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Contemporary liberal states are eager to combat ‘human trafficking’, which state actors describe as ‘the scourge of modern slavery’ and a violation of human rights. The same states are also depriving migrants of their freedom on an unprecedented scale through immigration detention, forcibly moving them across borders through deportation, and sustaining a flourishing industry in the prevention and control of human movement. This is not a paradox. The ambition to eradicate ‘slavery’, as much as the desire to severely restrict freedom of movement, reflects a concern to preserve and extend state powers, in particular its monopoly on violence and on the control of mobility.  相似文献   

Does hosting refugees affect state repression? While there have been numerous studies that examine the link between refugees and the spread of civil and international conflict, an examination of the systematic links between refugees and repression is lacking. We contend that researchers are missing a crucial link, as the dissent-repression nexus is crucial to understanding the development of armed conflict. Drawing upon logics of the relationship between refugees and the spread of conflict as well as economic capacity, we argue that increased numbers of refugees lead to increased repression. We contend that willingness to increase repression when hosting refugees is in part conditional on a host state’s economic capacity. We argue that, on the whole, the greater the population of refugees in a host state, repression becomes more likely. That said, we argue that increased economic capacity will moderate this relationship. We find empirical support for both predictions.  相似文献   

新加坡自1959年摆脱英国殖民统治获得自治,1965年脱离马来西亚联邦正式建国之后,不到30年时间,就从一个贫穷落后的殖民地军事前哨发展成为繁荣昌盛的现代化城市国家,创造了举世公认的“新加坡奇迹”。从内政来说,新加坡是世界上政治最清廉稳定、经济最繁荣进步、社会最和谐安定的国家之一。从外交来说,新加坡在国际上“享有一种与其微小幅员和有限人口极不相称的影响力”,  相似文献   

Libya's emergence as a key jumping-off point for entry intoEurope by sea has created a sense of urgency within the EU,which seeks to prevent arrivals from this new point of departure,and has led to the initiation of EU–Libya cooperationon migration. This article argues that the EU is failing toadopt an integrated approach to migration management in Libya,despite its repeated assurances to the contrary. It examinesEU–Libya cooperation, still in its early stages, and analysesthe experiences of refugees and migrants in Libya and on theirjourneys to Europe. Both elements strongly indicate that thecurrent approach, which focuses on border control and surveillance,is likely to meet with limited success in achieving the EU'saims of stemming the flow of irregular migrants arriving fromLibya in Italy and Malta, protecting the human rights of thosein transit and ensuring humanitarian outcomes for them.  相似文献   

冷战结束后,和平与发展成为时代主题,文化因素对国际关系的影响日益凸显,并由此产生了一种新型外交方式——文化外交。中俄两国比邻而居,有着近四百年的交往史,文化交流更是在其中起到重要作用。随着文化外交日益受到各国政府的重视,中俄文化交流不断擦出新火花。实践证明,文化外交在巩固中俄两国高层政治关系、推动经贸合作和扩大民间交往方面有不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

新加坡是世界上众多微型国家中的一个成功典范,它不但在短短的几十年里取得了举世瞩目的经济社会成就,而且在国际上拥有其他小国所无法拥有的国际地位,发挥着与其人口和土地面积极不相称的影响力.这些成就的取得的一个重要因素就是新加坡在李光耀外交战略思想指导下,大国平衡战略的形成和实施.  相似文献   

With the creation of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Criminal Court (ICC), the international community has taken the most decisive steps yet to reach inside the state to protect individuals from and prosecute individuals for violations of international humanitarian law. After outlining the key developments in international law on this subject, I turn to the heart of the paper—an analysis of how these developments in international law should affect theory and research in international relations and comparative politics. To what extent should we expect that the international community would hold individuals accountable? Will individual leaders comply with international law? Most importantly, what factors will influence the level of enforcement of and compliance with international law? I conclude with suggestions as to how research on international law on individual liability should advance.  相似文献   

Mediation caucusing — that is, separate meetings conducted by the mediator with some, but not all, of the parties — is widely used, but it has become increasingly controversial, as some mediators advocate for a no‐caucus form of mediation using only joint sessions with all parties present. The rationale for the no‐caucus model is that caucuses give the mediator too much power at the expense of the parties, and joint sessions improve the parties' understanding of each other's views. But caucusing adds value to mediation in several ways. First, from the standpoint of economic theory, caucusing provides mediators with an important tool for overcoming two impediments to settlement — the “prisoner's dilemma” (caused by the parties' fear of mutual exploitation) and “adverse selection” (caused by the failure to disclose information). Second, caucusing can help the mediator overcome a variety of negotiation problems, such as communication barriers, unrealistic expectations, emotional barriers, intraparty conflict, and fear of losing face. Third, caucusing provides a more private setting in which the mediator can develop a deeper and more personal understanding of the parties' needs and interests. Although the no‐caucus model may be appropriate for certain types of mediation (particularly those cases in which the parties will have an ongoing relationship), some parties may prefer the efficiency that can be achieved with caucusing, even if that means sacrificing certain other values — such as greater understanding — or giving the mediator more information than the parties have, thus creating the risk of manipulation by the mediator. Moreover, the choice is not binary — numerous variations and hybrid formats can be useful, such as sessions in which the mediator meets with only the parties' lawyers or with only the parties. Choosing the best format for a mediation is more of an art than a science, and mediators should consider, with the parties, whether the parties' objectives would be best served using only joint sessions, extensive caucusing, or a combination of these approaches.  相似文献   


