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法文化的研究可以清晰感受到一个民族的内在价值理念,为更好地理解一个民族的行为特点,社会控制手段提供法理基础。法文化的诸多影响因素中宗教的作用是最原始的,少数民族的法文化深受宗教法的影响,这也同样适合满族的法文化发展进程。满族宗教信仰萨满教对满族法文化的形成与发展起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

借鉴与完善:遏制宗教极端主义的立法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国打击宗教极端主义的立法不够清晰,限制宗教极端主义思想传播的法律制度落后。同时宗教管理也存在一定的缺陷。因此,须完善我国打击宗教极端主义的立法以及相关制度,要准确落实我国的宗教政策,将宗教限制在私人空间。在公共领域宗教并无自由。我国须加强国家意识和国民意识的教育,并完善打击宗教极端主义的相关立法。应当制定反恐法,将宗教极端主义行为及言论作为反恐法管制的对象之一。完善刑法规范以打击宗教极端主义。应当在刑法中增加“领导、组织宗教极端主义组织罪”、“领导、组织宗教极端主义活动罪”等,并完善互联网的相关立法。  相似文献   

An analysis of Jean-Marie Abgrall's cultic brainwashing theory shows that the theory is essentially identical to the pseudoscientific theory that was developed first by the American CIA as a propaganda device to combat communism, and second as an ideological device for use by the American anti-cult movement to rationalize efforts at persecution and control of minority religious groups. The CIA theory has been evaluated scientifically in research in several contexts (i.e., communist coercive indoctrination of Western prisoners, the CIA's attempted development of brainwashing techniques, and with American new religions or cults). In each context, it has been shown to be ineffective in coercively changing worldviews. Because of this pattern of disconfirmation, testimony based on brainwashing theory has been opposed as unscientific by relevant professional academic organizations and repeatedly excluded from American legal trials. Consequently, neither legal decisions nor public policy with respect to minority religions should be based on Abgrall's appropriation of this pseudoscientific theory.  相似文献   

本文通过对俄罗斯市场的研究和分析,认为吉林省在开拓俄罗斯市场方面应增强紧迫感,确定经贸合作的主要领域,应在森林资源、矿产资源、农业资源、渔业资源、旅游业的开发和利用方面采取有利措施,有的放矢地开展与俄罗斯的经贸合作,提高吉林省的对外开放水平,带动国民经济增长。  相似文献   

European nations are undergoing increasing cultural and religious pluralization. Yet, we know little about how crime victimization relates to religion. Different theories suggest that religion might protect from or, on the contrary, be a risk factor for victimization. Drawing on a youth survey (ISRD–3), we examine Finland and Switzerland, two nations with different histories with respect to religious pluralism. We did not observe associations suggesting that membership in minority religions would protect from victimization. The risk of hate crime victimization was elevated among Finnish Muslim youths, while in Switzerland, there appears to be a more general association between ‘other’ religious identification and victimization risk. We conclude by discussing avenues for future research.  相似文献   

This note challenges the so‐called ‘test‐case’ status of Re G in so far as it attempts to overturn the principle established in Re T that courts should adopt a neutral position when it comes to weighing the merits of different upbringings and the education provided by parents of minority religions. In determining the future upbringing and education of children who had been brought up in a minority religious community, Re G applies a principle of maximising educational opportunity in order to uphold the mother's proposed educational choice and way of life. This note argues that Re G was wrong to do so, should not be regarded as establishing any new principle and that the only relevant principle, both in determining this case and future cases, ought to rest on the psychological well‐being of the child.  相似文献   

This paper examines patterns of public regulation as they may emerge throughout the West from controversies constructed around new and minority religions. Following Beckford's and Richardson's insights about the sociological exemplarity of these issues, we argue that evidence for some of these trends as well as clues for interpretation can be found in contemporary Canadian constitutional development that parallels and at times precedes that of Europe. Close examination of notions of society and religion found in more than 35 religion cases brought before the Canadian Supreme Court from 1951 to 1997 lead to the conclusion that beside governmental and parliamentary intervention, legal management of religious pluralism is assuming a decisively normative turn. Notions such as status politics, civic ethos, and technocratic pluralism are offered as an explanation of this trend.  相似文献   

Religiosity in Hungary is not especially high; however, the vast majority of the population has a denominational identity. There has been a religious revival since the early 1980's, both in the mainstream churches and due to some religious groups newly active in the country. Religious claims are mostly accommodated on an individual basis. Legal entities called churches can be founded for the purpose of exercising religion, but the registration of a church is not a condition of the free exercise of religion. Religious freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution. The Hungarian state regards itself neutral in matters concerning ideology and religion. Church and state operate separately. The state, however, appreciating religious phenomena, provides support for churches and is open for cooperation with them on a sophisticated legal basis. A new method of offering state support for religions using taxpayer choices is described, which shows some interesting patterns of support for minority faiths as well as traditional ones.  相似文献   

This article analyses the development of infant mortality in the port city of Bremen within a disaggregated framework, using the available material from civil birth and death registers, as well as the census returns for 1862, 1871, 1885, 1895, and 1905. The analysis focuses on a number of factors that affected infant mortality, including breast-feeding, female labor-force participation, social class, and migrant status. Particular attention is paid to the age structure of infant mortality in relation to stillbirths and reproductive mortality, as well as registered trends in neonatal and postneonatal mortality. The Bremen data also provide a basis for analyzing infant mortality by cause of death and seasonality. By incorporating disaggregated demographic and socioeconomic data, the authors are able to offer some new insights into the determinants of urban infant mortality trends in the 19th century.  相似文献   

