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The scene was the 31st World Table Tennis Championships held in Nagoya.Japan from March 28 to April 7,1971.On the afternon following the lounch of the competition,American player Glenn Cowan missed his team's bus after practice,and stood at a loss in the training area.At that moment the Chinese team offered his a litt to the competition venue.During this shuttle bus run,Chinese player Zhuang Zedong greeted his,presenting him with a small giff.This friendly gesture won the attention of the international media.  相似文献   

On February 21, 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon started a weeklong official visit to China, the first by an American leader to the People's Republic. Nixon later called it "The week that changed the world." At the end of his trip the two countries released the Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (also known as Shanghai Communique), in which both expressed a desire to normalize relations and stressed common ground on several key issues. The frosty ties between two of the world's biggest countries began to thaw. On December 16, 1978, China and the U.S. signed the Joint Communiqu6 on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, officially recognizing each other and establishing diplomatic relations on January 1, 1979. On March 1 the same year they exchanged ambassadors and embassies, and Sino-U.S. relationships entered a new epoch.  相似文献   

FINDING chameleons is no easy task. As most school children could tell you,they have a peculiar knack for changing color.This unique ability is the product of specialized chromatophore cells-pigment-containing and light-reflecting cells found in many classes of animals,but not mammals.The crafty chameleon boasts chromatophore cells in three overlapping layers beneath a transparent outer skin.The location and movement of pigment within these layers,controlled by impulses from the brain,dictates color at  相似文献   

易艳刚 《传承》2011,(2):51-51
劳动力市场越来越成为"卖方市场",这是好事.但"卖方"要真正获得"要价"权,必须尽快摒弃畸形的农民工用工制度,让农民工享有产业工人的正当权益.更多的城市应加快户籍制度改革,方便有相对稳定工作的农民工在城里落户,成为真正体面、有尊严的劳动者.若不能意识到这些,再激烈的"农民工争夺战"也只是低水平的"廉价劳动力争夺战". 春节长假结束,大量返乡农民工再度背上行囊背井离乡,前往城市务工.  相似文献   

LI Chunxiang, who moved to live with her married daughter in Beijing, enjoys chatting with the staff at the reclamation depot of their residential community. When looking back on her childhood, her most vivid memory - apart from being hungry - is of collecting scraps. "When I was little, I picked through everything to find something to sell. It seemed everything had another use," she recalls.  相似文献   

XIAO RONG 《人权》2007,6(4):11-12
When Du Yumeng was born in December 2005,she was probably not aware that she had been classified into a different category from other babies—a category which includes people toting wheelbarrows of fresh fruit,selling steamed buns from a corner booth or ped- dling phone cards.They all share one thing in common—a rural"hukou",or house- hold registration. Set up in 1958 in order to control mass urbanisation,China's hukou system effec-  相似文献   

W HEN Zhang Tian saw the term “com- pany night owl” on the Internet it struck him as a f itting epi- thet for him and his work colleagues. Zhang Tian works for a private adver- tising company in Guangzhou specializ- ing in computer graphic design. His boss angles for advertisement design orders and passes them on to his staff of six, of whom Zhang Tian is one. Zhang and his colleagues work all hours in order to keep ahead of a continuous stream of work.“I created a record by not leaving…  相似文献   

THE pregnancy was, as 26-year-old Liu Li says, "unexpected," the result of a malfunctioning contraceptive device. After some thought, she decided to terminate it. "But," recalls Liu, "as I entered the hospital doors I felt the baby move and  相似文献   

喻新捷 《传承》2011,(2):56-57
"孟母三迁"的故事如今有了现代版本.2010年7月,张嫒忍痛卖掉了位于深Al蛇口的三室一厅电梯花园套间,同时以1.5万元/平方米价格买下了蛇口另一个福利房小区爱榕园的二室一厅单位. "新居"建于1990年代,外观已经非常老旧,张嫒的房子在8楼顶层,没有电梯.每天气喘吁吁地爬楼梯时,她就会怀念以往舒适宽敞的旧居,心头百般滋味.  相似文献   

Afew days ago, Zhao Ying's friend introduced her to a man. A mediocre man she decided, but did not actuallyrefuse to see him again. This marriageable 28-year-old used to place a high income and good looks first when evaluating a prospective spouse. Today, she tends to check out "ordinary Joe's" - in search of what's called the "budget husband."  相似文献   

