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加减桂心散暖胃温脾,温中祛寒,顺气和血,是兽医临床常用的方剂,随证加减可用于多种疾病的治疗。(一)加减桂心散的组成 干姜50g,桂心40g,陈皮50g,白术50g,茯苓60g,当归50g,甘草20g,厚朴50g。(二)临床加减法1.胃寒不食:加砂仁40g,草果40g,益智仁50g,苍术50g,以温中散寒,健脾和胃。2.胃寒吐涎:去当归,加苍术50g,半夏30g,砂仁40g,肉豆蔻40g,以燥湿温胃祛痰。  相似文献   

张闻天与中国国际问题研究所   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国国际问题研究所成立已经50周年了.回顾50年来的曲折历程,庆贺今天的辉煌成就,我不由得想起了研究所的创建者、新中国国际问题研究的开拓者张闻天同志.  相似文献   

I. T he 2000years,50years and 60yearsM y C hinese friends often talk aboutthe ″2000-yearfriendship and 50-year antagonism ″.Iunderstandthatitis referred to the 2000-yearhistory offriend-ly exchanges with focus on cultures between Japanand China,and to the 50-yearJapanese w ars ofin-vading C hina, from the Japan-Q ing warin 1894tothe defeatofJapan in 1945. H ow ever, m any C hi-nese friends do notlike to m ention the 60years af-terW W II.In Japan I have a lotoffriends who hold thatJapa…  相似文献   

毛圆科线虫对苯并咪唑类药物的抗药性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用虫卵孵化试验对乌鲁木齐地区四个羊场饲养的羊感染的毛圆科线虫对苯并咪唑类药物的抗药性进行了检测.结果显示,两个南山羊场的虫卵孵化半数抑制度(ED50)分别为0.002和0.050μg/mL,两个屠宰场育肥羊场的ED50分别为0.270和0.293μg/mL,屠宰场育肥羊场的ED50远大于世界兽医寄生虫学促进协会推荐的0.100μg/mL.结果表明,该地区羊场存在抗苯并咪唑类药物的毛圆科线虫,而且抗药性程度较为严重.  相似文献   

李谷 《东南亚纵横》2000,(11):33-36
今年是越南抗法(越中)边界战役胜利50周年.50年前,为了打破被卷土重来的法国殖民者压迫在越南西北一隅,四面包围的局面,越南民主共和国请求中国派出军事顾问团协助作战,打开中越边界,以获得新中国的支持和援助.毛泽东点拨神机妙算,陈赓临阵指挥果断……  相似文献   

It has been 50 years since China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) was founded. Looking back on CIIS's 50 years of twists and turns and celebrating its accomplishments, I cannot help thinking of Zhang Wentian, founder of the institute and pioneer in international studies of New China.  相似文献   

刀二二汤,.袱」一飞夕.Jl翔F硒.表1:1996一2005年发达经济体主要经济指标变化情况①(年率%)1望拓,2仪)511从jl卯7199811到列癸2(XX)2《叉)12仪)22仪)32《兀碎2以)5就业增长发达经济体1 .11 .01 .41 .11,42 .10 .70 .30 .61 .01 .2(}一70 .90 .81 .41 .01 .11 .80 .4一0 .1050 .91 .0亚洲发达②1 .32 .11 .8一2 .91 .53 .51 .02 .00 .31 .71 .7欧盟1 .10 .6092,l1 .92 .11 .40 .50 .30 .60 .8欧元区1 .00 .50 .91 .81 .82 .21 .40 .40 .20 .50 .9美国1 .31 .52 .31 .51 .52 .5一0 .30 .91 .71 .5德国0 .2一0 .3一0 .21 .11 .2180 .4一0 .6…  相似文献   

(单位 :万美元 )贸易总额中国出口额中国进口额 比上年增长 (% )进出口出 口进 口拉丁美洲 1 2 5955671 853 0 541 0 2 652 .53 6.4 80 .8安提瓜和巴布达 92 893 -2 .83 .7 -68.9阿根廷 1 540 2 861 0 2 992 9994 1 .7 2 3 .0 57.4巴哈马 769769-  4 2 .2 4 2 .2 - 巴巴多斯 3 0 63 0 4 1 50 .2 50 .5-2 .1伯利兹 3 583 3 7 2 1 2 4 .1 1 6.9- 玻利维亚 1 684 4681 2 1 61 2 3 .6-7.53 91 .3巴 西 2 84 50 0 1 2 2 3 561 62 1 4 4 54.2 3 9.7 67.4智 利 2 1 2 2 0 3 783 52 1 3 3 851 67.3 2 9.51 0 1 .7哥伦比亚 1 881 71 560 1 3 2…  相似文献   

