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<正> 本文作者已报道用特异性红细胞粘附试验研究ABH物质在正常人体组织中的分布,已证实胃组织的粘膜上皮及胃腺中含有丰富的ABH物质,可用于检测ABO血型。现报告一例利用手术切除的正常胃组织检测其ABO血型,证实在医疗过程中因输血错误而导致死亡的病例。  相似文献   

<正> 利用人体组织检测人体的ABO 血型在法医学实践中具有十分重要的意义,本文作者已报道用红细胞粘连试验研究ABH 物质在人体组织中的分布,已证实心脏内膜组织亦含有与红细胞一致的ABH 物质。现报道一例利用福尔马林固定的心脏组织,成功测定出死者ABO 血型的实际应用案例。  相似文献   

Liu Z  Wu W  Zhou Y 《法医学杂志》1998,14(1):16-17
探讨人体组织ABO血型检测方法。对已知ABO血型尸体的不同组织,用红细胞粘连试验、吸收—抑制试验和吸收-解离试验进行ABO血型测定。12例尸体的16种组织中均检出与尸体血痕相同的ABH物质。对不同温度保存的组织块进行ABH物质检测的结果显示,4℃保存的组织ABH物质的检出时间长于室温,空腔脏器的检出时间短于实质脏器。三种方法中,红细胞粘连试验简单易行,适用于基层单位,吸收-抑制试验用于组织块的测定时优于吸收-解高试验。  相似文献   

ABO血型系统属人类的重要遗传标记之一。ABO抗原不仅存在于红细胞膜,也广泛存在于人体的体液和分泌液中。在体液及分泌液中分泌ABH血型物质的人称作分泌型(Seers-tors,See)。A型人分泌A物质,B型人分泌B物质,O型人分泌H物质。所有分泌型人都有H物质的分泌;不分泌ABH血型物质的人称作非分泌型(nonsecretors,uSe)[1]。分泌ABH血型物质,首先是在检测人精液和唾液时被证实[2]。后来的研究结果表明:在人类分泌型个体的消化道(唾液、胃粘膜、胆汁、胎粪)、泌尿生殖道(精液、阴道分泌物、卵巢囊肿液、尿)、呼吸道及乳汁…  相似文献   

应用间接酶标抗体免疫组化法测出了53例新鲜精液、5例陈旧精斑及40例阴道分泌液中的精子与阴道脱落上皮细胞的ABO血型,30例精子与不同血型分泌型阴道分泌液孵育,未发现精子吸附阴道液中血型物质的现象,同时发现人类睾丸曲精细管中部份生精细胞、精子细胞,精子;直细精管部份上皮细胞、精液、精子;睾丸网大部份上皮细胞及副睾管中的精液与精子均含ABH抗原,故认为精子上的ABH抗原主要是精子固有抗原,13例性交后阴道内容物中精子的ABO型测定结果:7例与供者血型吻合,6例不吻合。6例中5例从O型精子中测出了女方分泌型阴道分泌液中的A或AB物质,1例B型精子未测出B及H抗原,文中对这种现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

从人体组织检测ABO血型在法医学实践中具有重要意义。我室先后采用不同方法测定人体组织的ABO血型。作者在探索理化因素对人体组织细胞ABH物质的影响时,发现水煮100℃40分钟的皮肤及舌组织仍能正确判定ABO血型。从烧焦尸体的残留组织测定ABO血型,国内外尚未见报道,本文报道1例。  相似文献   

精液与阴道液混合斑的检测,一直是强奸案件中的棘手问题之一。传统的中和试验由于不能排除阴道分泌物中ABH物质对精液ABO血型测定结果的干扰,个人识别能力有限。国内外学者用多种方法研究证实了人类精子上含ABH物质。欧炯文等采用酶标抗体免疫组化法直接测出了混合斑中精子的ABO型,我们用该法对各市、县公安局送检的12例强奸案混合斑中精子的ABO型进行了测定,供个人识别之用,结果见表、图1、图2。  相似文献   

用唾液测定分泌状态及ABO型,在法医学上可以进行个人及其亲子鉴定。测定分泌状态的方法是同种凝集抑制试验(isohaemagglutination inhibition test简称(HAI试验),此法的结果是否正确,取决于唾液中ABH物质含量与抗血清试剂中抗体含量的相  相似文献   

