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In the days preceding the invasion of Iraq by the Coalitionforces, groups of individuals committed acts of civil disobediencein British military bases to hinder what they thought were unlawfulpreparations for an aggressive war. In R v. Jones et al., theHouse of Lords examined the question of whether individualscan rely upon the alleged prevention of crimes against peaceto justify otherwise unlawful actions under English law. TheLords ruled that the crime of aggression is a crime under customaryinternational law, yet not under English law. This followedfrom the principle that customary crimes cannot be incorporatedinto the English legal system without statutory enactment. Asa result, the appellants could not invoke the ‘Nurembergdefence’ to elude responsibility incurred under domesticlegislation.  相似文献   

国际刑事法院2018年正式启动了对侵略罪的管辖权,然而,由于侵略罪自身的性质以及《罗马规约》修正案有关规定的模糊性,国际刑事法院对侵略罪行使管辖权仍面临着一系列困境。除了侵略罪定义的不确定性、与联合国集体安全机制的冲突以外,作为国际刑事法院基石的补充性管辖权机制,在侵略罪问题的运行方面也面临着受害国国内法院对侵略不能够和不愿意管辖的双重困境。国际刑事法院对侵略罪行使管辖权的困境,在一定程度上反映了作为非成员国的我国对《罗马规约》和侵略罪修正案的保留,因此,应结合本国立场,适时评估侵略罪相关问题对我国自卫权、维护国际和平与安全特殊职能的行使以及我国与国际刑事法院的关系可能带来的挑战,并采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

卢小龙 《政法学刊》2007,24(3):24-27
犯罪构成作为划分罪与非罪的根本标准,适用于一切犯罪行为。共同犯罪作为犯罪的一种特殊形态,在犯罪构成上具有自己的特性,表现为修正的犯罪构成。共同犯罪理论只有以犯罪构成理论为基础,以共同犯罪的修正的犯罪构成,来认识和理解共同犯罪,才能为共犯的定罪量刑提供科学根据。  相似文献   

姜敏 《政法学刊》2008,25(1):82-85
按照通说,危险犯在法定危险状态形成后行为人又主动采取措施排除其造成的危险状态是不成立犯罪中止,但这一通说却也面临许多质疑。按照我国中止的立法规定、犯罪构成、危险犯的特性来看,危险犯在达至既遂状态后成立犯罪中止完全具有合理性且是危险犯的中止而不是实害犯的中止,从刑事政策的角度来看也给了犯罪人回头是岸的机会,也保护了面临犯罪侵害的合法权益。  相似文献   

投机倒把罪属于经济犯罪,而经济犯罪与一个国家的经济体制存在密切的关联性。从1949年到1979年,我国没有制定《刑法》,但在有关政策和规范性文件中,却对投机倒把罪做了规定,成为当时严格的计划经济体制下,惩治破坏计划经济体制的投机倒把行为的主要根据。我国1979年《刑法》规定了投机倒把罪,但对投机倒把行为没有具体规定,主要是通过司法解释进行规定,因而投机倒把罪具有口袋罪的特征。随着从计划经济体制到市场经济体制的发展,投机倒把罪的内涵发生了重大变化。尤其是1997年《刑法》废除了投机倒把罪,代之以非法经营罪。非法经营罪仍然保留了口袋罪的特征,利用《刑法》第225条第4款关于其他非法经营行为的兜底规定,我国立法机关和司法机关不断扩张非法经营罪的范围。从投机倒把罪到非法经营罪的罪名演变,可以视为是我国《刑法》70年历史变迁的一个缩影。  相似文献   

