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集体所有权在中国法学界一直是个解释和理解起来较为复杂和困难的问题.因为,它不仅涉及到民法,还涉及到作为社会主义经济制度基础的公有制和作为上位法的宪法的规定等.理解集体所有权,我们可以"集体企业"与"集体土地"作切入点.集体企业定位上属于企业法人,如今《民法典》更是进一步将其规定为营利法人.但集体土地不能像集体企业一样,...  相似文献   

农村基层党组织对村民自治的领导地位实质上表现为法律和政策的监督权,并不是行政化的直接领导。《党的基层组织工作条例》和《村民委员会组织法》应当具体规定农村基层党组织行使职能的法律方式和路径,进一步将这种特殊意义的领导程序化和权利化。树立崇尚法律和依法治村的观念,遵循权利平等和村民自治原则,按照法律的逻辑和思维设定领导职能、转变领导方式以及选择争议解决路径具有重要意义。  相似文献   

全球化背景下国际法律制度的互动分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志云 《现代法学》2011,33(2):125-136
随着全球化的迅猛发展,国际法律制度与国际组织的数量剧增,不同领域的议题交叉重叠,改善"全球治理"的呼吁日盛。在这种背景下,有关"制度互动"的研究命题开始进入国际关系与国际法学者的视野。考察不同的联结点,国际法律制度的互动可以分为"水平互动"与"垂直互动";"功能互动"与"政治性互动";"功利互动"、"规范互动"以及"观念互动"等。同时,国际法律制度互动的构建与维持模式分析也成为必要工作。  相似文献   

汤媛媛 《行政与法》2014,(11):87-91
现行《行政复议法》自1999年实施以来,对行政机关的依法行政起到了重要的推动作用,不仅对维护公民、法人、其它组织的合法权益发挥了重要的救济作用,而且对解决行政争议也起到了重要的支撑作用。但是,随着经济社会的不断发展,现行行政复议制度在某些方面已不能完全适应新时期、新形势下行政复议工作的需要。因此,早在2010年,全国人大就将《行政复议法》的修改列入了年度立法计划,在党的十八大之后,对《行政复议法》的修改已经正式启动。《行政复议法》的修改,是我国行政法制建设的一件大事,也是加强社会管理和创新的一项重要举措。本文拟就《行政复议法》修改中的一些重大问题浅谈一些思考。期盼完善行政复议制度,使其发挥更大更好的作用。  相似文献   

钟志勇 《法学论坛》2007,22(5):55-60
最高存储金额限制可以有效控制电子货币网上支付风险,但银行卡中的风险承担问题比较复杂.经济分析、比较研究和法学分析的结论是,我国银行卡风险承担规则应建立在有"责任限制"的无过错责任之上.未获授权使用时持卡人承担的责任应限制在1000元以内,至于超过限额以上的损失由发卡银行承担.  相似文献   

社区民间组织具有基层性、规模需求和影响相对小、数量多的属性。目前对社区民间组织的法律治理已基本做到了有法可依,各地也积累了一定的实践经验,但社区民间组织在成立门槛、竞争主体、活动资源、内部自律和外部监督等方面还存在诸多问题。当前应针对社区民间组织本身的特点,结合实践经验,完善社区民间组织的立法,并通过立法和法律的实施建立促进该组织发展的准入、竞争、激励和监督等四大法律治理机制。  相似文献   

Scholarship on law and social movements has focused attention primarily on the United States, and secondarily on countries that share the Anglo‐American legal tradition. The politics of law and social movements in other national legal contexts remains underexamined. The analysis in this article contrasts legal mobilizations for immigrant rights in France and the United States, and explores the relations between national fields of power and legal practices. I trace the institutionalization of immigrant rights legal organizations in each country and argue that the divergent organizational forms and litigation strategies adopted by professionalized movement organizations reflect the dynamics of the nationally distinct fields of power relations within which law reform has been conducted. My analysis links the material and symbolic resources available to law reformers to the relative authority of private and public juridical actors in each state.  相似文献   