This article addresses the controversies surrounding the repatriation of Ainu human remains ‘unethically’ collected by Japanese researchers and stored in university institutions throughout the twentieth century. Some 1653 Ainu remains are held at Japanese universities, and Ainu rights advocates have demanded the return of these remains to their lineal descendants. In 2009, the Japanese government proposed to transfer all unidentified Ainu remains from universities to a memorial hall to be built in Shiraoi, Hokkaido, by 2020. This plan was met by disdain by Ainu advocates for two reasons. First: there was concern that Japanese academics would continue to do research on the remains. Second: the Ainu wished for the remains to be laid to rest in the burial grounds they were originally excavated from. This article discusses the repatriation policies initiated by the Japanese national government, how Ainu representatives have responded, and the ethical debate that surrounds the use of the Ainu remains for research. The article closes by looking at how the conciliation agreement in the legal case by Ainu plaintiffs against Hokkaido University in 2012 for the return of Ainu remains opened up possibilities for community members to petition for the return of ancestral remains for reinternment.  相似文献   

军事外交是新加坡维护国家安全的重要手段。新加坡希望通过有效的军事外交,提高新加坡军队的威慑力和影响力。新加坡军事外交内容丰富,主要有参与海外军事行动、联合军事演习和训练、强化与大国的军事关系等。总体来看,军事外交起到了维护新加坡国家安全的作用。其中一些做法对中国军事外交的开展有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

自伊拉克战争以来,全球地缘政治格局经历了深刻的变革,尤以欧亚大陆初露端倪的战略合作最为引人注目。跨大西洋的分裂有其深刻的历史背景,而美欧关于价值观和“西方”概念等诸多分歧,也从客观上推动着欧亚大陆的加速整合。这一态势很大程度上推动着中国全球战略观的根本转变,进而塑造了欧亚战略新格局的出现。  相似文献   

"丝绸之路"贸易通道的复兴,对于中国经济发展和社会进步具有重大的现实意义。中国已经开展了大量关于"新丝路"的外交活动,但中国更需要将"丝路外交"提升到战略的高度,原因在于"丝路外交"的开展不仅有利于中国突破当前的贸易和能源困境,而且也可以极大地加强中国与周边国家的文化交流,实质性地改善中国的安全处境。中国在"新丝路外交"中应该注意防范非传统安全威胁,利用好包括联合国在内的各种国际协调机制,并避免恶性的大国竞争。  相似文献   

与传统的“国家安全”观相比,“人的安全”观是非传统安全领域中的重要内容。人的安全受多维度影响。其中一个或几个维度出现问题,人的安全就受到威胁;威胁达到一定程度,就可能导致冲突。这些维度构成冲突诱因。冲突诱因呈现多元化。有的诱因与冲突相关度较低,有的诱因对诱发冲突具有乘数效应。就触发状态而言,冲突可能由单一因素诱发,亦可由多种因素叠加引发。如果治理失当,会导致冲突恶化。一个国家要有效地治理冲突,就应当对导致冲突的诱因及相关度有深刻理解,如此方可对症下药。人的安全概念、国家保护责任与新干预主义是相继形成的三个概念。应当说,尽管以人为中心的安全框架日益被全球关注,但应当采取何种治理形式,何种治理形式属于最优方案,在国际社会中并未达成共识。但是,根据《联合国宪章》的精神,保护人的安全的责任首先在于当事国政府。主权原则仍是国际关系的基本原则,是解决人的安全问题必须遵守的根本准则。  相似文献   

Different from the perspective of traditional national security, human securityis an essential component of non-traditional security. Human security is influenced bymulti-dimensional factors. Human security will be threatened if one or more of thesedimensional factors get twisted. Such threats, once accumulated to a certain level, maytrigger a confl ict. While some factors may have a low correlation with confl ict, some otherfactors may have a multiplying effect in triggering the confl ict. Further, confl ict may betriggered by a single factor or multiple factors. Poor governance may lead to escalationof confl icts. Deep understanding of triggering effects and their correlation with confl ictsis essential to addressing the root causes and the management of conflicts effectively.Concepts of human security, state responsibility of protection and neo-interventionismhave been developed in succession. Though the people-centered security framework drawsglobal attention, it should be recognized that there is no international consensus on anoptimal type of governance. However, according to the Charter of the United Nations, theprimary responsibilities of human security protection should be rested on the governmentof a state. The principle of sovereignty remains the fundamental principle of internationalrelations, which should be the guiding principle for addressing human security issues.  相似文献   

