Northern Rock's own account of adequacy of its risk managementApplicable ARROW Framework to FSA supervision of Northern Rockand its account of its discharge of its supervisionKeeping faith with risk-based regulation    相似文献   

Is it lawful to use Medicaid to pay for circumcision?     
Adler PW 《Journal of law and medicine》2011,19(2):335-353
Since 1965, tens of millions of boys have been circumcised under the Medicaid program, most at birth, at a cost to the United States Federal Government, the States and taxpayers of billions of dollars. Although 18 States have ended coverage since 1982, the United States Government and 32 States continue to pay for non-therapeutic circumcision, even though no medical association in the world recommends it. Many cite American medical association policy that the procedure has potential medical benefits as well as disadvantages, and that the circumcision decision should be left to parents. This article shows that Medicaid coverage of circumcision is not a policy issue because it is prohibited by federal and State law. As American medical associations concede, non-therapeutic circumcision is unnecessary, elective, cosmetic surgery on healthy boys, usually performed for cultural, personal or religious reasons. The fundamental principle of Medicaid law is that Medicaid only covers necessary medical treatments after the diagnosis of a current medical condition. Physicians and hospitals face severe penalties for charging Medicaid for circumcisions. Medicaid officials and the Federal and State Governments are also required to end coverage. It is unlawful to circumcise and to allow the circumcision of healthy boys at the expense of the government and taxpayers.  相似文献   

Is tougher better? The impact of physical prison conditions on inmate violence     
Bierie DM 《International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology》2012,56(3):338-355
Physical conditions of prisons have been at the center of long-standing debates in correctional policy and research. Many argue prisons should be unpleasant to deter future offending and motivate prosocial change among inmates. Others believe harsh conditions inhibit effective treatment and, perhaps, make offenders worse. Little progress in these debates has emerged, primarily because few studies exist that have tested propositions coming from either camp. This study draws on survey data collected from a random sample of staff at each of the 114 federal prisons operating in 2007. Staff perceptions of noise, clutter, dilapidation, and privacy were combined to reflect physical conditions of each prison (aggregated to the prison level). Operational data measuring serious violence was used to create a count of serious assaults at each prison over the same time period referenced in the staff survey. Utilizing a Poisson framework, the data showed that poor physical conditions of prisons correspond to significantly higher rates of serious violence. Implications for theory and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Is there a distinct profile of police officers accused of violence? The Israeli case     
Sergio Herzog   《Journal of criminal justice》2000,28(6)
In recent years, the Israeli National Police has come under attack for excessive use of physical force. This article focuses on the organizational characteristics of police officers suspected of committing offenses involving the illegal use of force. A random sample of 612 official files opened, investigated, and completed between 1993 and 1998 was examined. The findings show that there are no salient differences between the proportion of the suspect police officers serving at the different geographic police districts in the sample and their proportion in the total police force in recent years. Complaints tend to be submitted against police officers in operational and investigative functions, especially against those of middle and low ranks. Regarding the files' characteristics, many significant differences are found between files opened against regular police (RP) officers (who fulfill traditional police functions) and those opened against officers of the Border Police (BP, who fulfill mainly internal security-related tasks among the Arab population). These differences are mainly explained by factors related to organizational features of the BP.  相似文献   

Is it all going to waste? Illegal transports of e-waste in a European trade hub     
Lieselot Bisschop 《Crime, Law and Social Change》2012,58(3):221-249
This article responds to the call for more empirical knowledge about transnational environmental crime. It does so by analysing the case of illegal transports of electronic waste (e-waste) in a European trade hub. Given the complexity and global nature of transnational environmental crime, it is difficult to determine which actors are involved. In this regard, a local research setting allows the actors involved in illegal transports of e-waste to be identified. This research tries to determine whether these actors and their roles can be considered legal or illegal and illustrates the legal-illegal interfaces in e-waste flows. Moreover, this case study analyses the push, pull and facilitating factors and therefore looks at what motivations and opportunities shape the flows of e-waste in locations of origin, transit and destination. The results show that the social organisation and emergence of transnational environmental crime is on a thin line between legal and illegal which needs to be contextualised within the global reality of the locations of origin, transit and destination.  相似文献   

