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The present article considers deradicalization programs. It is observed that deradicalization is primarily a strategic tool, that it was already used in the 1970s, that it can occur spontaneously, and that is should be differentiated from physical disengagement. An evaluation of existing deradicalization programs lead to the propositions that 1) deradicalization programs in the area of right-wing extremism primarily focus on changing behavior not thoughts, that 2) currently there is insufficient insight in what motives people to deradicalize, and 3) that insights from psychology are still insufficiently used to increase effectiveness of deradicalization. Research can make an important contribution to optimize efficiency of deradicalization for counterterrorism purposes.  相似文献   

Litigation over one of Santiago Calatrava's works in Bilbao,Spain, illustrates the difficult balance to be construed bycourts between the right to preserve the integrity of an architecturalwork and the public interest of local authorities to alter it,when urban development requires so.  相似文献   

The authors report two cases of self-strangulation in which the investigators had initially suspected homicide but eventually deemed the cases to be suicide. Self-strangulation may be mistaken for homicide because it is widely believed to be impossible to carry out this act without assistance. An accurate medicolegal evaluation of the circumstances, a thorough postmortem examination, and methodical inspection of the site are extremely important in such cases. It is equally important to examine the knot or other means used to exert pressure on the neck and to document its position. Finally, to gain a full understanding of these unusual cases, close collaboration between the two different fields, investigative and medicolegal, is essential.  相似文献   

Parliaments are difficult institutions to market and promote to their publics, partly because of their political nature and their institutional complexity. However, because good promotion requires a good ‘product’, thinking about parliaments in terms of their promotion can also focus attention helpfully on how they are actually structured and operated, thereby contributing to the improvement in their effectiveness, both internally and in relation to the wider polity. The Westminster and Scottish Parliaments can be usefully and conveniently compared and contrasted, both in terms of their parliamentary product, and in its promotion. such a comparative analysis highlights some of the defining characteristics of an effective parliament, such as an underlying vision and purpose, substantive institutional autonomy (especially in relation to the executive), and genuine public engagement. It also emphasises that both the operation and the promotion of a parliament are multi-layered tasks for parliamentarians and parliamentary staff.  相似文献   

This essay provides an overview of research on Native people in the inner core of four cities. This research was funded by the Aboriginal Justice Directorate, Department of Justice as part of the Aboriginal Justice Initiative. The objective of the research was to elicit information along a number of dimensions including: background, coming to the city, life in the city, experiences with the criminal justice system, and aspirations for the future. The information was used to compare east/west differences in Aboriginal incarceration levels, to explore urban and rural/reserve offences, and social stratification within the inner-city population. The findings revealed that social stratification exists in the inner-city Native population and that the more marginal the position, the greater the involvement with the criminal justice system. The findings also showed the relationship between childhood and adult experiences. East/west variation in Native incarceration levels can be explained by the findings that more people in the west belonged to the most marginal group in terms of education, employment, skills, and childhood disruption and violence. The findings argue for policy and program attention to be directed to those whose needs are greatest. When ‘broad brush’ solutions are applied, those with the most and least needs are treated equally. This essay is an overview of research contained in a three part volume,Seen but not Heard: Native people in the Inner City. Ottawa: Justice Canada. The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Justice Canada or of the people involved in the project.  相似文献   

Abstract. In 1880, when Oliver Wendell Holmes (later to be a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court) criticized the “logical theology” of law articulated by Christopher Columbus Langdell (the first Dean of Harvard Law School), neither Holmes nor Langdell was aware of the revolution in logic that had begun, the year before, with Frege's Begriffsschrift. But there is an important element of truth in Holmes's insistence that a legal system cannot be adequately understood as a system of “axioms and corollaries”; and this element of truth is not obviated by the more powerful logical techniques that are now available.  相似文献   