目的观察1型H、2型H及3/4型H糖链在成人肾组织中的分布及其与分泌状态的关系。方法 应用抗ABO抗体及3种糖链特异的单克隆抗H抗体的免疫组织化学方法,检查分泌型与非分泌型个体肾组织中相应抗原物质的分布。结果 在分泌型和非分泌型人的肾远曲小管均表达2型H和3/4型H物质,1型H和3/4型H物质只在分泌型人肾集合管表达,在非分泌型人中不表达。另外集合管的2型H物质的表达与分泌状态无关。结论 人肾组织有ABH物质的表达,不同肾组织细胞表达的H物质结构差异与AB0型分泌状态有关。  相似文献   

1案情摘要1995年6月某日晚九时许,周某报称被人强奸.从周某被强奸时所穿的短裤上检出人精斑,笔者用中和法(凝集抑制试验)在斑速处检出B血型物质,确定为B血型精斑,而重大嫌疑人赵某血样呈AB型,似被排除作案可能.然而在对其唾液进行ABO血型检验时,意外发现其唾液中仅检出B型物质,未检出AH物质,与体液ABH物质分泌规律不符,表现为矛盾分泌型.其血型物质与精斑检材中血型物质一致,故不能排除其作案可能.案件经全面调查,最后确认赵某即为本强奸案的犯罪分子,且赵某对作案经过供认不讳.2讨论通常根据体液(唾液、精液等)…  相似文献   

应用间接免疫荧光技术,对40份精子标本进行 ABO 血型抗原检测。A 型人精子上存在 A 抗原;B 型人精子上存在 B 抗原;AB 型人精液中,一部分精子带有 A 抗原,另一部分精子带 B 抗原。各血型人的精子均有 H 抗原。精子血型抗原为本身所固有,并非来源于精浆。不同人的精子血型抗原含量各不相等,与其供体是否为分泌状态或强弱无直接关系。精子 ABO 血型抗原主要存在于精子的颈部和顶体等区域。  相似文献   

本文应用Dot-ELISA法用酶标单克隆抗体,直接检验出稀释5万倍的精斑、10万倍的唾液斑及阴道分泌物等体液斑和血痕中ABH物质,还可检验出1~17年的体液斑中ABH物质。全部操作在室温中进行,以肉眼观察颜色变化判断结果,试验周期30~60分钟,准确率100%,实验结果可长期保存。  相似文献   

The localization of ABH and Lewis antigens was examined in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human tracheal and epiglottic glands using monoclonal anti A, B, H, Lea and Leb antibodies. The mucous cells of the glands showed reactivity with antibodies corresponding to the respective ABO blood groups of the tissue donors. The mucous cells from one blood group A, Le(a-b-) individual showed no reactivity with any antibodies and those from another blood group A, Le(a-b-) individual showed reactivity only with anti A antibody. In individuals from blood group Le(a + b-) of all ABO groups, the mucous cells reacted exclusively with anti Lea. In blood group O, Le(a-b+) individuals, the mucous cells showed intense reaction with anti H and Leb antibodies and weak to moderate reactivity with anti Lea. In Le(a-b+) individuals of A1, B and A1B blood groups, the mucous cells showed strong reactivity with anti A and/or B antibodies, moderate with anti Leb, weak or no activity with anti Lea and absent with anti H. In blood group A2 Le(a-b+) individuals, the mucous cells stained with anti A were weakly stained or completely unstained with anti H antibody, but cells negative with anti A gave strong positive reactions with anti H antibody.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to identify salivary molecules carrying the ABH blood group antigens in Koreans and to investigate the changes in these antigens according to processing and storage of saliva samples. Secretor or non-secretor phenotypes and salivary components carrying the ABH antigens were identified in 90 subjects, 30 subjects in each ABO blood group, by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. Saliva samples were then obtained from 12 secretors-two males and two females in each ABO blood group and aliquots of both fresh saliva samples and their supernatants after centrifugation were stored at room temperature, 4, -20 and -70 degrees C. The same experiments were performed after 1, 3 and 6 months to investigate changes in the blood group antigens. In all 68 secretors, high-molecular-weight salivary mucin (MG1) was found to be the primary carrier of the ABH antigens. A salivary component of approximately 80 kDa also carried H antigen in seven saliva samples of 22 blood type O secretors. The blood group antigens were better detected in centrifuged samples. In saliva samples preserved at room temperature and 4 degrees C, the blood group antigens were either not detected or detected as degraded molecules. No change was found in the blood group antigens in saliva samples preserved at -20 and -70 degrees C for 6 months.  相似文献   

