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Communitarian values are stronger in health insurance than in life or disability insurance. This correlates with increased tolerance for insurers' use of genetic information in disability insurance underwriting, which, in turn, is relevant to the scope and content of proposals to regulate such use.  相似文献   

As members of the Working Group on Genetic Testing in Disability Insurance, the authors of this alternative opinion describe their areas of disagreement with some of the conclusions in the paper written by Susan M. Wolf and Jeffrey P. Kahn.  相似文献   

农村集体是农民生活中的重要组织,一直以来都在农村管理和服务等方面发挥着难以替代的作用。目前,无论从理论上还是从实践上看,农村集体在建立农村养老保险制度方面也应该发挥一定的积极作用,但由于我国农村集体存在诸如职能混乱、经济能力日渐衰退等问题,难以为农村养老保险制度的建立提供有效的支持。本文主要分析了农村集体的现状及其在建立农村养老保险中的作用,同时提出了增强农村集体作用的相关建议。  相似文献   

This article discusses the disability insurance industry in order to provide context regarding the potential impact of genetic testing on disability insurance. It describes disability income insurance, exploring both the protection it offers and its main contract provisions. It goes on to describe the private insurance market and the differences between group and individual insurance, and concludes with implications of genetic testing with respect to the private disability insurance market.  相似文献   

This article considers the future of genetic testing and disiblity insurance, and explores the potential for discrimination when using genetic information.  相似文献   

Genetic information may be used by health and disability insurance companies to deny or restrict coverage. How health insurance companies use genetic information, and how public policy has limited that use, can be illustrative for genetics and disability insurance policy.  相似文献   

Two UK Supreme Court decisions have considered insurance fraud. The first, Versloot Dredging BV v HDI‐Gerling Industries Versicherung (The DC Merwestone), concerned the use of a fraudulent device being harnessed to support a legitimate claim which, in the view of the majority, was an area of insurance law in need of re‐evaluation. The second, Haywood v Zurich Insurance Co, concerned the use of fraud to increase the settlement paid by the insurer and whether an insurer, which suspects fraud but has nevertheless chosen to settle a claim, is entitled to set aside the settlement under the tort of deceit where it subsequently discovers proof that it was in fact fraudulent. This case note examines not only the legal implications of the decisions and their likely impact on industry practice, it also focuses on the broader issue of the proper province of the civil law and whether general deterrence can be justified as a proper objective where the criminal law is deficient in punishing fraud because of its higher standard of proof.  相似文献   

吕成龙 《北方法学》2017,11(6):28-39
在过去十几年中,由于我国诉讼机制的制度设置,投资者长期难以克服集体行动困境,高昂的维权成本使其对证券民事诉讼望而却步。此次《证券法》的修订无疑为修正投资者诉讼机制提供了契机,投资者保护机构作为诉讼代表人参加诉讼的模式,更是创新性地缓解了集体行动的困难。但是,参考我国台湾地区、美国的经验教训,投资者保护机构作为代表人参与诉讼的模式可能存在激励不足、独立性不足和诉讼能力不足三大隐忧。如若不能解决,将严重影响我国投资者保护机构诉讼机制的最终效果。因此,参考萨拉蒙合作模式的新治理理论,我们的投资者保护机构需要与政府合作治理,发挥各自的优势并努力克服集体行动的困境和志愿失灵的可能性,使政府集中于资金提供与信息监控、共享,而投保机构着力于以更强的内在行动力克服集体行动困境,不断促进投保机构诉讼的市场化运作,维护投资者的合法民事权益。  相似文献   

Predictive genetic testing poses fundamental questions for disability insurance, a crucial resource funding basic needs when disability prevents income from work. This article, from an NIH-funded project, presents the first indepth analysis of the challenging issues: Should disability insurers be permitted to consider genetics and exclude predicted disability? May disabilities with a recognized genetic basis be excluded from coverage as pre-existing conditions? How can we assure that private insurers writing individual and group policies, employers, and public insurers deal competently and appropriately with genetic testing?  相似文献   

