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While much of the debate over the implications of China’s rise tends to dichotomise around either status quo or revisionist predictions, the reality seems to lie somewhere in between. In broad terms, China has embraced multilateral forms of cooperation and governance. This does not mean, however, that it is satisfied with the distribution of power in many international institutions, or some of the norms and principles that underpin them. This has resulted in a reformist position, with China increasingly willing to offer its own supplementary alternatives. China’s rise has also provided an important economic alternative to dealing with the West, and considerably undermined the ability of others to establish their preferences and world views. China’s lack of commitment to democracy and the external promotion of human rights remains a key reason why some analysts remain unconvinced about the long-term ambitions of an illiberal actor in a global liberal order.  相似文献   

Some 30 years since the release of the Hollywood blockbuster War Games, the possibility that hackers might break into nuclear command and control facilities, compromise early warning or firing systems, or even cause the launch of a nuclear weapon has become disturbingly real. While this challenge will impact all nuclear-armed states, it appears particularly acute for the USA and Russia given their large, diverse, and highly alerted nuclear forces. The fact that east–west relations have deteriorated to a nadir perhaps not seen since the 1980s, strategic instability has increased – particularly in the wake of the Ukraine and now Syria crises – and that the nuclear arms reductions agenda appears to have reached a standstill makes this challenge particularly pressing. In this discouraging milieu, new cyberthreats are both exacerbating the already strained US–Russia strategic balance – particularly the perceived safety and security of nuclear forces – and at the same time creating new vulnerabilities and problems that might be exploited by a third party. Taken together, these dynamics add another major complication for current arms control agreements and possible future nuclear cuts, and also seem likely to increase the possibility of accidents, miscalculation, and potential unauthorised nuclear use, especially given the large number of nuclear weapons that remain on “hair-trigger” alert.  相似文献   

Reversing the retreat of the Yeltsin era, Russia has returned to Central Asia proactively. Its presence is increasingly felt in the traditional–that is, security–field and in new fields of engagement, such as strategically-placed investment or construction of regionalism. The cultural and “civilisational” role has also gained more prominence. Moscow's policy reflects pragmatic opportunism, aimed at getting the utmost benefits for Russia from a region in which it holds many assets rather than at a revival of the former empire. There are limits however as to how far its engagement can go due to constraints posed by Central Asian realities and Russian domestic developments. So far, the advance has been greatly facilitated by the West's retreat, giving rise to perceptions of an unfolding “great game”, while in reality a record of both competition and cooperation between Russia, China and the West is a normal state of affairs. Although Central Asian elites find it easier to deal with Moscow in the current political climate, they view its assertive role with caution and may turn to a rival suitor should the price for the relationship with Russia become too high.  相似文献   

中俄油气合作现状、前景和影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中俄油气合作已经起步。合作规模巨大:覆盖从西西伯利亚、东西伯利亚、远东到萨哈林岛海域广阔的地域,包括从油气资源的勘探开发到管道的修建乃至油气的储存和利用。中俄油气合作虽是双边的,但却是开放性的。这一世纪性大项目的实施不仅有利于中俄两国,而且也惠及所有输入油气的国家和参与合作的外国公司。不仅会促进东北亚地区的繁荣,而且也有利于世界的和平与发展。  相似文献   

苏联解体后,俄罗斯的外交政策从向西方“一边倒”转为东西方平衡的“双头鹰外交”,东亚在其整体外交格局中的地位上升.俄罗斯东亚战略的主要目标是要成为东亚大国,其政策主要受到两方面因素的驱动和影响:一是基于对国际和地区均势的追求,二是出于本国平衡发展的需要,以及对自身面临威胁的认知.中俄关系是俄罗斯东亚政策的重心,同时它也积极发展与东亚其他行为体的关系.俄罗斯与东亚的关系在过去十多年里稳步提升,但也面临着俄远东地区开发困难重重、融入东亚经济空间进展缓慢、国内意见分歧等诸多挑战.在世界战略重心东移的背景下,在当前因乌克兰危机而使俄与欧美的地缘政治冲突激化的情势下,俄罗斯将会进一步加强其整体外交政策中的东亚维度.  相似文献   

James Kurth 《Orbis》2012,56(1):39-59
The rapid rise of Chinese economic and military power has produced the most fundamental change in the global system since the end of the Cold War, and it poses vital questions about China's future direction. Many Western analysts argue that China's great power will cause it to become more like the West, i.e., like Western great powers. Other Western analysts believe that China will continue to be the same, i.e., like the China of the past few decades. An alternative interpretation, however, is that China's new power will enable it to become even more Chinese than it is now, i.e., to become more like the traditional and imperial China that existed before the Western intrusions of the 19th century. This China was the “Central State” of a distinctive Chinese world order, operating with distinctive conceptions about diplomatic relations, military strategy, and economic exchange. However, the new China will be unlike the old China in at least two important ways. It will be a naval, and not just a land, power, and it will be a financial, and not just a trading, power. In other words, it will be a powerful China with Western characteristics. As a formidable naval and financial power, China will present fundamental challenges to the United States and to both the long-standing U.S. security order in the Western Pacific and the long-standing “Washington Consensus” about the global economic order.  相似文献   

