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本文从寻求我国证据制度的历史定位出发,逐一研究了历来证据制度命名的规律和证明标准构成的规律,提出我国只能建立人类历史上第四种证据制度,也即只能建立实质真实制度.接着,本文研究了实质真实制度的基本构成,指出这一制度必须建立在实质证据观、实事求是原则、实质真实标准这样三大要素之上,认为这三大要素将铸就我国证据制度永恒的中国特色.最后,本文研究了实质真实制度下的全面创新问题,提出我国应确立"事实面前人人平等"原则、证据排伪法则、证据效力双统一原则、真正的无罪推定原则,确立完整的方法体系和全面的证责体系,建立"沉默权"与"如实回答"相协调的机制,建立真实监督机制,完善真实保障机制,制定证据大法.  相似文献   

“确定无疑”——我国刑事诉讼的证明标准   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目前,刑事诉讼法学界对刑事诉讼证明标准有争论。基本上可分为“法律真实说”和“客观真实说”。如何对其进行充分认识,我国的诉讼证明标准又该如何取向值得关注。本期刊登一组刑事诉讼证明标准的文章,以飨读者。  相似文献   

目前,刑事诉讼法学界对刑事诉讼证明标准有争论。基本上可分为“法律真实说”和“客观真实说”。如何对其进行充分认识,我国的诉讼证明标准又该如何取向值得关注。本期刊登一组刑事诉讼证明标准的文章,以飨读者。  相似文献   

法律真实说与客观真实说:误解中的对立   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前,刑事诉讼法学界对刑事诉讼证明标准有争论。基本上可分为“法律真实说”和“客观真实说”。如何对其进行充分认识,我国的诉讼证明标准又该如何取向值得关注。本期刊登一组刑事诉讼证明标准的文章,以飨读者。  相似文献   

徐忠明 《法学家》2005,(5):42-49
纸面表述的历史与实际存在的历史之间的相互脱节,导致了"真实历史"与"虚构历史"之间的纠缠不清,即使在被誉为第一手材料的司法档案中,也存在不少"虚构"的成份.本文以明末徽州诉讼案卷<不平鸣稿>为素材,通过考察和分析明清时期司法档案中的"虚构"成份与司法制度之间的内在关联,冀以阐明产生"虚构"的深层原因,并考掘出镶嵌于"虚构"中的作者的"真实"动机和目的,从而说明司法档案并非一种单纯的记录,而是一种动机复杂而又充满张力的叙述.  相似文献   

美国历史上秉持传统的雇佣自由原则,法律不干涉劳资双方因解雇发生的争议.自20世纪30年代起,美国开始通过制定法和司法判例引入对不当解雇的规制.但这种规制是不彻底的,既缺乏系统和完备的立法,司法过程中的态度也不统一.对不当解雇的法律规制引发了美国社会的广泛争论,争论的焦点在于公平和效率在社会经济发展中何者优先保护.从美国劳资关系发展的现状来看,强调社会公平,对不当解雇进行法律规制是必要的.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末以后中国经济法真正蓬勃兴起,但正如同当初对经济法作为独立部门法问题的大讨论一样,经济法责任的独立性问题也引发了学界的诸多争论。从2003年至今,中国的经济法责任独立性理论研究已历经十年之久,但仍旧属于经济法理论研究相对薄弱的环节,本文运用比较分析、关联分析和历史梳理等方法,厘清经济法责任独立性的相关概念和争论焦点,试找出经济法责任独立性研究的发展路线。  相似文献   

1980年代中期出现的先锋小说,其"文革"叙事具有明显区别于此前小说的叙事策略和精神指向。先锋小说主题层面不再是印证、附和主流话语规范,不再以揭露和批判为价值旨归。在叙事策略上,作为大历史和故事主要情节的文革,逐步过渡为小说的背景或荒诞变形的历史,文革由写实转向心理化、寓言化和象征化。在价值意义上,先锋作家的叙述重心与叙述意图落在对特定历史背景下人的文革创伤心理与精神困境的深度开掘上,通过荒诞狂欢的语词与隐喻多义的文本,建构了一代人真实的文化记忆与心理创伤。  相似文献   

进入新世纪,我国的诉讼法学研究与刑事司法改革实践、立法活动结合得更加紧密。不久前在南京举行的诉讼法学研究会2002年年会上,关于证据制度及证据立法、诉讼制度改革的理论探讨成为重点话题,英国、俄罗斯等国家刑事司法改革趋向也成为关注点。法律真实与客观真实前几年,诉讼法学界曾经就程序公正与实体公正进行过激烈争论,这一问题的探讨对刑事司法观念进步和司法改革实践发挥了重要的指导作用,促进了诉讼法学的研究。近年来,法律真实与客观真实理论的研究成为探讨和争论的重点。专家们认为,法律真实与客观真实涉及到证据基本理论问题,对…  相似文献   

"王卫明强奸案"引发了学术界对于婚内强奸是否构成强奸罪的激烈争论,理论界存在肯定说与否定说的对立局面。本文从法律解释的途径,通过文义解释、历史解释、目的解释与比较法解释等不同的解释方法,论证了将婚内强奸纳入强奸罪符合罪刑法定原则,符合国际立法趋势。  相似文献   

