suffered from additional mental disorder. Eight (25%) had definite neurological deficit. Fourteen (43.8%) were repeat offenders. A total of 24 (75%) of the offenders had committed crimes against property, with 13 having committed petty theft. Furthermore, the pattern of offending shows differences from that of the general population or other mental disorders. The property offenses, especially petty theft and arson, were frequently seen. There was no noteworthy above average frequency of sexual offenses.  相似文献   

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