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正The three-child policy comes as a move to deal with demographic challenges in China The policy that supports every married couple to have up to three children in China has been rolled out far earlier than many expected. On May 31, one day before International Children's Day, a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China(CPC) Central Committee, which took place in Beijing, announced the new decision.Earlier in May, the results of the seventh national census were released to the public, demonstrating the country's multiple demographic challenges, including slower growth, a growing aging population and a shrinking working-age population.  相似文献   

<正>International call for a new security architecture to cope with global issues Pandemic, war, climate change, hunger—all are of grave concern to humanity, and all create doubt about the current world architecture, which is seemingly based on control as opposed to collaboration, on power and individual profits as opposed to the common good.  相似文献   

Situation Across theTaiwan StraitsSince 1979, the Chinese government has been trying to peacefully reunify the nation throughthe "one country, two systems"policy. Beginning in late 1987,economic, cultural and personnelexchanges across the Straits grewsignificantly. In 1988, at'ter LeeTeng-hut came into power inTaiwan, he proclaimed on severalpublic occasions that he wouldadhere to the "One China"principle.However, stayting in the earlyl 990s, Lee began to stray from the"One China" princi…  相似文献   

<正>This March 28 marked the 63rd anniversary of the emancipation of serfs in Tibet.Chen Zonglie,born in 1932,was a photojournalist who worked for Tibet Daily from 1956 to 1980,then Beijing Review from 1981 to 1996.He witnessed and recorded the changes in local people’s lives before and after the 1959 democratic reform in the region.Li Nan,born in 1982,is a reporter with Beijing Review.She visited Tibet Autonomous Region every year from 2017 to 2020.  相似文献   

<正>The Wenchuan earthquake measured 8.0 on the Richter scale occurred at2:28p.m.on May 12,2008.Wenchuan of Sichuan Province was the epicenter of the devastating quake.  相似文献   

As the top two cities in terms of composite strength in China, Beijing and Shanghai, with different functions designated in the national strategy, are both striving to grow their clout as financial hubs.  相似文献   

Bilingual education is helping ethnic minority students from Xinjiang to realize their dreams "It’s snowing.It’s snowing.On the snowfield are there little painters painting..."In a classroom at a school in Baishikante Township in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,students  相似文献   

<正>When the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949,the Kuomintang regime,defeated in the War of Liberation,retreated from the mainland to the island of Taiwan,creating the division between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.The Democratic Progressive Party,  相似文献   

The Palace Museum in Beijing Established in 1925,the Palace Museum in Beijing is located inside the Forbidden City. It is a comprehensive mu-seum  相似文献   

Two Into One     

A preventive consultation guided by an ecological perspective was carried out in a suburban public school system. The broad goal of this consultation was to facilitate the closure of one public junior high school and its consolidation into another school which was quite different in terms of student body characteristics, administrative philosophy, and social and physical environments. The elements of the consultation consisted of: (1) serving as a source of support and information for the school administrator who was almost single-handedly orchestrating both the closure and the consolidation; (2) attempting to illuminate potential resources to enrich the consolidation process; and (3) developing events to aid both staff and students in understanding the existing social environments of both schools and the common culture to be formed as a result of the consolidation. In addition, conclusions about the usefulness and limitations of an ecological approach to consultation are outlined, and reactions of members of the two schools involved in the consultation are presented.  相似文献   

In universities where experiential learning is not the norm, introducing this style of learning into undergraduate courses can be an intimidating process for both instructors and students. Instructors are often unsure of how to manage student experiences in the community, while a significant number of students react with skepticism toward this new type of course, as well as concern about their instructor's changing expectations for their performance. The following is a reflection of our first 2 years of teaching undergraduate courses from a distinctly experiential learning approach. Qualitative data is used to highlight the parallel learning processes that occurred over the semester, for students as well as for us as instructors. Our biggest challenges are explored in detail, and advice to instructors contemplating adapting an experiential approach to their own courses is presented.  相似文献   

Amagic Jada stone is an extremely rare calculus,or abnormal calcification,found only in one among ten thousand horse skulls. In days of old, Jadas were used to conjure up rain by ethnic peoples living in Altai, in Xinjiang, a region of northwest China To his surprise, the author found that the Pingpu people of Taiwan have a similar “conjuring rain culture.” In addition, other cultural relics show similarities between the two places. Such a coincidence leads to the author to speculate - could there be an ancient blood relationship between the inhabitants of Xinjiang in northwest China and Taiwan in southeast China-two communities separated by such a vast distance?  相似文献   

A Look at the Third Art and Science International Exhibition and Symposium.The closer you stand to this garment,the more transparent it becomes, said Daan Roosegaarde,an artist from the Netherlands,introducing his hi-tech apparel to the audience at the Third Art and Science International Exhibition and Symposium at the China  相似文献   

PRIOR to Hong Kong's return to China on July 1, 1997 manned sentry boxes lined the Shenzhen/Hong Kong border. Since 1997,border security has been less stringent. Illegal border crossings are negligible and travel between Hong Kong and the interior areas is more flexible.The boxes are still there,but closed-circuit television is sufficient for monitoring purposes,so few are guarded.  相似文献   

<正>December 20,2014,marked the 15th anniversary of Macao’s return to China.People from all walks of life in Macao celebrated the anniversary through various activities.Chinese President xi Jinping attended the celebrations.  相似文献   

一国两制是我党本着实事求是的基本路线,制定的实现祖国统一的基本方针,它具有四个基本内涵。一国两制成功解决了香港和澳门问题后,在解决台湾问题上,随着形势的变化而产生的五个方面的发展,这些发展体现了实事求是、与时俱进的马克思主义理论品质。  相似文献   

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