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超个人心理学提出了一种最具包容性的人性模式,拓展了心理学的研究范围。在心理学的方法问题上,它提出了一种对象中心论的最具开放性的方法论模式;在心理学的任务问题上。它提出了一种最具综合性的理论与应用的模式;在心理学的学科性质与价值取向上,它突破了科学主义的局限。不再将心理学定位于科学的架构内,而是定位于有关人性的知识的研究;在心理学的应用问题上,它发展了新的心理治疗技术,拓展了心理学的应用领域。为现代人提供了一种崇尚宁静、和谐,追求超越和神圣的精神生活样式。以抗衡那种喧嚣的、浮躁的、物质利益至上的生存状态。  相似文献   

吴文强 《公共行政评论》2020,(1):177-194,200
目标和价值的多元化加剧了政府部门间的协调困境,从而导致一系列决策问题。政府科层结构衍生的协调机制和制度安排调节了部门间自主性与相互依赖性之间的张力,为它们达成决策共识创造出新的结构条件。然而,理解多部门决策协调的关键在于政府部门内生的政治动力和微观过程。在文献回顾的基础上发现,决策协调过程存在“兄弟”不平等现象,即部分政府部门可以利用信息、知识、职能配置和关系网络等资源来实现权威的“再生产”,进而获得更高决策影响力。非对称的权力和权威关系体现了政府部门间动态的行为结果。它涵盖了政府部门在不同决策情境如何通过“零”协调、说服、讨价还价和联盟建设等行为方式促成决策目标或手段的共识。有别于纯粹的竞争和合作定势,权威的“再生产”指向政府部门决策协调行为的一般性特征。  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the existing literature on risk and protective factors for intimate partner violence among Hispanics using the four-level social-ecological model of prevention. Three popular search engines, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Google Scholar, were reviewed for original research articles published since the year 2000 that specifically examined factors associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) among Hispanics. Factors related to perpetration and victimization for both males and females were reviewed. Conflicting findings related to IPV risk and protective factors were noted; however, there were some key factors consistently shown to be related to violence in intimate relationships that can be targeted through prevention efforts. Future implications for ecologically-informed research, practice, and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

体系视角:地役权研究的一个文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文献综述是研究的一个基本步骤,对研究方向、深度、广度具有重要的意义。法学研究中的文献综述尚未得到充分的重视。就地役权而言,在研究过程中作文献综述同样是必不可少的。就我国地役权研究情况而言,既有成绩,也有不足。成绩主要体现为:对地役权的基本概念、历史沿革、与相关制度特别是相邻权等,功能与意义等做了较为深入的研究,普及了地役权基本知识,为物权法立法提供了基本的理论素材,推动了物权理论研究的深入。不足之处主要在于:一是在研究方法上比较单一;二是在研究内容上存在着"四多四少";三是从文献语种来看,比较偏颇;四是法学内相关学科的研究进度不一。我国未来的研究应该着力克服现行研究存在的不足,推动理论、立法与实践的良性互动。  相似文献   

Two books on law and development and the law-and-finance literaturehave produced a major opening for the field of internationalstatistical comparisons of legal systems. This review providessome background from microstructure to help the understandingof the effects the statistical comparisons demonstrate and pointsout opportunities for further research.  相似文献   

Interest in studying the particular case of the victimization of immigrant women has increased. This systematic review intends to document the violence that is experienced by immigrant women within their host country and its prevalence. Research was conducted using five databases: PsycArticles, Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus and ScienceDirect. We selected 24 quantitative studies, according to the following inclusion criteria: published between 2003 and 2013, that focused on an adult study population, and that revealed the prevalence of victimization that is experienced by immigrant women. These studies were mainly conducted in America (67 %) and Europe (33 %), and the participants were mostly Asian and Latin women. The large majority of the studies focused their attention on intimate partner violence, whose prevalence ranges between 17 % and 70.5 %. There is a high variability of the prevalence rates, which could be due to cultural factors and/or to methodological issues. These matters should be addressed by future researchers to allow for a better understanding of the phenomena.  相似文献   

Malingering by proxy (MAL‐BP) is a form of maltreatment that involves a caregiver who fabricates or induces signs or symptoms in a child, dependent adult, or pet in pursuit of external, tangible incentives. Rarely studied, MAL‐BP has an unknown prevalence, and is a challenging diagnosis for healthcare professionals. Therefore, a comprehensive computer literature search and review was conducted. The review uncovered a total of sixteen case reports of MAL‐BP (eleven human, five veterinary). The motive for malingering was financial in all human cases and medication‐seeking in all veterinary cases. Although the strategies employed differed among the identified cases, common themes regarding the best approach to identification of MAL‐BP cases became evident. A comprehensive workup including a thorough history, physical examination, appropriate neuropsychological testing, and relevant collateral information forms the basis of an effective identification strategy. The optimal method of management is currently unclear due to a relative paucity of data and guidelines. However, management of these cases would likely include a team‐based approach with a prudent assessment of safety for the proxy and a low threshold for referral to appropriate services. Long‐term follow‐up is essential and should be approached from a biopsychosocial perspective. Attention, research, and guidance on this topic are needed to develop further evidence‐based guidelines for the identification and management of MAL‐BP.  相似文献   

