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Section 58 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 confers on all suspects held in police custody a right to consult a solicitor in private. The free legal advice which suspects arrested for certain minor offences can request is restricted to telephone advice from a call‐centre operated by CDS Direct. It is lawful for the Legal Services Commission to restrict the delivery of legal advice in this way. Empirical research, however, reveals that there are police stations that lack the facilities for suspects to speak by telephone with legal advisers secure in the knowledge that what is said will not be overheard. It is unlawful and incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights to expect suspects to speak by telephone to a legal adviser under such conditions.  相似文献   

The triple helix model of university-industry-government relations is explicated for the transfer of technology. Drawing upon a broad range of international instances, the stages and phases through which the institutional spheres most relevant to innovation are drawn into a more productive relationship are discussed in comparison to alternative models.  相似文献   

Palatal suture fusion has seen little testing and/or application due in part to an inadequately described relationship to formal age ranges. This study presents a modified scoring method that examines fusion on samples of modern documented adult males and compares two Bayesian approaches to age estimation. In the first analysis, American and Portuguese collections were used to derive univariate and multivariate transition analysis (TA) parameters, which combined with an informative prior, estimated age in a sample of modern Americans and Portuguese. For the second analysis, a Bayesian multiple linear regression (BMLR) used indicator statuses as the independent variables with age as the dependent variable. Highest posterior density regions (HPDRs) and highest posterior density intervals (HDI) were calculated for a holdout sample. Final age estimates for the methods were tested for accuracy using cumulative binomial tests at 75% and 90% coverages. The HPDRs from multivariate TA captured age better for younger individuals, but consistently underaged. The cumulative binomial tests on the BMLR results indicated the prediction intervals performed as expected, and we show they are narrower (more precise) and/or more accurate than the corresponding HPDR. The modified method presented here formally links palatal suture obliteration to age using two different approaches, one of which (BMLR) is new to the aging literature. The BMLR provided results free from bias and more reasonable age ranges while maintaining accuracy. We present a look-up table and a free, simple R file for users to download and run their own estimates with BMLR.  相似文献   

Technology transfer has generally had little impact on the assistive technology industries serving small, highly fragmented “disability markets.” Persons with disabilities often require specialized, relatively sophisticated technology. Third-party payer reimbursement rates and the low levels of disposable income among disability populations often cap product pricing. Transferring technology to these industry segments therefore poses special challenges. In October 1998, the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology Transfer initiated the “Demand-Pull Project on Wheeled Mobility.” Successful transfers resulting from this project demonstrate that a systematic technology transfer process can be successfully applied to industries serving specialized and underserved niche markets.  相似文献   

The U.S. Bureau of Mines was established in 1910 to reduce the high accident rate in the nation's coal mines. For 85 years, it conducted a wide variety of tasks related to mining before it was abolished in 1995. The BOM had many technology transfer successes in its lifetime, including more than a dozen R&D100 awards. This essay identifies and discusses five transfer factors that can explain the success (or failure) of many Bureau of Mines projects. These five factors are termed pressure, pitfalls, path, price, and profit.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1985, LCDR Robert Cox completed a course entitled “Technology Transfer” at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. The objectives of the course were to enhance the capability of course participants to take advantage of innovations, to move appropriate research and development results into use, and to gain insight into the Technology Transfer responsibilities of managers. LCDR Cox' paper was chosen from among several contributions as an example of the application of Technology Transfer principles to a manager's job.  相似文献   

The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology Transfer (T2RERC) advances the methods of technology transfer through research, transforms technologies into products through development, and facilitates the commercialization of new and improved assistive technology devices. This paper reviews the T2RERC's process and the three primary Paths to Market employed by the T2RERC for new products proceeding through its Supply Push program (Lane, 1999) in a case study format.  相似文献   

This article analyzes whether publicly traded firms price differentlyfrom privately held firms in the product markets. Our empiricalevidence shows that, in the U.S. newspaper industry, firms increasetheir prices when their ownership structure changes from privateto public. The effects are robust and significant. A plausibleexplanation is that private owners enjoy more freedom than publicmanagers to expand circulation and distort content, pursuingthe consumption of nonpecuniary benefits of control. Additionalevidence is consistent with this interpretation. Public newspapersshow lower prices when insiders' ownership participation ishigher. Moreover, private newspapers appear more likely thanpublic newspapers to endorse a candidate during presidentialcampaigns. To my knowledge there are no previous studies comparingpricing by private and public companies.  相似文献   

