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<正>Stabilizing prices and preventing rampant inflation are the Chinese Government’s biggest challenges this year An overwhelming sense of helplessness is sweeping China,from common people to well-off entrepreneurs and everyone in between,as the country’s consumer price index (CPI) soars.  相似文献   

Hu Jintao,ethnic Han, native of Jixi,Anhui Province,born in December 1942.Joined the Communist Party of China(CPC)in April 1964 and began working in July 1965.Graduated from the spe- cialty of hub hydropower stations of the Department of Water Conservancy Engineering of Tsinghua University.With a universi- ty education.Engineer.  相似文献   

ToPieIssue PageJiang ZeminJiang ZeminJiang Zemin4︸6Jiang Zen〕InJiang Zemin2l6Jiang Zernln︸、J︸I口长U︸XQ-1勺‘,︸,l今︸、j,、︼、、︸Jiang ZeminJiang Zeminiang Zeminiang Zemin…且.1且1 ..1了JT﹄了.﹄3233Jiang ZefTunJiang Zemin105 n八,,.1丈Ul-.斗ZhuRon  相似文献   

Many Chinese, whether Buddhists or not, have a place in their homes for the Bodhisattva of Mercy and Compassion At least once a year, Yuan Ying, 62, travels all the way from Beijing to Putuoshan, a mountain on a 12-sq km island on the Zhoushan Archipelago, 160 km east of Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang Province. She  相似文献   

LIJIANG is an open city - its city wall has no gate. It is said that when the city was first built, the Naxi (dominant ethnic group in Lijiang) headman, whose family name was Mu (木), saw an enclosed compound with himself inside it as resembling the Chinese character “困” (besieged). He consequently left the city unsealed. Eastern, Xinhua and Xinyi streets serve as Lijiang's three points of entry. Visitors wander around the city with no fear of getting lost, as all roads and lanes link up.  相似文献   

The Chinese Government tries to find answers to the country's mammoth trade surplus There's more to China's huge trade surplus than the export factor. February is a good example of that. The month saw $23.76 billion in China's trade surplus, second only to the record high of $23.83 billion in October 2006. According to the General Administration of Customs (GAC), in February, the total volume of China's foreign trade amounted to $140.44 billion, a year-on-year increase of 32.9 percent. Of the total, exports hit $82.1 billion, soaring 51.7 percent, while imports grew 13.1 percent to $58.34 billion.  相似文献   

Parents talk about their experiences,andthose of their children,in taking China’s collegeentrance exam,a test that many believe canmake or break a person’s future  相似文献   

At the end of the First World War, the Palestine problem became an international is sue with the disintegration of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Palestine was among the several former Ottoman Arab territories which were placed under the administration of Great Britain under the so-called Mandates System adopted by the League of Nations pur-  相似文献   

As China's economy has boomed, so has its printing industry, making the country one of the leaders in the field. Speaking at the International Printing Forum held in conjunction with the Second China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Fair in May, Long Xinmin, Director of the General Administration of Press and Publication, said there are more than 180,000 printing plants in China with over 3.4 million workers. The total output value of the printing industry is 332.67 billion yuan, accounting for 2 percent of the nation's GDP.  相似文献   

Modern Chinese theater is an evolving animal that has worn many different coats over the years. At one time it was a tool for promoting revolutionary change, at another a popular art form. On its centennial birthday modern Chinese drama now faces a threat from the very thing that once spawned it-modernization. Television, the Internet and other forms of easily accessible entertainment have taken its place and led to falling audience figures. But modern theater is fighting back and according to some observers it will rise again as China's growing middle class rediscovers the power of a good play.  相似文献   

Wang Gang,ethnic Han,native of Fuyu,Jilin Province, born in October 1942. Joined the CPC in June 1971 and began working in September 1967.Graduated from the Philosophy Department of Jilin University,majoring in philosophy.With a university education. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of Working Committee of the Organs Directly Under the CPC Central Committee.  相似文献   

SUN Jinrong started bak-ing tea leaves at the ageof 16. Nowadays, howev-er, even at peak tea sea-son, he has time to take a leisure-ly stroll around his village whilea group of casual women labor-ers from rural Anhui Province  相似文献   

Internet viruses and hacking are growing problems in China that institutions and the government are struggling to combat  相似文献   

Legend and history alike have held women accountable for the problems of men, from Helen of Troy, to Joan of Arc, and more recently, an infamous intern that brought a US president to his knees - almost. Chinese women have also shared similar tales of woe - their stunning looks did not prevent the country's traditional 'four beauties', Xi Shi, Diao Chan, Yang Yuhuan and Wang Zhaojun from meeting a tragic end.  相似文献   

Socialism With Chinese Characteristics Socialism with Chinese Characteristics refers to building a socialist system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC) and in light of China's basic condition.It contains five basic components:a peo- ple-oriented approach,a market econo- my,common prosperity,Chinese culture and socialist democracy.  相似文献   

n the new century, how can the human beings he more mature?Certainly, science, technology and the level of productive force arc very important, but on a higher spiritual level, how should they behave as real human beings?Reviewing the history of human beings from the very beginning, the origin and the changes of civilization arc full of the wisdom of the human beings. However, as soon as the weak points of the human beings, such as jealousy, prejudice, pride, haired, selfishness and distrust etc. mix together and then the force will spread and explode, which can lead to endless quarrels and disputes among them. Humanity is weakened, the strong bullies the weak, even disastrous results: instability of the societies and wars.Together with these, economy is bogged down and destroyed and the nature is damaged, the progress of civili-x.ation encounters difficulties one after another. As a result, the chain of civilization is broken; culture and arts have been replaced by ignorance, brutality and irrationalit  相似文献   

THE name of the great Canadian surgeon, Dr. Norman Bethune is a household word in China for his heroic work with the Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War. Little is known, however of the exploits of a New Zealand missionary nurse, Kathleen Hall, who worked closely alongside him. She was referred to in the well-known Bethune biography, "The Scalpel, The Sword." by Ted Allan and Sydney Gordon, which gives the folowing extract from Bethune's diary.  相似文献   

ONTHEMAINCONCERNOFCOMMUNICATIVECOMPETENCE赵轶杰SofarasTEFLinChinaisconcerned,formanyyears,apurelylinguistic,schola.sticapproacht...  相似文献   

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