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欧盟的中亚政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟的中亚政策是其大周边战略的一环,是为了配合睦邻政策,服务于稳定周边的目标.欧盟中亚政策的形成和演变经历了五个阶段,每个阶段侧重的利益目标不同."新中亚战略"把能源与安全确定为中亚政策的主要目标.为了实现这些目标,欧盟与中亚国家在安全、政治经济改革、能源和交通、投资与贸易方面进行紧密的合作.欧盟中亚政策存在的一些问题,加上欧盟面临的各种挑战,导致欧盟在中亚"大博弈"中处于"第二梯队",位于俄、美、中三国之后.  相似文献   

As a critical component of economic globalization, Asia Pacific .regional economic cooperation has attracted worldwide attention. It has wide coverage and a huge economic scale, but it also now has sharp contradictions between developing and developed economies and complicated integration mechanisms. Today, regional economic cooperation in the Asia Pacific region is once again at a crossroads. The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) are both under discussion with clear timetables,  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,作为常驻大使外交和国家元首或政府首脑直接外交的一种补充形式,特使外交越来越多地出现在中国的外交实践中。在中国的南亚外交中,特使外交开始扮演日益重要的角色。这深刻反映了中国在变动国际体系中的地位和作用,充分展示了中国外交新的理念和战略,客观表明了中国南亚外交的不断发展和成熟。借助特使这一灵活的外交形式,中国的南亚外交政策正在经历着温和的调整,其立足点逐步从双边层面向区域多边层面扩展。  相似文献   

东亚历史上曾先后建立以中国为中心的朝贡——华夷秩序以及以日本、美国为核心的霸权秩序,在以国家主权为国际关系核心机制的当代,这些反映不平等国家间关系的秩序无法复制到当今东亚,东亚的现实也决定了不存在孕育这些秩序的土壤。同时,20世纪80年代以来的全球化和区域经济一体化两种趋势极大程度地影响了当今东亚秩序的建构,然而一个统一的东亚秩序的建构又受到该地区复杂的大国关系的制约,东亚秩序将摇摆于“东亚”与“亚太”之间。  相似文献   


Since the adoption of the first EU-Asia Strategy in 1994, there has been persistent scepticism about the EU’s ability to play a significant role in Asian security. Yet, since the release of the 2012 Updated East Asia Policy Guidelines, the EU has declared its intent to make greater practical contributions to Asian security. Against these premises, this article attempts to reflect on the evolution of the EU’s security approach to Asia, with the ultimate goal of analysing to what degree, it represents a continuation or a departure from former EU policies in the region. In scrutinising these developments, this article argues that in light of the strategic changes, that have occurred in Europe and in Asia, the EU has started to revise its security approach to the region in more pragmatic terms. The pragmatic character of the EU is seen as looking into the changes of the content of the security discourse, which appears increasingly depoliticised and, into the new practices of cooperation, which unlike in the past, seek to empower local actors, are sensitive to local needs and, call for greater security collaboration between the EU and Asian countries, to cope with regional and global challenges.  相似文献   

美国东亚政策的新特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国东亚政策是指美国围绕东亚和东南亚所实施政策的总和.这些政策的内容以双边外交关系为主,同时包含了一些超越双边关系的思考.布什第二任期以来,随着占主导地位的政治观念的变化,美国东亚政策出现新特点,开始推行以接触政策为主,相应调整盟友体系、大国关系和其他双边关系的新战略.这种外交战略转型符合东亚地区的政治潮流.但由于对区域主义、大国崛起、日本正常国家化和民族主义这四股地区潮流或历史潜流认识不足或应对失当,美国东亚政策仍存在重大的缺陷和误区.  相似文献   

亚太经合组织的全称是亚洲及太平洋地区经济合作组织,其英文首字缩写为APEC,也被简称为“亚佩克”。亚太经合组织是亚太地区主要的政府间区域经济合作组织,它是部分亚洲及环太平洋国家和地区为促进本区域的经济交流与合作而成立的国际组织。其宗旨是:维护亚太地区的经济发展,增加经济效率,发展和加强开放的多边贸易体系,减少成员之间的关税壁垒,为世界经济的发展作出贡献。现有成员包括21个国家和地区:澳大利亚、新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚、中国、香港、中国台北、日本、韩国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、文莱、越南、加拿大、美国、墨西哥、智利、秘鲁、俄罗斯。 一、亚太经济合作组织的由来及主要特点 1989年1月,澳大利亚总理霍克访问韩国时提出“汉城倡议”,建议召开部长级会议来讨论加强亚太经济合作问题。经过各方磋商,1989年11月首届部长会议在澳大利亚首  相似文献   

Abstract: The post-Cold War context has accompanied the ascent of East Asian economies and consumer markets, as exemplified by China, while Japan's experience has been marked by the struggle with an economic slump after the collapse of the so-called bubble economy. Japan has been actively promoting ‘cool Japan’ instead of the economy, but even more notable is the rise of the Korean Wave. Joined together with political contestation over historical issues, anti-China/Korea sentiments have been growing, as is the accompanying hate-speech movement against resident Koreans in new-millennium Japan. Growing East Asian rivalry along with the relative decline of Japan, the widely shared sense of socio-economic predicament and the upsurge of digital media communications have been conjoined to generate the hunt for proximate enemies – China, Korea, and resident Koreans in Japan – as the object of expressions of hate. How to develop better uses of digital media towards the cultivation of dialogic cultural citizenship is an imperative issue.  相似文献   

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