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This article describes a new measure designed to examine the process of implementation of child welfare systems change. The measure was developed to document the status of the interventions and strategies that are being implemented and the drivers that are being installed to achieve sustainable changes in systems. The measure was used in a Children's Bureau-supported national effort to assess the ongoing implementation of 24 systems-change projects in child welfare jurisdictions across the country. The article describes the process for measure development, method of administration and data collection, and quantitative and qualitative findings.  相似文献   

Dramatic growth in health and human service contracting over the past two decades has increased the need for managerial competency in the development and sustainment of effective cross-sector partnerships. Although the quality of relations between partnering agencies can affect client outcomes, few macro-level interventions for strengthening cross-sector partnerships have been described or tested in the literature. This article describes a facilitated, strategic planning process implemented in five different states and presents pre-post test results of its effect on different factors known to affect partnership success. Implications for child welfare administrative practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Child welfare is provided within an organizational context that both supports and thwarts the efforts of workers and administrators to meet the myriad of goals established by federal, state, and local regulation and professional bodies. As the field moves toward trauma-informed services for children and families (Ko et al., 2008 Ko, S. J., Ford, J. D., Kassam-Adams, N., Berkowitz, S. J., Wilson, C., Wong, M., Brymer, M. J., &; Layne, C. M. (2008). Creating trauma-informed systems: Child welfare, education, first responders, healthcare, juvenile justice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39(4), 396404.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the effect of trauma on workers has received less agency attention (Middleton &; Potter, 2015 Middleton, J. S., &; Potter, C. C. (2015). Relationship between vicarious traumatization and turnover among child welfare professionals. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 9(2), 195216.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This exploratory, qualitative study examines the level of knowledge administrators have regarding vicarious trauma and probes the organizational responses of public child welfare agencies to the vicarious trauma experienced by workers.  相似文献   

Cross-systems collaboration between child welfare, education, and the courts benefits when challenges and priorities are identified early. We measured perceptions of educational stability in foster youth with a statewide survey of 1,603 professionals in education, child welfare, and the courts. Results reveal commonalities among perceived challenges to collaboration across systems (e.g., multiple foster care placements; school changes) and differences in perceived importance or significance of a given issue by professional group. Results guided collaborative work in Kansas and may assist other states seeking strategies that inform cross-systems collaboration to improve educational well-being for youth in foster care.  相似文献   

当气候变化越来越受到公众关注的时候,人们不应该忽略这个在气候变化中受到重大影响的弱势群体——妇女,尤其是不发达地区的妇女。气候变化导致自然灾害愈发频繁和严重,食物和水资源短缺,气候难民增多,对健康构成更多威胁。而女性的生理特点和分工特点,以及已有的男女不平等现实,致使女性在其间承受比男性更多更严峻的考验。因此,有必要在当今气候变化的背景下,高度重视妇女问题。我们需要以妇女为中心来研究气候变化,提出应对策略,致力于阻止气候变化可能带来的严重后果,适应气候变化对我们的影响,促进社会的平等、健康发展。  相似文献   

This article describes the framework developed by the Child Welfare Research and Evaluation Translational Framework Workgroup that was sponsored by the U.S. Children's Bureau for building evidence and bringing evidence-supported interventions to scale. The framework delineates five phases of implementation and evaluation: 1) identify and explore problem definitions and strength of evidence for promising interventions; 2) develop and test innovative interventions when evidence is suggestive; 3) compare and learn about alternative treatments where evidence is equivocal; 4) replicate and adapt better treatments when summary evidence is strong; and 5) apply and improve continuously the quality and integrity of evidence-based practice.  相似文献   

Differential response is a growing approach in child welfare that aims to maintain children safely in their homes when possible. This study examined how the implementation of differential response varies between counties with improved child safety outcomes compared to counties with poorer outcomes. Data was collected from nine counties through semi-structured focus groups with workers and interviews with supervisors. Results indicated that counties with improved outcomes had integrated the following implementation strategies: use of comprehensive assessment protocols; integrated supervisory support and on-going coaching of effective practices; and increased mobilization of resources, including enduring supports for parents, supports to help families meet basic needs and culturally responsive services for families.  相似文献   

回归祖国以来,澳门居民生活水平大幅度提升,各项社会福利也有了明显的增长,这在本质上是由澳门特殊的政治生态所决定的。在一国两制下,澳门社会和谐稳定有着更为突出的重要意义和示范效应;在立法会对政府施政的制约配合关系中,立法会对政府的民生福利工作起到了良好的施政监督作用;在法团主义模式下,澳门社团的社会福利诉求往往得到政府积极的回应,澳门社团日益成为社会服务供给不可或缺的强大力量,而社团的垄断特性和碎片化发展趋势则要求政府致力于做好利益整合和利益均衡的工作。  相似文献   

民族文化变迁研究20年--研究现状与存在问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
民族文化是民族关系研究中的一个重要方面.本文对我国近20年来民族文化研究状况进行了梳理,并指出了国内民族文化研究方面存在的问题.基础理论研究相对薄弱;研究领域存在一定局限性;研究方法创新不够.  相似文献   