2010年7月12日,《卡斯特罗语录》中文版首发式暨中古建交50周年纪念活动在中国社科院拉美所召开.拉美各国驻华使节,外交部、中联部、中国社科院拉美所、社科文献出版社等单位的官员和学者共50多人参加了会议.这次活动由中国社会科学院世界社会主义研究中心、拉丁美洲研究所、社科文献出版社与古巴驻华使馆共同举办.  相似文献   

The year 2006 marks the 50th anniversary of the beginnings of diplomatic relations between China and Africa. Over the past 50 years, Sino-African friendship has been increasingly consolidated and bilateral relations have developed to a brand-new stage. Meanwhile, along with the rapid development of Sino-African relations, the clamor of "China threat" could  相似文献   

August 15, 1997 is the 50th anniversary of India's Independence. On the sameday 50 years ago, the country's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru pro-claimed to the world that India had stood up after long years of slumber and that anew India was born. As to the role of new India in the world, Nehru wrote in his  相似文献   

配方 栀子90g,二花80g,丹皮60g,板蓝根50g,山豆根80g,白芷60g,伤风50g,桔梗50g,黄芩50g,黄柏80g,升麻100g,苦参5g,葛根60g,紫草60g,甘草80g,共计1000g. 用法与用量 上方各药粉粹混匀,按每只鸡1  相似文献   

April 1, 2000 is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Indiandiplomatic relations. At this important historical occasion, looking back atthe 50-year relationship between China and India and identifying the future de-velopment of their bilateral relations would be of great significance to promotingtheir good neighborhood and mutual trust and building a constructive and cooper-ative partnership between the two countries.  相似文献   

The roller coaster Sino-US relations over the past 50 years have dipped to a newlow once again this year, with clamor for strategic competition drowning outadvocacy of strategic cooperation on the other shore of the Pacific Ocean. Why bi-lateral ties have thus far failed to shatter this erratic puzzling bind ? A review of thepast 50 years will perhaps offer us much food for thought.  相似文献   

1946年7月4日,菲律宾获得独立.20世纪50年代中期以后,"菲律宾第一"的"民族主义"思潮,开始席卷全国.菲律宾个别人或团体开始在南沙群岛进行具有实质意义的所谓"民间探险"活动.  相似文献   

2005年3月30日,中国亚非发展交流协会在北京国际饭店国际厅举行纪念亚非会议50周年座谈会.部分亚非国家使节、资深外交官,国内知名学者和16位我国前驻亚非国家大使应邀出席.  相似文献   

I. Background for cooperation between China and Germany in the area of human rights(1)China has made great achievements in economic and social development since the reform and opening upi. Basic achievements. Over the past 50-plus years since the founding…  相似文献   

陈华 《新青年》2006,(2):12-13
50年前,她20岁,圆圆的脸庞上一双永远含着笑意的大眼睛.一条像李铁梅那样的长辫子乌溜溜地垂到腰下.  相似文献   

测定了烟碱对草原革蜱、日本血蜱、青海血蜱、血红扇头蜱、麻点璃眼蜱 5种硬蜱的LD50 及毒效 ,结果 :对若虫的LD50 为 1.14~ 1.75 μg/虫 ,对成虫的LD50 为 45 .3 7~ 5 7.46μg/虫。 5 0 g/L烟碱醇溶液 5mL/m3 气雾熏蒸 ,青海血蜱与日本血蜱若虫 48h死亡率为 10 0 % ,成虫 72h死亡率为 10 0 % ,草原革蜱、血红扇头蜱、麻点璃眼蜱若虫 72h死亡率为90 .0 %~ 94.3 % ,成虫 72h死亡率为 72 .1%~ 82 .3 %。表明烟碱对硬蜱具有良好的杀灭作用 ,可作为环保型灭蜱药物的生物资源加以开发、利用  相似文献   

Fifty years is but a twinkle of the eye in the long stream ofhuman history,but each 50 year period is one of the links in thechain that connects the past to the present,and each link has itown significance.At the turn of the century it is fit for us to re-view cool-headly the changes in world politics in the last 50 yearsso as to be able to explore on the world of the 21st century.  相似文献   

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