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蒋邰宜  吴明文 《台声》2011,(11):20-23
10月19日至21日,海峡两岸关系协会会长陈云林与台湾海峡交流基金会董事长江丙坤在天津举行第7次会谈,会谈后签署了《海峡两岸核电安全合作协议》,并就继续推进两岸投保协议协商、加强两岸产业合作达成了共同意见。这是继两岸经济合作框架协议(ECFA)之后两岸关系发展的又一重要里程碑。  相似文献   

随着两岸经贸往来的密切,因两岸商标相同或相似引发的纠纷时有发生,厦门市中级人民法院审理的“农友”商标侵权纠纷案即是典例。为便捷有效地解决这类纠纷、推动两岸商标权的合作,以2010年签署的《海峡两岸知识产权保护合作协议》为基础,采用海峡两岸商标权相互承认的方式,是一种可行的方式。这种方式不仅体现出海峡两岸作为平等的两法域之间的相互信任和合作,也是实践中对海峡两岸法律冲突的一种现实可行的化解,并具有充分的法理依据,未来更容易推动。但在具体操作时,这种相互承认应以有限度的部分承认模式为宜。  相似文献   

吴剑 《公安研究》2012,(4):38-43
ECFA的实施,推动了海峡两岸经济合作日益深化,而跨境经济犯罪也如影随形,给两岸经济合作带来负面影响。为有效应对跨境经济犯罪,海峡两岸警方应在两岸经济合作委员会框架下,全面落实《南京协议》内容,完善两岸打击跨境经济犯罪合作的组织,创新合作模式,深化合作路径,有效防范和打击跨境经济犯罪。  相似文献   

日月谭 《两岸关系》2003,(10):44-46
海峡两岸在文化领域的交流与合作,是直接影响中华文化在世界文化发展中的地位与动向的重要因素。海峡两岸加入WTO已近2年,世界大型出版集团也近在眼前,两岸出版业无路可退。背水一战,浴火重生,是两岸中国人的必然选择。海峡两岸出版业的命运,将直接决定中文出版业在世界出版业未来地位的变迁。  相似文献   

邰宗  章涟漪 《台声》2014,(3):34-35
2月27日14时30分许,海协会会长陈德铭与台湾海基会董事长林中森在台北举行会谈后签署了《海峡两岸气象合作协议》及《海峡两岸地震监测合作协议》。这两项协议的签署,将有利于促进两岸气象、地震业务交流合作的机制化和常态化,有利于推进和深化两岸在气象、地震领域的交流合作,从而共同提升气象灾害警报和防震减灾能力,更好地为保障两岸同胞的福祉及生命财产安全服务。  相似文献   

随着两岸关系的改善和两岸民间交流加速发展,增进了两岸彼此了解,建立与巩固了两岸互信,却也衍生了非传统安全因素,如跨境犯罪、传染疾病和食品安全等对两岸关系的影响.出于两岸非传统安全问题的多元性、跨界性和议题主导性,在其解决上,更体现了两岸合作的重要性.本文采用SWOT方法对两岸非传统安全合作的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行分析,剖析了两岸非传统安全合作的现状、不足和未来发展趋势,并提出相应的策略.  相似文献   

正2015年12月29日,海峡两岸仲裁中心在福建平潭综合实验区正式成立。这是中国国际贸易促进委员会、中国国际商会在福建平潭综合实验区组织设立的常设仲裁机构。未来,海峡两岸仲裁中心将致力于为两岸企业提供更为便利的仲裁服务,解决两岸当事人经济纠纷,帮助两岸企业定分止争、防范和化解法律风险,促进两岸经济合作健康稳定发展。该中心主要以仲裁的方式,也可以调解和其他非诉讼争议解决方式,解决当事人约定由仲裁中心管辖  相似文献   

<正>2月27日14时30分许,海协会会长陈德铭与台湾海基会董事长林中森在台北举行会谈后签署了《海峡两岸气象合作协议》及《海峡两岸地震监测合作协议》。这两项协议的签署,将有利于促进两岸气象、地震业务交流合作的机制化和常态化,有利于推进和深化两岸在气象、地震领域的交流合作,从而共同提升气象灾害警报和防震减灾能力,更好地为保障两岸同胞的福祉及生命财产安全服务。在海峡两岸政治互信不断增进、两岸关系不断改善的大背景下,两岸交流交往活动日益增多,自2008年6月两会恢复协商以来,已举行了十次两会领导人会谈,签订协议21份。  相似文献   

