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草根NGO与政府存在合作与非合作的两种关系。在我国,一般认为政府倾向于对草根NGO采取抑制、打压、取缔等多种方式限制其发展。但现实中依然有一些草根NGO与政府具有一定的合作关系。现有文献认为,相互间的信任、资源依赖以及组织功能是影响草根NGO与政府之间的合作的关键。温州"公益圈"草根NGO的访谈及问卷调查,对以上因素进行了验证。由此我们发现,相对于组织信任、资源依赖和组织功能,草根NGO负责人与政府部门主管官员的个人人际信任在草根NGO与政府合作中起核心作用。  相似文献   

我国草根NGO联盟兴起于20世纪90年代环保领域,经历专业化联盟、非常态下的异质性联盟以及常规化联盟阶段,草根NGO结盟是草根NGO获取可持续性资源的一种策略选择,它可以实现公益资源的有效整合与共享。本文基于华夏公益联盟实践中的几个跨区域性公益项目,尝试探索草根NGO联盟存在的几种资源共享模式,研究发现草根NGO联盟存在支持型资源共享模式、互补型资源共享模式、联动型(或增殖型)资源共享模式等三种资源共享模式,其中,联动型(或增殖型)资源共享模式还包括公益产业链型、资源辐射型、关键性资源驱动型等三种类型。理清草根NGO联盟的资源共享模式,有利于指导实践。  相似文献   

乜琪 《公共管理学报》2013,(2):85-93,141
资源依赖与独立自治都是防艾草根NGO在运行中必需的,但是二者之间存在张力,难以同时兼顾,形成二维运行困境。为考察国内防艾草根NGO运行中如何平衡二者之间的张力,本文依据对84家防艾草根NGO的调研资料,采用多案例比较法,选取三家防艾草根NGO代表,总结出三种张力平衡模式:偏依赖型、偏自治型与均衡型。分析发现:偏依赖型草根NGO数量最多,均衡型数量最少;偏依赖型与偏自治型均存在不同程度的运行风险,均衡型则是较为理想的运行模式;理想状态下,偏依赖型与偏自治型可以转化为均衡型。但是,理想状态所包含的条件到底有哪些,还需要进一步研究;另外,实地调研数据在代表性方面仍然具有局限性。尽管如此,对于偏依赖与偏自治类型的防艾草根NGO改变运行策略,突破二维运行困境,本文的研究还是提供了相当的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

进行“多向-交互式”沟通是防范和化解环境风险的关键环节。在中国治理场景中,草根NGO能否以及如何促进沟通效能提升?本研究以垃圾焚烧风险沟通为视窗,基于对六家草根NGO的长期追踪,通过探索性案例研究法揭示了其提升环境风险沟通效能的“环式理论逻辑”,即:认知引导机制、政策保障机制、能力支撑机制及反馈激励机制促使NGO选择“撬动对话”这一沟通策略,通过平衡主体、激发意愿、优化内容、拓展空间四个维度的努力推动利益相关方坦诚对话,进而生产出情感、组织、言说、合作四类秩序。秩序的稳定运转将促使风险沟通效能在信息展示、意见交换、弥合分歧、推进合作等四个层次获得提升,并反哺于策略塑成机制。在此基础上,基于情境拓展进一步凝练四个理论命题,实现对逻辑框架的深度解读。本研究一方面推动了“对话理论”的本土化和操作化,丰富风险沟通理论体系;另一方面有助于深刻理解风险场景中草根NGO的角色及政社关系,为构建环境风险治理共同体奠定基础。  相似文献   

NGO具有民间性、非营利性、组织性和自愿性特征。NGO是现代社会的重要部门,其活动遍及教育、科技、文化、环境保护、养老扶贫、医疗服务等领域,不仅弥补了市场缺陷,而且承担了部分政府的责任。我国社会对NGO提供的服务有巨大的需求,但现阶段我国NGO还处于较困难的创业时期,其发展受到了资金不足的巨大约束。推动我国NGO发展,政府责无旁贷。  相似文献   