Is it a modacrylic fibre?     
M C Grieve  R M Griffin 《Science & justice》1999,39(3):151-162
This study describes the characteristics of modacrylic fibres and includes over 80 samples (previous and current) representing 15 trade names. Fibre morphology was examined using brightfield microscopy. Signs of elongation were determined using polarised light microscopy. Fibre cross sections were also examined. The generic class of fibre was divided into sub groups using polymer composition as determined by FTIR-microscopy. Microscopically, some modacrylic fibres cannot be distinguished from acrylic fibres. Others display unusual optical and morphological features which are a strong indication of their generic class. The infrared spectra provide information about the co-monomer, termonomers added to produced dye sites, the presence of solvent residue, dyes, and additives, e.g. flame retardant material. The infrared spectra should always be recorded before and after any thin layer chromatographic examination of the dye, otherwise peaks attributable to dyes, which may be a valuable comparative feature in casework will be lost.  相似文献   

Are Verdicts Credible? Is it Time to Consider the Truth About Lies?     
Michael Green 《Liverpool Law Review》2012,33(2):159-170
One of the greatest challenges to any Court is to determine the truth in the face of often conflicting evidence. In both the Civil and Criminal Courts, cases stand or fall on what the trier of fact determines is true. In civil cases, this is often a Judge sitting alone, whereas in criminal matters the tribunal of fact is usually a jury. The standard of proof required in criminal cases is ??beyond reasonable doubt??. Juries are directed that they can only convict ??if they are sure??. The jurors might be sure, but are they correct? There now exists a substantial body of scientific evidence, which indicates that humans are very poor lie detectors. In fact, in some experiments even experienced police officers perform only just above chance. Given this inherent flaw in the system, is it not time to re-evaluate how cases are put before the Courts, and what weight is put on oral testimony.  相似文献   

Self-protective behaviors and injury in domestic violence situations: does it hurt to fight back?     
Powers RA  Simpson SS 《Journal of interpersonal violence》2012,27(17):3345-3365
Research examining the impact of self-protective behaviors on outcomes in nonsexual assaults involving intimates has focused solely on one mainstream sample (National Crime Victimization Survey) in which violence is a relatively rare event. Using the Women's Experience of Violence (WEV) project which collects data from a sample of incarcerated women, we explored the phenomenon of self-protective behaviors to assess whether their use impacts the probability and severity of subsequent injury during a domestic violence incident. In addition to utilizing a unique sample, we considered an alternative operationalization of self-protective behaviors that separates physical and verbal responses to include whether the behavior involved an element of force. Results suggest some similarities between a mainstream sample and our marginalized sample. Namely, the frequency in which they utilize countermeasures and the effect of "fighting back" appear to be consistent with previous research. However, the more nuanced categorization of self-protective behaviors demonstrates the importance of considering whether the strategy was forceful when examining women's responses to violence.  相似文献   

Is it Fair to Share? Perceptions of Fairness in the Division of Housework Among Couples in 22 Countries     
Ida Öun 《Social Justice Research》2013,26(4):400-421
This study explores the relationship between the actual division of housework and men’s and women’s perceived fairness in this regard. The central question is how the actual sharing of housework influences the perceptions of fairness in the division of housework. It is hypothesised that the perceptions of fairness differ between policy models. In countries where gender equality has been more present on the political agenda and dual-earner policies have been introduced, people are expected to be more sensitive to an unfair sharing or division of housework. By analysing the relationship between actual division of housework and perceptions of fairness in household work for 22 countries representing different family policy models, the study takes on a comparative perspective with the purpose of analysing the normative impact of policy. The analysis draws on data from the 2002 round of the International Social Survey Programme on family and changing gender roles. The results show that in countries that have promoted gender equality through the introduction of policies with an aim to promote dual roles in work and family, both women and men are more sensitive to an unfair division of household labour. The difference between perceptions in the different policy models is greater among men than among women, indicating that a politicization of the dual-earner family is more important for men’s equity perceptions than women’s.  相似文献   