An IEEE 802.11 wireless device can leave traces of its presence in the volatile memories of nearby wireless devices. While the devices need to be in radio range of each other for this to happen, they do not need to be connected to the same network—or to any network at all. Traces appear in the form of full wire-type frames; a residue of the signals in the ether. We examine types of information that can be extracted from such residual frames and explore the conditions under which traces develop and persist. Their availability is determined by factors in both in the external environment (the types of signals in the ether) and the internal environment (the configuration and particulars of a device's wifi stack). To isolate some of these factors, we have created memory dumps of devices in various environments and configurations. Analysis of the dumps has offered insights into the conditions determining creation and decay of the traces. The results indicate that they will be available in a limited number of real-world scenarios. We conclude with practical advice on triaging and preservation.  相似文献   

The possibility to assess psychopathy through self-report is debated, amongst others, because psychopathic individuals may deliberately underreport psychopathic features (fake good). Meta-analytic research has shown an inverse relation between faking good and self-reported psychopathy, possibly indicating that faking good lowered psychopathy scores (response bias). Low faking good scores, could, however, also reflect true variance in psychopathic personality to the extent that it reflects a disregard of social conventions. Through a secondary analysis (n = 675), we show that controlling for faking good significantly weakens, rather than strengthens, the associations between psychopathy scores and antisocial behavior (alcohol and drug abuse, indirect aggression, and delinquency). These findings indicate that the inverse relation between faking good and self-reported psychopathy reflects true variance in psychopathy personality (i.e. low social desirability), not a response bias.  相似文献   

Through consideration of new developments in the United Kingdom's intersex policy, this article traces the ways in which responsibility is produced, naturalized, and avoided by individuals, institutions, and the state. Jurisdiction is identified as a barrier to the attribution of responsibility that must be overcome to achieve progress in relation to the needs of intersex people. By bringing together jurisdictional analysis and vulnerability theory, this article demonstrates how the state has traditionally abrogated responsibility by compartmentalizing specific practices as governed by medical authority. It highlights that such accounts mask the role of the state in the creation of jurisdiction and the ways in which governance is conducted. Challenging these boundaries allows vulnerability theorists to move the state towards greater levels of responsibility. By combining these theoretical tools, the article enhances the practical utility of vulnerability theory and advances an important agenda for intersex people.  相似文献   

This paper discusses questions of borders, communities, and refugees through an examination of the work of film director Theo Angelopoulos, in particular his so‐called “Balkan trilogy,” which includes Eternity and a Day. In these films, Angelopoulos looks at the nature of borders and communities and at what they do to people in general and refugees in particular. I argue that the refugees cannot be placed in any straightforward fashion according to the logics of political sovereignty and national divisions. They are a heterogeneous excess from the constitution of borders and divisions, yet by making visible this heterogeneity, Angelopoulos shows the contingency of political and national borders. As a consequence, the critique of the injustices resulting from existing borders must start from what is heterogeneous to them. Only in this way is it possible to transform existing structures. However, this does not mean that politics should aim simply at the elimination of borders and exclusion. Rather, we must accept the ineradicability of borders and exclusion while contesting any particular ones.  相似文献   

This article argues that criminology desperately needs to look at the ways in which states marginalize and persecute lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and queer (LGBTQ) identities. It critically examines the ways in which states reproduce hegemonic dictates that privilege those who adhere to gendered heterosexual norms over all others. This article further considers how the application of state crime theories, in particular Michalowski’s (State crime in the global age, pp. 13–30, Devon, Willan, 2010) tripartite framework, might further foreground the responsibility of the state in protecting LGBTQ identities. Examples of how this framework could be applied are given, with the case study of criminalization of same sex relations being focused on in depth. The article concludes by positing four key points to be considered in any analysis that attempts to critique the role of the state in the perpetuation of heterosexual hegemony.  相似文献   

公物的范围——兼论不宜由国务院国资委管理的财产   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
公物不同于“事实上的公物”。公物与国有财产不同 ,国有财产既包括国有的公物 ,也包括国有的私物。公物不限于公有财产中的公物 ,也包括私人所有的公物。公物的范围是随着财产概念的扩展而在传统公物即有体物的基础上逐步扩张的。一切具有公物本质特征的无体物、具有财产价值的权利等都可以是公物。财政收入也应属于广义上的公物。国有公物属于绝对不能由国务院国资委管理的财产  相似文献   

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