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当前,党和国家在大力推进马克思大众化,而马克思大众化的重要表现之一是《资本论》的广泛传播。高校学生的发展关系到社会的走向,马克思思想或者《资本论》能否在高校中打下坚实的基础将影响下一阶段马克思大众化能否继续进行下去。库恩的范式理论从学科发展的角度强调范式的建立给一个学科的发展和传播带来深远的影响,这一点对于如何做好《资本论》传播工作很有启发。将运用库恩的范式理论对《资本论》在高校中的传播机制进行研究,以期推进高校中的马克思主义传播。  相似文献   

《资本论》问世至今已有一百多年了。但它的基本原理和基本方法仍然具有重大的现实意义和强大的生命力。《资本论》不仅是我们认识当代资本主义经济关系的理论基础,而且是我们进行社会主义现代化建设的强大思想武器,也是我们创建有中国特色的社会主义政治经济学的理论指南。特别是在新的历史时期,《资本论》中的基本原理,对于我们正确认识社会主义商品经济、市场经济,建立社会主义市场经济体制,进行现代化经济建设,建设有中国特色的社会主义,都具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

周春波 《学理论》2010,(22):57-58
金融危机爆发后,经济学界开始寻找解释这个百年一遇经济大危机的理论妙方。在这一背景下,《资本论》开始重新受到热捧。我们知道在《资本论》第三卷中,马克思花了很大的篇幅对信用、虚拟资本和信用危机(主要是指货币危机)作了阐述。重温马克思货币危机思想,从货币这一经济的纽带出发解析本次金融危机,分析经济危机的制度成因,在今天看来仍具有很深刻的现实意义。  相似文献   

经济危机是资本主义与生俱来的基因病。这次全球金融危机是资本主义传统经济危机的变种,对其分析不能仅停留在主观心理层面上,应按照马克思《资本论》的方法论,从资本本性和资本主义制度根源上分析危机的本质,从而找到克服危机的根本办法。新自由主义已走进死胡同,社会主义是克服金融和经济危机的根本出路。  相似文献   

《资本论》是马克思毕生事业中最光辉的成就,是人类思想史上思想理论水平最高、影响世界久远的科学巨著,是马克思的一座丰碑。《资本论》对唯物辩证法的运用和完善,表现于两个方面:一是《资本论》中的唯物辩证法的理论体系;二是《资本论》的逻辑方法。  相似文献   

党的第十四次全国代表大会提出,我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制。这是我们党对社会主义经济理论和实践的又一重大突破和发展。在我国加快改革开放和现代化建设的新的历史时期,重温和学习《资本论》中关于市场关系的思想,对于我们当前研究社会主义市场经济具有重要的指导意义。马克思没有使用过“市场经济”的概念,在《资本论》中也没有专门的篇幅来研究市  相似文献   

资产阶级自由化的鼓吹者在经济学方面的观点之一是“《资本论》过时论”,认为《资本论》是一百多年前写作的,它所阐述的理论既不能说明当代的资本主义,也不能指导现实的社会主义,因此只能作为一种学术观点来研究,而不能作为社会主义国家无产阶级政党的理论基础。我们要坚持马克思主义,就必须从理论上阐明《资本论》在现实经济生活中的重要作用,从而指导好我国的社会主义革命和社会主义经济建设。  相似文献   

马克思《资本论》中的生产劳动论与再生产理论是一个有机统一体。《资本论》第一卷所建立的生产劳动论为第二卷的再生产理论提供基础和前提,并在再生产理论中得到贯彻和完成。  相似文献   

列宁对于国际共产主义运动的最伟大贡献,在于他创立了马克思主义的帝国主义理论,并将这一科学理论付诸实践,取得了十月社会主义革命的伟大胜利,开辟了人类历史的新纪元,列宁关于帝国主义的理论,把马克思主义在新的历史条件下推进到了一个崭新的阶段,它不仅是马克思的科学巨著《资本论》基本原理的运用和发展,而且是《资本论》研究方法的系统把握和成功再现。但是,对于列宁在研究帝国主义理论时,究竟是不是全面地再现了马克思《资主论》的  相似文献   

