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Government and Administration: Too Much Checking, Not Enough Doing?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The authors' previous research has established that the 1967 Arab–Israeli Six-Day War resulted from a deliberate Soviet plan to provoke Israel into a pre-emptive strike, which would legitimize and trigger a massive Soviet military intervention to aid an Egyptian–Syrian counteroffensive. However, US documents released until recently provided no evidence that the American intelligence community, and particularly the CIA, detected this threat or informed the political leadership about it – even though some indications were picked up at the field level. A newly declassified, retrospective report appears for the first time to show that there was awareness of major components of the Soviet operation (preparations for a naval landing and parachute drop). But closer scrutiny finds that this report reflects Soviet propaganda more than factual intelligence – thus further tarnishing what has hitherto been held as an outstanding achievement for the Agency and its chief.  相似文献   

Over the past fifteen years Mexico has developed a string of comprehensive animal protection regulations designed to address the serious problems that affect both wild and domestic animals in the territory. Yet for all their detailed coherence and despite serious government efforts, the regulations continue to lack effective enforcement and authorities are increasingly overstretched. This study discusses three key areas that obstruct the effective implementation of Mexican animal protection policy, but where advances could be feasibly initiated. The first concerns deficiencies at the political level. The second addresses the awkward relation between government and civil society on the issue. The third examines the scope of the problem in Mexico and some implications this has for international involvement. Finally the study suggests a more collaborative approach for implementing the policy that attempts to address central concerns in each of the three areas considered.  相似文献   

In this article, we seek to advance scholarship on the origins and consequences of policy devolution by analyzing state decisions to give local authorities control over welfare policy. The first part of our analysis explores the political forces that systematically influence state decisions to cede policy control to lower-level jurisdictions. In this context, we propose a general Racial Classification Model of how race influences social policy choice. Our findings support this model as well as social control perspectives on welfare provision. Building on these results, we then show how modest but consistent racial effects on policy choices concatenate to produce large disparities in the overall policy regimes that racial groups encounter in the federal system. The empirical findings illuminate the fundamental role that federalism plays in the production of contemporary racial disparities and in the recent turn toward neoliberal and paternalist policies in American poverty governance.  相似文献   

This article explores when and why sanction threats succeed in extracting concessions from the targeted country. We focus on two different, albeit not mutually exclusive, mechanisms that can explain the success of sanction threats. The first mechanism relates to incomplete information regarding the sanctioner's determination to impose sanctions and suggests that threats help to extract concessions by revealing the sanctioner's resolve. The second mechanism underscores the direct impact of common interest between the two countries and explains the success of sanction threats by the targeted country's greater dependence on this link between the two countries and the sanctioner's ability to exploit this dependence. We test the hypotheses using a new strategic structural estimator. Our results provide no evidence in favor of the informational hypothesis, while lending robust support for the coercive hypothesis.  相似文献   

马克思主义利益视角的社会稳定及政府控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从利益的视角审视,社会不稳定的最大诱因是利益分化所造成的利益对立与利益冲突.政府维系和实现社会稳定最为有效的手段就是通过利益调控弱化和消解利益的冲突和对立.当代中国政府控制的主要任务是通过制度、政策以及思想政治教育等利益调控手段的综合运用,为中国的小康社会建设构筑一个良好的社会稳定机制.  相似文献   

Abstract The aims of this paper are fourfold: first, to show that the present invasion and occupation of Iraq is in fact the culmination of a campaign that began with the 'war' in the Gulf in 1991 and continued with over a decade of constant bombardment and embargo, with the overall aim of establishing a client regime in Iraq as a means of achieving a number of important economic and geopolitical aims; second, to discuss the role of the UN in the New World Order and the change in this role between the 'Clinton doctrine' and the 'Bush' doctrine'; third, to discuss the criminal invasion itself and the dubious character of the 'victory' claimed by the transnational elite,1 all the members of which, directly or indirectly, took part in this campaign; fourth to examine the role of the Left in relation to the 'war'.Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators. (British) Proclamation of Baghdad, 19 March 1917 Our forces are friends and liberators of the Iraqi people, not your conquerors. Tony Blair's address on Towards Freedom TV, 10 April 2003  相似文献   

对一般罪犯而言,刑罚的适用是一种痛苦,但对病态型罪犯而言,刑罚的适用则意味着一种幸福。坚持对病态型罪犯适用刑罚,是对刑罚报应和一般预防目的的追求。从期待可能性理论看,病态型罪犯的犯罪"情有可原",刑罚应降低对其行为的可责性。  相似文献   

中国城市郊区化进程中无序蔓延的表现特征主要有:加速度、低密度蔓延;拼贴式、破碎性蔓延;蛙跳式、跃迁性蔓延;非配套、非同步性蔓延;功利化、矛盾伴生性蔓延等。其带来的潜在隐患主要包括:对我国粮食安全、社会稳定、生态安全以及城市健康运行造成的隐患。应对中国城市郊区化进程中无序蔓延的政府策略主要有:政府角色的转变;政府引导方向的转变;政府规划编制的转型;政府推进城市拓展模式的转型;政府郊区建设、管理与保护的转变等。  相似文献   