李凤琴 《理论探索》2011,(5):117-120
从资源依赖理论的视角来解释,政府与NGO的合作存在着高度资源依赖的关系:政府对NGO提供公共服务的依赖,NGO对政府的政策支持和资金依赖。实践说明,政府与NGO合作是建立在各自拥有资源相互依赖基础上的有效合作,有助于解决社会问题,同时也促进了政府与NGO关系的良性发展。但在现实中,政府对NGO的公共服务依赖还是很有限的,是一种非对称性的依赖,理想模式应该是平等的相互依赖关系,即政府与NGO都基于公共服务的目标,相互依赖对方的资源,满足服务接受者的需求。  相似文献   

美国NGO组织发展的经验与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者在参与市委组织部的“都市计划”班赴美学习中,对美国NGO组织的发展规模及其参与地方政府公共治理的广泛性和能力,留下深刻印象。本文就美国NGO组织的发展经验,及如何借鉴其经验促进深圳NGO组织发展等问题展开论述。  相似文献   

劳资关系治理理论演变路径揭示,劳资关系治理主体日益走向多元化,NGO参与劳资关系治理顺应这一趋势。关于NGO的作用效果与机制,已有文献研究表明,NGO对劳资关系改善具有许多正面影响,与工会、政府以及其他社会组织产生相互作用,NGO的参与为劳资关系治理开辟了新的路径。  相似文献   

本文主要以快乐童年公益阅读坊为例,通过介绍阅读坊的成立、工作内容及方法,研究NGO在医疗社会工作领域的实践,旨在介绍NGO参与医疗社会工作的重要意义及工作开展中面对的困难,呼吁更多力量关注NGO在医疗社会工作领域的发展,以阅读学习等方式来帮助患儿远离病痛,拥有一片快乐的天空。  相似文献   

建立和完善我国NGO监督机制--基于"多元共治"模式的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代之后,我国NGO获得了长足的发展,但在发展过程中,NGO缺乏外在硬约束,我国现行NGO监督机制存在明显问题1、外部监督立法不完善2、政府监管体制不合理3、社会监督乏力4、组织自律不够.与不受约束的权力必然导致腐败一样,外部监督机制的缺陷会导致NGO公共责任的缺失,因此,NGO的监督应实行多元共治的监督模式  相似文献   

农民工NGO建设的政策需求与生成路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农民工的出现是中国社会转型的必然;农民工为社会的发展做出了重大贡献.但是,其合法权益却没有得到应有保护.而农民工仅凭个人的力量往往难以维护自身的合法权益,从而产生了对组织的需求.农民工非政府组织(NGO)为保护农民工合法权益提供了组织保障.然而,农民工NGO的建设是一个长期而复杂的工程,许多问题值得探讨.试图通过对实际情况的分析,对农民工NGO的建设目标、政策需求和生成路径进行探讨.通过文献研究法和个人观察归纳法,认为农民工NGO的建设依然面临着法律、经费、制度、人才等方面的困境.根据农民工的实际需求和组织的生存困境,得出:现阶段农民工NGO的建设目标应该是发展面向基层的能够解决实际问题的基层组织.政府应该给予农民工NGO提供政策支持,包括进入与退出政策、资金与资助政策、制度与技术政策和人才与人事政策,从而推动农民工NGO的内生路径和外生路径的协调发展.  相似文献   

本概述了美国非营利组织发展的过程,阐述了非营利组织的概念及其在美国社区发展中所起的作用,并对美国非营利组织的管理方式进行了研究。作对我国政府培育和发展非营利组织提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Extant research in the nonprofit literature focuses on non‐governmental organization (NGO) accountability, framing it relationally. We examine the interplay of several constitutive elements of NGO–donor relationships based on narratives of NGO executives and other staff: NGO perceptions of accountability and of their donors, their assumptions about donor perceptions of the NGO role and expectations of NGO accountability, and their responses to shifts in donor funding. We argue that perceptions and practices of accountability do not only determine to whom an NGO should be primarily accountable but also shape NGO behavior and alter dependence on donors. As such, accountability is not necessarily a consequence of a relationship, but more likely a constitutive element of the relationship. While a favorable response to donor interests might signify upward accountability, it might also suggest that NGOs are more assertive about managing their institutional environments, thereby mitigating their dependence on donors. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