This qualitative meta-synthesis of materials from three national projects that had examined more than 75 American Indian/Alaska Native child welfare programs sought to articulate how culture is expressed within tribal child protective services (CPS)work and to uncover whether there are cultural elements of tribal child welfare practice that are distinct from practice in non-tribal settings. Through the meta-synthesis, a framework emerged outlining a cultural approach to practice that incorporates: (a) a culturally-distinct definition of Native child well-being; (b) tribal values that form a foundation for practice; (c) practice intentions linking child protection with cultural and community health; and (d) two specialized worker skills.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review the development and implementation of a revised quality assurance and continuous quality improvement (CQI) model for the child welfare system in one Mid-Atlantic state, and the contribution of this new process to measuring the quality of child welfare practices. This revised CQI model in the state includes a broader scope of assessing practice and outcomes, as well as compliance, and engages internal and external partners in the process. This study is the first to describe the state’s revised CQI implementation process and examine preliminary outcomes in a statewide child welfare system. Findings indicate that the revised model was able to identify the factors that contributed to improving outcomes for children and families and to develop a greater understanding of the aggregate data across the state. This study will contribute to the comprehensive understanding of the model and provide implications for future quality assurance practices.  相似文献   

文章立足于消费文化变迁的宏观整体变化,提出了消费文化在变迁中存在着有序重组的规律,并对有序重组这一规律的定义、表现和作用进行了阐释。深入探讨和掌握消费文化存在变迁中的有序重组规律,对于进一步认识当前我国的消费文化特征、发挥消费文化的积极作用、提高调适消费文化运行的自觉性,具有深远而重大的意义。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,福建省在坚持中央侨捐政策的同时,也因地制宜地制订了一些相关的条例法规。有关部门并以合理引导侨捐流向、做好侨捐表彰工作、进行侨捐项目数据库建设、认真整改等手段,推进侨捐政策的落实,实践中并已初显成效。但与此同时,在落实过程中也存在着观念滞后、监管不力等问题,并因此而影响到福建省侨捐事业的顺利发展和海内外同胞关系的和谐,需要加以纠正。  相似文献   

通过对彝族地区中小学校体育课程教学现状的调查与研究,分析在彝族地区中小学校利用彝族传统体育文化资源实施体育课程教学的意义与可行性,对进一步深化彝族地区中小学校体育课程教学改革具有重要的指导作用与实用价值。  相似文献   

中国传统的“多元一体”的政治文化本质是由政治文化的民族性和阶级性所决定的。“一国两制”是当代中国倡导的以和平的方式实现祖国统一的具有战略意义的政治选择 ,它植根于中国文化的沃土 ,与中国传统政治文化产生了强烈的共鸣 :建构中华大文化的理念与传统的“多元一体”的政治文化本质的合理内质相互贯通。  相似文献   

Despite evidence that early care and education services benefit at-risk children, they remain underutilized by families in the child welfare system. This article describes two training programs developed to educate child welfare and childcare/preschool staff about the importance of early care and education for maltreated children and how to access these services. A combined total of 274 trainees completed knowledge tests about this topic and significant pre- to post-training improvements indicate that both training programs effectively increased participants' knowledge about this important topic. In addition, improvement in self-assessed competency was observed for participants in one program, and positive changes in attitudes and anticipated practice behavior regarding childcare for foster children were observed among participants in the other.  相似文献   

LGBTQ youth are largely overrepresented in the child welfare system. The experiences of LGBTQ youth have largely been overlooked. LGBTQ youth often encounter a number of challenges and disparities as they navigate the child welfare system. Many report experiences of discrimination, marginalization, and an overall lack of acceptance. The permanency and placement options have historically been limited for many LGBTQ youth, often leading to an over reliance on congregate settings and aging out of foster are. The current article provides a synthesis of the existing research on the experiences and outcomes of LGBTQ youth in care, as well as an exploration of the policy and practice initiatives aimed at creating a more inclusive system of care.  相似文献   

周超  蓝常周 《桂海论丛》2006,22(1):52-54
要增强中国共产党构建社会主义和谐社会的能力,就必须提高代表我党掌管各种权力的领导能力,而提高领导能力的关键是实现领导文化的创新。获得民众合法性认同的领导文化,是建立和谐社会的重要因素。从领导文化创新的价值取向来看,必须充分实现领导文化的世俗性、包容性和开放性。  相似文献   

刘茜  邱远 《贵州民族研究》2007,27(6):195-202
贵州苗族拥有丰富而灿烂的民间传统、人生礼仪、信仰崇尚、技艺和节日等文化资源,它们以生命与非生命状态而存在,成为多元文化课程发展取之不尽、用之不竭的宝贵资源。多元文化课程资源应遵循价值性、开放性、现代性、针对性、需求性、公正性等筛选原则,并采用文化分析的策略加以开发与利用。  相似文献   

侦查制度结构分析及其改革要略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国司法改革的话语背景中,侦查制度虽然是一个被边缘化的话语对象,却也是一个不应回避的话语领域。在结构主义理论视野中,侦查制度的基本关系是事实与规范、权力与权利、犯罪控制与自由保障、集中侦查与分散侦查、一般化侦查与专门化侦查、政治手段与法律程序等要素的矛盾对立。中国侦查制度存在侦查权力根本主导程序进程、犯罪控制目标过于优先、职业化程度相对不足等问题。结合我国当前政治任务和经济发展等社会条件背景,改革我国侦查制度的根本方向在于侦查活动的法律程序化制度设计和侦查职业化制度建设。  相似文献   

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