This paper describes how peer-to-peer sexual harassment rapidly was transformed from an unremarkable reality of secondary school life into a serious social and legal problem. First, it shows how organizations and professionals served as an entry point for social change and legal mobilization. I argue that schools were quick to address peer sexual harassment because activists framed it as a moral and pedagogical issue that resonated with educators' deeply held professional values. Second, the paper shows how law and organizations developed endogenously. Without any legal mandate, schools created and institutionalized harassment policies. Courts then looked to these organizational practices to determine the content and scope of Title IX. In this way, schools literally "enacted" the law through their practices. This finding goes beyond previous work on endogeneity in that school policies influenced law at the level of doctrine, not simply at the level of meaning, enforcement, or application.  相似文献   

刘叶深 《北方法学》2013,7(5):30-42
法律拥有效力部分地依赖于其所在的法律体系具有实效,即得到人们大体上的服从。这就是法律效力理论中的实效性原则。对于各种类型的法律效力理论来说,法律效力标准都需要来自法律本质、功能的道德原则的支持。表面上,作为纯粹事实的实效似乎与各种类型的法律效力理论都不协调,但实质上,法律效力依赖于实效是源于"法律的任务应该交给最具实力的人或机构来完成"这一道德原则。根据该原则,实效难题可以得到很好的解决。  相似文献   

论食品安全国际法律规制中的软法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全国际法律规制中的软法主要表现为跨政府治理网络中的国际软法和有关国际组织制定的国际软法。前者是指不同国家的食品安全政府职能部门之间以双边备忘录等形式达成的非条约性协议。后者是指专业性国际组织、区域性国际组织和国际非政府组织制定的与食品安全相关的指导建议、行动计划、原则宣言和标准等国际文件。这些没有法律约束力但具有实际效力的国际软法在食品安全国际法律规制中发挥着独特的补充和辅助功能,理应引起我们的关注。  相似文献   

钟志勇 《河北法学》2007,25(9):77-82
在探讨电子货币定义与法律性质后,重点研究电子货币法律关系、终结性、权利异议、伪造电子货币中的问题、赎回义务等私法问题,及立法宗旨、发行商资格、监管和反洗钱等公法问题.  相似文献   

公私法的划分与法的内在结构   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
公私法的划分是法理学的基本问题之一 ,也是建设中国特色社会主义法律体系必须解决的一个基本问题。本文回顾了公私法划分的历史 ,评析了学者们关于公私法划分的根据 ,对公私法的含义进行了新的阐释 ,认为公私法的划分是法的内在结构问题 ,划分公私法的直接根据是法律调整的不同方法 ,而法律调整的方法 ,基本上或主要地决定于法律调整的对象。明确这一问题 ,有利于澄清长期困扰法理学界的一些重要问题 ,以便根据法律调整对象的不同和实际生活的需要 ,选择最佳的法律调整方法 ,这对建设中国特色社会主义法律体系具有重大的指导意义  相似文献   

International organizations have increasingly joined statesas occupiers of territory. Yet international law doctrine andpolicymakers have regarded occupation by states and administrationby international organizations as distinct legal and politicalphenomena. The stigma associated with state occupation has translatedinto an assumption that the two operations are governed by differentnorms and their tactics for asserting control subject to differentstandards of legitimacy. This article rejects that dichotomyand the doctrinal parsing that comes with it. It emphasizesthe common traits and challenges of these occupations and arguesfor a joint legal and political appraisal. From the legal perspective,the two sorts of missions operate under common legal frameworks;those managing both need to find the proper balance among internationalhumanitarian law, international human rights law, local law,and any mandate from an international organization. As a politicalmatter, each encounters resistance from those in the territoryopposed to its presence, leading to coercive responses whoselegitimacy will be questioned from within and outside the territory.The article concludes with some modest thoughts on how eachsort of occupier might learn something from the other.  相似文献   