典型理论作为马克思主义文艺理论的重要内容,原非针对中国的戏曲艺术而提出.由于受苏联文艺思想的影响,中国共产党的文艺工作领导者周扬将典型理论吸收到戏曲理论中,形成了其政治化的戏曲观.周扬的戏曲典型理论不仅导致了中国戏曲理论民族性的迷失,而且致使戏曲创作越来越失去其本质要素,戏曲呈现话剧化的发展趋势.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to extend the existing media and crime literature by discussing how minority criminal justice personnel are granted or not granted intellectual authority in fictional crime dramas by their representation as presenters of crime and non-crime fact-based statements. An analysis of 117 episodes from four fictional crime dramas appearing in the top 20 Nielson ratings from 2003 to 2010 indicate that Black characters are not given the same intellectual authority as White characters, and therefore are imbued with less power and status than their White counterparts. In some cases, Black characters are not even given intellectual authority within their respective intellectual fields.  相似文献   

史学意识与中国古代历史剧的发生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国早期神话的历史化铸成了中国古代社会的史官化特性。在史官化条件下,史学极其发达。随之而来的史学渗透在作家价值取向、诗学传统和通俗艺之中,为中国古代历史剧的发生准备了充足的主观与客观的双重条件。  相似文献   

With the abundance of prime-time crime dramas on television, it is imperative that researchers examine how female criminal justice professionals are depicted in the world of fiction versus in reality. In this study, a content analysis of 10 prime-time television crime dramas was conducted. Of the 69 characters observed, female criminal justice professionals were portrayed as young, White, and single. Female characters were more provocatively dressed, and they also were more likely to be victims of crime. Unlike previous studies that showed that female characters were underrepresented on prime-time television, here women were overrepresented as crime scene investigators, detectives, and special agents. Stereotypical images of women as subordinate, nurturing, affectionate, and sexually attractive still prevail. However, compared to their male counterparts, female characters were equally assertive, self-confident, and competitive.  相似文献   

讲史是我国历史上的一种重要文学艺术形式.从文体角度而言,它一方面承继了史传的若干特点,另一方面又以民间的说书艺术点化了史传,使之向章回小说方向发生了决定性的转变.这些转变主要包括叙述者的现身、创作目的的由垂戒到娱人、创作方法的由实向虚以及故事形态的确立等.由于讲史以及这些特点的存在,史传向章回小说的过渡才得以完成.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the role of the historical family as the instigator of disparate developmental trajectories. However, a major challenge faced by these studies was that they had to work around a lack of reliable historical data. This study demonstrates how embarking on the recent outburst of historical microdata infrastructures may help to improve these explorations by suggesting additional statistics and a derived measure (the Patriarchy Index) that might prove useful in future efforts aimed at assessing the effect of historical family organization on comparative development. The added value of that endeavour is assessed by comparing the predictive validity of the PI for contemporary developmental gradients against a composite indicator of family organization previously used by economic historians (Carmichael’s ‘Female Friendliness Index’). The results indicate that conclusions about the relationship between historical family organization and various societal outcomes may be sensitive to the measure used. Based on the evidence presented in this paper, it is argued that one of the reasons why the potential importance of historical family for contemporary developmental disparities has not been convincingly unravelled could be inadequacy of data and indicators so far employed to assess historical family formations. To the extent that the Patriarchy Index would be taken up by wider scholarly circles as an indicator of historical family organization it could help unravel potentially new associations between past and present, at least as far as Europe is concerned.  相似文献   

蔡养军 《北方法学》2013,7(1):21-30
我国相邻关系法既植根于深厚的历史传统,又具有鲜明的时代特色。历史上,出于社会控制的目的设有邻里制度,相邻不动产利用的调节大多依托民间习惯。近代以来,部分民间习惯被纳入"民法",成为处理相邻关系的直接依据。面对复杂的现代不动产利用关系,《物权法》一方面规定了主要的相邻关系类型,另一方面通过引致规范扩张了相邻关系的法源。处理相邻关系的基本原则为协调不同法源的冲突奠定了基础。  相似文献   

清代和民国初期评话类小说反映了口述史的发展和拓宽.有些作品以纪实方法,讲述当时重要事件和人物故事,填补了历史文献的空白,纠正了历史文献的曲解,有珍贵的史料研究价值.有些作品对社会史诸多方面特别是民俗风情,有真实详细的描绘.这不但弥补了中国传统史学的薄弱环节,还提供了史学思想史研究的范例.以上两类作品因为题材重大、贴近生活、生动丰富、情趣浓郁,深受听众和读者喜爱,因而历久不衰.这提示我们:中国小说的审美评价标准不能单一化.  相似文献   

As part of a larger investigation of the changing nature of juror behavior in the context of technology development, this study examined important questions unanswered by previous studies on the “CSI-effect.” In answering such questions, the present study applied multivariate and path analyses for the first time. The results showed that (a) watching CSI dramas had no independent effect on jurors' verdicts, (b) the exposure to CSI dramas did not interact with individual characteristics, (c) different individual characteristics were significantly associated with different types of evidence, and (d) CSI watching had no direct effect on jurors' decisions, and it had an indirect effect on conviction in the case of circumstantial evidence only as it raised expectations about scientific evidence, but it produced no indirect effect in the case of eyewitness testimony only. Finally, implications of the present study as well as for future research on the “CSI-effect” on jurors are discussed.  相似文献   

中西方在社会形态和文化传统等方面存在一定的差异,在爱情剧女性角色的塑造当中具体体现在主人公的身份、地位和追求爱情所采取的行动等方面,但其爱情剧都着力表现妇女要求个性解放和女性自我意识的觉醒这一主题则是共同的  相似文献   

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