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This article considers the way in which injunctions have generallybeen made more freely available in tort in connection with theprotection of property and property-like interests. It arguesthat this prioritization of property can be viewed as underminingthe generally accepted hierarchy of protected interests. Itthen argues that if negligence law were seen as a tort thatembraces not just careless, but also deliberate and recklessconduct, it could be used as a basis for granting injunctionsin a number of important circumstances that would help to restorethe right to bodily integrity to its rightful place at the topof the hierarchy of protected interests in tort law.  相似文献   

在民生刑法时代,反思刑法的法律类别有助于使刑法理论更加严谨、与时俱进、增强公民的权利意识。刑法不是公法,也不是私法,而是保障法。  相似文献   

孟庆瑜  潘佳 《行政与法》2010,(11):96-98
中国经济法与行政法的关系至今未得到实质性解决。在部门法划分标准上,应采取纵横结合的方法。经济法的国家干预主体应是立法机关与行政机关。经济法的调整方式是独特的,与行政法的手段是互动相容的。在肯定经济法责任的独特性前提下,要注意经济法责任与其他责任的互补性。经济公益诉讼机制的建立是大势所趋。在应对宏观调控决策行为的法律障碍上,应突出预防性原则,考虑法律的合理性与现实可行性。  相似文献   

李晓明 《河北法学》2004,22(1):8-11
中国近现代法学自上个世纪初诞生以来至今已整整经过了百年,其间几多收获,几多遗憾。由于时代的局限性与思维的局限性,中国法学从诞生之初便走上了一条割裂传统的不归之路。这样,百年来,中国近现代法学实际上是在学习与移植外国法律和法学的轨迹上递嬗至今的。这种情况不能不一开始就导致了中国近现代法学的后趋性、无根性、脆弱性及与社会现实、民俗国情乃至文化传统的脱节性。这种情况至今仍然没能真正得其法而获根治。  相似文献   

党日红 《河北法学》2007,25(6):95-99
从胡某案件人手,对国内外单独犯因果关系的学说进行了评述,并对共同犯罪因果关系的学说进行了认真的研究,肯定了毕克迈耶与牧野英一的共同犯罪因果关系学说的现代价值,以此为借鉴分析胡某案件中涉及的共同犯罪的因果关系问题,提出考察本案因果关系应遵循的整体性原则,即共犯行为间有引起与被引起的关系,它们互为条件、互相配合、纵横交错,具有单个犯罪所不具有的特殊性;各共犯的行为与犯罪结果之间无论是直接的因果关系还是间接的因果关系,都是一种不容否认的客观存在;共犯的因果关系还具有双重性的特征,即大因果关系与小因果关系.由此得出胡某与张某、江某均应以故意伤害罪论处的结论.  相似文献   

陈志英 《河北法学》2006,24(1):85-88
中国古代社会存在民事关系及相应的法律调整,而且在国情因素的综合作用下形成了独具特色的规范体系.套用现代的认识范式不能对传统民事法律的内容及形式有足够的理解.  相似文献   

证据法学基本问题之反思   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
证据法学理论基础的根本问题在于形成体现现代证明活动自身特殊性的具体认知理论。裁判事实与事实真相之间的关系具有或然性,应寻求适当法律程序与规则,以保障关于案件事实的认识在最大程度上符合或者接近客观存在的事实。应当走出以点带面的偏狭思维,转向一种动态的证据概念,并在证据的真实性上强调当下社会认知条件所能达到的真实或属实。基于狭义证明理论,裁判并非都以查明事实真相为必要条件和最终目的,但并不能因此而否定法官的照顾义务和消极的实质真实义务。证据法学的研究方法应是一个多元化的、开放性的、与时偕行的体系。  相似文献   

谦抑性考察已成为当下评判刑事立法和刑事司法的基础性分析工具。与此相应,我国晚近以来的历次刑法修正案所反映的犯罪化进程被不少学者反复诟病为不谦抑。刑法谦抑主义虽然彰显了古典刑法保障个人权利的理念,但是谦抑性并非一个价值中立、超越时空、至高无上的刑法原则。直面现代社会刑法法益保护与人权保障的内在紧张关系,仅从单一化的谦抑主义维度去评判刑法发展的得失是偏颇的。谦抑性应该还原为罪刑法定原则之下用来说明和贯彻罪刑法定原则的子原则。反思刑法谦抑主义,并非要放弃或终结对刑法谦抑性的追求,而是主张在肯定谦抑理念的同时对谦抑性在立法和司法、设罪和配刑等不同场域作不同的把握。刑法的发展需要在法益保护与人权保障中寻求一种张弛有度的动态平衡,而绝非单向度的谦抑主义。  相似文献   

宏观调控法是经济法体系的一大支柱和研究热点。从社会学、经济学和法治国家的视角并结合国外宏观调控改革的发展趋势看,我国宏观调控法需要在调控目标、调控主体、调控原则、调控责任、调控手段方式以及宏观调控法的体系构建方面,进行反思与完善。  相似文献   