马克思关于人的全面发展思想贯穿其分工理论的全过程之中。在《资本论》中,马克思主要从资本生产逻辑的角度出发探求资本主义运行规律,分别从社会内部分工和生产机构内部分工两个层面考察人的发展状况,揭示了分工对人的影响,并具体指明了实现人的全面发展的现实路径。探究《资本论》中的分工理论,对于发展处于转型时期的当代中国经济,重申"以人为本"的价值理念,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The financial crisis that currently threatens the stability of global capitalism is the latest in a long line of similar episodes stretching back some 200 years. While many orthodox economists explain the crisis in terms of the failure of the proper operation of the market mechanism, radical accounts see crisis as an aspect of the constitution of capital and of the process of the accumulation of capital itself. This article explores the extent to which Marx's understanding of accumulation and crisis can provide the basis for a general theory of capitalist crisis. It concludes that the growing and chronic separation between financial (fictitious) accumulation and productive accumulation is the key to understanding the latest crisis of capital expressed as a global credit crunch. Furthermore, Marx opens the door to the development of an overtly 'political' theory of crisis stressing the 'capitalist use of crisis' as a means for the violent reassertion of the fundamental class relation.  相似文献   

20世纪70、80年代,资本主义进入一个相对稳定的发展时期,大规模阶级斗争相对缓和,新自由主义乘势崛起。作为新自由主义主流运动的补充,后现代主义身份政治发展起来。后现代主义身份政治从经济决定论转向文化和意识形态决定论,从大规模集体行动的逻辑转向分散的斗争。美国金融危机以来,大规模社会运动复兴,经济议题回到政治运动的中心,后现代主义身份政治的文化和自我意识革命逐步衰颓,新民粹主义乘势崛起。在聚焦经济议题和强调集体行动方面,新民粹主义和后现代主义身份政治迥然不同,但是从强调族群的文化和身份差异的角度来说,新民粹主义又把后现代主义身份政治发展到了极端。后现代主义身份政治是与金融资本的上升期相适应的,新民粹主义是与金融资本的下降期相适应的,但二者都因不理解金融资本的本性而把民众运动引向了错误的方向。只有社会主义民主运动才能赋予民众运动以正确的方向。  相似文献   


We examine the outcomes of the provincial elections having been held in Canada since the Great Recession and compare them with outcomes from past decades. Given the severity of the 2008 financial crisis, we test for whether provincial governments’ electoral fortunes over the recent period have been negatively impacted by this important economic shock. Our analyses of aggregate-level provincial electoral outcomes: (1) confirm that provincial incumbent parties are held accountable for provincial economic conditions; (2) show that this provincial economic voting pattern has been heightened during the financial crisis; and (3) demonstrate that provincial incumbents also incur vote share losses when national economic conditions worsen and their respective family party is in power at the federal level, although this referendum voting pattern appears to have been unaffected by the financial crisis.  相似文献   

寇爱林 《学理论》2009,(12):238-239
在金融危机愈演愈烈之时,2009年春节佛教寺院相对于往年香火更旺。经济危机下的中国人也需要宗教的抚慰。佛教可以从教义、修持、仪轨和慈善活动等方面发挥作用,帮助人们化解因金融危机而造成的精神压力和心理问题,促进社会的稳定与和谐发展。  相似文献   

Azfar  Omar  Matheson  Thornton 《Public Choice》2003,117(3-4):357-372
Theory suggests that capital is more likelyto be efficiently allocated via marketmechanisms, such as bank lending and stockissuance, than via non-market allocation. Consequently, we conjecture that increasedmarket allocation of capital will enhanceeconomic growth. We also posit that goodcollateral and corporate law will increasethe allocation of capital via debt andequity markets, respectively. Usingmeasures of statutory law as instrumentsfor market-mobilized capital, to controlfor its endogeneity in a cross-countrygrowth regression, we demonstrate a clearcausal link between financial marketdevelopment and economic performance.  相似文献   