The concept of soft power, or symbolic power, offers unexplored potential for analysing small state power. This article argues that it is a means of virtual enlargement of small states' foreign policy reach and presence. If one examines the bases of soft power, it becomes evident that small states can utilize their political economy potential, models of good governance and diplomatic mediation as forms of power that defy their territorial limitations. Case studies of the Vatican City State and Singapore illustrate ‘small state soft power’.  相似文献   

李兴 《东北亚论坛》2011,20(3):29-35
梅德韦杰夫执政以来,其外交特点是:重视独联体,调整政策但区别对待;重视东方,中印平衡;对西方继续强硬但不破裂,进而改善,对美欧有所区别;利用俄优势,重视能源外交、体育外交、军事外交和大国外交;对国际事务提出很多新观点、新建议,使政府在实施俄罗斯外交政策的分量加重。其原因既有俄罗斯国力上升,也有国内的梅普组合因素,还有国际上的美国因素和中国因素。今后梅德韦杰夫外交将更加重视经济安全、能源外交和军事发展。对华将继续友好,战略借重加大,但发展空间有限,必须寻求新的增长点。在对西方关系上,在继承普京时期强硬外交的基础上进一步调整、改善、缓和与西方的关系。  相似文献   

蒙古国“多支点”外交战略与大国关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
娜琳 《东北亚论坛》2004,13(1):82-87
前苏联解体和冷战结束后 ,地处中俄之间的蒙古国放弃了长期奉行的“一边倒”外交政策 ,制定了均衡发展与中俄两大邻国关系。同时 ,发展与美日等西方大国关系以及立足亚太地区的“多支点”外交战略。目前 ,蒙古国与南北两个邻国建立了蒙中睦邻互信伙伴关系和蒙俄睦邻传统伙伴关系 ,与美国发展战略伙伴关系 ,与日本确立了综合性伙伴关系。蒙古积极发展与大国的均衡关系 ,其意义在于 ,保障国家的独立、安全和未来发展 ,扩大自身活动空间 ,提高其国际地位 ,而且利用与大国的均势平衡使其相互牵制 ,以便从中获取更多利益。  相似文献   

Although voluminous research connects the neo-Kantian triad—democracy, economic interdependence, and intergovernmental organization membership—to amelioration of conflict processes, comparatively little is known about how these factors relate to economic coercion. We advance the relevant literature on neo-Kantianism and the determinants of sanction decisions by (1) analyzing the impact of all three neo-Kantian factors on economic coercion and (2) assessing the effects of these factors across both the onset of threat and imposition of sanctions. Results from the time-series, cross-national data analyses indicate a significant but complex connection between the neo-Kantian variables and sanctions. Specifically, we find that although democratic regimes are less likely to threaten each other with sanctions, once a threat is made, democracies are more likely to impose sanctions against each other. Economic interdependence and common IGO membership are likely to increase the probability of sanction threats. Yet, the results also suggest that common IGO membership decreases the probability of sanction imposition while economic interdependence has no statistically significant effect on the decision to impose sanctions. Overall, these results highlight the importance of a more nuanced study of sanction decisions for a better understanding of the factors that lead to sanction use.  相似文献   

中小企业是一个国家和地区经济活力的保证,在促进市场竞争、增加就业机会、推进技术进步、推动国民经济发展和保障社会稳定等方面起到了大企业不可替代的重要作用.但是中小企业在发展过程中也遇到不少的问题,这些问题在直接影响中小企业自身顺利发展的同时,也影响着国家和地区的经济发展、社会稳定,因此如何保证中小企业健康发展已经成为一个社会关注的问题.在许多国家,中小企业的融资难、贷款难已日益成为制约其发展的突出问题.不同国家的政府都根据本国实际情况制定相应的中小企业发展战略.东盟许多国家的经济发展水平、宏观经济环境、中小企业面临的困难与问题与我国有许多相似之处,因此,通过分析东盟国家对中小企业金融支持的策略,可以得到有价值的经验,有助于促进广西中小企业的发展和竞争力的提高.  相似文献   

新安全视角下美国政府的气候政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"人类安全"逐渐成为一种新的安全理念,环境气候问题等各种影响人类安全和福祉的非传统安全问题日益引起广泛关注。全球性安全威胁的严重程度则取决于治理框架的反应能力。包括气候政策、法律和机构在内的气候环境治理框架能够最大限度地削弱全球化冲突的根源,避免影响的发生或减缓其进程。奥巴马上任以来美国新政府能源、环境和应对气候变化政策出现较大调整,大力推动新能源法案来减缓气候变化。这一政策转向具有深刻的历史动因和政治基础,并将给美国经济复苏和美国企业的国际竞争力带来压力,加剧美国对外贸易摩擦和削弱其在国际气候环境合作中的领导地位。  相似文献   

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