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China must boost domestic innovation and identify industries where the country still enjoys cost advantages Despite its enhanced international competitiveness in numerous  相似文献   

正China now is experiencing growing pains as its economic strength and international influence are on the rise.In the meantime, the international situation has changed,and the international community has higher expectations of China,hoping the country can  相似文献   

The economic model based on exports and attracting foreign investments is called the small country model. When China became the world’s second biggest economy, its economic model began shifting to expand domestic demand and construct an open economy with internationalization at its core. Big changes started in 2012 when Chinese economic  相似文献   

Industry 4.0,also known as the“fourth industrial revolution,”is a concept put forward by Germany which promotes automation of the manufacturing industry.It is based on computer-controlled physical production systems that connect resources,information and people.The goal is the smart factory,which is characterized by adaptability,resource efficiency and ergonomics as well as the integration of customers and business partners in business and value processes.  相似文献   

China’s foreign relationship in the Xi era will inevitably be tinged with the Xi style,which features a strong will and a personality that has both a soft and a tough side.How will this easy-going,smiling leader perceive and handle China’s relationship with the world?We have good reason to believe that he will bring more smiles and greater ease to this relationship.Xi Jinping heralds a diplomatic revolution in China.  相似文献   

In the months after the new leadership took power, China appears to have entered a period of accelerated reform.  相似文献   

As important neighbors for each other,China and Japan have cooperated in various fields over the past four decades since normalization of diplomatic relations and their cooperation seen unprecedented growth,greatly contributing to their mutual development.It is obvious to all the Chinese government remains committed to the policy of developing  相似文献   

LIU HUAWEN 《人权》2012,(1):26-28
The State Council of China issued the national Program onthe Development of Children(2011-2020)on July 30,2011,outlining new targets and new measuresby the government in promoting under-takings concerning children.  相似文献   

蔡名照 《人权》2015,(1):6-14
In June 2012,with the approval of the State Council,the State Council Information Office issued the National Human Rights Action Plan(2012-15)(the"Action Plan"),the second national plan under the same theme.In the past two years,under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping,the Action Plan  相似文献   

The China Pavilion, a landmark building of the Shanghai World Expo site, was recently unveiled After two years’ construction, the 2010 World Expo’s China Pavilion was completed on February 8,,2010. The stately building  相似文献   

T HIS year marks the first centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC).The achievements made by China during the last 100 years are the result of the efforts of several generations of Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC,which has tasked itself with the mission to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation since its birth.  相似文献   

正Editor’s Note:Every year sees a number of new words and phrases from the Internet make them into a language’s vocabulary.Sorting through the most popular buzzwords and phrases used by China’s netizens reveals a virtual smorgasbord of linguistic ingenuity as well as the most noteworthy trends of the last 12 months.Beijing Review  相似文献   

The Chinese government has been working hard to ensure better subsistence and development rights to its people with good results.  相似文献   

正In November 2013,the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee approved the Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms.The decision stated that efforts should be made to accelerate infrastructural connections among neighboring countries and regions and to promote construction of the Silk Road economic belt and Maritime Silk Road,forming an all-round opening-up pattern.  相似文献   

正Key economic indicators for the January-May period offer a clear snapshot of a steady Chinese economy expanding with new impetus from highquality development.According to the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS),China’s industrial output expanded 6.8 percent year on year in May,  相似文献   

本文从信教群众的人数、结构分析了我国宗教新格局、新趋势及其在国际上的影响.我国五大宗教及新兴宗教在改革开放的时代都获得了发展,但也呈现出明显的不平衡性,原有区域分布格局也发生了改变,从长远看,一些地方的宗教生态会从相对单一向多元方向发展.新形势下,宗教矛盾日益复杂,主要体现在:各宗教自身存在的矛盾;境内外敌对势力利用宗教分裂国家,危害国家安全;宗教在发展过程中与社会有关方面产生的矛盾.  相似文献   

THISyearofthe50thanniversaryofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaalsomarksthe50thbirthdayoftheoldestandchiefsourceofitsbooksandmagazinesinforeignlanguages--theForeignLanguagesPublishingandDistributionAdministration(theForeignLanguagesBureauforshort),nowtheChinainternationalPublishingGroup.Ourownmagazine,foundedbythelateSoongChingLing(Mine.SunYat-sen),andpublishedbytheChinaWelfareInstitute,isalsoamemberofthisgroup,asaremanyotherbookandmagazinepublishers.Ratherthanbeginwithstatistics,highlights…  相似文献   

Michael Yahuda 《当代中国》2013,22(81):446-459
China's new assertiveness in the South China Sea has arisen from the growth of its military power, its ‘triumphalism’ in the wake of the Western financial crisis and its heightened nationalism. The other littoral states of the South China Sea have been troubled by the opacity of Chinese politics and of the process of military decision-making amid a proliferation of apparently separately controlled maritime forces. The more active role being played by the United States in the region, in part as a response to Chinese activism, has troubled Beijing. While most of the ASEAN states have welcomed America as a hedge against growing Chinese power, their economies have become increasingly dependent upon China and they don't want to be a party to any potential conflict between these two giants. The problem is that there is no apparent resolution to what the Chinese call, in effect, these ‘indisputable disputes’.  相似文献   

正On June 2012,the State Council Information Office,authorized by the State Council,released the National Human Rights Action Plan of China(2012-2015).This was the second national action plan following the National Human Rights Action Plan(2009-2010).Formulating and promulgating the national human rights action plan reprensents a major initiative for the Chinese government to adhere to the constitutional principles of respecting and protecting human rights and promoting China’s human  相似文献   

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