近年来两岸服务业合作在贸易和投资领域取得了显著进展,但仍需尽快减少政策限制,释放两岸服务业合作的发展潜力。目前,台湾的政策限制相当程度上影响了大陆企业投资台湾服务业的积极性。《海峡两岸服务贸易协议》的签署为加快实现两岸服务贸易正常化、促进两岸服务贸易自由化做出了重要的制度性安排,两岸服务业合作可在此基础上强化服务贸易、直接投资、策略联盟和共同参与等方式的合作。未来健全两岸服务业合作机制,应重点解决好利益分配、法律规范、经营模式等方面的合作问题。  相似文献   

由于多重因素的影响,两岸既有的农业合作模式呈现市场主导为主、制度性建构不足的特征。ECFA正式实施以来所呈现的两岸经济一体化取向,衍生了两岸农业合作模式制度化诉求。未来,两岸应通过政府协商形成以"海峡两岸农业合作区"为主导、以"两岸共同研发、共同生产、合作销售"等模式为从属的主从模式功能有效融合、市场安排与制度性安排协调互动的合作模式体系。  相似文献   

Nuclear power is a good choice for clean energy, but China must ensure its safe use The first unit of the Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station in Dalian, Liaoning Province began operation at 3:09 p.m.on February 17.  相似文献   

China's vigorous efforts to propel development of nuclear power are paying off as the country's nuclear power sector advances at an amazing pace. At present, China has set up three enormous nuclear power bases, one each in Qinshan of Zhejiang Province, Dayawan of Guangdong  相似文献   

<正>2015 sees a surge of several new nuclear power projects in China By Wang JunTwo generating units—titled No.5 and6—of Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant in northeast China's Liaoning Province were approved for construction in March,resuming China's nuclear power program after Japan's nuclear crisis in 2011.On April 15,the State Council executive meeting approved the construction of a pilot unit by Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant in southeast China's Fujian Province,using the Hualong One reactor design,a domestically developed thirdgeneration nuclear reactor design.This year will see the beginning of the greatest number of nuclear power projects in a single year in China since the 2011 crisis,with six to eight units being approved and eight units going online,said Zhang Huazhu,Chairman of the China Nuclear Energy Association(CNEA),at the annual conference of the association on April 22.According to CNEA figures,China ranks  相似文献   

Plants in operation Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant-total installed capacity of 2.956 gigawatts The first stage started construction in March 1985, was incorporated into grids in December 1991 and began business operation in April 1994. It has an installed capacity of 300  相似文献   

<正>Qinshan Plant Phase I Located in Haiyan,Zhejiang Province,Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant Phase I is t he first 300-megawatt pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear power plant independently designed,constructed,operated and managed by China.The plant came into commercial operation in April 1994.  相似文献   

正The Liu zhou OVM Machinery Co.Ltd.(OVM)recently won the bid offered by China Nuclear Power Engineering C o.L t d.f o r t h e research and development of a steel joint used in the shell of a third-generation nuclear power plant that protects the plant from being hit by big commercial planes.Ever since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster which occurred at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on March 11,2011,countries around the world have improved the safety standards for nuclear power plants.In China,another shell is built around the containment  相似文献   

建构社会主义和谐社会是我国新时期进行社会主义建设的新目标。多党合作制是我国的一项基本政治制度,是具有中国特色的社会主义政党制度,是社会主义政治文明和谐发展的重要指标,多党合作制的发展和完善是建设社会主义和谐社会的内在要求和重要体现。  相似文献   

Weiqing Song 《当代中国》2014,23(85):85-101
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)—an organization interpreted in various ways—officially announced that it intended to ensure regional security by countering international terrorism, ethnic separatism and religious extremism. This article discerns the motivations of the SCO members, arguing that they have their respective, albeit occasionally mutual, interests and priorities. There is generally asymmetry of interests—the principal reason why the SCO's strategic situation is largely a suasion game between China and the members—with China demonstrating a greater interest in the SCO; moreover, the power asymmetry between China and the Central Asian members and the power equality between China and Russia further complicates the situation. This sophisticated relationship implies that despite some measurable results, the SCO faces tremendous challenges in becoming a well-established regional organization.  相似文献   

正The annual BRICS Summit has evolved into an important platform for Brazil,Russia,India,China and South Africa to enhance cooperation.The eighth summit,to be held this October in Goa,India,will focus on issues that include boosting the infuence of BRICS nations;deepening joint action based on the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership adopted at last year’s summit in Ufa,Russia;  相似文献   

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