恒河猴ABO血型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用A型、B型、AB型血清,及抗-A与抗-B单克隆抗体对113只猕猴的ABO血型进行了测试。结果表明:在恒河猴(Macacamulatta)红细胞表面及血清中均未证明有类人凝集原和凝集素存在。但可根据其唾液中类人ABH型物质存在的情况判定该动物的类人血型。本实验检出的血型表型频率分别为:A型17.70%;B型52.21%;AB型20.36%;O型9.73%。该结果与国外报道的血型分布频率有差异。  相似文献   

Antigens A, B, H, Lea, and Leb were demonstrated in the tracheal glands of 15 Lewis-positive secretors and 15 nonsecretors by the indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The detection of group-specific ABH antigens in mucous epithelium and intraductal secretory fluid was dependent on the secretor character. Whereas determination of secretor character was sometimes unreliable with anti-A and anti-B, the findings obtained by additional labeling with UEA1 were consistently correct. The secretors showed minimal gland labeling with anti-Lea and intensive labeling with anti-Leb; the nonsecretors, intensive Lea labeling and weaker or absent Leb labeling. Consequently, the determination of secretor character by ABH labeling could be verified by the behavior of the Lewis antigens. Since both morphologic structures and epithelial antigens are highly resistant to putrefaction, ABO and secretor character can also be diagnosed in badly decomposed tracheal wall specimens.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical studies were performed on tracheal wall samples embedded in paraffin; the samples were taken at 23 autopsies. In all cases, the red cells had been typed in postmortem serological studies as being Le(a-b-). Blood-group antigens were demonstrated by the indirect immunoperoxidase technique, using monoclonal Anti-A, Anti-B, Anti-Lea and Anti-Leb; H was detected by UEA 1. The secretor characteristics could clearly be diagnosed from the ABH staining pattern of the mucous glands. In 11 cases, the lewis antigen labeling patterns were identical to the group of Lewis-positive individuals. It seems probable, from the statistical point of view, that these 11 individuals were, in fact, Lewis-positive and that the negative serology resulted from deterioration of the cadaver blood samples. The immunocytochemistry was quite different in the remaining 12 cases: (a) secretors (n = 9) were completely negative for Lea, Leb was equally negative in one case, but in the remainder it was detectable within mucous epithelia in minimal amounts and in an atypical granular distribution; (b) nonsecretors (n = 3) reversely exhibited complete negativity for Leb but a minimal staining for Lea. These findings are in harmony with the well established Lewis serology typing of secretions in Lewis negative individuals. Thus, a minimal Lewis antigen biosynthesis and secretion seem to occur in the absence of the Le gene: A alpha-4-L-fucosyltransferase of low activity might be the product of the allele le.  相似文献   

Vaginally inserted plastic tampon applicators were obtained from 42 female volunteers. The applicators were examined for the presence of ABH blood group substances, phosphoglucomutase (PGM), amylase, acid phosphatase, P30, and intact spermatozoa. Each applicator was accompanied by a control blood sample, a saliva specimen, a brief sexual and menstrual history, and method of birth control of the donor. Eight of the male sexual partners of the donors submitted blood and saliva samples. One male sexual partner submitted only a saliva sample. ABH blood group substances corresponding to the donor were recovered from 36 of the 42 applicators. The remaining 6 applicators revealed a combination of the donor's and sexual partner's ABH substances. The female's PGM type was recovered from 34 of the applicators. The remaining 8 applicators failed to show PGM activity. Of the applicators, 15 indicated evidence of prior sexual intercourse by the detection of ABH substances not consistent with the applicator donor (6 samples), high levels of acid phosphatase (11 samples), or recovery of spermatozoa (8 samples) or some combination of these. All applicator samples failed to show the presence of either P30 activity or PGM factors foreign to the female.  相似文献   

探讨人唾液中ABH血型抗原不同时限的分泌量,以及保存温度对血型抗原活性的影响。应用时间决定性荧光免疫测定法(TR.FIA)对O型分泌型10例和非分泌型5例人在不同条件下唾液中H抗原量进行检测。唾液血型抗原的分泌量随时间而波动,进餐后降低明显,但不干扰分泌型的判定。37℃保存48h抗原活性完全丧失,6℃保存1周抗原活性几乎没有变化。结果表明,唾液分泌时段不影响分泌型判定,将唾液制成斑痕可长期保存样品。  相似文献   

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