The paper develops a model of crime reporting based on an economic approach. It identifies the principal costs and benefits of reporting from the victim’s perspective, taking account of insurance provision and the risk of intimidation by an offender. It shows how a victim might use backward induction to infer a rational reporting strategy. The recording of crime by the police is a process that relies on victim reports, and is thus influenced by the reporting decisions made by victims. The paper uses empirical evidence from the British Crime Survey and from the International Crime Victims Survey to explore the hypotheses generated by the model. It finds support for the suggestion that the propensity to report a crime increases with the size of the loss entailed. The paper also explores the implications of the findings for the estimation of the costs of crime. Reporting and intimidation costs are generally excluded from bottom-up estimates of costs, an omission that may be quite serious in the context of offences such as domestic violence.  相似文献   

张小虎 《现代法学》2005,27(3):129-137
犯罪概念的形式与实质,是刑法理论犯罪界说的焦点,并且由此涉及到对于罪刑法定原则的贯彻。在刑法规范的框架内,犯罪的形式界定与实质界定并不是冲突的;大陆法系、英美法系犯罪成立条件的形式也贯穿着实质的判断。犯罪实质与形式的划分,既是立法实际的复写,也是理论分析的必要。行为的犯罪评价可以通过肯定判断与否定判断来具体实现。基于犯罪的“形式与实质双面统一”的理念,犯罪概念与罪刑法定原则具有形式与内容的统一。  相似文献   

Abetting a Crime     
I focus on the set of problems that arise in identifying both the actus reus and (to an even greater extent) the mens rea needed by an abettor before she should be criminally liable for complicity in a crime. No consensus on these issues has emerged in positive law; commentators are enormously dissatisfied with the decisions courts have reached; and critics disagree radically about what reforms should be implemented to rectify this state of affairs. I explicitly deny that I will be able to solve these problems, although I hope at least to identify a central source of the confusion. In my view, the problem results largely from conceptualizing the liability of abettors as derivative. This diagnosis helps us to understand why the problem is likely to remain insoluble in positive law. If the test of an adequate theory consists primarily in its ability to produce results that conform to our moral intuitions about how particular cases should be resolved, no approach that can be implemented in the real world will prove wholly satisfactory. I advance a hypothesis about why failure is inevitable and what should be done in light of this predicament. Legal realities compel us to adopt a position that is suboptimal from a moral point of view.  相似文献   

为了应对环境犯罪的新挑战,充分发挥刑法防范风险的机能,刑法的介入时间必须提前,介入范围必须扩大。以截短的犯罪构成理论为视角,分析我国环境犯罪的立法现状,提出了转变立法理念、改进罪刑体系与犯罪构成要件,以及完善污染环境罪、破坏植物资源犯罪、与环境相关联的走私犯罪、渎职犯罪等个罪的建议。  相似文献   

共同犯罪论   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈兴良 《现代法学》2001,23(3):48-57
本文系研究共同犯罪基本理论的学术论文。本文通过对共同犯罪的概念、正犯的概念 ,共犯的概念及其相互关系的分析入手 ,研究各共同犯罪人的犯罪构成及其刑事责任。  相似文献   

70年前反法西斯战争胜利,催生了纽伦堡与东京国际审判。取缔战争是这两个国际军事法庭的重要使命;用法律来清算国际罪行,在人类历史上则是第一次。国家是否具有发动战争的权利?侵略行为是否应受到法律的惩治?这在科技先进且摧毁力巨大的现代社会,其实是关乎人类文明能否继续存在的关键问题。东京国际法庭经过审理,最后郑重宣布:侵略战争属于国际罪行;惩治侵略行为已成为一条国际法准则。东京审判为维护世界和平做出了贡献,它是中国、日本乃至全人类的一份宝贵遗产。  相似文献   

Although there has been a great deal of speculation about the relationship of crime and the family, the nature of that relationship is not well understood. After tracing the origins of the theory that crime can be genetically transmitted from parents to children, I go on to critique current biological theories of crime. Next I discuss work emerging from several disciplines that helps explain the environmental influence of families on crime. Arguing that familial influences cannot be understood apart from the structural context in which families exist, I focus on two structural factors, gender and social class. I conclude with a discussion of the policy implications of current research and with recommendations for steps we can take to reduce familial contributions to criminal behavior.  相似文献   

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