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ECONOMIC relations between China and the United States formed a central part of discussions during Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to the U.S. Analysis of economic fundamentals shows that it is possible in principle to resolve this aspect of the international situation to mutual benefit.  相似文献   

正In U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry's visit to Tianjin, China, in early September and his discussions with China's Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua, we can see a welcome movement toward the better(old) days of cooperation in areas the two countries could agree on. The old official bridges were partially deconstructed and that self-inflicted damage was shouldered by the American people. Now, the U.S. can finally see what it produced: precisely nothing of value.  相似文献   

谢旭人 《北京周报(英文版)》2010,53(26):后插6-后插8
The U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Beijing this week will have a major bearing on the sustainable and healthy development of our economic relationship.Since the United States and China established diplomatic relations, bilateral trade volume has grown nearly 120-fold. U.S. direct investment in China has topped $63.1 billion, and China's direct investment in America has also grown rapidly, in tandem with indirect investment in Treasury bonds and other American assets.  相似文献   

<正>While China was hosting a military parade to mark the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War in Beijing on September 3,U.S.President Barack Obama published a written statement on the 70th Anniversary Commemorating the End of World War II(WWII)in the Pacific.In the statement,he said,"[The United States and Japan]over the last 70 years  相似文献   

中美关系与两岸关系的大格局,决定了美国涉台关系的变化趋势.在政治上,美国乐见国民党连续执政和两岸关系的和平发展,但对于台湾被迫走向统一,存有疑虑,希望及时把握两岸和谈的具体进程.美方对台湾在“国防”、“外交”等领域予以多方面支持的目的,从短期看是同步强化美台关系,维护美国在台海地区的既有利益;从长期看则是增加台湾在两岸谈判中的筹码,谋取美国在台湾问题最终解决方案上的主动权.  相似文献   

美国对两岸和谈的政策立场,是出于维系台海“不统、不独、不战”局面的战略考虑,以保证自己在台海地区的最大战略利益。美国既不希望两岸举行统一谈判又希望两岸达成和平协议的复杂心态,表现在一方面希望两岸进行谈判,降低敌对状态,另一方面又长期对台提供军售,使其增加与大陆相抗衡的资本。此一“双轨政策”对两岸和平关系的构建,有着不同方向的影响,往往起了互相抵消的作用。由于中国政府对台湾当局谋求“法理台独”的强烈反应以及台海紧张局势的升高,美国政府在20世纪90年代后期开始对两岸政治谈判采取较为积极的态度,反对台湾单方面改变现状。美国的上述战略考虑,在反对台湾“独立”、维系两岸和平这一点上,与中国政府的立场有相通之处,客观上为构建两岸关系和平发展框架提供了较好的外部条件。  相似文献   

THIS past September I made a ten-day visit to the U.S., covering Washington D.C., New York City and Portland, Or-egon. The idea was to meet with local politicians, intellectuals, media members and Joe Average, and, I was impressed. I had never before seen the magnitude of interest that American people were now showing in China. The intensity of attention that local politicians, economists and journalists were directing towards China, and the degree of enthusiasm for Chinese culture and language, even in an average city like Portland, surprised me.  相似文献   

<正>People who were worried about a confrontation between China and the United States may f inally feel relieved.At the f irst meetings between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S.counterpart Donald Trump since the latter assumed off ice earlier this year,the two leaders reached a number of consensus.During his presidential campaign and first days in office,Trump used heated  相似文献   

本文主要介绍美国政府对品种繁多的民用枪支进行管理的法律、法规、部 门及各项措施,为我国对各类民用枪支的管理提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>U.S.president’s visit to New delhi reignites the Indian media’s love affair with the United StatesU.S.President Barack Obama paid a three day visit to India at the end of January and attended the country’s Republic Day cel ebrations,becoming the first U.S.state leader to attend the Indian national event.In the mean time,as Indian media outlets have pointed out  相似文献   

Worse than expected economic data is igniting fears of a serious U.S.economic retrenchment-economic growth in the United States was down to 1.6 percent in the second quarter,despite the 3.7 percent rate in the first quarter of 2010.Qiao Hong,chief economist at Goldman Sachs China,forecasted a gloomy outlook for the U.S. economy but said a double-dip recession is unlikely.  相似文献   

Beijing Review: How do you remember the international situation at the time of the Shanghai Communiqué? Stapleton Roy: I was serving in Moscow when Dr. Henry Kissinger showed up in Beijing in July 1971. The Kissinger visit was the first manifestation that there had been a breakthrough in China-U.S. relations. The culmination of that breakthrough, of course, was the president's visit to Beijing in February 1972. It was really the turning point in the Cold War.  相似文献   

The U.S.Treasury Department said on August 31 that it would impose new sanctions on the DPRK. The new sanctions concern four individuals and eight entities. The department said three individuals and five entities were designated as supporting the DPRK’s nuclear program,while the rest were involved in facilitating the DPRK’s trafficking in arms and related material,procurement of luxury goods,and engagement in illicit activities.  相似文献   

近一年来,美国政府对华政策发生了一定程度的正面变化。中关关系良性互动明显增强,双方在政治、安全、经济和国际等领域的对话与合作取得显著成果。中美关系可望进入一个以稳定发展、积极互动为基本特征的新时期。尽管如此,美国仍不会从根本上改变对华防范、遏制战略,中美之间的结构性矛盾也不会消失。  相似文献   

战后美台贸易经历了一个从形成到迅速发展的过程.美台贸易对两者经济发展的重要性并不相同.从美国来说是微不足道的,对台湾而言却是台湾经济发展的重要推动力.因此,美台贸易关系从流通领域反映了台湾经济对美国经济的依附关系.  相似文献   

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