欧盟关于保险合同法律适用规则的《罗马条例Ⅰ》第7条自面世以来一直受到学界的关注,它因错综复杂而受到褒贬不一的评价.本文认为其选法格局宏观上是依保单持有人是否需要特别保护为考虑因素,将保险合同重新分为两大类;微观上分别对再保险合同、大规模风险保险合同、大众风险保险合同以及强制保险合同进行考量,并重点分析了承保大众风险合同法律选择规则的若干问题,如意思自治原则、最密切联系原则以及欧盟成员国的具体情况,最后对我国的相关立法提出完善建议.  相似文献   

Victimization incidence rates produced from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) are a generally accepted annual indicator of the amount and type of crime in the United States. However, persons who report a large number of similar victimizations—known as series victimizations in the NCVS—are currently excluded in government reports of annual violent victimizations. This paper quantifies the effect of series incident counting procedures on national estimates of violent victimization. The findings suggest that these high-volume repeat victims can have a significant impact on the magnitude and distribution of violent victimization. Current government counting rules that exclude series incidents do not include about three out of every five violent victimizations and distorts the characterization and risk of violence in the United States. However, the inclusion of series incidents introduces significant estimate instability. One remedy is to use prevalence rates in concert with incidence rates to present a more complete and reliable picture of victimization.
Michael PlantyEmail:

陈坚 《时代法学》2013,(5):66-72
工伤保险赔偿与第三人民事侵权损害赔偿竞合是一直困扰着司法理论和实务界的一个疑难问题,由于我国现行法律对此类问题的处理缺乏具体、明确的规定,由此给司法理论和实践带来了许多争议。如何在理论上进一步厘清此类问题,探索出更加客观、科学的裁判标准,推动相关法律的制订、修改与完善,已势在必行、刻不容缓。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(102):22965-22966
These proposed regulations reflect recent statutory amendments which delay for one year (from January 1982 until January 1983), for all except a very small number of individuals who file their tax returns on a fiscal year basis, full-implementation of section 302, Pub. L. 95-216, the Social Security Amendments of 1977. Section 302 reduced from 72 to 70 the age at which social security beneficiaries are no longer subject to an earnings test.  相似文献   

尤雪云 《法学杂志》2003,24(5):35-36
社会主义市场经济体制需要完善的社会保障制度。但我国的社会保障立法相对滞后,还没有制定出一部有关社会保障的专门法律。我国应对社会保险立法中的养老保险覆盖范围、养老保险基金的来源、养老保险待遇、养老保险管理等问题进行探讨并立法。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1984,49(68):13710-13713
These proposed rules implement sections 102, 321, 322 and 323 of Pub. L. 98-21 (the Social Security Amendments of 1983). Generally, these provisions: (1) Mandatorily cover for Social Security purposes employees of private nonprofit organizations; (2) Provide additional Social Security coverage for certain work performed outside the United States (U.S.); (3) Provide coverage under the Social Security program for certain foreign earned income; (4) Provide special Social Security insured status requirements for certain nonprofit organization employees covered as a result of these amendments; and (5) Provide Social Security coverage for employment and self-employment that is identified as "covered" for purposes of title II of the Social Security Act (the Act) by the provisions of a totalization agreement between the U.S. and another country.  相似文献   

International relations scholars have traditionally focused on state-centered accounts of international legal norm development between nations while sociolegal scholars have focused on Weberian notions of occupational authority. This study advances a constructivist sociolegal approach emphasizing activist action as playing a unique role in shaping international norms. Specifically, this study investigates labor activists' intervention in U.S. bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) to examine why labor activists chose to initiate FTA disputes as a social movement tactic and how strategic interaction with international legal systems has helped them institutionalize and proliferate the International Labor Organizations' core labor standards. Through semi-structured interviews with legal, union, and government officials, alongside a content analysis of cases filed under the U.S. FTA system, this study shows the role activists played in advancing “globalized” standards in international law. This study finds that activists spread norms through a gradual mechanism of accretion, which focuses on the creation of standards and international legal standing over the individual outcomes of any given case.  相似文献   

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