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<正>Russia’s pending WTO entry will bring long-term gains despite temporary pains After 16 years of marathon negotiations,Russia hopes to complete the final procedures and officially become a WTO member at the end of 2011 or the beginning of 2012.  相似文献   

本文讨论了我的个人经历、我们之中与印第安纳大学政治理论与政策分析研究所相关的许多人的努力,即研究在不同背景下,制度是如何影响行动和后果的。首先,我回顾了我作为年轻学子的经历和我的早期职业生涯,旨在激励那些面对难题的人们。然后,我讨论了我们的制度分析和我们对于都市治理和公共池塘资源的研究,这些研究帮助我逐步发展了分析复杂制度的较为一般的框架。这一框架已经能够使我们发掘和分析制度结构、行为和后果,做出和检验内在一致的预测,并且建立更好的理论。最后,我就未来学术发展方向,与大家分享了一些看法。  相似文献   

Don'tyouknowthatMacaoisnotmyrealname?Ihavebeenawayfromyouforsolong,mydearmother!Althoughtheyhavecapturedmyphysicalbody,Myheartandsoulstillbelongtoyou.FOrthepast400years,Ihavebeenthinkingofyoudayandnight,dearMotherPleasecallmebymynickname,callmeAomen.MotherIwanttobeback,Iwanttobeback.FROMthe1920stothe1940s,lthefamousChinesepoetWenYiduowrotesevenpoemsaboutChineseregionsplunderedbyforeigninvaders,includingHongKongandMacao.ThepoemsdepictedtheregionsasthesevensonsofChina.Theabovepoemisthe…  相似文献   

ScrOLLINGalongalake,JosephS.Fermrememberedthathisjourneyintothepastandpresentdidnotcomeeasily."Itwasn'tuntilJanuaryofthisyear,whenNewMexicoTechnetbegantoofferinternetaccesstoCarrizozo,thatitbecamePOssibleformetomakecontactwithChina,"saidFerm.Hisfirst...  相似文献   

A Chinese classic gets a new twist with the help of Western musical collaborators Do not annoy Buddha, even if you’re a cloud-jumping monkey super fighter who just stole the peaches of heaven.Life had been looking up for the Monkey King. After hatching from a stone egg and going  相似文献   

<正>Vladimir Putin is sure to win the Russian presidential election next year At a meeting of the ruling United Russia party on September 24,Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accepted a proposal by President Dmitry Medvedev to compete in next year’s  相似文献   

T HIS year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC).Over the past century,the CPC has made great contributions to the country,the people,the Chinese nation,and the world,which shine through history.To the CountryXi Jinping,general secretary of the CPC Central Committee,pointed out that those who lag behind lose out in the end,and self-reliance can be achieved onlythrough development.  相似文献   

Amateur pianist Tong Zhicheng politely accepted the compliments after playing a piece of music for his guests. "I icould have been another Lang Lang if I had enough time for practice!" he said.But Tong had little to be jealous of in  相似文献   

出使越南的清朝使臣的出使笔记或文集是研究越南华侨华人的绝好材料。1905年,奉命出使越南的严璩游历越南各处两个多月,其见闻汇成《越南游历记》,其中记录了河内、安拜等北圻地区华侨华人的数量以及经商情况,从其记载当中可见北圻华商力量相当强。但是北圻华侨华人也面临着一些不公正的政治歧视和经济剥削。  相似文献   

Xi Jinping’s low-profile tour to south China symbolizes CPC leadership’s commitment to reform R eplicating a famous tour of southern Guangdong Province made in 1992 by the chief architect of China’s reform Deng Xiaoping,Xi Jinping,General Secretary of the  相似文献   

New Journey     
正It was fantastic to be selected from more than 80 staff at my media house in Rwanda to participate in the 2017 ChinaAfrica Press Center fellowship program,which is now in its fourth year.As a fi rst-time visitor to China,the fellowship was a chance to sharpen not just my career as a journalist,but also to settle all my curiosities about China,the culture and its people.I arrived in Beijing,the first time I had ever flown,on February 20 and immediately felt the warmth and hospitality of the Chinese.  相似文献   

Known as "sea-turtles"for their foreign experience, overseas Chinese students now find their career arena at home.  相似文献   

Journey of Joy     
正Traveling during Spring Festival season gets smoother and smarter As always, the Spring Festival, or the Chinese New Year, which falls on January 25 this year, is heralded by a travel rush, known as the largest human migration on Earth. During the 40-day period from January 10  相似文献   

正Why an ancient civilization has not only survived but is thriving When my family and I came to Xiamen in southeast China for the first time in1988, I quickly fell in love with China and became a foreign teacher at Xiamen University. At that time, the living conditions wereharsh.Everyday,therunningwater was out once or more, power outages were frequent, and transportation wasn’t convenient. But the people were warm, friendly and  相似文献   

在希腊时代各种冲突的德性观念中,亚里士多德的德性观始终据于中心地位。然而,自启蒙运动以来,由于亚里士多德的德性传统被摒弃,德性已经退居边缘地带。为寻求摆脱道德困境的出路,麦金太尔在追溯以亚里士多德为中心的德性传统的同时,提出了他自己的现代德性论。而麦金太尔的德性论亦是对亚里士多德德性传统的复归和充实。本文旨在通过对亚里士多德德性传统和麦金太尔的德性理论的分析,厘定德性的概念,对西方德性伦理进行有益的梳理。  相似文献   

The mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) signed the long-awaited Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) in southwest China's Chongqing on June 29.  相似文献   

AFAMILY walk after din-ner, mom’s praise for doing well in an exam, a shopping trip to town on the back of dad’s bike...These basic but essential parts of a child’s life are luxuries to Mai Yao, a 12-year-old girl from Matu Village in Hengshui Town, Chongyi County, Jiangxi Province in southeast China.  相似文献   

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