金融创新体系是区域创新体系的重要组成部分和推动力量。成渝经济区金融创新体系建设面临的主要问题是金融支持体制不完善。加快成渝经济区金融创新体系建设,必须健全金融支持体制,完善信贷机制和风险投资市场,增强银行和风险投资机构的资金支持力度,为创新活动提供更加充足的信贷资金和风险资金。  相似文献   


This paper addresses the question of how Track 2 international policy networks contribute to economic security. If we accept a neoclassical economic interpretation that economic security is best achieved by trade and capital liberalization, then Track 2, or non-formal research and policy networks, are able to help enhance economic security by providing Track 1 or the formal, inter-governmental organizations with novel ideas and approaches on how best to advance regional economic liberalization. As well as providing institutional memories for regional cooperation, Track 2 networks also serve as test-beds for new ideas in emerging issue areas. This was clear in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis when a number of Track 2 networks grappled with the inter-linkages between economics and security as well as provided expertise on how states can best cope with globalised financial markets and the free flow of capital. By discussing each of the Track 2 networks and how they respectively interact with Track 1 processes, the paper provides a detailed account of the regional governance architecture in the Asia-Pacific region more broadly, and its contribution to economic security.  相似文献   

Abstract. The role of politics is particularly difficult to discern in the domain of international financial markets, where the state's capacity to control or direct capital flows, without incurring considerable opportunity (and political) costs, appears so limited. In addressing this question, this paper argues that the process of internationalisation is first and foremost the consequence of political decision-making (to create open markets) and that many domestic interests linked to the international market have promoted internationalisation both through their policy preferences and economic activity. The paper will then go on to argue that the threat of financial instability and crisis, a consequence of the increased volatility of relatively unregulated capital flows, has prompted political demands for more concerted inter-state co-operation to maintain stability. Much of this takes place through transnational agreements among state agencies, such as the central banks, and much through 'reregulation' in the guise of 'harmonisation' of regulatory and prudential supervisory policies.
Some of this process has received considerable publicity, such as the harmonisation of EEC regulations to facilitate freer trade in banking and financial services as part of the preparation for the Single European Market in 1992. Likewise, the current Uruguay Round of GATT trade talks has the liberalisation of trade in financial services on its agenda. Other aspects of the process have been carried on quietly, far from public view, in such forums as the Bank for International Settlements. Such is the case of a recent agreement to harmonise minimum capital adequacy requirements for banks operating in international markets. The paper uses these three cases to support the argument about the role of politics and the state in international finance.  相似文献   

Sidney Plotkin 《Society》2010,47(3):240-245
The nation’s recent experience with war and economic crisis would hardlyshock Thorstein Veblen. America’s most original radical voice, Veblen has much to teach us about the common predatory origins of war and finance and the tragic consequences of their pursuit. This brief survey of the contemporary relevance of Veblen’s observations about war and economic collapse emphasizes the political foundation of his critical theory. Though widely regarded as an economic thinker, Veblen’s critique of modern business enterprise and its alliance with government rests on an essentially political dissection of what he termed barbaric exploit, the ancient root of war, power politics, the state, and latter day financial conquest. For Veblen, barbarism did not end with the coming of liberal democracy, rule of law or capitalism; its habits of exploit, waste and destruction go marching on.  相似文献   


‘Fundamental value’ is a canonical category in both Marxian and neo-classical economics. In application to finance and financial crisis, it is laden with complexity. For Marxists, it has underscored a focus on the distinctions between production and circulation, real and fictitious capital. These debates have dominated Marxian responses to the financial crisis. In mainstream finance and economics, the term has undergone transformation and historically driven adaptation. Marxian analysis could fruitfully follow this lead. This paper identifies that transformation as an expression of capital's transforming calculation project. As capital becomes more liquid, the concept of fundamental value itself must embrace liquidity, yet, in embracing liquidity, fundamental value loses its established definitive capacity.  相似文献   

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