中俄两国的能源安全与合作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着经济全球化的发展,世界各国对能源的需求正日益增加。目前,能源安全不只是一个国家的问题,而且是一个全球性的问题。一国的能源安全不仅是一个经济问题,同时也是一个政治和军事问题。对中国来说,当前石油供应安全已成为关系到国家安全的重大问题。中国是个能源缺乏的国家,近年来能源进口不断上升。从国家经济增长和经济发展的趋势来看,未来中国的石油需求增长强劲。而俄罗斯是个能源资源十分丰富的国家,是世界主要的能源出口国。中俄两国不仅具有地缘上的优势,而且在能源方面也存在着很强的互补性。双方的能源合作不仅有利于解决中国的能源安全问题,也有利于俄罗斯加快经济发展,同时对东北亚地区的安全和稳定也将发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

邱红 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(3):98-101
俄罗斯科技资源丰富,拥有数目庞大的高素质科研人员队伍,并在众多科技领域保持着世界领先的地位。世界各国对俄罗斯的科技资源都非常重视,通过给予优厚报酬、提供良好科研条件等种种方式,吸引俄罗斯科技人员到本国工作。俄罗斯的科技优势主要表现在基础研究与高新技术领域,在军工与航天技术方面,处于世界领先地位,近几年在医药与生物技术以及民用技术等方面都有很大发展。研究俄罗斯的科技资源及对外科技合作政策对于加强中俄之间的科技合作与发展意义重大。  相似文献   

China has demonstrated some interest in the resurgence of nuclear disarmament debates over the past few years,but because its own nuclear arsenal is relatively small,because this capability is predicated on a very specific Chinese posture and security concerns,and because it believes firmly that the responsibility for moving towards a world without nuclear weapons belongs in the first instance to the United States and Russia-who between them possess 95% of the world’s existing nuclear weapons-it has displayed a somewhat limited contribution to this debate so far.  相似文献   

China’s emergence as an economic and military power has given rise to apprehensions globally, related not only to China’s cultural and historical ‘alienness’, but also to its apparent willingness to challenge the global system and architecture of global governance. While non-Western countries are wary of the possible impact on them and on the global order of Chinese actions, they appear to be willing to cooperate with China on some global issues in order to change a system often seen as inequitable and unbalanced. Yet, the West seems to conflate the idea of a rising China with that of other emerging markets. Given their historical, political and cultural experiences, however, their access to power and influence, if and when it happens, need not necessarily take the same route as China. This is true particularly of India; India is likely, at least for the foreseeable future, to remain within the existing paradigm of global governance, though it may seek to adapt the rules and structures to better reflect its economic, political and security interests. This would not preclude cooperation on a selective basis on specific global issues with different partners, particularly in the realm of global challenges such as climate change, non-proliferation, international trade and finance and the global commons, such as space, the oceans and cyberspace.  相似文献   

The next 5-10 years will be a pivotal period in which China will implement its "11th Five-Year Plan" and accelerate its construction of "a moderately prosperous society." It will also be an important period for Russia's resurgence. Sino-Russian relations are therefore facing new challenges and will be steadily developing. Under these new circumstances, clearly defining China's national interests in Sino-Russian relations will be an important prerequisite of ensuring the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations and of safeguarding China's peace and security. For the foreseeable future, China's national interests in Sino-Russian relations will be the further consolidation of mutual trust between the two countries and increasing Sino-Russian security cooperation so as to maintain peace and security in China's northern border areas. As the two countries are both in a phase of social transformation, they can nevertheless learn from each other throughout this process. China will continue promoting diversity of cultures and the multi-polarization of world. China should also exploit Sino-Russian economic cooperation and try to frame a joint strategy with Russia in order to achieve common development and prosperity. Consequently, the two countries will be able to march forward side by side along the path of economic reforms and structural adjustment." In the 21st Century, China and Russia not only need to maintain a good neighbor relationship and guarantee their joint security, but also build a closer cooperation in their common development.Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.  相似文献   

李兴 《东北亚论坛》2011,20(3):29-35
梅德韦杰夫执政以来,其外交特点是:重视独联体,调整政策但区别对待;重视东方,中印平衡;对西方继续强硬但不破裂,进而改善,对美欧有所区别;利用俄优势,重视能源外交、体育外交、军事外交和大国外交;对国际事务提出很多新观点、新建议,使政府在实施俄罗斯外交政策的分量加重。其原因既有俄罗斯国力上升,也有国内的梅普组合因素,还有国际上的美国因素和中国因素。今后梅德韦杰夫外交将更加重视经济安全、能源外交和军事发展。对华将继续友好,战略借重加大,但发展空间有限,必须寻求新的增长点。在对西方关系上,在继承普京时期强硬外交的基础上进一步调整、改善、缓和与西方的关系。  相似文献   