组织犯本体论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
共犯人中的组织犯是最危险的共同犯罪人。由于大陆法系和英美法系均无组织犯这一概念 ,其只是存在于俄罗斯等现行刑法之中。我国刑法虽没有明确规定组织犯 ,但理论上是存在的。在当前形势下 ,为了更好地打击此类犯罪参与人 ,研究组织犯是非常必要的。本文拟从组织犯概念和其构成特征这两个角度进行探讨 ,以期对组织犯有一个更理性的本体认识 ,旨在推动我国对组织犯理论的研究向纵深发展。  相似文献   

深圳从1997年开始至2001年先后两次对行政审批制度进行了大刀阔斧的改革。第一次改革将政府审批(核准)事项由原有的1091项减少到628项,减幅42.4%;第二次改革在第一次改革的基础上(加上国家和省下放的44项),再减少277项,减幅41.2%,两次改革共减少审批(核准)事项740项,减幅65.4%。而且第二轮改革,市、区、  相似文献   

Since the mid 1970s, many local governments have begun using state-run local government investment pools for their cash management needs. Some pools operate under statutory limitations on investment instruments known as legal lists, other pools operate either under a Prudent Person Rule standard, while others use a combination of the two. This article examines the potential dangers of an investment pool relying too heavily upon a legal list fiduciary standard, by examining the West Virginia Consolidated Investment Fund, which lost nearly 25 percent of its principal in a financial scandal during the 1980s.  相似文献   

Eiji Kawabata 《管理》2001,14(4):399-427
Variation in policy-making is an important analytical issue in public policy analysis, but it has not been extensively discussed in the literature on Japanese politics and political economy. Focusing on the interaction between state and societal actors, this article presents a causal argument to account for variation in Japanese economic policy-making. It is argued that variation in policy-making patterns is determined by the strength of a bureaucracy's sanction power and the exclusivity of its jurisdiction. This argument is elaborated through analysis of four related cases of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) policy-making: the privatization process of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT), the regulation of telecommunications after NTT privatization, the promotion of advanced telecommunications, and the reorganization of NTT. The causal framework is also applied to contemporary Ministry of International Trade and Industry economic policy-making to highlight the argument's preliminary applicability to Japanese policy-making. This analysis of Japanese policy-making lays a base for further analysis of variation in policy-making in general.  相似文献   

论社会道德调控与赏罚机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
道德调控是社会调控的重要内容,以往的道德调控存在重观念教化和规范要求、轻内在约束和行为养成的缺陷,道德调控对个人的影响作用大为降低。建立道德赏罚机制可以使社会成员在个人利益得失的权衡和计虑中作出合理的行为选择,但是必须与道德教育、舆论环境等方面结合起来。  相似文献   

Both the Canadian and U.S. governments have determined that breast-fed infants are among the populations most exposed to dioxins, receiving levels of exposure orders of magnitude above those considered acceptable. In light of the political controversy associated with dioxins and the cultural significance of breast milk as a symbol of purity, one might have expected dioxin contamination of breast milk to achieve prominence on both the popular and governmental agendas. Yet as this article demonstrates, this issue has received less media and governmental attention than other environmental issues believed to present comparable or lower health risks. Consistent with recent literature on agenda denial strategies, there is some evidence that efforts by environmental groups to publicize levels of breast milk contamination have been rebuffed by government officials, physicians, and breastfeeding advocacy groups fearful that women will stop breastfeeding. However, what is more striking is just how seldom environmentalists have attempted to reframe this issue. The article argues that North American environmentalists have consciously chosen not to press the dramatic issue of breast milk contamination out of concern that mothers would discontinue breastfeeding, as well as personal anxiety about an issue that fundamentally challenges conceptions of our own bodies and our relationships with our children. Their self-restraint challenges the depiction by some authors of environmental groups as eager to capitalize on any opportunity to provoke public concern and outrage to advance their agenda. The case study also suggests that the literature on agenda setting must look beyond active strategies of agenda denial by economically and politically powerful interests, to the role of shared cultural values in shaping – and restricting – the political agenda.  相似文献   

Organizational scholars and institutional theorists have shown a great deal of interest in the concept of social capital. To a large extent, this interest has been fueled by accumulating evidence that social capital plays a vital role in the development of more cooperative, productive, and stable relationships within organizations and institutions. Recognizing these benefits, a major focus of recent theoretical efforts has been explicating the antecedents of social capital. Drawing on concepts from social identity theory and related theories of the self, this paper develops a framework for conceptualizing how individuals' psychological identification with a collective enhances their willingness to engage in behaviors that contribute to the creation and maintenance of social capital. The paper reviews empirical evidence in favor of the framework and draws out some of its theoretical and applied implications.  相似文献   

犯罪心理测试对象的生理状态、心理状态及其年龄因素都是影响测试结果的重要因素。在犯罪心理测试技术的运用实践中,要准确分析测试对象的测试状态,从生理、心理和年龄因素上排除不适合测试的人员。犯罪心理测试对象必须是生理上处于良好状态、心理上无缺陷,生理和心理上都健康的人。  相似文献   

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