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The authors observed the edges of skull fractures under the scanning electron microscope. Many microfractures can be found along the main fracture lines. The width of the microfractures varies from 5 to 100 microns. They may be located either in the external compact bone or between the outer compact bone and dipl?e, or in the dipl?e. Those within the dipl?e form transverse, longitudinal or spiral fractures of bony trabeculae. Collagenous fibre bunches in the bony matrix may be divided or broken and the different layers of collagenous fibre may be separated. The blood vessels inside the skull may be crosscut or longitudinally torn by the fracture lines. Sometimes the torn blood vessels may be drawn out of the Haversian canals. In antemortem fractures, the fibrin networks and red blood cells can be easily found in the depths of those cracks. The possible mechanism of formation of the microfractures and the possibility of differentiation between ante- and post-mortem fractures are discussed.  相似文献   

A woman who was the lap/shoulder belt-restrained driver of a car equipped with a full-size air bag was involved in an oblique frontal collision with a tractor-trailer combination. She was extremely out of position, i.e., witnessed to be slumped over the steering wheel before impact. This preimpact positioning led to fatal injuries resulting from the inflating air bag. Postmortem examination showed an unusual partial ring fracture of the base of the skull, which to the authors' knowledge has not previously been reported.  相似文献   

Past studies and pediatric bone physiology indicate that younger individuals may heal at a faster rate. Additionally, in adults upper limb fractures heal faster than lower limb fractures; this trend is expected for pediatric fractures. This study aims to evaluate and compare rates of fracture repair in children based on age and skeletal element. Six stages are used to describe the bone repair process in 294 radiographs of tibial and radial fractures from 107 infants and young children. Healing rates are examined using ANOVA and Welch's t-test with a 95% confidence interval. Results indicate that younger individuals spend less time at stage 1, suggesting a delay in the start of healing. Furthermore, forearm fractures heal faster than leg fractures at stages 2 and 3, suggesting a role in the osseous reaction of bone healing. The healing schedule presented may allow the timing of injuries to be estimated from radiographs.  相似文献   

目的探讨头颅多层螺旋扫描CT(Multi-slice Spiral Computed Tomography,MSCT)在道路交通事故颅脑损伤案件中颅骨骨折检验分析的应用价值。方法收集中国刑事警察学院司法鉴定中心2015年至2017年交通事故致颅脑损伤伴颅骨骨折死亡案件52例(包括案情、受伤过程、尸体检验、头颅MSCT及临床资料)。影像学诊断同头颅解剖阳性所见比对验证。结果头颅暴力作用部位以颅前部、颅侧部和面颅部受力容易出现颅底骨折,颅前窝、颅中窝部位骨折MSCT检验准确率低于颅后窝骨折线的检验。结论头颅MSCT对于颅骨骨折类型判断存在一定的局限性,尸检与影像学结合及三维影像重建的使用是有必要的。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of three-layered cranial architecture development upon blunt force trauma (BFT) cranial outcomes associated with pediatric non-accidental injury (NAI). Macroscopic and microscopic metric and morphological comparisons of subadult crania ranging from perinatal to 17 years of age chronicle the ontogenetic development and spatial and temporal variability in the emergence of a mature cranial architecture. Cranial vault thickness increases with subadult age, accelerating in the first 2 years of life due to rapid brain growth during this period. Three-layer differentiation of the cranial tables and diploë initiates by 3–6 months but is not consistently observed until 18 months to 2 years; diploë formation is not well developed until after age 4 and does not manifest a mature appearance until after age 8. These results allow topographic documentation of cortical and diploic development and temporal and spatial variability across the growing cranium. The lateral cranial vault is identified as expressing delayed development and reduced expression of the three-layer architecture, a pattern that continues into adulthood. Comparison of fracture locations from known BFT pediatric cases with identified cranial fracture high-risk impact regions shows a concordance and suggests the presence of a higher fracture risk associated with non-accidental BFT in the lateral vault region in subadults below the age of 2. The absence or lesser development of a three-layered architecture in subadults leaves their cranial bones, particularly in the lateral vault, thin and vulnerable to the effects of BFT.  相似文献   

郑建瓴 《证据科学》2001,8(2):98-99
大多数骨折通过常规的X线检查就可作出诊断,但在少数情况下,却不易显示X线骨折征象,以致延误诊断,从而造成对被鉴定人伤情的错误评定。自1993年6月至1998年6月在法医技术室对常规X线检查未显示骨折,而伤者局部症状明显的45例伤者给予CT扫描检查发现 6例伤者存在隐匿性骨折,从而对伤者的伤情给予了正确的鉴定。  相似文献   