改革开放30年以来我国商事立法硕果累累,但由于深受大民事立法思维影响,零售式立法对于规范日益复杂化的商事交易仍有局限。为此,在《商事通则》的制订呼声日涨之语境下,反思商法的法律地位问题重又浮出水面。笔者在辨析近乎公理式的民法特别法说基础上,提出了应以具有私法性质的商事基本法理念来指引《商事通则》的制订,并对其如何贯彻作了建设性的探讨。  相似文献   

This article explores the different meanings of the right to housing in Europe in public and private relations with housing providers. In light of the fundamental right to housing's meaning in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union, we offer a new reading of the CJEU judgments that have hitherto been heralded as extending the social dimension of EU (private) law. We submit that the emphasis on economic and procedural rights risks further ‘economisation’ of housing relations in Europe. While the possibilities to grant direct horizontal effect to the right to housing in EU law currently offer limited potential to counter this trend, private law provides part of the framework for a further balancing of social and economic elements in housing cases. Accordingly, we call for a debate on the specific aspects of horizontal relationships in the complex system of housing justice.  相似文献   

再论法学对哲学诠释学的继受   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王彬 《法学论坛》2012,(5):71-77
法学对哲学诠释学的继受,存在着解构与建构两种不同的理论路向。为此,须明确法律诠释学对哲学诠释学进行继受的可能与限度。立足于本体论与方法论相统一的解释学立场,在建构意义上将法学方法论纳入哲学诠释学的理论框架中,诠释学的任务不仅仅在于对法学方法论进行反思,更在于实现诠释学思维的方法论转化,创建法学作为人文科学的方法论。诠释学反思导向法律意义的追问,必然引起法律概念论从实体本体论向关系本体论的革新。  相似文献   

Property Law modules have a number of deficiencies at present. This article outlines the problems associated with Property Law modules, including the perception that Property Law is a difficult and boring module to study; overemphasis on the historical background of real property; lack of contextualisation; fragmentation of interests in real property; difficulties due to crossovers with other subjects; problems with resources; and issues concerning assessment. These problems should be remedied so that students can enjoy their study of Property Law and gain valuable skills that will enhance their employability. Moreover, given the recommendations contained in the LETR Final Report and recent proposals for changes to legal education from the SRA, this article provides a timely review of one of the Foundations of Legal Knowledge subjects. Accordingly, this article will make several recommendations in order to address the problems identified with Property Law.  相似文献   

This essay identifies obstacles to the inclusion of a competitionlaw regime in the WTO and suggests changes that are likely tobe necessary if competition law is to become an effective partof the WTO. Two obstacles have impeded inclusion of competitionlaw in the WTO's legal regime and are likely to continue todo so. They are (i) a lack of confidence that the norms, practicesand procedures of the WTO rest on a robust conception of communityand (ii) uncertainty and concern about what form of competitionlaw might be included and what its role in the WTO would be.In order to reduce the first of these obstacles, the institutionsand members of the WTO will need to develop a conception ofcommunity that engenders widespread confidence in the WTO'sbasic modes of operation. Eliminating the second obstacle wouldrequire clarification of the kind of competition law that wouldbe acceptable within the WTO, and this, in turn, is likely torequire development of a form of competition law that is specificallydesigned for the WTO and that can elicit the long-term supportof all categories of members. The essay suggests that the competitionlaw issue is intricately interwoven with the future of the WTO.The changes that would be necessary to introduce and successfullyimplement competition law in the WTO are to a large extent thesame as those that the institution will need to make if it isto enrich its role as an institution.  相似文献   

This address is based upon a presentation given at Seton Hall University School of Law's Seventh Annual Health Law Symposium on February 12, 1999.  相似文献   

法律人格是表示法律主体资格的概念.在罗马法上人格有诸多的构成要素.在近现代民法中,是以权利能力来指代法律主体资格的.两者虽在此功能上是相同的,但建立的基础却不同.人格与身份相联系,而权利能力与平等相联系.在采用权利能力的用语指代法律主体资格后,如何确保法律主体的主体性是一个重要问题,这是一个涉及目的与工具关系的问题.  相似文献   

常凯 《法学论坛》2012,(3):98-104
随着中国劳动关系集体化转型的发生,劳动法的调整对象也由以往主要局限于个别劳动关系调整,转变为以个别劳动关系调整为基础,以集体劳动关系调整为主线,以社会劳动关系调整为目标。规范的市场经济下劳动法的作用,是从个别劳动关系的从属性出发,通过集体劳动关系的对等性,来实现社会劳动关系的协调性。与中国劳动关系和劳动法治的集体化转型相适应,中国劳动法学科理论基础和结构体系也需重构,构建一个以个别劳动关系调整为基础、以集体劳动关系调整为中心的新的劳动法学科体系,已经成为中国劳动法学科发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

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