Is it to the advantage of a defendant to infer a greater number of contributors to a questioned sample than is necessary to explain the observed DNA profile?     
《Science & justice》2014,54(5):373-374
When a forensic scientist presents the results of a comparison between a DNA profile from a questioned sample with that of a defendant the interpretation will be based on the premise of a given number of contributors. It is quite common practice for defence counsel to ask how consideration of a greater number of putative contributors to the profile would affect the interpretation. This note discusses the response to such a request.  相似文献   

Is it possible to have cheaper drugs and preserve the incentive to innovate? The benefits of privatizing the drug approval process     
Corinne Sauer  Robert M. Sauer 《The Journal of Technology Transfer》2007,32(5):509-524
In this paper, we argue that lower prices for pharmaceuticals can be achieved by fostering a new type of competition in the pharmaceutical industry. Lower drug development costs, and hence prices, can be brought about by abolishing national drug administrations and replacing them with private certification boards that compete on the basis of safety, efficiency and cost of their drug approval process. A major benefit of this type of privatization is that it would not necessitate limits on data exclusivity in order to achieve lower prices. Drug approval privatization could achieve the same positive results as generic competition, in terms of lower costs and prices, without the negative effects of intellectual property rights violation and the consequent discouragement of innovative activities.
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Study questionWhen is it acceptable for a psychiatrist to break confidentiality to protect the wife of a potentially violent patient?Methods153 lay persons, 13 nursing personnel, 10 physicians, and 10 psychologists in France indicated this acceptability in 48 scenarios. The scenarios were all combinations of 5 factors: gravity of threat (death or beating), certainty of mental illness (certain or not), time spent talking with patient (considerable or little), his attitude toward psychotherapy (rejection, indecision, or acceptance), and whether the physician consulted an expert.ResultsLay people favored breaking confidentiality more than did nursing personnel or psychologists. Consulting an expert had greatest impact. Lay participants were composed of groups that found breaking confidentiality “always acceptable” (22 participants), “depending on many circumstances” (106), requiring “consultation with an expert” (31), and “never acceptable” (27).ConclusionLay people in France are influenced by situational factors when deciding if a psychiatrist should break confidentiality to protect a patient's wife.  相似文献   

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • The run on Northern Rock that took place in September2007 has raised some serious questions about the ‘fitnessfor purpose’ of the institutions and techniques of financialregulation in the United Kingdom.
  • One defining feature of theFinancial Services Authority (FSA) in the development since1998 of its role as a unitary and integrated financial regulatorhas been its pioneering of ‘risk-based’ and ‘principles-based’regulation.
  • The way in which risk-based supervision was appliedto Northern Rock and the way in which risk-based regulationworked within it have been the subject of much public scrutinyafter the run on the bank and some elements of that scrutinyare highlighted here.
  • In the light of the real distinctionsbetween risk and uncertainty that have been drawn by scholarsand indeed by the FSA itself in defence of its actions aroundNorthern Rock, this article raises questions about the wisdom. . . [Full Text of this Article]
   1. Introduction    2. Northern Rock and the performance of risk-based regulation    3. Concluding comments
Robert M. Sauer (Corresponding author)Email:

Is psychological treatment equally effective for intimate partner violence perpetrators with and without childhood family violence?     
Javier Fernández-Montalvo  José A. Echauri  Sandra Siria  José J. López-Goñi  Juana M. Azcárate  María Martínez 《Legal and Criminological Psychology》2021,26(2):158-175

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