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In a Conference convened at Princeton University in January 2010, international relations experts were asked to consider, among other things,  相似文献   

The establishment of China-India strategic and cooperative partnership marks an important event in the history of contacts between China and India. From April 9 to 12, 2005,Premier Wen Jiabao visited India. One of the most important achievements of this visit is the joint statement declaring the establishment of China-India strategic and cooperative partnership for peace and prosperity,which elevates the China-India relations to the height of strategic and cooperative partners,and signifies that the bilateral relations has entered a new stage of development. The state visit to India by President Hu Jintao from November 20 to 22,2006 has further consolidated promoted the development of the China-India strategic and cooperative partnership.  相似文献   

On June 22,2007,the Council of the European Union ratified its strategy paper for Central Asia drafted by the rotating presidency Germany. German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier presented the document to the foreign ministers of the five Central Asian states in Berlin on June 30. This  相似文献   

The words and deeds of the U.S. government vis-à-vis China since 2006 indicate that the United States has notably enhanced its recognition on the importance of China to the world as well as to America itself. It seems that the United States begins to consider and inclines to accept or to some extent reluctantly accommodate  相似文献   

China-U.S. relations, in the final analysis, are relations between an existing superpower and another country that is most likely becoming a new strong power in a relatively short period of time. It would not be unthinkable if China should eventually regain its super status. For a considerably long period of time two centuries ago, China was a superpower in the world. China's rise after a century-long decline in contemporary history is an undisputable reality.  相似文献   

This year marks the 60^th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and India. During the period, China-India relations experienced smooth development, twists and turns, and fine days after storms, with friendship and cooperation as the main stream. The steady and benign development of relations between China and India, two vigorously rising powers, not only accords with the common interests of the people of both countries but are also beneficial to the peace and prosperity of Asia and the world over, and it promises a bright future.  相似文献   

Some unprecedented special features mark China-Japan relations in the new era. Based on mutually beneficial strategic interests, they spell economic inter-dependence and political mutual trust-a corner stone for building a just international economic and political order. Three phases characterize such relations. The 1990s saw the initial period of post-Cold War transition. Then came the intervening stage of collision since the advent of the new century up until the present. Hopefully, a long-awaited day will dawn when both sides join hands in building a desired bond. However, uncertainty still remains in confirming its arrival.  相似文献   

To predict the future development of China-U.S. relations, w should attach importance to the three new characteristics of this bilateral relationship. First, we should see clearly the changes of the principa contradiction in Sino-American relations, which is the key link in understanding the bilateral relationship from the strategic and  相似文献   

The government of Fidel Castro has over this long period maintained correct if not always warm relations with a country which could have been considered one of the least likely to have been in such a position. In 1959 Canada was in a political situation of seemingly exceptional dominance by the United States of its foreign policy and economy. That dependence, in the view of many, has grown even firmer over the last half-century. Yet the relationship between Cuba and Canada, far from flagging, has prospered even though not without headaches as well as ups and downs. This connection is rightly considered extraordinary, but the basic elements of it have remained constant over the years and explain why it has at times flourished and rarely been put in question. The key factor here is that the maintenance of the relationship has always been at least to some degree of mutual advantage for both the states and, in the case of Canada, for the governing party of the time. Other elements come to light as one makes an overview of the fifty years of the relationship but the bedrock of mutual advantage remains present throughout.  相似文献   

China-U.S. relations maintained a continued and steady growth accompanied with some positive and substantial changes during the 8-year of the Bush administration. On the basis of this, China-U. S. relations are faced with great opportunities for further development at a time when the international financial crisis continues to worsen and neo-liberalism is beginning to have a hold over the diplomatic ideas of the Obama administration.  相似文献   

DistinguishedMr.Chairman,LadiesandGentlemen,DearFriends,Firstofall,onbehalfoftheChineseparticipantsIwouldliketoextendourcordialgreetingstoallthestatesmen,expertsandscholarspresentatthesym-posium.Thissymposiumisheldatamomentwhentherehavebeendramaticchangesinthedomesticsitua-tionofbothcountriesandinthesituationofAsiaasawhole,andalsowhentheSino-Japaneserelationsarefacedwithcertainprominentissues.Underthisnewsituation,itisofgreatpracticalsignificanceforthestatesmen,expertsandscholarsfromChina…  相似文献   