This scoping review sought to map the emerging evidence on use of harm minimization drug treatment programs in criminal justice settings. A search of various data bases including Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Medline, ProQuest, SAGE Premier, Scopus, Taylor & Francis Online, and Web of Science yielded eight studies that met inclusion criteria. The available evidence suggests increasing adoption of harm minimization policy oriented programs by countries around the world. Specific programs adopted include needle and syringe exchange, methadone maintenance, buprenorphine maintenance and treatment in lieu of incarceration. Each of these programs has evidence to support their effectiveness in relation to individual harm reduction, disease reduction, increase treatment retention and reduced criminality. This article considers implications of the adoption of harm minimization policies by criminal justice systems.  相似文献   

谭新雨 《公共行政评论》2021,14(2):195-227,234
创新行为俨然成为公务员适应新时代高素质干部队伍建设要求的典型行为模式,以及公共部门适应职能转变和服务再造要求的内生动力。本研究基于对已有研究的系统梳理与深入分析,构建了一个系统的公务员创新行为研究框架。本研究从公私部门成员创新行为差异及争议切入,围绕公务员创新行为的概念内涵、多层次影响因素及复杂作用机制进行系统回顾并展开评述,呈现新制度主义理论、自我决定理论等在公务员创新行为塑造中的深层逻辑。在此基础上,本研究展望未来方向:(1)以回应跨国文化背景、科层制组织特征、现实工作场景实现公务员创新的情境化研究;(2)在新时代中国场景中实现公务员创新行为的量表开发、跨层次系统性形成机理探索;(3)拓展公务员创新行为的效能机制研究,实现微观层面行为创新与中观层面组织创新、宏观层面政策创新的呼应衔接。  相似文献   

Cleistanthus collinus is an extremely toxic plant poison. We report a case of suicidal ingestion of boiled water decoction of C. collinus where the patient presented with abdominal pain and giddiness. There was persistent metabolic acidosis and fluctuation in the level of serum potassium. The ECG changes indicated a probable myocardial injury with conduction abnormality. At autopsy, the viscera were found to be congested. The toxins were detected in the viscera and blood by TLC and HPLC. Cleistanthin A and B, collinusin, and diphyllin are the principal toxic constituents of the plant. Consumption of a boiled decoction of leaves is highly toxic and, medical management of patients is mainly supportive because the molecular mechanisms of toxin action are unknown. In the recent years, C. collinus has created a considerable amount of interest because of its complex metabolites and their cytotoxic activities. Through this study, the authors have tried to highlight different properties pertaining to C. collinus.  相似文献   

Psychological Injury and Law - Survival following traumatic brain injury (TBI) has increased following advances in medical care. However, TBI survivors often experience significant deficits in...  相似文献   

Non‐atherosclerotic spontaneous coronary artery dissection (NA‐SCAD) is a rare cause of morbidity and mortality with a propensity for young, healthy, and often peripartum women. NA‐SCAD etiology is poorly understood, with possible hormonal and hereditary mechanisms. Current treatment strategies range from conservative management (often showing resolution on angiographic follow‐up) to invasive angiographic procedures. Rarely, NA‐SCAD has recurred in another coronary artery, ranging hours to years later. We report NA‐SCAD of the right coronary artery (RCA) in a 30‐year old, 3‐month postpartum female with an additional autopsy finding of remote myocardial infarction (MI) in the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery territory. The remote MI is consistent with prior NA‐SCAD of the LAD and, given the medical history, may have occurred in the peripartum period of the decedent first pregnancy 3 years earlier. As such, to the best of our knowledge, this may represent the first reported case of NA‐SCAD recurrence in a subsequent pregnancy.  相似文献   

政府与企业的关系一直是学术界的研究热点,政府补贴作为财政支出最重要的一项,一直影响着企业的成长,与此同时,地区的市场化程度对企业的发展也具有重要意义。从政府补贴的影响因素和补贴效果、政府行为对企业成长性的影响、市场化程度与企业的发展等三个方面来看,政府补贴、市场化程度与企业成长性三者之间的关系紧密,互为作用。  相似文献   

90年来的中国昆曲研究可大略分为三个阶段:自民初至抗战发生为第一阶段,昆曲研究渐成风气,并在30年代因多种机缘而呈现一时之繁荣;自抗战爆发至"文革"发生为昆曲研究相对低落的时期,<十五贯>的成功曾为昆曲演出及研究赢得暂时转机;70年代末以来的研究在很多方面都有超越前代之处,但也面临着困境和机遇.民初以来的昆曲研究同时存在不少问题,在历史研究方面主要表现为重"文人"轻"艺人"、重"剧曲"轻"清曲"、重"正昆"轻"草昆",史料的搜集与辨析尚有许多缺憾;在理论研究方面则因深受"剧种"论和西洋戏剧理论的支配和影响,许多结论亟待重加体认.  相似文献   

Lethal occurrence is exceptional after disopyramide or mianserin poisoning. A case of intentional lethal intoxication with these drugs was reported, as well as a review of the literature. Pre‐ and postmortem blood concentrations of disopyramide or mianserin were assessed in a woman who died from acute cardiac failure after ingestion. The premortem blood concentration of disopyramide alone was considered lethal, and a toxic premortem concentration of mianserin was observed that may have increased cardiovascular failure induced by disopyramide because the metabolism of both drugs is mediated via cytochrome P450. Moreover, it was shown that the postmortem redistribution of disopyramide was limited, as pre‐ and postmortem concentrations were 48 and 65 mg/L, respectively. As regards mianserin, redistribution was observed after death with pre‐ and portmortem concentrations at 0.23 and 0.79 mg/L, respectively. This case illustrates that if postmortem blood concentration of disopyramide is known, the premortem concentration can be deduced.  相似文献   

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