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劳动立法应遵守三方合作原则。《劳动合同法》客观上增加了企业的用工成本,诱发了企业的一些规避行为。但企业的行为是理性的,政府应当理性对待,不应将其一概视为违法。而且,企业的规避行为不仅是出于成本原因,也是因为该法的立法过程未能有效地贯彻三方合作原则。劳动立法中,不能以社会多数意见取代三方协商,依靠惩罚性赔偿不可能建立真正和谐的劳动关系。因此,我国应尽快完善三方合作机制,改革妨碍《劳动法》实施的旧体制。  相似文献   

In the light of the outcome of the 23rd June 2016 UK referendum to leave the European Union and the May government’s consequent approach to Brexit, this paper explores the likely changes that these will bring to a key EU–UK relationship, the competition policy relationship. It is suggested that changes are likely not only in public enforcement and private actions but also in the need for a new competition cooperation architecture between the EU and the UK. In order to appreciate how the competition relationship is likely to change after Brexit, an understanding of the current architecture in respect of the said areas is necessary and thus outlined early in the paper. Thereafter, it is argued that, post the implementation period, as the UK will no longer come under the direct jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice or indeed be a member of the Single European Market, a considerable loosening or separation of the strands that shape the current EU–UK competition relationship will occur. This unwinding of the currently intertwined EU and UK competition regimes will affect both public enforcement and private actions, thereby opening up the possibility of further regulatory divergence, unless consciously checked. Moreover, as the separation will see the Commission’s jurisdictional remit no longer include the UK, the domain will become the sole regulatory concern of UK institutions, particularly the Competition and Markets Authority. This will lead to dual regulatory capture, often of significant and complex antitrust and merger cases, given the overlapping nature of EU and UK markets. Clearly, this necessitates the UK regulator having the appropriate staffing to vet such cases, as it moves from essentially a regional player to one on a par with the Commission and regulators in the USA and China. In fact, the dual capture of such cases reinforces the importance of effective cooperation between the EU and UK regulators. However, given that the current competition cooperation relationship will end at the conclusion of the implementation period, the paper articulates a likely new EU–UK competition cooperation architecture, reflecting the fact that the UK would be outside the EU, but still enabling close, effective cooperation. Of course, and echoing the EU, it is also in the UK’s interest to agree similar competition cooperation bilaterals with key non-EU regulators. Yet, because this will take time, and because cooperation can indeed fail, the UK, like the EU, must ensure its competition instruments have the necessary extra-territorial reach.  相似文献   

Regulatory analyses often assume that compliance is desirable, with literature focusing on strategies to encourage "excellence" in adherence to regulatory goals. Yet, it is not unusual for disparate regulatory goals to exist that are based on competing values of what constitutes the "good society." It is this conflict that forms the substance of this paper. In cases of competing regulatory goals, techniques that encourage exemplary compliance in one area can create incentives to breach regulatory provisions of a competing regime. In such cases, generic regulatory techniques are unable to provide a useful means for resolving regulatory conflict but do allow a political delegation of conflict resolution to the "scientific" strategies of the regulator. In turn, the regulator places responsibility on companies for resolving competing regulatory demands. Successive delegation leads to juridification as well as regulators vying to retain primacy for their regime. This problem is examined through analysis of responsibilities for subcontractor safety under Australian health and safety law and sections of the Australian Trade Practices Act 1974 aimed at protecting competition.  相似文献   

Enforcement strategies that encourage "voluntary compliance" can improve regulatory efficiency by reducing unnecessary enforcement and compliance costs associated with legal confrontation between firms and agencies. This article analyzes the enforcement dilemma that causes confrontation and describes a "Tit for Tat" strategy capable of increasing socially beneficial cooperation. The strategy requires agencies to be reasonable toward cooperative firms, vengeful toward cheaters, unrelenting in pursuit of chronic evaders, but conciliatory toward repentant firms. Reforms in this neglected and poorly understood part of the regulatory process could yield considerable social benefits.  相似文献   

The list of predicate crimes for the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has evolved and grown over its twenty-five year existence. The evolution of this list reflects shifting concerns among the central actors in the organisation, as well as representing a response to any ‘displacement’ activity undertaken by those seeking to avoid these forms of governance. When the scope for cooperation and compliance with the FATF Forty Recommendations was extended beyond the organisation’s membership this governance regime encountered business sectors and financial practices not readily amenable to its objectives. This paper considers the causes and consequences for the situation, as developing economy states attempt to comply with the global governance expectations of the FATF when a significant portion of the domestic economy operates ‘informally’. A frame of reference is provided, with a definition for the informal economy and the concept of displacement as used in research on criminal activity. The focus here is with the nature of the cash economy operating beyond the scope of financial surveillance with implications for the comprehensive effectiveness of the global financial governance regime. The context of informal financial practice and its separation from the regulatory structures of the state leads to a conclusion that global financial governance is limited in practice to the domain of the formal economy.  相似文献   

