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En Chine,il existe deux programmes d' enseignement du fran?ais. L' un s' adresse aux étudiants de fran?ais et vise surtout à former des traducteurs, des enseignants de fran?ais ou des littéraires. l' autre ne re?oit que des éudiants de sciences et de technique et a pour objectif d' élargir leurs connaissances dans un domaine scientifique ou technique. Pour les distinguer l' un de l' autre, on appelle le premier porgramme  相似文献   

This work is aimed at recreating the logical space and the –articulated or articulable– content of the notion of transgression as George Bataille presents it in “The Eroticism” (1957) based on his two major theoretical influences on this issue: the theory of parties developed by Roger Caillois (1939) and the sacrifice model as understood by Marcel Mauss and Henri Hubert (1899). Based on these theoretical sources it is claimed that Bataille's notion of ritual transgression can be understood as a privileged contention tool of the constitutive social tension; as the mechanism allowing to regulate the reinstatement of violence –that sort of violence that had been removed in order for the society to exist–, opening the way for the social ordering to be maintained, renewed, and reproduced.  相似文献   


This article analyzes the significance of the norm in the conceptions of Max Weber, sociologist and author of the classical work Economy and Society, and of Jürgen Habermas, philosopher and sociologist of the Frankfurt School. Both authors have in fact dedicated specific studies to the sociology of right and have conferred a central function on the norms in order to guarantee a correct functioning of parliamentary democracy. For Weber and Habermas, the norm exists in a constitutive tension between facticity and normativity, i.e. between its factual influence on society and its theoretical legitimacy. Weber distinguishes between the juridicial and the sociological meaning of the norm, which is respectively related to its normative value and to its effects on society. For Habermas, the norm is adhered to, but it also has to be legitimized, and this can only be reached as a consequence of a democratic debate that produces consensus. In the political sphere, Weber and Habermas stress the importance of an interaction between legality and political discussion, democratic procedures and their process of institutionalization, thus emphasizing the necessity of guaranteeing a political debate subject to rules. Nevertheless, their ideas of democracy partially differ. Weber conceives of a democracy based on a majority, whereas Habermas stresses the necessity of reaching an agreement. This article analyzes the different models of democracy articulated by Weber and Habermas, their significance, and the possibility of integration between them.  相似文献   

马尔罗认为只有传奇之作才是真实的。当代著名哲学家让一弗郎索瓦·利奥塔评介说,马尔罗创作的文学艺术作品以及打上马氏印记的行动和感情都极具传奇色彩。马尔罗以文学艺术家的目光关注人类的状况,他对人类自身的意义和追求的思考给人以信心和勇气。唯其如此,马尔罗的“传奇”才得以“传世”,他的“传奇色彩”才极具“传世价值”。那么,马尔罗的真实到底是什么呢?是会聚着人类文明成果的Museeimaginaire,是对文化、艺术的崇尚和弘扬,使文化、艺术升华为否定虚无与死亡,超越时限与空间的永恒。于是,小至文艺创作的推陈出新,大至生命的延续和文明的更迭,形式的增变都谱写着社会与历史的进步。  相似文献   

“法汉词典”的编纂和其它双语词典一样,其困难之一来自于法汉这两种语言之间的词场和语义场存在着巨大差异,而词汇差异在很大程度上是其文化内涵差异的反映。这一双重差异给“法汉词典”的宏观结构和微观结构都打上了烙印,首先对应词的难寻迫使词汇翻译以定义化、阐释化以及再度背景化来寻找话语对应,弥补词汇对应缺陷。其次,释例也经过筛选,裁剪,甚至创造,意义造成重释或扭曲。最后,语体标识和语言层次表面照本搬抄,与词汇翻译之间出现龃龉,这一切反映出源出语所载文化内涵、意识形态和思维习惯要融入接受语的模式,不可避免要遇到后者的抵抗、自卫甚至反攻。本文认为,法汉词典的技术处理和教学功能应跟文化认同以及理解并行考虑,而对于他者文化的态度在相当程度上会影响到词典技术处理的质量及其交际价值。  相似文献   


