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In an age of explosive worldwide growth of electronic data storage and communications, many vital interests require the effective protection of information. Today's information age requires businesses to compete on a worldwide basis, sharing sensitive information with appropriate parties while protecting that information against competitors, vandals, suppliers, customers, and foreign governments. Elements of the US civilian infrastructure, such as the banking system, the electric power grid, the public switched telecommunications network, and the air traffic control system, are central to so many dimensions of modern life that protecting these elements must have a high priority. Governments have an important stake in assuring that rival nations do not appropriate technology.  相似文献   

Almost all European countries are member countries of Interpol, the World Customs Organisation and the United Nations. Some of them are Benelux and Schengen countries, and 15 are EU Member States. With this in mind, Europe can be considered, in policing terms, as being made up of a series of concentric and overlapping circles. The map shows overlapping institutional sources, territorial remits, functional specialisations and strategic emphasis. This article focuses on recent developments in European police co-operation, as well as judicial co-operation. International law enforcement co-operation is more and more influenced by basic political developments. Based on a rather complex, and sometimes confusing patchwork of institutions, there is a growing influence of intergovernmental based new developments. In particular prevention and combating organised crime are the main reasons for new and more professional ways of improved horizontal co-operation.  相似文献   

The House of Lords decision in HIH Insurance raised important questions about the pari passu principle of distribution in cross-border insolvency. This comment examines the case in light of academic debate, arguing that Lord Hoffmann's application of the principle of (modified) universalism achieved distributive justice amongst HIH group creditors.  相似文献   

刘畅 《时代法学》2007,5(3):115-120
社会文化,尤其是法律文化的发展演变是使国际商事仲裁地位独具的内部驱动。文章试图寻找国际商事仲裁的法律文化传统,并以现代法律文化的几个新思路如现代法治思潮、契约理论新发展、共同体主义等为切入点,论述法律文化的流变带给国际商事仲裁制度理论及实践走向的影响。同时,纳入法律全球化的相关思考,以期从多一个视角描绘国际商事仲裁的法律文化基础的轮廓。  相似文献   

The Framework Convention on Climate Change, opened for signature at the 1992 United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED), formally begins a process for countries jointly to limit the long-term risk of climate change. The near-term effectiveness of the Framework Convention will be limited, due to ambiguities in language, uncertainties regarding the magnitude and location of sources and sinks, the difference between biological and industrial emissions, uncertainty about the relative importance of the various greenhouse gases and selection of a weighting system, and concerns about equity. Action in the near term will likely cover either CO2 alone or just those gases resulting from the use of fossil fuels in the industrialized world. Based on this limitation, it is projected that by 2036 the earth will be committed to a 2.2oC temperature increase. The effectiveness of the Convention need not be as limited as this analysis suggests; it is an evolving document, tailored to be flexible and to respond to the most recent scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

梅傲 《现代法学》2015,(2):153-166
随着时代的发展、新技术革命的影响,整个国际社会的交往已经摆脱了地域的限制,涉外民商事关系出现主体多元化、法律行为空间偶然化的特征,为了将国际民商事交往中崇尚人本关怀的社会价值加以确认与弘扬,要求国际私法的原则、规则适时进行调整。"人本说"认为:解决涉外私权争议是国际私法的存在基础;明确保护私权是国际私法的中心任务;弱化国家主权在国际私法中的影响;提高"人"在国际私法中的主体地位,确立意思自治原则为选法之首要规则;保护弱者权益的人文关怀应渗透到国际私法的更多层面;应在总则中引入例外条款,限定最密切联系原则的适用范围;给予法官和当事人更具确定性和可预见性的冲突规则。  相似文献   

International measures to address environmental problems increasingly rely on scientific information, and a growing number of international agreements require periodic scientific re-assessments. However, the arena of scientific assessment, governed by a combination of scientific criteria and political interests, is not well-understood, and few case studies have mapped the influence of scientific assessment on the birth and development of environmental policy issues. This article examines the role of scientific assessments and the science-politics interplay in international attempts to regulate persistent organic pollutants (POPs), focusing on the processes within the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The study shows that scientific and political activities are intrinsically linked in international POPs work. Scientific and political agendas are co-constructed with no clear boundary between the science and politics spheres. Scientific assessments played a prominent role in constructing POPs as an issue of international concern, setting agendas and shaping policies.  相似文献   

The adoption of the new International Health Regulations (IHR) in May 2005 represents an historic development for international law and public health. This article describes the IHR revision process and analyzes why the new IHR constitute an advance in global health governance.  相似文献   

李赞 《北方法学》2011,5(3):115-125
国际组织豁免的理论依据是国际法和国际组织法上的一个基本问题,有关该问题的争论由来已久。国际组织豁免与国家豁免和外交豁免的理论依据各异。职能必要理论是国际组织享有豁免的主要理论依据,同时国际组织豁免存在的其他理由是对职能必要理论的补充。明确国际组织豁免的理论依据,有助于国内法院在裁决涉及国际组织豁免案件的司法实践中作出正确的法律推理,在国际法的教学实践中可以对国际法上三种豁免制度的理论依据作出清晰界定。  相似文献   

王次宝 《北方法学》2014,(2):107-116
德国、日本及我国台湾地区学者一般认为处分原则的依据是私法自治原则。而我国大陆诉讼法学界对于处分原则理论依据的阐释从上世纪80年代初到现在则经历了一个微妙的变化过程,逐渐从社会主义民主原则以及国家干预私法的理论演变为民事权利的可处分性,并趋向回归到私法自治原则。但实际上从法学的多维视角观察,处分原则的依据绝不仅限于私法自治原则。法理法学上的权利主体理论、自然法观念与自由主义思想,宪法学上的宪政原理、法治国家与人权保障理论,民事实体法上的公私法划分与契约自由理论以及民事程序法自身的诉讼目的、诉讼价值以及程序主体性理论等均为确立处分原则的理论依据。  相似文献   

李一丁 《河北法学》2013,(2):109-115
从1972年斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议到1992年里约环境与发展大会再到2012年里约可持续发展大会,国际环境法已经走过四十余年发展历程。其中20世纪90年代以来的国际环境法不仅扩展和丰富了传统国际法律关系的内容,其本身也呈现趋同化现象和碎片化趋势。  相似文献   

比例原则的中国宪法依据新释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比例原则已被全球法治实践反复证明属于人权保障的利剑,必将成为中国合宪性审查的基本标准。为了更好地推进合宪性审查,并消除对比例原则适用范围与功能的误解,有必要探寻比例原则在中国的宪法依据。通过解释我国《宪法》中“权利义务一致性”“基本权利”“人格尊严”“法治国”“征收征用”等条款的尝试,均不能很好或完全地推导出比例原则。比例原则的本质在于调整权力与权利、权利与权利之间的关系,其功能在于合理确定国家权力与公民权利的界限。比例原则内置于权利和权力之中。通过解释我国《宪法》第51条的“权利的限度”条款和第33条第3款的“国家尊重和保障人权”条款,可以得出比例原则在中国具有宪法依据,属于宪法基本原则。  相似文献   

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