李君如 《传承》2011,(2):17-19
我们知道,中国共产党是在1949年夺取全国政权和在全国范围执政的,但是我们不能简单地认为党的执政史就是1949年至今的执政史.事实上,党的执政实践经历了一个从局部执政到全国执政的历史过程.所谓局部执政,指的是中国共产党在革命根据地执政,具体时间是从1931年在江西瑞金建立苏维埃政权到1949年在全国建立政权.我们党从局部执政到全国执政以来的执政实践,可以说是波澜壮阔,也可以说是跌宕起伏,其中既有成功的经验,也有失误的教训.可以说,不论是经验还是教训,都是我们付出巨大代价获得的,都是我们的宝贵财富.  相似文献   

The new Chinese leadership is fully aware of the importance of a stable and peaceful international environment for the country’s development.Last year was important to both China and the world at large.Overshadowed by a lingering globaeconomic slump,the chills of the European debt crisis were still broadly felt,putting a damper on growth in economies around the world.Despite  相似文献   

THE first program of the "Cultural Gateway to China" opened to the public in the Beijing Capital Intemational Airport last April, with the "Brilliance of Hebei", an exhibition and performance staged at the Beijing Capital International Airport, turning out to be more than just a nice distraction for travellers, The full-scale production was an unqualified hit. a real draw for admiring passengers who turned the airport lounge into a kind of temporary club.  相似文献   

李怀录 《桂海论丛》2007,23(5):24-27
"攘外必先安内"政策有许多需要再认识之处.它的提出绝不仅仅为了剿共,而有其特定的多重原因;安内的对象不惟中共及其军队,是变化的、多样的;它非蒋介石一人之主张,而是得到国民党和社会一定程度的认同;其反动性应看是否反人民、是否损害国家利益,而不宜以是否反共论.  相似文献   

THE aftermath of spectacular success is often a look back over the shoulder, and Chinese entrepreneurs-cum-philanthropists are busy trying to give back to their societies. As it turns out, corporations are discovering philanthropy is a lot more complicated than they thought. When life was simple, the donor could see where the donation went. When donors and benefactors rubbed elbows, good was done, and seen to be done. But these are the days of "big charity" - the needs may be great or small, or the beneficiaries far or near, but the management of foundations is complicated now; it isn't easy to follow the money and it isn't all about money anymore.  相似文献   

HAPPY Little submarines, an American-style animation entirely produced by a Chinese studio, was shown in late May at more than 200 digital cinemas around the country. It is one of the few feature-length animated films made and successfully released in China in the past 20 years. "This is the first time we have recouped our investment before the distribution of the film through foreign copyrights," said Jin Guoping, chairman of the Institute of Media Technology (shenzhen) Ltd., affiliated with Global Digital Creations (GDC).
The film tells of two small submarines, "Ali" and "Beibei," who after undergoing countless hardships at sea, finally realize their dream of becoming official scientific research submarines. It is targeted at young children and cost RMB 10 million, but beyond breaking even, Jin said he did not expect too much in box office receipts. "The box office of films for young children is limited, especially in China. The animation consuming market is by no means mature," he said.  相似文献   

CHANG Weiguang is a postgraduate majoring in electronic engineering at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. When he received an admission letter for a doctor's degree from Canada's McGill University, the first thing he thought of was telling Yu Shufan. Like many others, Chang owes his education to Yu's philanthropic efforts.  相似文献   

山西吏治改革:"查岗风暴"震惊"太平官"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田国垒  刘建林 《传承》2011,(2):32-33
"现在我们单位人人自危,大家都很害怕,因为管得严了."阳泉市一家国有银行的工作人员在参与一项关于山西"整风运动"的民意调查时说.多位受访者也表示,以前上班是混日子,当一天和尚撞一天钟,现在不敢了."因为上班不务正业,就真的要受到处分,这事儿对我们的触动太大了!"  相似文献   

For many Chinese, Buddhism is their philosophy of life, or it has tinted their philosophy of life, advertently and inadvertently. This fact, perhaps, renders Buddhism the most successful case of localization of a foreign religion in China.  相似文献   

正STUDYING in China isn't just studying abroad.Everything is different here;it's another world," says Jade Li,18,from Hamburg,Germany. Jade has been in Beijing since September last year and recently passed the challenging entrance exam for the Beijing Film Academy,one of the oldest and most fa-  相似文献   

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