大多数骨折通过常规的X线检查就可作出诊断 ,但在少数情况下 ,却不易显示X线骨折征象 ,以致延误诊断 ,从而造成对被鉴定人伤情的错误评定。自 1993年 6月至1998年 6月在法医技术室对常规X线检查未显示骨折 ,而伤者局部症状明显的 45例伤者给予CT扫描检查发现 6例伤者存在隐匿性骨折 ,从而对伤者的伤情给予了正确的鉴定。一般资料6例鉴定的鉴定检查情况见表 1。表 1   6例隐匿性骨折鉴定案例资料一览表性别年龄损伤部位X线检查伤后CT检查时间 (天 )CT检查结果男 2 1腰 椎无异常 2 0腰 4骨折男 43左 膝无异常 5左胫骨平台骨折男…  相似文献   

郑建瓴 《证据科学》2001,8(3):161-161
案例资料 案例1 李某,男,26岁,既往体健。1995年1月15日上午在工地干活时,不慎从高处摔下,致左尺骨骨折。伤后经当地医院就诊,手法复位,石膏外固定,接骨药等治疗。3个月后解除外固定,并能从事一般田间劳动。1995年5月29日(4 个半月后)中午,因和他人发生纠纷,被用木棍击中左前臂,致原骨折处再次骨折,经本室鉴定认为,伤者原骨折经4个多月治疗,其原骨折损伤已达临床愈合标准,本次重复骨折评定为轻伤。  相似文献   

肋骨骨折影像学在法医鉴定中的应用及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肋骨骨折法医学的诊断主要依靠医学影像学检查结果,影像学的误诊或漏诊将直接影响鉴定意见的准确性,从而可能导致刑事或民事案件的审判错误。本文详尽地总结和分析了肋骨骨折各种影像学检查技术的优缺点、漏误诊原因、法医学鉴定现状及法医鉴定时需考虑的因素,以提高法医学鉴定的准确性。  相似文献   

At the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University of Heidelberg, in the years 1986-1988 thigh loading tests were conducted in order to produce fractures in a total of 28 cadavers of babies and children who had died at ages ranging from 1 day to 6 years. In 18 tests a universal strength testing machine was used and each thigh was loaded quasi-statically from the outside with a blunt edge applied to the middle of the femur, bending it to the point of fracture. The loading velocity amounted 50 mm/min with a defined support distance. The breakage load amounted to 470 N in a 6-day-old baby and increased about evenly up to 2920 N in a 6-year-old child; however, in a newborn 2720 N was needed and in a 15-month-old child, 5700 N. The total deformation way ranged from 16 to 60 mm. The main types of fracture that occurred were: complete and incomplete transverse fractures, oblique fractures, Messerer fractures, and spongiosa fractures. Ten children ranging in age from 2 months up to 27 months were submitted to dynamical thigh loading by means of a failing weight impactor and a horizontal impactor. Only in one case did a transverse fracture occur, when the lateral thigh impacted on an edge at a falling height of 70-93 cm. The forces set up amounted to 320-600 N with the falling weight impactor and to 2370 N with the horizontal impactor. These results suggest that fracture of the femur does not occur if a baby or small child falls from a changing table or from an adult's arm.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肋骨骨折的影像学特点及检查方法的选择。方法 比较分析240人次390处肋骨骨折在普通胸部平片、透视下点片、高仟伏片.CT及B超影像学表现。结果 不同检查方法发现骨折例数分别为:常规胸片240人次,骨折点258处,可疑62处;高仟伏12人次,骨折10处;透视下点片91人次,骨折112处;CT19人次,骨折41处。(其中定位薄扫9人次,骨折9处);B超7人次,5处肋软骨骨折,2处肋骨骨折。结论 普通胸部平片、高仟伏片、透视下点片、CT与B超对肋骨骨折诊断具有互补性,根据肋骨解剖特点结合临床症状与体检,选取正确影像学检查方法.对正确诊断肋骨骨折非常重要.也是法医鉴定及伤情鉴定工作极为重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨肋骨骨折的影像学特点及检查方法的选择。方法比较分析240人次390处肋骨骨折在普通胸部平片、透视下点片、高仟伏片、CT及B超影像学表现。结果不同检查方法发现骨折例数分别为:常规胸片240人次,骨折点258处,可疑62处;高仟伏12人次,骨折10处;透视下点片91人次,骨折112处;CT19人次,骨折41处。(其中定位薄扫9人次,骨折9处);B超7人次,5处肋软骨骨折,2处肋骨骨折。结论普通胸部平片、高仟伏片、透视下点片、CT与B超对肋骨骨折诊断具有互补性,根据肋骨解剖特点结合临床症状与体检,选取正确影像学检查方法,对正确诊断肋骨骨折非常重要,也是法医鉴定及伤情鉴定工作极为重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