The global economic crisis revealed China to be an interdependent giant, one whose ‘rise’ was undeniable but also one whose deepening participation in transnational production sharing and network trade made it highly susceptible to an external shock. China weathered the storm relatively well – avoiding a recession, in particular – not because it had ‘decoupled’ from the G7 economies but because its stimulus measures were unusually swift and powerful. One cost, however, has been a worsening domestic imbalance between investment and consumption that carries a heightened risk of asset price inflation, non-performing loans and destabilising levels of local government debt. Meanwhile, China’s ties to the world economy have not fundamentally changed since the crisis began. Despite stirring leader rhetoric and summit declarations, the BRICS have made only modest progress in meeting their goals. East Asia, North America and Europe remain China’s principal trade partners, and cross-border production chains connecting these regions remain the dominant mode of China’s incorporation into the world economy.  相似文献   

By exploiting pre-existing divisions in Western societies and attempting to sway elections toward candidates palatable to the Kremlin, the Russian Federation has had some success in eroding social cohesion and confidence in the institutions of democracy. But pulling the West down has not improved Russia's position in the world. Russia today is less well-regarded, less prosperous, and less secure than it was before it began its campaign of sowing disorder. Since the Kremlin sees its actions as justified responses to the West's alleged attempts to undermine Russia, this is a price it is willing to pay. Rather than trying to convince Russia to cease its malign activities, Western societies need to look inward. We need to eliminate the societal divisions that Russia exploits rather than try to convince Russia not to exploit them, denying it fertile ground on which to scatter its seeds of disinformation and propaganda. Only then will we solve the “Russia problem.”  相似文献   

俄中石油天然气领域合作的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
俄罗斯和中国分别为世界上最大的石油出口国和进口国之一 ,资源互补为双方能源合作提供了物质基础。但未来俄中两国在石油天然气领域的合作将在很大程度上取决于外部因素———世界能源市场的反常形势的影响。美国始终把控制能源放在国家利益的重要位置 ,在成功推倒萨达姆政权后 ,美国必将加强对中东的控制 ,从而控制世界能源的关键部分 ,获得未来世界石油市场中的主导权并主宰新世纪的石油价格。俄罗斯目前的主要战略问题是加强国家对油气田的控制 ,需要解决 3个根本任务 :1 在全球扩张的各种文明之间保持平稳 ;2 由国家控制自然资源的开采 ;3 国家加强对能源公司的控制。  相似文献   

杨雷 《东北亚论坛》2021,30(1):115-126
中俄所提出的两大倡议分别代表了各自在国际制度竞争有所加剧背景下的本国利益需求。二者都以拓宽欧亚经济合作渠道为首要目标,但是它们在原则、方向、手段等方面的差异是相互关系的不利因素。为了协调国际规则的制定,中俄确定对接两大倡议。一方面,中俄两国希望通过制度合作制衡美国霸权;另一方面,中俄在欧亚地区的一致性和冲突性并存,双方需要一个协调关系的制度框架。中俄两国既有以制度合作在国际体系层面应对美国压力的意图,也希望在地区范围内协调彼此关系。两大倡议的对接将增强国际社会新兴力量在国际制度体系构建和全球治理中的影响力,同时也能化解中俄双方潜在的矛盾,推动欧亚区域合作的进程。  相似文献   

The question whether Russia is part of the Western world has plagued Russian intellectuals and Western observers alike for the past two centuries. The question matters because where Russia “belongs” is part of a larger debate about how one differentiates between “the West” and “the Rest” given changes in the Western family of nations, and because of larger questions of geopolitical alignment. The Slavophile vs. Westernizer paradigm, which suggests that throughout Russia there are two opposing camps engaged in a struggle to determine the course of the country is too simple to reflect the true complexity of post-Soviet Russia. Moreover, an equilibrium may have been reached where not answering the question of Russia's relationship to the West is desirable for all parties concerned.  相似文献   

俄罗斯石油公司是俄罗斯最大的国有石油公司。2012年末,它以560亿美元收购秋明—BP石油公司,预计交易在2013年上半年完成。完成收购后,俄罗斯石油公司即晋升为在产量和资源储量上全球最大的石油公司。此次收购将对俄罗斯乃至世界能源行业产生深远影响,并将促进中俄能源合作的开展。  相似文献   

In this fast-changing world, President Xi's vision of a community with a shared future has pointed the way forward for our world. To translate it into reality, countries need to work together and they each do their part for the sake of future generations. China will continue to shoulder its responsibilities as a promoter of world peace, contributor to global development, and upholder of the international order.  相似文献   

基于对世界金融体系、区域金融布局、本国经济金融发展和政治影响力等方面的考虑,中俄两国相继提出要建立国际金融中心。通过对两国经济、金融、政策、基础设施和人才等多方面的现状比较可以发现,上海相对于莫斯科在建设国际金融中心的综合优势更加明显。但作为战略目标相近、地理位置相邻的两个大国,在未来两国建设国际金融中心的过程中,对于战略空间、金融资源、金融创新和货币领域的竞争将不可避免。因此,建议在竞争的同时,还要加强政策、资本市场、货币领域的合作,力争实现错位发展。  相似文献   

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