Response to climate change will critically depend on the cost, performance, and availability of technologies that can lower emissions, mitigate, and adapt to climate change. Technological innovation can furthermore lower the cost of achieving environmental objectives. However, and although issues of technology transfer have been central to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since the negotiation of the convention, there is still an urgent need for effective environmental technology diffusion. Building upon lessons learned from technology transfer activities under the Clean Development Mechanism and the Global Environment Facility, the article suggests three possible solutions for enhanced environmental technology diffusion within the UNFCCC regime. First, it advocates in favor of a simplification of the transfer scheme within the convention's bodies, in order to save resources and better allocate responsibilities. Second, it makes some recommendations with respect to technology transfer through the Green Climate Fund. Third, it suggests that the creation of an environmental patents’ pool would help to ensure access to key environmental technologies. To this respect, the article concludes that in order to ensure the full participation of the private sector, right holders should be paid a fair royalty. Therefore, a model where rights would be bought out and then made available to parties through a patent pool is recommended.  相似文献   

Technology Transfer to China The Issues of Knowledge and Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aspect of effectiveness of technology transfer to developing countries still raises important questions from researchers and practitioners alike. Many of these questions pertain to the nature of knowledge and of the learning process. The first question for this paper is what forms of knowledge are transferred abroad by companies. The second question is what are the characteristics of the learning process in recipient firms during technology transfer. Twenty-eight Canadian manufacturing firms were interviewed. Seven case studies were also conducted in China.Our results demonstrate that tacit knowledge constitutes a substantial part of the total knowledge transferred by Canadian firms to China. The nonexplicit nature of knowledge leaves room for numerous problems of interpretation, not only at the technical and managerial level, but also at the more global level of national culture and institutions. Our findings tend to validate the evolutionary and cognitivistic positions on the nature of knowledge. The results also partly confirm our sequential model of learning.  相似文献   

Three paradigms for gender research are reviewed, illustrated by examples from employment discrimination law to highlight issues in research on gender and the law. Next, an agenda for research on gender, social science, and the law is outlined, and the five articles in this special issue are reviewed in terms of that agenda. Finally, research ideas for the future and practical applications of the research presented in the five articles are considered, specifically, the use of the reasonable woman standard and expert testimony in sexual harassment cases, and the influence of sex roles and sex stereotypes in producing gender effects.  相似文献   

This paper argues that it is important to devote greater attention to the study of entrepreneurship in technology transfer in the light of greater government attention, the growth in the phenomenon, the need to identify how wealth can be created from spin-outs, changes in the cultures of universities and differences with technological entrepreneurship in general. The paper summarizes the contributions made by the papers presented in the special issue in terms of their levels of analysis. At the spin-out level, issues are raised concerning identification of typologies of spin-out firms, the evolution of spin-outs and external resources. At the university level, issues concerning policies, internal resources and processes are discussed. An agenda for further research is elaborated which relates to the need to examine further levels of analysis: the academic entrepreneurs themselves and how they recognize opportunities and shape their ideas to meet the market; the nature of internal university environments, processes and resources; and the nature of the scientific discipline which may have implications for the process of creation and development of spin-out ventures.  相似文献   

论技术转让合同中的技术改进条款   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
技术改进条款是技术转让合同的重要条款,它直接涉及双方当事人的权益,特别是关系到受方技术自主创新能力的提高。在合同中当事人需约定改进之含义及改进范围;并针对不同的情况,如涉及与方法或产品有关的发明改进。或与可专利客体相关的改进等,合同要对改进范围作出明确的约定。我国企业在技术转让合同中对改进条款的内容均有不同程度的忽视,这直接关系到技术引进、消化、吸收、再创新目标的实现;为此,在我国已有的法律规定之基础上,企业应对改进条款给予关注,以期提升自主技术创新能力。  相似文献   

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