While the moniker non-governmental organization (NGO) connotes distance from the state, it is widely recognized that civil society in a range of political contexts is in fact characterized by close ties across the public-private divide. Scholars of Chinese social organizations have noted that proximity between the state and NGOs is even more pronounced in the context of China. What is less clear is why this is so. Why do grassroots NGOs overwhelmingly pursue engagement with the state? This paper presents findings that enumerate a number of motivating forces that drive state-NGO collaboration, particularly with respect to small, grassroots NGOs that do not have preexisting ties to elites or to the state. Most notable among these is that NGOs seek engagement with state agencies primarily in order to secure public trust. Public trust is found to be key to the ability of such groups to run programs, mobilize citizens or raise funds. These findings therefore have implications for how we understand the critical role of public support and legitimation—in addition to state control—in the enabling of civil society under authoritarianism.


The article addresses how South African non‐governmental organisations (NGOs) approach the management of their development activities and the influences upon their approaches. Based on interviews, field visits and programme documents from 40 organisations working in South Africa, the article explores the extent to which NGO programme priorities and adopted management practices arise out of donor conditions, succeed in their stated aims and generate other unintended consequences. Four aspects of contemporary NGO management dynamics are explored: logical frameworks, participatory processes, impact enhancement and financial probity. While donor requirements in these four areas generally impose heavy costs on South African NGOs and poorly achieve their stated aims, the research documents cases, in which local managers were able to work effectively and learn within these constraints, found ways around the more intrusive requirements, or challenged donors to change their policies to permit more equitable donor‐recipient relationships and better development practice. However, an unintended impact of tighter funding requirements is an observable differentiation within the South African NGO sector, with smaller community‐based organisations excluded as larger professional organisations establish more enduring links with international development organisations. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article first reviews and compares Human Rights Council and University Period Review (HRC/UPR) research published during and shortly after the institution-building period (2006–2009) to more recent work (2010–2014) to identify patterns of scholarly interest in NGO roles and behavior at the HRC/UPR. It divides research into that which either “ignores” NGOs or offers “indirect” attention, “direct” attention, or “foregrounds” NGO activity, concluding that NGOs are surprisingly underexamined, given remarkable new participatory opportunities in the HRC/UPR and the centrality of NGO information provision to the success of the new body. Empirical analysis of NGO statements from the CHR to the HRC indicates sharply increasing NGO participation, particularly among domestic, regional, and Southern NGOs. The increased volume and changing characteristics of participating NGOs may have important effects on the HRC/UPR and should also encourage further analysis.  相似文献   

This article integrates previous research on NGO behaviour with economic theory on collective action to create a generalizable and predictive model of advocacy campaign growth. It identifies three types of goods which NGOs may pursue in advocacy: unlimited, non-rival (public) goods; rival and excludable (private) goods; and rival but non-excludable goods. It then models an individual NGO’s decision to (not) join an existing advocacy campaign using a cost-benefit analysis conditioned by the presence or absence of competition for the good(s) sought by the NGO. This model of individual behaviour forms the basis for predicting collective action among NGOs with varying cost structures and pursuing a variety of rival and non-rival goods. The theory is illustrated using two cases of NGOs campaigning on World Bank policy.  相似文献   

中国古代是以农立国的农本国家,十分重视基层组织的建设。从周之乡遂到明清保甲,辗转相承,代有兴革,绵延不绝,积累了极其丰富的乡村基层组织建设的实践经验,为确保基层的和谐稳定和实现国家的稳固发展打下了坚实的基础。这些弥足珍贵的实践经验,对中国古代社会巩固基层、维持治安、寓教于民、保障民生、自治自立有着重要的现实意义,也对今天构建共建共治共享的现代基层社会治理新格局和全面推进乡村振兴战略具有重要的史鉴价值。  相似文献   

The proliferation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the developing, as well as the developed, world, has triggered an 'associational revolution'. Political scientists, however, have made a relatively minor contribution to the contemporary NGO literature which has evolved since the mid-1980s. This article examines some of the main political themes addressed in the NGO literature, as well as related themes in other political studies. NGOs, the article argues, make significant contributions to political life and to political change in developing countries, revealing a fertile, and hitherto neglected, research agenda.  相似文献   

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