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This essay is intended to open a discussion about building a coherent account of the decline of AIDS street activism amongst lesbians and gay men in the US in the early 1990s. It does so by demonstrating how a narrative of key events in the rise and decline of this activism can be structured by being linked to the trajectory of racial politics in the larger society. The argument is made that AIDS street activism was ultimately overwhelmed by political isolation caused by the withering of a broader "rainbow politics," and by an expanding white racial backlash in the larger society. In this context there was little room for the political development of movement participants, and movement solidarity was shattered as the broader culture and politics of racial backlash penetrated the movement.  相似文献   

Analyzing Robert E. Cushman's study within the context of the Brownlow Report substantiates the argument that the immediate failure of the committee's recommendations—and their influence in the longer term—is best explained within the conceptual framework of changing political orders in American political development. Seventy years later, the field has the historical perspective to see that the committee's work was buffeted by tensions between competing political orders. Today, far from being just an interesting episode in American public administration, we see that the Brownlow Committee's work on regulation, as much as work on executive organization, heralded and enabled a new era of presidential administration.  相似文献   

列宁晚年关于社会主义改良思想的提出,表明他在经历了艰难的探索和沉痛的反思之后,终于从传统的纯社会主义观念的束缚中解放出来,回归感性的物质生活,从而实现了思想上的一次伟大飞跃,达到新的理论升华。联系我国曲折的近代史特别当今改革和建设的实践,重读列宁晚年社会主义改良思想,对于思考和探求中国的现代化建设之路,具有重要的历史借鉴和现实启迪意义。  相似文献   

JPAM aims to be the principal research journal for public policy scholars. A citation analysis of JPAM and competitor journals for the period 1986–1995 shows that JPAM's most frequently cited articles are cited more often than those of other broad policy journals, about as often as those in journals on specific policy areas, except for health policy, and less often than principally methodological journals. JPAM does meet its goal of serving as an outlet primarily for public policy scholars and it covers a wide range of policy topics. A survey of subscribers shows correspondingly broad interests and that members rated the journal among their most valued. However, few articles are frequently cited, very few of the citations appear in major journals, and the range of disciplines represented is narrow. Some suggestions are offered for strengthening the journal. © 2002 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

Alberto Guerreiro Ramos's public life and scholarly works challenge us to rethink and reconceptualize the field of public administration, particularly in this era of public cynicism and theoretical uncertainty. This article examines the historical context of his earlier writings and how they influenced his later scholarly work. As a prominent Brazilian scholar working in the United States, Guerreiro Ramos's "in-betweenness," as he called it, provided him a unique and little-appreciated perspective from which to reevaluate the social sciences. The result was his last book, The New Science of Organizations: A Reconceptualization of the Wealth of Nations, one of the most polemical works published in the field and an examination of the fundamental assumptions of public administration and the social sciences.  相似文献   

毛泽东晚年思索和忧虑的主要问题 ,关系到国家的前途、民族的发展、社会主义事业的兴衰、中国共产党的命运。为解决这些问题 ,毛泽东进行了中国自己的社会主义现代化道路和社会主义政治文明建设的艰辛的探索。毛泽东在探索的过程中 ,存在着许多理论失误 ,但也有许多理论建树。充分挖掘毛泽东晚年的历史遗产 ,认真离析出毛泽东晚年的理论建树 ,具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

从法学角度看,恩格斯晚年创造性地运用历史唯物主义的立场和方法,巩固和发展了历史唯物主义法学理论。恩格斯系统阐发了国家和法的起源与演进理论,批判了费尔巴哈唯心主义历史观和黑格尔唯心主义法哲学,进一步阐发了历史发展的内在辩证法;根据欧洲的新形势,恩格斯主张工人阶级要将合法斗争与“非法”斗争相结合;结合巴黎公社经验,他阐述了无产阶级新型国家和法制的基本原理,反对国家崇拜;在一系列通信中,他深入阐发了法和国家对经济关系的积极反作用和相对独立性理论,批驳了社会发展的“唯经济论”。恩格斯一系列法哲学新观点,对于当今时代深入理解法与经济的关系、法的历史发展规律、法的本质及功能、法律意识形态等问题,都依然具有极为重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

This article draws on the contributions to this issue and related evidence to assay the extent to which the states and larger local governments have moved in directions endorsed by the Winter Commission in 1993 . The commission’s recommendations targeted (1) the political context of state and local governance, with a particular focus on executive leadership, campaign finance reform, and citizen engagement; (2) the specifics of public administration, with primary emphasis on empowering managers through internal deregulation and bolstering human resource capacity; and (3) the nature of the relationship between the national government and the states in a key policy arena. Significant changes in the fabric of state and local governance have occurred in each of these three areas over the last 15 years. Many of these modifications are consonant with the thrust of the Winter Commission report, but the evidence also points to the limits of state and local reform. Further reform initiatives should be built on systematic efforts to advance knowledge concerning the origins, nature, and outcomes of the array of institutions and processes present at the state and local levels.  相似文献   

