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This 5-year study investigated the character of Forensic Handwriting Examiners' (FHEs) authorship opinions on questioned signatures through the medium of blind validation trials. Twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and eleven authorship opinions were expressed by FHEs on trial kits comprising randomized questioned genuine signatures (written by the specimen writer), disguised signatures (written by the specimen writer) and simulated signatures (not written by the specimen writer). Results showed that, as a group, FHEs were significantly more confident at identifying writers' genuine signatures than identifying writers' disguised signatures or eliminating specimen writers from having authored simulated signatures. It is proposed that the difference in FHE confidence arises from the difficulty they have in deciding which alternative authorship explanation accounts for perceived combinations of similar and dissimilar features between specimen and questioned signatures.  相似文献   

This 5-year study investigated the character of Forensic Handwriting Examiners’ (FHEs) authorship opinions on questioned signatures through the medium of blind validation trials. Twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and eleven authorship opinions were expressed by FHEs on trial kits comprising randomized questioned genuine signatures (written by the specimen writer), disguised signatures (written by the specimen writer) and simulated signatures (not written by the specimen writer). Results showed that, as a group, FHEs were significantly more confident at identifying writers’ genuine signatures than identifying writers’ disguised signatures or eliminating specimen writers from having authored simulated signatures. It is proposed that the difference in FHE confidence arises from the difficulty they have in deciding which alternative authorship explanation accounts for perceived combinations of similar and dissimilar features between specimen and questioned signatures.  相似文献   

刑法中伪造信用卡犯罪中的伪造不仅包括仿制其物理外观的形式伪造,还应包括将权利人信息写入磁条介质、芯片等的内容伪造。作为伪造对象的信用卡应当是具有物理载体的实体卡片,事实上不存在对虚拟信用卡的伪造。以虚假身份骗领无对应实体卡的虚拟信用卡应视为妨害信用卡管理罪中的骗领信用卡行为;利用权利人既有实体卡信息,复制虚拟信用卡的行为系对他人信用卡信息资料的非法使用而非伪造。有关伪造信用卡犯罪刑法规定的立法原意并不包含伪造空白信用卡,伪造空白信用卡具有严重的社会危害性,理应将其纳入刑法规制范围,以保持与妨害信用卡管理罪刑法规定的协调。不能通过司法解释改变立法原意,现行刑法中伪造信用卡犯罪的伪造含义应有相应的调整。  相似文献   

笔迹鉴定是一门古老的技术,其科学性和可靠性日益得到广泛认可,在司法实践中发挥着越来越重要的作用。但在笔迹鉴定实践中,常常遇到对同一笔迹的认识分歧,甚至得出完全相反鉴定意见的情况。其主要原因是对笔迹特征认识的差异。笔者认为,对笔迹特征的认识存在误区是造成分歧的根本原因。因此,认清笔迹特征的本质属性,进一步捋清笔迹特征与书写习惯之间的关系具有非常重要的现实意义。通过几个相关的基本问题进行了思考,供同行们参考。  相似文献   

条件变化笔迹的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究现阶段我国笔迹检验实践情况和吸收己有的笔迹学研究成果,分析书写人受自身生理、心理状态影响和受制于特殊的书写条件、书写环境等因素导致的条件变化笔迹的形成原因、特点、变化规律,对笔迹鉴定的实践有十分重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

摹仿书写是学习写字、练习书法的必由之路,摹仿笔迹是一种常见的笔迹类型。摹仿笔迹书写人的笔迹特征暴露少,被摹仿人的笔迹特征体现较多,鉴定难度较大,因此常常被用于仿造他人的签名、单据、契约、信件、传单。笔者经过多年鉴定实践,认为在摹仿笔迹的鉴定中摹仿的确认是关键,在分析比对过程中,应注重从整体上把握笔迹特征,正常书写字迹一般气脉贯通、气势相连,而摹仿书写的字迹呆板生硬,缺乏神韵。  相似文献   

老年人笔迹变化的形成原因和特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界人口老龄化发展的历史表明,人口老龄化对人类社会生活的各个方面都会产生重大的影响。因此,研究老年人笔迹特点及其变化规律对于老年人笔迹鉴定具有理论指导意义和实用价值。根据老年人笔迹变化的形成原因和对老年人笔迹的实验统计分析,包括横向分析、纵向分析、病理性变化的分析,得出了老年人笔迹的特点。  相似文献   

