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论非国家主体的国际法律地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传统国际法认为只有国家才能作为国际法的主体 ,第二次世界大战之后 ,国际组织迅速增加 ,作用不断扩大 ,国际法主体增多 ,一些非国家主体也具有了国际法主体资格 ,促使国际法单一主体的旧格局发生了根本性的变化。与国家行为体相比 ,非国家主体的国际法律地位有所不同。文章结合国际关系实际案例 ,通过比较分析 ,说明非国家主体国际法律地位的特殊性 ,主要表现在享有权利的派生性和有限性 ,行使权利的间接性 ,执行决议缺乏强制性。  相似文献   

世界格局、安全威胁与国际行为体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008北京奥运的完美落幕进一步突出了中国改革开放以来的发展成就,标志着中国的国力、国势、国运进入新的上升轨道,中国与世界的关系再度成为国际热点话题。中国的发展、崛起将引起国际格局、国际体系发生什么样的变化?在变化中的世界,尤其是在中国发展本身就构成国际变局重要组成部分、国际上"中国威胁论"及"中国责任论"等此起彼伏的情况下,中国又面临着什么样的新任务、需要确立怎样的国家大战略、做出何种新的战略选择?要不要居安思危,继续坚持韬光养晦?对这些问题,不仅精英层在严肃思考,普通民众也极为关切。鉴此,《现代国际关系》杂志社2008年8月31日以"‘奥运后时代’中国与世界的关系"为题举办研讨会,邀请京津两地20多位相关领域专家、学者就上述问题展开深入讨论。现将会议主要观点辑录如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

What is citizen diplomacy and how do we assess its significance? These are important questions because of the recent upsurge in international activity of this kind, and because how we answer them says a great deal about how we do IR. By examining citizen diplomacy in Duluth, Minnesota, this paper offers a typology of citizen diplomats organized around the ideas of who or what they are representing and to whom. Assessing the significance of citizen diplomacy is a more difficult problem since individuals tend to generate a priori answers to it based on our respective theoretical orientations to IR as a whole. As a solution to this problem, the paper proposes a diplomatic approach which focuses on both the representation of differences to one another and the professional commitment which diplomats have to maintaining the practices and institutions which make such relations possible.  相似文献   

Strategic culture, beliefs, and perceived status in an anarchic international system played a crucial role in the development of British nuclear weapons policy from its inception in the Second World War through to the Nassau Agreement in 1962 that provided Britain with a sophisticated submarine nuclear deterrent—Part Two, in the next issue of Diplomacy and Statecraft, will look at the period from 1962 to the present day. Adopting what has been described as a “Conventional Constructivist” approach, the argument is that these ideational factors have helped to shape the character of Britain's nuclear capability and the operational plans for the potential employment of those capabilities. It also provides an insight into how these factors have shaped elite views of the UK nuclear deterrent in the crucial early years of its development.  相似文献   

Armed nonstate conflict without the direct involvement of the state government is a common phenomenon. Violence between armed gangs, rebel groups, or communal militias is an important source of instability and has gained increasing scholarly attention. In this article, we introduce a data collection on conflict issues and key actor characteristics in armed nonstate conflicts that provides new opportunities for investigating the causes, dynamics, and consequences of this form of organized violence. The data builds on and extends the Uppsala Conflict Data Program Non-State Conflict data set by introducing additional information on what the actors in the conflict are fighting over, alongside actor characteristics. It covers Africa during the time period 1989–2011. The data set distinguishes between two main categories of issues, territory and authority, in addition to a residual category of other issues. Furthermore, we specify sub-issues within these categories, such as agricultural land/water as sub-issue for territory and religious issues for other issues. As actor characteristics, the data set notes whether warring parties received military support by external actors and whether religion and the mode of livelihood were salient in the mobilization of the armed group. The article presents coding processes, key features of the data set, and point to avenues for new research based on these data.  相似文献   

近年来,东南亚海上私人安保公司悄然兴起。其参与东南亚海上安全治理是海上安全环境的变化、海上安全供给与需求的鸿沟、东南亚民主化进程及安全部门改革所共同驱动的结果。海峡和港口是私人安保公司重点参与的治理区域,在马六甲海峡,尽管私人安保公司挑战了国家主权,但其能有效应对海上安全威胁,在短期内已得到国家“默许”;而印尼勿拉湾港口是一种多主体参与治理的安全系统,私人安保公司与其他行为体竞争,反而导致港口不安全。相比较而言,私人安保公司在海峡和港口安全治理中具有隐秘性强、与国家关系复杂、规制难及趋利性等共性;而不同的参与模式与作用则反映了二者的差异性。当前,中国要进一步挖掘海上私人安保的潜力,并做好相应的规制;要重视利用私人安保公司在海峡和港口安全治理中的共性与差异,鼓励中国与东南亚私人安保公司发展战略合作,保护中国海外利益。  相似文献   

Numerous efforts to solve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict through diplomacy have taken place over the last four decades. To shed light on this dilemma in this article, the role that private actors and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can play to enhance the negotiation willingness of nonstate armed groups was examined. It was argued that the NGOs in particular could play key roles in promoting the negotiation willingness of nonstate actors and also in influencing their internal dynamics and increasing their cohesion. Specifically, we examine two pairs of efforts to resolve the conflict in Israel and Palestine: the “Road Map” and the track two Geneva Initiative of 2003, and the Olmert Peace Plan and Jimmy Carter's visit to the Middle East in 2008. In the first pair, NGO efforts yielded unexpected results. The Palestinians were ready to compromise even though the deal offered by the Israelis did not seem very generous. In the second pair, the reaction of the Palestinians to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's generous peace offer seemed especially puzzling, illustrating, the internal dynamics between the Palestinian factions. Negotiation willingness was closely related to cohesion, and that cohesion plays an important role in conflict negotiations. President Jimmy Carter's efforts in 2008 to enhance cohesion among the Palestinians illustrated the potential that NGOs have to complement official negotiations.  相似文献   