In 1814, after the defeat of the Napoleonic Empire, the Allied states decided to unite the former Dutch Republic and the former Habsburg Netherlands (the later Belgium), as part of their attempt to elaborate a balanced system of European states. As the age of nationalism was arriving, the chances of this unification succeeding depended upon the gradual integration of the two parts into one Netherlandish nation. Stefaan Marteel argues that the eventual failure of this project, which abruptly came to an end with the Belgian Revolution of 1830, can to a large extent be ascribed to the differences in the political and intellectual history of the two countries, differences that found expression in the development of irreconcilable political languages during the constitutional debates of 1815 and thereafter. In the Northern Netherlands, despite the experiments with radical constitutionalism since the Patriot Revolution, the republican past proved a major obstacle to the construction of a functional constitutional monarchy. The paradoxical result was the enforcement of monarchical authority within a political model that was clearly designed to be constitutionalist. In the Southern Netherlands, on the contrary, the rupture that occurred in its political history owing to the annexation of France allowed, in 1814, for certain innovations in political thought. These innovations were further inspired by the idea that the new political order lacked historical legitimization. Consequently, when social issues arose, such as problems concerning education, religion and public freedom, the government and the political opposition in the Belgian provinces would persistently draw on different interpretations of the constitution. This, in turn, reinforced the impression of a fundamental national division, and created the conditions, should a popular revolt occur, for a rapid radicalization in a nationalist direction.  相似文献   

季布(项羽部将)和罗兰(查理大帝廷臣)分别为中法两国古代战乱时期的骑士英雄。季布和罗兰的人生经历极为相似,然而又各自有其特色。作者在本文中并非为了比较战功卓著的季市与罗兰的骑士生涯,也不是为了比较他们各自的民族和人种差异,而是对他们生后的影响、史诗般的生死历程进行了详尽的比较和论述。  相似文献   

重复是为达到强调某个意思、突出某种感情而采用的一种修辞格。这种手段不仅涉及词和词组,还能小至音素、大至句法结构和句子。此外,几个同音异义词或近音词放在一起使用,也有同等的效果。有时,一个词在一定的语境中出现,读者或听者马上会联想到它的同音异义词或近音词。引而不发,修辞效果更佳。如果能把所有这些重复手段系统地而不是零敲碎打地引进课堂,学生会对此种修辞方法有全面深入的了解,达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

This article explores the main problems that Mexican women endure, especially those which arise from the inequality that they face in numerous social milieus. Despite the undeniable progress that has been made with respect to women's rights and equal opportunities, full gender equality still seems like a distant ideal for Mexico. There have even been important setbacks, such as access to healthcare, legislation that has been enacted that does not respect women's decisions over their bodies, or in the persistence of various forms of violence that they bear. This article will begin by exploring the advancement in rights which women have achieved, in order to later describe the problems that Mexican women still face in terms of work, health, social security, education, poverty, politics, and the violence which they still encounter.  相似文献   


In this article Maria Manolova has studied the changes in the structure of representative local government in Bulgaria between 1878 and 1944, in its juridical and historical aspects. The article analyses the structure and competence of the elected local authorities, built around the commune as the basic unit of government, and the attempts by the central government to exercise control over them. The resulting legislation on local government reflects the tensions between the two opposed principles of centralization and decentralization of government. The article reviews the principle legislative Act over the period and how their content was shaped by these competing principles and by the pragmatic needs of the political parties in their competion for power. But despite the fluctuations in the legislation, culminating in the strongly centralist decree-law of 1934, the concept of the commune as the basic institution of popular local self-government in Bulgaria has survived.  相似文献   

现实主义一直是传统主题学研究的对象 ,在这里 ,笔者尝试从文体风格学的角度对这一问题进行审视。这篇文章是笔者在 2 0 0 1年底《法国研究》所发表的、关于文体风格学与“叙事美学”之间关系思考的一个继续。  相似文献   

于2005年5月29日,法国作为第一个欧盟成员国,以公投方式近55%的投票率反对主要由前任法国总统拟定的欧盟宪法;后三天,于6月1日荷兰也跟进,以公投方式用将近62%的投票率反对欧盟宪法。这结果震撼了欧盟其它国家。到底法国人的反对是反对欧盟宪法还是反对其无法反映法国人身为欧洲人的忧虑与价值观?  相似文献   

La campagne eleetorale pour l'election du president de la Republique n'a pas passionne les Francais.Elle a dure longtemps puisque eertaitains out annonce leur eandidature plusieurs mois avant le dehut de la campagne offeiielle(Raymond Barre,Jean-Marie Le Pen),et les sujets importants(politiqiue eoonomique,  相似文献   

The author of this paper aims to give an introduction to the legal institutions of socialist representation and territorial public administration which were spread in Central Europe after the soviet political and legal influence (occupation) caused by the end of World War II. To show the concrete historical solutions one can read details on the Hungarian system of local councils developed by the ideal of Russian soviets. After a short international panorama, the author summarizes the main legal instruments such as the scope of authority of the councils, the status of the council deputies, the operation of the full session of the council body and its committees, also the features of the executive committee and its specialized administrative organs.  相似文献   

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