笔迹是通过书写运动形成的轨迹,由静态要素和动态要素所组成,承载着时间和空间信息。笔迹动态特征是客观存在的,它是书写人书写技能和书写习惯的外在表现,主要包括速度特征、笔力特征、脉冲特征、节奏特征等。对笔迹动态特征进行研究,多视域地挖掘和认识笔迹特征,可为笔迹检验鉴定意见提供更全面、更深层的支撑。  相似文献   

Document examiners are often faced with difficulties in evaluating handwriting by persons under the influence of alcohol. Although numerous articles are available on the subject of alcohol influence on handwriting quality, most of them were based on empirical data such as "few" or "increased", without any statistical evaluation. The aim of this research is to determine whether previous observations on reported effects of alcohol on handwriting are valid and to establish the predictability of observing specific effects. A total of 73 participants, who completed all steps of the experiment, were surveyed. Handwriting samples were taken before and after the consumption of alcohol. The test form, including criteria of prior studies used by document examiners, was evaluated with the help of a Olympus X-Tr stereo microscope, direct and oblique angle lighting and a video spectral comparator (VSC 2000). Measurements were done by means of digital caliper, statistics using repeated measures ANOVA, Pearson correlation, Pearson Chi square test, McNemar test and Wilcoxon signed rank test.The results revealed that the handwriting parameters such as word lengths, height of upper and lower case letters, height of ascending letter, height of descending letter, spacing between words, number of angularity, number of tremor, and number of tapered ends are all significantly increased under the effect of alcohol.It was also determined that the significant correlation between the alteration of handwriting parameters such as height of upper and lower case letters, number of angularity, number of tapered ends and the amount of alcohol. Furthermore, it does not confirm the conclusions of previous studies stating that alcohol levels are not proper indicators. Our data strongly confirms that handwriting changes can be observed at any level of alcohol.None of the alterations in handwriting can be attributed to the effects of alcohol intake alone. However, the presence of some alterations together is strongly suggestive that the person was under the influence of alcohol.First of all, the duty of handwriting examiner is to identify if the questioned and known sample are coming from the same source. Consequently, as this explanatory analysis suggests that differences between sober and intoxicated persons can be identified in handwriting, but the examiner's judgement must be proportionately cautious, keeping in mind the abnormally wide range of variation.  相似文献   

论笔迹鉴定差异点的评断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
书写习惯的自身同一是包含了差异的同一,而不同人书写习惯的差异则是包含了共性的非本质差异,因而在通过未知与已知笔迹比较检验来实现书写习惯的同一认定时必须科学评断差异的性质,否则同一认定鉴定意见缺乏科学可靠性。在对笔迹鉴定意见的质证中,对差异点的认识和性质的判断成为争议的焦点,而且成为评价鉴定活动是否严谨和科学,以及鉴定意见是否可以采信的主要依据之一。而今面对证据科学对笔迹鉴定意见的挑战,除严格笔迹鉴定的条件外,必须从理论上完善对笔迹鉴定差异点的评断方法,明确评断的规则,从而保证鉴定意见的科学可靠性。  相似文献   

笔迹细节特征浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对笔迹细节特征的产生原因、表现形式、价值和注意事项,从实际工作上作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

笔迹鉴定作为一门古老的技术,在国内外的司法审判历史中都扮演着重要的角色,尤其是汉字的笔迹鉴定更是在司法实践中发挥着不可替代的作用。但是在近几十年里,笔迹鉴定却面临着十分尴尬的局面:笔迹鉴定的“科学性”不断受到质疑。对此通过从有关笔迹鉴定的鉴定标准、鉴定方法、量化分析、鉴定人资质与培训考核等方面对笔迹鉴定受到质疑的原因进行分析,并从以上几方面,以及系统检验、鉴定意见的审查质证、证据补强规则等方面提出相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