The transitional justice literature highlights various trade-offs involved in the choice and implementation of lustration as a transitional justice measure in Central and Eastern Europe. This article examines how international legal body rulings on lustration laws have interpreted rule-of-law versus justice concerns. The European Court of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization have explored possible information problems, due process violations, employment discrimination issues, and bureaucratic loyalty concerns within the context of lustration. Three findings emerge from their legal rulings. First, contrary to popular notions, international legal bodies are not antilustration. The institutions are engaging with questions regarding the fair implementation, not the legality, of lustration laws. Second, the prioritizing of justice concerns during the transition efforts is highlighted as a way to lay a strong democratic foundation. Third, the organizations have emphasized the importance of placing rule of law in historical context, thereby situating post-Communist societies within other posttotalitarian regime-building narratives.  相似文献   

法理学的中国性、问题性与实践性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法理学不应被降格为琐碎的技术,而应坚守精神的高度,应为一种德性的法律生活提供精神的牵引与人文的支撑。法理学界在围绕法律全球化、法律理想图景、法制现代化、法治与和谐、法治与社会公平、人权保障、司法改革、法学方法论等问题展开的研究中,中国意识、问题意识、实践意识的日渐凸现,加速了法理学研究的分化与聚合、进深与提升。取道中国,立足当下,发乎问题,关注实践,将是未来中国法理学成长的支点。  相似文献   

Given the constant expansion of the international ties of the Soviet Union, the need has long since arisen to give legal form to a number of points bearing on the legal status and rights in civil law of foreign citizens, enterprises and organizations, the applicability of foreign civil laws, as well as the execution of legal decisions and orders of foreign courts in civil matters.  相似文献   

非政府组织的勃兴与国际法律秩序的变塑   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘超 《现代法学》2004,26(4):116-121
非政府组织在全球范围的勃兴,给传统的国际法律秩序带来重要影响和挑战,表层上它的活动与国际法诸项环节都发生关联,深层上揭示了全球化时代法治理念、秩序模式的变塑,并在此基础上确立非政府组织的国际法律地位。  相似文献   

This article is the third and last in a series that has focused on the corporate actor elite of Chicago's legal community—those attorneys who practice law with and for the major business, social, civic, cultural, and charitable organizations in the city. In this paper, the focus is on the participation of the members of that elite in a series of issues that have arisen in both the legal community and the larger society in the recent past.
The article first examines the resources for collective decision making which the members of the corporate actor legal elite bring to the process of community issue resolution. It then examines in detail elite issue preferences and the patterns of elite participation in five professional and political issues. From this analysis an interesting "paradox of power" emerges: the elite is most successful on those issues in which it is least interested and active and least successful on those which most heavily attract its participation. The article concludes with a discussion of the reason for this paradox, basing its answer in larger sociological theories of the activation of different types of resources in different types of community conflict.  相似文献   

蔡从燕 《法学研究》2012,(6):188-206
大国问题是国际法实践中的一个老问题。近年来,国际关系民主化与国际法治成为日益重要的国际议程,一批新兴大国也正在崛起,这些新发展既为处理大国问题提供了历史机遇,也使得处理这一问题变得更为复杂,具有鲜明的时代特点。大国问题涉及大国拥有与作为国际法基础的主权平等原则相冲突的法律特权,但法律特权并非是导致大国问题的惟一原因;被赋予法律特权的大国应当承担特殊的法律义务,但获得法律特权并非是大国承担特殊义务,包括特殊法律义务的惟一依据。为了有效约束大国的行动,国际社会一方面应当限制大国可以获得的特权、强化大国应当承担的特殊义务尤其法律义务,另一方面应当寻求建立监督大国依法善意行使特权、履行义务的程序法机制。  相似文献   

中国民间组织的合法性困境   总被引:104,自引:0,他引:104  
谢海定 《法学研究》2004,26(2):17-34
中国民间组织存在严重的合法律性问题,一方面,占总数80%以上的民间组织属于“非法存在”,另一方面,经过合法登记的民间组织也存在内部管理不善、财务混乱甚至违法犯罪等问题。从法律角度考察,民间组织的合法律性困境,直接地由执法部门的执法不能导致,归根结底由立法不当产生。现行的民间组织法规体系严重缺乏实效,处于正当性与合法律性均不足的困境中。解决民间组织的现实问题,需要尽快制定《民间组织法》,推进管理制度变革,从控制型管理转向培育型管理。  相似文献   

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