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The second Abe administration, inaugurated on December 26, 2012, has been called a repudiation of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) rather than a strong endorsement of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). However, in the intervening months, public support has risen. Going forward, the Abe administration faces three serious challenges, namely the economy, security and foreign policy, and a strategy to win in the Upper House elections expected in July 2013. This article analyzes each of these challenges and explores possible courses that the administration could take.  相似文献   

赵行姝 《美国研究》2020,34(2):44-69
特朗普政府推行的“能源主导”政策,本质上是将能源实力转化为能源权力,扩大美国国际影响力乃至领导力。目前,特朗普政府已将能源主导目标转化为多项举措:在国内政策层面表现为“为油气松绑”,积极鼓励化石能源生产;在国际层面表现为“促油气外销”,积极扩大化石能源出口,同时,“以油气为筹码”,在实现国家安全与对外政策目标时频繁借力能源工具。特朗普推动“能源主导”议程时,在国内主要依赖于联邦政府采取行政手段,在国际事务中则体现出较强的地缘政治属性。特朗普政府的能源政策在化石能源生产与出口、能源安全方面取得一定成效,但在将能源作为对外政策工具以增强美国影响力方面则效果不明显。  相似文献   

2000年,日本的防卫与安全发生了引人注目的变化.其主要特点是加强战时立法;重组部队编制;增强军事装备;加大地区安全中的军事外交力度;开始重新审视<日美安全条约>;探讨未来日美安全保障体制应有的模式.这些变化使人们发现,一个政治上愈加自信、军事上日趋自立的日本正迅速向扮演主要地区安全角色靠拢.  相似文献   

日本安倍政府“巧妙”利用与东盟建立友好合作关系40周年的重要节点,通过频繁的政治互动与密集的经济合作,深化了日本与东盟在地区政治、经济、安全等各个维度上的政策拟合度。不仅如此,迫于现实与战略层面的利益考虑,安倍政府试图借助政治拉拢与经济控制,把东盟塑造成“遏制中国发展”的潜在战略盟友。但由于存在过分强调主观意志、工具主义与利益至上等严重的局限性,日本安倍政府对东盟的外交战略注定无法达到预期效果,也难以在现实层面拉拢东盟构筑对华包围圈。  相似文献   

Japan has made its presence felt in the realm of power politics by focusing on the promotion of “human security” and sustainable development. At the core of both concepts lies the issue of health. As Japan prepares for the upcoming G7 Summit, Keizo Takemi examines the question of what sort of leadership role Japan should play in the critical field of health.  相似文献   

日本防卫政策的调整及其评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
首先通过防卫计划大纲的修改概括分析了日本新防卫政策调整的五个特点,即重点防范对象由俄罗斯转向中国,防卫理念由静态转向动态,军事部署的重心由北方转向南方,安保合作方式由双边转向多边,武器输出限制由严格转向宽松。然后,对这种调整的背景进行分析,认为防卫政策的调整是日本防卫力渐增过程的必然结果,是日本对中国崛起的具体反映,是日本配合美国亚洲战略调整的重要步骤。最后,对这次调整进行了初步评价,认为该调整是对日本战后一直奉行的低调防卫政策的又一次突破,并使东亚合作的进程蒙上了阴影,特别是给中日建立战略互惠关系增添了新的障碍。  相似文献   

东北亚能源合作与日本外交政策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
卢岩  王蕴 《当代亚太》2005,15(6):25-31
东北亚国家普遍面临严峻的能源安全问题.能源多边合作不仅能有效地改善各方的能源安全状况,而且有利于缓和地区紧张局势.但受制于日本外交政策,作为多边合作关键的中日两国却一直处于竞争状态,合作只能在局部合作利益非常突出的场合展开.基于总体竞争、局部有限合作的判断,中国在积极主张合作的同时,必须提升能源战略,对日政策应做两手准备.  相似文献   

Substantial progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) was made, but unsolved issues remain. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) succeeded the MDGs in 2015. In Japan the concept of “Human Security” has been incorporated into its foreign policy since the 1990s and is explicitly stated as the basic concept of Japan's Development Cooperation Charter issued in 2015. Also included in the Charter is Japan's “Proactive Contribution to Peace” policy and national interest, both of which are closely related to the concept of Human Security.

Although not specifically identified in the SDGs, Human Security was described by the UN General Assembly as “the right of people to live in freedom and dignity, free from poverty and despair” in a 2012 resolution. Japan's long-term commitment to Human Security and experience in health and education are two areas in which the country has contributed internationally and which can be put to good use in formulating policies and programs to achieve the SDG targets.  相似文献   

Japan's cultural policy and cultural diplomacy in Asia has changed dramatically over the past one hundred years, from actively introducing and imposing Japanese culture during its empire-building period, to essentially avoiding the promotion of Japanese culture in Asia for most of the postwar period due to fears of being seen once again as engaged in cultural imperialism, and more recently, to supporting and encouraging the export of Japanese contemporary culture and lifestyle in order to attain “soft power.” Looking at the fluctuations in Japan's cultural policy over these three periods allows us to understand how Japan has used cultural policy to further its geopolitical goals and more basically how it has viewed the role of “culture” in the context of its relations with Asian neighbors. In a broader sense, the Japanese experience shows that cultural policy, even when inward-looking, is not isolated from a country's geopolitical position and its ambitions in the world, regardless of the political system under which it operates.  相似文献   