'Best practice' in occupational health and safety (OHS) performance needs to recognize the declining emphasis that is being placed on the capacity of the regulatory state. This article argues that there are more appropriate forms of OHS regulation than direct command and control. The development of a systems-based approach acknowledges the importance of continuous improvement, benchmarking, and internal self-regulation. In order to encourage a systems-based approach, it is suggested that some form of persuasion by coercion by means of law remains a necessary condition for the establishment of an incentive-based 'voluntary' regime.  相似文献   

栗峥 《法学研究》2007,29(5):49-65
“真实”本身具有多元解释,是一个不可能得到精确认定的模糊概念。“事实”必须为法官所确立,是一种个性思维过程后的结论,可称为“法官真实”。从模糊理论与心证演变模式的三个阶段的视角看,自由心证的实质是模糊心证。司法证明必须容忍甚至鼓励富有极大模糊性的日常生活语言以描绘案件事实。模糊理论为司法证明科学的发展带来了新的视角与方法,扩展了研究者理性选择的空间,做出了不同于既有法学语境的诠释,试图形成一个能够科学描述和处理司法证明模糊性的概念体系和方法论框架,以突破摇摆于确定性与不确定性之间的困惑。  相似文献   

论“国际行政”类型界分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林泰 《河北法学》2012,30(11):2-18
国际行政法概念的前提是所谓“国际行政”的存在.通过对全球治理中不同类型的规制主体进行理论界分可以对国际行政做出适当的阐释,划分的标准为主体的固有特征及其权力行使方式,在这个基础上把国际行政划分为国际组织的内部行政、正式的政府间国际组织的行政、私人机制国际组织的行政、公私混合型国际组织之行政、基于国内官员之间合作安排的跨国网络实施的行政、一国国内当局实施的涉外行政等六种.事实上每一种形态都包含众多的跨国规制机构,这只是选取其中最为典型的跨国规制机构重点进行阐述.当然,这种界分是一种为便于研究的相对理想化的做法,在实践中,许多形态的规制机构界限并不是非常清晰,或者是相互重合的.这仅仅是试图对国际行政法所调整的行政关系类型化的一种尝试性的概括.  相似文献   

论行政法的合作理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺乐民  高全 《法律科学》2008,26(4):59-65
行政合作是行政机关与公民、法人或其他组织之间共同行动的实践理性活动,是对传统公私法划分理论和管制行政法的超越,是一种新的行政法理念和模式。行政合作是行政法历史发展的必然要求,符合社会历史发展趋势和市场经济的要求,具有科学的理论依据。行政合作具有政治、经济和文化的多重价值,对建立和谐、信任的官民关系和服务型政府具有重要的现实意义。应加强对行政合作的法理研究,创新行政合作制度。  相似文献   

现代行政活动方式的开发性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
法解释学框架之下的行政行为形式理论具有制度化、衔接性和储藏性功能,主要服膺于司法审查、程序控制和权利救济。在现代行政任务膨胀的背景下,传统行为形式理论险象环生,特别是其对行政实体政策面向的关注严重不足。因此,对传统行为形式理论的第一个提升应当是法政策学框架下的规制工具及其选择理论。公法学者对此义不容辞,因为他们掌握公法理论和规范架构,可以补足纯粹规制工具描述的价值基准和规范框架。现代行政活动方式的理论构造应当包括一个基点(传统行为形式理论)加三个理论提升(规制工具理论、行政过程论和行政法律关系论的塑造)。行政活动方式理论的新构造可以透视现代行政法学研究的新增长点。  相似文献   

Upon entry into the vision of scholars in international relations, game theory has quickly become an effective approach to analyzing international conflicts and cooperation, and has been broadly adopted by neo-realism and neo-liberalism, which are two dominating aspects in the current theories of international relations. The former argues that the states participating in the game always follow relative gains, hence achieving a pessimistic conclusion on international cooperation, while the latter argues that the states participating in the game always follow absolute gains and deduce an optimistic prospect for international cooperation, which provides a useful way to analyze the confrontation and cooperation of states in international legislative game. Of course, it is aware that gain preference and choice of action by states in international legislative game are also conditioned by other factors.  相似文献   