新加坡是东西方文明的交汇之地,妥善处理不同种族、宗教之间的关系至关重要。在对本国多元宗教、多元民族的基本国情充分认知的基础上,新加坡政府采取了务实的宗教政策。通过宪法和宗教自由法确立了政教分离、宗教自由和平等保护原则,制定了维护宗教和谐法,实现了宗教间的和谐与容忍,为世界各国宗教事务的法律治理树立了典范。  相似文献   

In February 2012, in the full swing of the then-current presidential campaign in Russia, a short video of the “Pussy Riot” feminist band, beseeching the Virgin Mary to “drive Putin away” while performing a wild dance in front of the altar of Russia's major Orthodox Cathedral, was uploaded to YouTube. The performance was followed by the rapid arrest of three band members and a trial in a criminal court that sentenced them to two years in a penal colony on charges of “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred” and transformed the case into a symbol of the infringement on freedom of political expression in Putin's Russia. Through a legal analysis of the trial materials, this article examines the reasoning used by Russian law to authorize limitations on freedom of religiously contextualized speech and discusses the case's implications for expanding the “forbidden ground” excluded from legitimate public debate in contemporary Russia.  相似文献   

US universities are leading the way in technology commercialization, while universities in Russia lag far behind. This paper discusses the best American practices, as well as the main issues of technology commercialization at the US universities. As an example, we consider the experience of the University of Maryland, College Park. In the next section, we turn to technology commercialization in Russia, where it struggles for several reasons. In this paper, we propose that Russia can improve its technology commercialization by studying the example of the leading US entrepreneurial universities and implementing proper procedures. And the important overarching point is that Russian universities need to improve their collaboration with industry, and they need to develop new standards of administrative, research, and business activity that will promote innovation and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

As rights holders, courts, and policy makers worldwide struggle with the question of copyright infringement and the potential liability of internet service providers (ISPs) worldwide, Russia developed – and subsequently abandoned – a proposal for the creation of a global license to be imposed on ISPs which would allow for rights holders to be compensated for copyright-infringing activities carried out through those ISPs.Russia is not the first jurisdiction to look at a global license as solution to the wide spread of copyright infringements online. By analysing the Russian proposal for a global license, this article addresses the sustainability of such a model on a wider scale by analysing the legal implications this may cause. In this context, this article will address the Russian proposal's legislative history before moving into a substantive discussion about the synergies between legal justifications and merits of a global license.  相似文献   

This article discusses changes in public opinion in Russia in 2014. The “anti-Putin minority” (about 20 percent of the population) have merged with the conservative pro-Putin majority and opted for loyalty to the Kremlin leadership. The main reason for this shift is rising uncertainty and insecurity, as well as fear of losing the relative prosperity gained in previous years.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the influence of priests on the number of children among Dutch Catholics between 1935 and 1970, based on a survey held among old retired priests and priests who had abandoned the priesthood as well as their parishioners. Whereas we heard dramatic testimonies of meddlesome priests, which are popularly considered to be undisputed fact, these practices were found to have disappeared earlier than generally assumed due to the process of modernization within the Church. Interviews with both priests and parishioners showed the prominent role played by the transfer of religious values in the parental home, sexual taboos and by the lack of information about sexuality and birth control.  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯关于东方社会的理论包括俄国农民陷入了极其贫困、无法忍受的状况,东方专制制度建立在农民生活的孤立性及彼此隔绝状态的基础上,俄国的"农村公社"面临瓦解的危险,不排除俄国走新式道路的可能性,俄国革命即将爆发并且它将改变俄国和世界的面貌等内容.他们的理论为以后理论的产生和发展起到了奠基的作用,在它的基础上才有以后东方社会理论的发展.关于马克思、恩格斯没有东方社会理论的观点是不正确的.  相似文献   

Studies measuring religious views towards crime and punishment have mainly focused on Christianity and its denominations in a western setting. They have also used measures that are exclusive to the Christian faith. Other major religions have largely been ignored. This study attempts to rectify this by exploring the attitudes of Christians, Buddhists and those identifying themselves as non-religious towards crime. The results indicate some apparent contradictory findings as the more spiritual Buddhists are, the more they attribute crime to both individual and environmental causes as well as greater support for both coercive and social intervention measures. When compared to the Buddhists, Christians and the non-religious are more supportive of assistance towards the treatment of offenders in this study.  相似文献   

The article addresses one facet of the representation puzzle, namely substantive minority representation in the UK House of Commons. It examines whether a religious Jewish and Muslim minority background stimulates politicians from these backgrounds to address issues of concern for Jewish and Muslim minority groups in Early Day Motions (EDMs), and compares the effects from identity-based and institutional predictors. The study draws upon previous studies that used low-cost parliamentary activities to assess the impact of gender and ethnic minority identities on the representation of women and ethnic minorities, employing quantitative content analysis and time-series cross-sectional data analysis to examine the content of EDMs sponsored by members of parliament from Jewish and Muslim background (plus a control group) between 1997 and 2012. The analyses test for the effects of religious background and institutional predictors on the likelihood of referring to minority issues. They show that identity-based predictors such as a religious background are vastly inferior to institutional factors, including a legislative role, representing a constituency with a significant proportion of minority population, and the length of parliamentary service, in determining such references.  相似文献   

The articles in this issue of Russian Politics and Law examine the role of religion in state-society relations in Russia, with a specific focus on the Russian Orthodox Church. They highlight the role of the Church in modern Russian society and its relationship with the state, showing that as the relationship between Church and state has become closer, hopes that Patriarch Kirill would rejuvenate the Church have proved largely unfounded.  相似文献   

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