朴键一 《当代亚太》2001,(10):40-45
2001年6月6日美国总统布什发表声明宣布美国将恢复同朝鲜接触,这表明布什政府的对朝鲜政策正式出台.布什政府对朝政策构成美国全球战略调整的重要组成部分,它将对朝鲜半岛和东北亚地区形势产生重要影响.但因目前美国全球战略调整方向还不十分清晰,布什政府的对朝政策还会有许多调整空间.因而今后朝鲜半岛和东北亚局势将会经历一段不确定时期.  相似文献   

In an age of declining American power, more Japanese are now understanding the need for multilateral diplomacy, according to Professor Reinhard Drifte, Chair of Japanese Studies in the Department of Politics at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. In this analysis of Japan's quest for a permanent Security Council seat, Drifte argues that Japan has to move beyond making simply monetary and procedural contributions to the United Nations, to a position of being ready to offer substantive policy input. For this to happen, he says the whole Japanese policy culture has to change.  相似文献   

印尼不涉及南海"争议"岛礁的主权声索,其南海政策的实践以维护自身在南海的主权、经济、航行和区域政治利益为主要目的,在南海问题上一直努力扮演着"调解人"的角色。佐科总统提出的"世界海洋轴心"战略构想不仅为印尼国家的发展指明方向,也将成为新时期指导印尼南海政策发展的指导性纲领。  相似文献   

查道炯 《当代亚太》2004,(11):15-19
冷战后日本在追求成为一个“正常国家”的过程中 ,采取了与冷战前追求日中友好所不同的政策。虽然尚无证据认为日本在追求与中国建立一个不友好甚至是对抗的关系 ,但中国在对日政策的问题上仍应争取主动即修正 1 972年以来一直坚持的“友好”、“合作”等传统上的习惯标准 ,而应以中国自身的利益为中心处理中日两国关系。在这一视角下 ,日本的对华政策是否能回到冷战前的友好姿态并不是最重要的因素。  相似文献   

“二战”后日本总的朝鲜半岛政策就是“两个朝鲜”政策。以此为前提,在不同的历史时期,日本根。据国际、国内形势的变化,采取了不同的具体对韩政策。20世纪60年代以前,处于战后复兴阶段的日本,为自身的国家利益考虑,在对朝鲜半岛殖民统治的认识、韩国对日请求权、日韩渔业纷争、在日朝鲜人等问题上对韩采取了强硬政策。之后,随着日本经济的高速增长和美国东亚政策的调整,日本从现实的国家利益及配合美国的东亚战略的角度出发,搁置日韩在殖民统治认识问题上的争议,迅速着手解决影响当代日韩关系发展的最大障碍——韩国对日请求权问题和日韩渔业纷争问题,实现了日韩邦交正常化。  相似文献   

在美国对外政策决策体系中,思想库在政策理念创新、人才储备、打造政策辩论平台以及教育和引导公众等方面具有非凡的作用。新近兴起的新美国安全研究中心对奥巴马政府的对外政策影响巨大。该中心的亚洲政策研究强调务实的态度,注重美国对亚洲事务的重新"参与",倡导强化和升级美国在亚洲的联盟关系,推动美国积极介入地区多边制度,其政策建议通过"旋转门制度"等对当前美国的亚洲政策决策产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   

王传剑 《当代亚太》2005,3(9):28-34
冷战后日本在朝鲜半岛的利益谋求面临各种直接或间接因素的制约,而美日同盟关系的持续存在则是其中一个关键的结构性变量.与美国的联盟关系对日本来说实际上具有双重性质,它在为日本安全提供"保护伞"的同时也在很大程度上限制了日本的行动自由.从这个意义上讲,美日同盟作为一种结构性制约因素内在地限制了日本作用的发挥,使日本基本上没有机会实现在朝鲜半岛事务中谋取更大发言权和影响力的企图.  相似文献   

日本庞大的政府债务问题一直是学界关注的热点。从日本财政预算理念的视角,对这一问题进行分析,有利于深层次理解日本财政困境的成因。日本作为世界重要经济体,经历了战后迅速崛起到经济高速发展再到经济低迷的发展道路,与之相对应,其财政预算理念总体经过平衡预算理念、周期性预算平衡、新自由主义财政理念、重拾凯恩斯主义财政理念等四个阶段。日本财政预算理念与财政政策实践过程中的经验与教训,对中国财政政策的制定和经济发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


Although the quest for oil has long been a central concern for resource-poor Japan, its foreign policy in the Middle East does not simply reflect a mercantilist interest in the region's resources. Its desire to remain close to the United States during the North Korea crisis and its nascent competition with China are also critical factors in Japan's Middle East policy. However, Japan lacks an integrated strategy toward the Middle East and as a result the various components of its policy are not always compatible. Hence, while Japan has firmly backed the Bush administration's Iraq policies, and begun discussing a possible free-trade agreement with members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, it has also, until quite recently, simultaneously pursued closer relations with Iran. In lieu of coherent regional strategy, Japan instead possesses a clearly prioritized sense of its interests in the region.  相似文献   

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