近几年来,民事案件中少量字检验逐年增多,由于字迹少,书写者的书写习惯反映不够充分,加上收集样本难等原因,增加了少量字检验的难度。本文作者总结了十几年从事文检鉴定的经验,剖析了少量字的特点,以及少量字的检验方法,以期同行共同研究探讨。  相似文献   

练习摹仿笔迹的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在笔迹检验所受理的案件中,采取练习摹仿手法进行作案的呈上升趋势。练习摹仿笔迹酷似被摹仿人笔迹,仿真度高。如何准确识别摹仿,认定摹仿人,已成为当前文检工作者研究的重点课题之一。本文作者总结实践经验,参考有关文献,探讨了练习摹仿笔迹的形成机理、特点、变化规律、相关因素及检验对策。  相似文献   

浅议笔迹特征比对表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋涌发 《中国司法鉴定》2005,(4):59-59,F0003
笔迹鉴定的检验方法是特征比对,即通过分别检验,在找出检材字迹和样材字迹各自书写特征的基础上进行比对和综合评断,继而作出认定同一或否定同一的鉴定结论.因此,特征比对表是鉴定结论的“根据表”和“证据表”;是综合评断的“调查统计表”;是检验人员观察字迹的“感悟表”;是检验程序中的“首道工序表”。本文在阐述特征比对表重要性的基础上,对制作特征比对表的多种方式方法及其优缺点,以及如何寻找和标识特征谈了一些个人的认识和体会。  相似文献   

复写摹仿笔迹检验初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
书写动作系统的核心是书写动力定型,摹仿书写由于受各种主客观条件的限制,不可能改变原有的动力定型。在复写摹仿笔迹的鉴定实践中,较容易出现的错误是不能正确识别复写摹仿笔迹以及评断不同性质的笔迹特征。所以,可以通过实验观察分析,探讨在复写摹仿的不同笔迹中,如何甄别摹仿的特征和自身稳定的动作特征,同时总结出检验这类笔迹的方法要点。  相似文献   

论自我摹写笔迹及其鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨自我摹写笔迹的特殊机理、特殊书写方式、特殊规律、特殊鉴定方法和标准,论述摹写与仿写的不同概念、不同书写方式、不同书写机理、不同书写结果等若干基本问题;归纳自我摹写笔迹的四个特点及其相应的特点规律并总结了鉴定识别的要点;第三部份探讨了鉴定此类笔迹的特殊方法与鉴定结论的标准问题。  相似文献   

笔迹鉴定在现代诉讼中日益增多,因其鉴定多依赖于"经验知识",不具有可验证的重复性,也无法接受实证的重复性检验,致使其在作为证据使用时存在一定的分歧,尤其是遗嘱笔迹因书写人死亡,其鉴定结果更富有争议。香港历经"八年"旷日持久的"世纪遗产争夺案"中的笔迹鉴定颇具典型意义。笔迹鉴定结论如何在法庭中出示以及法庭对有争议的笔迹鉴定结论如何采纳或者排除,既是一个理论问题,又是一个制度问题,还是一个价值选择问题。因此,对笔迹鉴定结论的研究与探讨成为司法鉴定制度和证据制度必须直面的带有现实意义的问题。  相似文献   

Handwriting of children in early grades is studied from the viewpoint of quantitatively measuring the development of handwriting individuality. Handwriting samples of children, in grades 2–4, writing a paragraph of text in both handprinted and cursive, collected over a period of 3 years, were analyzed using two different approaches: (i) characteristics of the word “and” and (ii) entire paragraphs using an automated system. In the first approach, word characteristics were analyzed using statistical measures. In the second approach, pairs of paragraphs were compared. Both types of analysis, single word and complete writing, led to the same conclusions: (i) handwriting of each child remains relatively similar when handwriting has been just learnt and becomes markedly different from grades 3 to 4 and (ii) handwriting of different children becomes progressively more different from grades 2 to 4. The results provide strong support that handwriting becomes more individualistic with child development.  相似文献   

伪装笔迹实验样本的识别与提取技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔迹样本的质量是关系笔迹鉴定工作成败的一个重要因素,本文即介绍了在实验样本中如何识别伪装笔迹,并针对具体情形提出了在笔迹实验样本收集与提取中应注意的事项及相关技巧,以期对笔迹鉴定工作能够有所裨益。  相似文献   

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