基于Cavalieri原理的体视学技术经常运用在组织学和病理学的研究中,但是现在,这种技术已经被运用于医学影像学(如CT、MRI、ECT、超声等)的测量。体视学的方法提供了一个非侵入性的、精确的、无偏的、简单的和快速的测量方法。所以该方法在医学影像学的形态计量学的测量中有临床使用价值。而影像资料的定量测量结果则有助于法医学实践。  相似文献   

基于Cavalieri原理的体视学技术经常运用在组织学和病理学的研究中,但是现在,这种技术已经被运用于医学影像学(如CT、MRI、ECT、超声等)的测量。体视学的方法提供了一个非侵入性的、精确的、无偏的、简单的和快速的测量方法。所以该方法在医学影像学的形态计量学的测量中有临床使用价值。而影像资料的定量测量结果则有助于法医学实践。  相似文献   

A new technique is described of obtaining a replica cast of the human skull base by making an epoxy resin case from a silicone rubber mould of the skull base. The replica provides an accurate and permanent record of the shape and dimensions of the base of the cranial cavity, together with the location and extent of any fractures of the skull. The method gives a good correlation between these characteristics and the type and extent of brain damage.  相似文献   

The colour of the human skull was determined from 124 fresh skull samples using the tristimulus colour measurement system "Micro Color" and listed as The Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) L*a*b*-values. The skulls were found to be relatively light (L*=72.5), nearly colourless on the a*-axis (a*=-7.4), and slightly yellow (b*=16.4). No difference was found between the colours of the outer and the inner surfaces of the skulls. Including a small number (n=8) of skulls from diabetic patients in the study, we detected no colour difference between the samples from diabetics and non-diabetics. However, a hitherto unknown correlation between the subjects' age and the yellowness (b*-value) of the skull could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Following previous experiments on postmortem skull fractures of infants, falls from 82-cm heights onto stone (A), carpet (B) and foam-backed linoleum (C), 35 further falling tests were carried out onto softly cushioned ground. In 10 cases a 2-cm thick foam rubber mat (D) was chosen and in 25 further cases a double-folded (8-cm-thick) camel hair blanket (E). Hence the results of altogether 50 tests could be evaluated. In test groups A-C on a relatively hard surface, skull fractures of the parietale were observed in every case; in test group D this fracture was seen in one case and in test group E in four cases. Measurements along the fracture fissures showed bone thickness of 0.1-0.4 mm. The fracture injuries originated in paper-thin single-layer bone areas without diploe, which can also be considered the preferred regions for skull fractures of older infants following falls from low heights. These results indicate that it is no longer possible to assume that the skull of infants is not damaged after falls from table height.  相似文献   

The article contains the results of an experimental modeling of the destruction of the head of a bio-mannequin by compressing it between two blunt objects with the hard, flat and broad surfaces and by using a mechanical press (with slow motion) and freely falling object (with fast motion). The obtained results were compared with two opposite-direction blows by a similar object. The author studied the main regularities of fractures of the skull of the main shapes, i.e. ellipsoid or ovoid as well as spheroid and rhomboid shapes, at different directions of its compression (sagittal, lateral, diagonal, vertical or moving). A comparison of local, constructional and local-and-constructional zones of the inflicted fractures made it possible to establish the succession in the formation of the destruction of the skull at the static and dynamic compression types.  相似文献   

目的 利用放射性核素骨显像检查鉴别鼻部骨折的新旧程度.方法 对48例疑似陈旧性鼻部骨折伤者放射性核素全身骨显像、局部断层骨显像及CT融合图像在鼻部骨折处放射性分布、浓聚情况的分析,鉴别鼻部骨折的新旧程度.结果 48例中8例放射性核素全身骨显像、局部断层骨显像及CT融合图像在鼻部骨折处显示放射性分布增高、浓聚区,诊为新鲜骨折,评定为轻伤;40例在鼻部骨折处未见明显异常放射性分布增高、浓聚区,诊为陈旧骨折,与本次外伤无因果关系.结论 放射性核素骨显像检查在鉴别鼻部骨折新旧程度方面可得到满意结果.  相似文献   

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