"The German Ideology" should be canonized as the cornerstone of Marxist international studies. In essence, "The German Ideology" is the masterpiece illuminating the basic theories of international studies at three levels-philosophically,historically and internationally.  相似文献   

Gordon Mace 《Global Society》2020,34(4):507-527

Legitimation has been conceived mostly as an exercise in justification by international/regional organisations needing to convince audiences of the rightfulness of their behaviour. What we could call the external dimension of legitimation. The internal dimension, what happens between an organisation and its stakeholders, remains understudied. Analysing internal legitimation practices becomes important in the context of the opening-up of international organisations. Aside from the EU, however, evidence is still lacking as to the nature and extent of this opening-up, and the role of non-state actors (NSAs) in this context. The article seeks to fill part of this void using the OAS as a case study. It examines actors' practices during three central moments in the legitimation process. At each stage, OAS' legitimation-seeking practices and NSAs' legitimation/de-legitimation practices are analysed. The study reveals that NSAs have responded positively to the opening-up by the OAS despite tensions among member States.  相似文献   

"规模政治"是从经济学中借鉴过来的一个新概念,它是单个国际政治行为体在对外关系中由于自身和外在的作用而逐渐形成的一种理想化模式。"规模政治"与"规模经济"一样,都是通过数量的增加而使成本得到降低。全方位多边外交和合作型国际机制是使国际政治向更有利于"规模政治"方向发展的两大动力。在全球化的背景之下,国际机制特别是其中的合作型机制使国际政治越来越向"规模政治"方向发展,并同之前以权力和冲突为特征的国际政治大不一样了,国际关系越来越讲究互利、双赢、和谐。  相似文献   

当前国际危机的新特征及其对国际关系的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘光 《国际问题研究》2003,(5):40-43,31
国际危机是指国际间因若干方面矛盾激化而导致各种破坏正常国际关系的恶性事态发展。由于传统和非传统因素交织,当前国际危机带有扩展性强等一些新特征,对国际关系产生深刻影响。非传统国际危机愈益频发和突出,成为国际社会关注的一个新焦点。美国坚持旧安全观和冷战思维,坚持推行霸权主义和强权政治,是传统与非传统国际危机发生的主要根源。如何有效应对国际危机特别是呈上升之势的非传统国际危机,是国际社会面临的一个紧迫课题。  相似文献   

新世纪低碳经济发展的国际动向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低碳经济即低碳发展、低碳产业、低碳技术、低碳生活等一类经济形态的总称。低碳经济提出的大背景首先是全球气候变暖对人类生存和发展的严峻挑战;其次,过多过滥、粗放式使用造成单位能耗与资源耗量过高,资源枯竭进一步加深;另外,发达国家已迈过了以使用高碳能源为主要动力的发展阶段。在此背景下,“碳足迹”、“低碳经济”、“低碳技术”、“低碳发展”、“低碳生活方式”、“低碳社会”、“低碳城市”、“低碳世界”等一系列新概念、新政策应运而生。  相似文献   

The international financial crisis has gone beyond the financial and economic scope and touched on a wide variety of issues such as the international pattern, economic globalization, international order. international mechanism and ideological trend. emerging economies, relations between big powers. development models, cultural diversity, as well as the contemporary capitalism and socialism.  相似文献   

It is impossible to understand the creation and continued survival of de facto states without reference to external actors. External patrons provide vital support and the international system constrains and shapes these aspiring states. The relationship is, however, not one-sided, and these entities are not merely puppets. In fact external dependence creates significant dilemmas for de facto states: it undercuts their de facto independence and contradicts their strategy for gaining international recognition, thereby undermining their long-term sustainability. The dilemmas facing de facto states have been accentuated by the recent recognition of Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.  相似文献   

一、欧盟法体系中的意大利行政法欧洲共同体法是在早期关于建立欧洲煤钢共同体、欧洲经济共同体和欧洲原子能共同体的《巴黎条约》和《罗马条约》以及后期关于建立欧洲联盟的《马斯特里赫条约》等国际条约的基础上 ,逐步发展起来的适用于欧洲联盟成员国的一种特殊类型的法律制度 ,是关于欧洲联盟机构设置、职能及其经济货币联盟与政治联盟的条约、条例、指令、决定和判例等法律规范的总称①。欧盟法是欧洲一体化进程的产物 ,其建立在最高权威(primacy)原则 ②和直接效力原则(directeffect)③的“双支柱基础上的法律制度” ④,是欧洲法律一体…  相似文献   

现代国际责任制度新发展探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际责任是一项重要的国际法律制度,是促使国际法主体履行国际义务,维持国际秩序的根本保障。20世纪以来,特别是当二次世界大战后,随着国际实践的迅猛发展,现代国际法上的国际责任制度不断丰富和完善,在各个方面都有了较大的发展。  相似文献   

This article details a simulation of formulating a new international human rights treaty designed for an introductory international studies course. Student understanding and interest in a range of international relations topics—including diplomacy, two –level games, international law, human rights, and group decision making—are reinforced by actively engaging the students in policy formulation and state –to –state negotiations. The article is structured around the four key components of active learning approaches—educational objectives, design parameters, procedures, and assessment and debriefing—in order to provide a full understanding of the goals, set –up, process, and advantages of the simulation. The simulation has been successfully run multiple times at both a large state university and a small liberal arts institution. Supportive student feedback and an interesting variety of outcomes indicate that this simulation is a positive addition to the course and reinforces the use of active learning approaches in the international studies classroom.  相似文献   

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