唯物史观是马克思恩格斯共同创立的伟大学说,从其创立之初,到后来在政治学、经济学中的运用,它的形成过程较为漫长并且艰辛,可以说凝聚了马克思恩格斯的半生心血。为此,恩格斯晚年时期根据当时资本主义社会发展的新动态,时代、环境的变迁,对唯物史观展开了深入反思与探究。首先旨在厘清恩格斯唯物史观基本原理方面的思路,从社会历史发展规律、阶级斗争到人民群众是历史的创造者等等方面捍卫马克思唯物史观思想;其次全面概述恩格斯的两种生产、历史合力论、意识形态理论等方面对马克思主义唯物史观的内容丰富完善。由此,探讨恩格斯晚年对唯物史观所做出的理论贡献及其对当代中国社会发展的价值导向意蕴。  相似文献   

马克思恩格斯的社会革命观与恩格斯的晚年创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思恩格斯的社会革命理论是其历史唯物主义的重要组成部分,是他们批判继承以往有关理论并加以扬弃的结果.马克思恩格斯的社会革命理论,从社会基本矛盾的高度出发,精辟分析了社会革命的深层根源.指出了社会革命的任务和目标,为劳动阶级和全人类的最终解放指出了一条现实的道路,克服了空想社会主义和其他资产阶级理论的局限性,对于社会历史科学作出了重要贡献.晚年恩格斯敏锐地洞察到了他所生活的资本主义社会的一些新情况、新动向,对无产阶级革命的道路和策略提出了一系列创新的观点,并长远地影响了现实的无产阶级运动.  相似文献   

晚年何以幸福:农村空巢老人养老困境及其治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济社会的发展以及新型城镇化的快速推进,农村空巢老人如何养老成为严峻的社会问题,如何实现农村空巢老人晚年幸福也成为亟待解决的重要课题。农村老人养老已经从过去的私人事务变成了社会公共事务,特别是对于农村空巢老人养老,更应积极寻求治理之策。农村空巢老人养老面临的主要困境是经济供给不足、生活缺乏照料以及精神缺乏慰藉。困境的成因包括家庭养老功能的弱化、农村养老体系不完善、农村公共服务水平落后以及传统养老观念的式微等。对此,应通过乡村产业振兴促进农村经济发展,完善农村养老体系,提升农村公共服务水平,建立并弘扬现代孝道文化。  相似文献   

基督教的起源问题是恩格斯晚年非常关注的一个重要问题。从历史唯物主义的基本分析范式出发,在批判总结鲍威尔宗教起源论的基础上,恩格斯明确指出,基督教产生的思想根源在于晚期希腊哲学和犹太神学的整合,社会根源在于罗马的统治。恩格斯从思想和社会渊源上对基督教的起源问题做出全面深入的论述,形成了马克思主义系统化的宗教理论。  相似文献   

More than five decades have passed since Charles Tiebout wrote his seminal 1956 paper, often cited as the classic apologetic for locally based systems of metropolitan governance. This essay traces the impact of Tiebout's work and subsequent scholarship in public choice, identifying important lessons and lingering issues. Although public choice has demonstrated that polycentric systems are adept and flexible in producing and providing municipal services and a variety of interlocal agreements, the presence of municipal boundaries gives rise to a host of spillover problems, such as urban sprawl and segregation. These spillovers are particularly nefarious because, unlike the natural cooperation that seems to occur in service provision, municipalities tend to assert narrow self-interest in the face of these types of externalities. The essay proposes that, commensurate with the growing salience of equity among the pillars of public administration, interjurisdictional spillovers and their attendant equity impacts will be the central challenge for thinkers studying metropolitan governance in the 21st century.  相似文献   


Using the concepts of spectres, liminality and aporia as conceptualised by Jacques Derrida, this article offers a critical read to Kosovo’s conundrums with its sovereignty. The main argument of this article is that in the system of sovereign states, Kosovo is permanently entangled in an aporetic situation in that it has to coexist between being a recognised and a contested state; between a legitimate and illegitimate polity; between unequivocally European and permanently detached from the EU. The article relies on longitudinal data gathered from digital and traditional ethnographic research in Kosovo conducted over the past seven years, including a dozen interviews with NGO actors, university professors, and journalists in Kosovo. In its conclusion, the article opens up the debate whether the only way to imagine Kosovo is in it being permanently unfinished, oscillating between meanings, concepts, and statuses.  相似文献   

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