A social-ecological model aided by an adversarial methodology was employed to study the regulation of private nursing homes in Hong Kong over a five-year period. Specifically the study addresses the way quality of care and its definitions changed in response to shifting socio-political-economic conditions. The study began when only 2 percent of the industry was licensable. It was found that an initial period of harmful capture was replaced by a period of cooperation between government and the industry, following increased resource flow into the system that made it possible for desirable trade-offs to occur between the two parties. Six-and-a-half years after the introduction of the regulatory ordinance, all homes in the market achieved licensure status.  相似文献   

Incorporating behavioral insights into regulation is plausibly the most significant development in regulatory theory and practice in recent years. Behaviorally informed regulation encourages self‐benefiting and socially desirable behaviors with little intrusion on autonomy. Drawing on new empirical findings, this article puts forward the hitherto overlooked possibility of employing the deadline effect as a regulatory tool. Deadlines serve as an antidote to procrastination and forgetfulness. Many empirical and experimental studies have examined the use of deadlines in marketing. This study explores the possible use of deadlines by legal policy makers. It describes two survey experiments, a randomized field experiment and a natural experiment, which suggest that deadlines may encourage self‐benefiting and socially desirable behaviors, and that relaxing deadlines may discourage less desirable behavior. The article discusses the practical and normative aspects of using deadlines as a regulatory means, compared to alternative tools, such as default rules and required choices.  相似文献   

Laws for Sale: Evidence from Russia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How does regulatory capture affect growth? We construct measuresof the political power of firms and regional regulatory captureusing microlevel data on the preferential treatment of firmsthrough regional laws and regulations in Russia during the period1992–2000. Using these measures, we find that: (1) politicallypowerful firms perform better on average; (2) a high level ofregulatory capture hurts the performance of firms that haveno political connections and boosts the performance of politicallyconnected firms; (3) capture adversely affects small-businessgrowth and the tax capacity of the state; and (4) there is noevidence that capture affects aggregate growth.
"oligarchy ... throws a close network of dependence relationshipsover all the economic and political institutions of present-daybourgeois society without exception... ." —Vladimir Lenin,"Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism" (1916)

涉案企业合规刑行衔接的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李奋飞 《政法论坛》2022,(1):104-116
涉案企业合规改革的推行和深化,离不开行政监管部门的全面配合.检察机关在涉案企业合规改革探索过程中,也较为注重发挥行政监管部门的作用,并尝试利用现有的制度空间解决好与行政监管部门的衔接配合问题.但由于行政监管部门并没有配合刑事执法机关参与办理企业合规案件的法定义务,加上衔接配合的规则和程序粗陋缺失,刑行衔接程序出现不畅问...  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article develops a theory of multilevel choice of regulatory jurisdiction based on normative individualism, and suggests how certain features of the World Trade Organization (WTO) might be understood in terms of this theory. The WTO has some capacity for positive integration, as demonstrated in, for example, the harmonised minimum standards for intellectual property protection contained in the TRIPS agreement. Yet the WTO has generally not been used as a site for re-regulation in areas congruent with its de-regulation. However, in a limited way, and in particular contexts, it provides certain incentives for re-regulation at other sites. For example, both the SPS Agreement and the TBT Agreement encourage the formation of harmonised rules. These agreements require Member States to use international standards as a basis for their measures, with important exceptions.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the theory and policy proposals of recent formulations of abolitionism and restorative justice. Challenges are posed to some of the assumptions of abolitionism by considering its applicability to acts of violence against women, children, and minority ethnic citizens. In particular, the assumptions that dangerous offenders are few, and that the 'meaning' of a harmful act is negotiable between perpetrators and victims, are called into question. The symbolic function of criminalization and penalization is discussed. The paper considers whether the strategies suggested by recent proponents of forms of abolitionism and restorative justice can satisfy doubts about the adequacy of earlier abolitionist formulations in relation to both the symbolic and instrumental functions presently served by criminal law.Whilst calls for further criminalization and penalization of racial, sexual, and domestic violence are understandable, the abolitionist case that retributive justice is more likely to increase rather than reduce such violence, and to leave victims unsatisfied, is defended.  相似文献   

The story of New York Blue Cross is one of complex interaction with state and federal regulators and also with hospitals, the medical profession, commercial insurers, and the public, who make up the regulatory environment. Negotiation, cooperation, and adaptation among parties whose goals and assumptions were partly parallel characterize the relationships. As we can see from New York Blue Cross's origins and its role in the development and administration of certificate-of-need legislation, Medicare, insurance practice and regulation, and hospital rate setting, this story does not represent the capture of government by a special interest, nor the gradual souring of a public interest organization, nor disinterested and distant government regulation.  相似文献   

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