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This essay presents two pedagogical models found in public policy programs, and attends (less exhaustively) to the managerial environment in which they coexist. The models are, of course, lecturing in all its various versions, and the cluster of teaching practices called case‐method teaching, student‐centered learning, active learning, experiential learning, discussion‐based teaching, and the like. The central question addressed is: How can it be that we still don't know which is better, or which is better for what, if know means anything like what it means in the larger policy analytic paradigm? Research comparing practices can improve our choices and outcomes.12 12
  • 1 Thanks to myriad colleagues (especially) John Boehrer, J. Mark Schuster, Eugene Bardach, and David Kirp, plus my cohort of 2005–06 Presidential Chair Fellows and that program's very committed leader, Steve Tollefson, for discussions of pedagogy that have reminded me over the years that teaching could be an intellectually demanding, rigorous, and collaborative enterprise, and to Robert MacCoun for comments on drafts of this paper.
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    Although there is a growing interest in the influence of multicultural issues in education, there is still a lack of theoretically well-grounded comparative analyses of educational systems. Topics such as problems and prospects involved in the development of multicultural pedagogy are broadly discussed, but often suffer from an insufficient number of empirical and comparative studies. The lack of systemic or unified research in the field of multicultural education has reduced multicultural pedagogy within education to the simple implementation of individual training courses. As a result, multicultural pedagogy is generally oriented only toward the needs of a single country, rather than toward a system of multicultural interests that takes into account the interests of multiple countries. As a result, we must develop methods that will enable the realization of true multicultural pedagogy. The leading objective should be, firstly, the consideration of the individual as a subject of culture in a multicultural environment with a goal to determine the significance of the formation of an individual's multicultural qualities; secondly, the development of an integrative approach. Comparative studies are taking the lead in addressing this goal and recommending specific steps to incorporate multicultural pedagogy more systematically into an existing education system in every country. This paper addresses these problems by discussing theoretical questions behind the development of the ideological basis of multicultural pedagogy.  相似文献   

    一、加强文化建设的重要性与必要性 党十六大提出了全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的宏伟目标。全面建设小康社会,必须大力发展社会主义文化,建设社会主义精神文明。 当今世界,文化受到越来越多的关注,这是因为世界的发展模式发生了深刻变  相似文献   

    陈学法 《理论导刊》2002,1(10):38-40
    本文对我国人口理论中长期坚持的人口有计划发展是社会主义特有的人口规律的观点提出了质疑,指出现阶段社会主义特有的人口规律是不存在的,存在的只是一般的人口规律,如就业人口增长慢于财富积累增长这样的一般的人口规律。并认为我国现阶段为安排就业人口,在农村实行土地的小生产经营方式、在城乡扩张劳动密集型产业以及将国有企业的失业人口隐性化都是与市场条件下的一般人口规律相违背的。  相似文献   

    “八荣八耻”的社会主义荣辱观,既继承了优秀文化传统,又体现了社会主义的美德。只有知荣辱才能创和谐,只有清误区才能塑美德,只有扬正气才能利千秋,只有抓落实才能见实效。从大处着眼,小处着手,从习惯养成、风气培育、传统形成等方面,全方位地让官德、民风来一个根本性转变。  相似文献   


    True War

    Tim O'Brien, in the Lake of the Woods (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994; and Penguin, 1995).

    Fallen First

    Albert Camus, The First Man. Translated from the French by David Hapgood (New York: Knopf, 1995).

    Promises, Promises

    Nicholas Lemann, The Promised Land: The Great Black Migration and How it Changed America (Alfred A. Knopf, 1991).

    Trouble After Nafta

    James W. Russell, After the Fifth Sun: Class and Race in North America (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994).  相似文献   

    张佩雯 《学理论》2009,(27):270-271
    随着计算机辅助教学的推广,多媒体和网络等计算机辅助教学资源在大学英语教学中的应用越来越广泛。本文介绍了多媒体和网络等计算机技术在外语教学应用中的必要性。分析了计算机辅助教学的优势和缺点,强调传统的课堂教学与先进的计算机辅助教学相结合,互相补充,提高外语教学质量。  相似文献   

    李恩  李赫 《学理论》2009,(17):93-96
    社会主义新型农民的全面发展是构建社会主义和谐农村的终极目标和内在动力,构建社会主义和谐农村为农民的全面发展提供了经济基础、精神支柱、主要途径、制度保障、卫生安全和可持续保证。构建社会主义和谐农村和培育全面发展的社会主义新型农民必须充分发挥农民主体的主观能动性。  相似文献   

    怎样认识社会主义,是邓小平理论的根本问题,也是一个随着社会主义实践的不断发展而不断深化的问题。而要正确地回答这个问题,就必须正确认识马克思主义。尽管邓小平已经明确地回答了这两个问题,并且指出了正确认识这两个问题的科学方法,党的第三代领导集体又多次重申了邓小平的观点,但无论在社会上还是在党内和干部队伍中,对这两个问题仍然存在着模糊看法。下面,我们就干部学习中多次碰到的一些模糊认识谈点看法。 问题之一:邓小平对社会主义的认识同马克思对社会主义的认识是不是一脉相承的 任:有这样一种看法,认为马克思对社会…  相似文献   

    20世纪 30年代 ,由于经营管理在经济活动中日显重要 ,西方主要工业国掀起了经理革命 ,经理角色在现代企业中的重要作用日益突出 ,即可谓“千军易得、一将难求”。合理解决经理阶层的薪酬 ,以激励经理阶层为企业创造利润 ,成为资产所有者、经理阶层和社会各界共同关心的问题。世界各国的企业首席执行官的薪酬水平都较高 ,美国最高。迪斯尼公司总裁迈克尔·艾斯纳通过出售优先认购的股票 ,将 5 .76亿美元装进了自己的口袋。一家年销售额大约 30 0亿美元的日本公司 ,其首席执行官的薪酬大约是日本工人平均工资的 17倍 ,法国和德国是 2 4倍 ,而…  相似文献   

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