The Sino-African relationship is one of the most important inter-continental relationships in the world. It is unique both in its origin and evolution and plays an important role on the world stage. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in the mid-1950s, traditional, friendly and cooperative relations between China and African countries have developed rapidly, reaching an historic high in 2000 when both sides proclaimed the establishment of a new type of strategic partnership. Transcending Western traditional value and logic of thinking, such as the supremacy of international interests and power control, Sino-African relations have created a new model in international relations, featuring equality, peaceful coexistence and friendly cooperation. This promotes African development and the democratization process in both international relations and the global community. From China's perspective, it spreads China's idea of harmonious culture and harmonious diplomacy, thus promoting world peace and development, and contributing towards building a harmonious world.  相似文献   

The ability to build a new model for major-nation ties will largely hinge upon whether it is possible to attain long-term peaceful cooperation between China and the U.S.. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a recent speech to the Brookings Institution that: "This journey may well start from the Asia-Pacific region", thus making the Asia-Pacific into a testing ground for this joint endeavor.  相似文献   

China's relationship with other developing countries is an important basis for China's foreign strategy. Since its founding, New China has accumulated complex experience and achieved rich fruits in how to handle and develop its relations with other developing countries. It has experienced contradictions between ideology and national identity and also made strenuous efforts to safeguard the country's strategic independence. Since the introduction of the reform and opening-up policy, China has rapidly enhanced its national strength, providing a new platform for it to play a greater role in the current international system. But China's identity as a developing country remains the starting point of its foreign strategy, and hence promoting and consolidating its relationship with other developing countries will also remain as China's strategic choice.  相似文献   

The twenty years after the end of the Cold War have witnessed a transformation of the mode of Sino-US relations from Security Issue-dominated to Complex Interdependence. Today, conflicts of interest between China and the US can be classified and resolved through normal channels, which protects the roots of good Sino-US relations instead of constantly placing them under threat. However, shifts in the relative power of the two countries, and shifting preferences in their interests continue to highlight the fragility of Sino-US relations. China needs to manage this fragile relationship carefully if it is to achieve its aim of a peaceful rise.  相似文献   

President-elect Barack Obama once said that to the United States, China is neither an enemy nor a friend, it is a competitor. I think after Obama takes office as the president, the new American administration will deepen and elevate Sino-American relations on the basis of such an understanding.  相似文献   

I. Introduction Energy was not a significant concern for either contemporary China or Western European countries to formally re-connect with each other after 1971, the year of tectonic change in Chinas pursuit of economic and political relations with the rest of the world. Yet, it did not take long for energy to feature as a substantive issue area for Sino-European diplomatic interactions. The China-EEC trade and economic cooperation agreement, signed in 1985, covered industry, agriculture, science, energy, transportation, environmental protection and development aid. It needs to be noted, though, that it was not until 1988 for China and the EEC to exchange permanent diplomatic missions, a necessary instrument for enforcing cooperation agreements.  相似文献   

China has vast land and water territories, with 22,000km border line and 18,000km coastal line. Bordering 14 countries, China is also a country with the most neighboring countries in the world. Harmony with neighbors leads to peaceful surrounding environment--an important prerequisite for China's domestic economic building. Therefore, China always puts developing good-neighborly relations as the priority of its foreign policy.  相似文献   

30years ago , China and Bangladesh established diplom atic relations , w hich opened a new chapter of friendship and cooperation betw een China and B angladesh.Since then , no m atter how the inter鄄 national situation changes , the governm ents and people of our two countries have always respect鄄 ed , trusted , understood and supported each other. W e never intervene in each other's internal affairs but carry forw ard exchanges on the basis of e鄄 quality.O ur cooperation in all fields has …  相似文献   

President Hu Jintao's visit to Japan is very fruitful. During the visit, leaders of the two countries built new framework for the bilateral relations and depicted the blueprint for future development. The readjustment of relations are pushed forward both by the dramatic changes in the world as well as the new developments within the two countries. However, the China-Japan relation is too complex to be improved with only one visit. There are still many things waiting to be done in future.  相似文献   

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