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整合公共外交——国家形象构建的战略沟通新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家形象塑造是衡量整合公共外交绩效的坐标,整合公共外交的实施效能要在国家形象的知名度和美誉度中得到体现.以战略沟通为核心的整合公共外交分析框架,集中对国家形象战略沟通行为层面进行探讨.对于国家形象的构建和重塑提出了新的研究视角.  相似文献   

Since security on the periphery is vital to a country’s overall security,China’s considerations of its peripheral areas have remained among the four pillars of its diplomacy,the others being big power,developing country,and multilateralism.With the establishment of the P.R.C.and the Cold War,past relations with neighboring countries were stormy,with policies toward some involving confrontation,even armed clashes.The Cold War’s end and China’s growing comprehensive power have affected security in peripheral areas and the power structure in neighboring countries,increasing the pressure for timely adjustment and reform of diplomatic strategy.Efforts were discernable during the CPC Central  相似文献   

The period following the end of the Cold War has been marked by the twin trends of multi-polarization and globalization.Countries are nowmore inter-dependent;the world order has been decentralized.International relations have changed from us versus them to one that is marked by multi-center dominance, an order never seen before.As China's position continues to rise, the country is more inclined to adopt partnership diplomacy.This is characterized by the concept of non-alignment and efforts by the country to shape the world order to come into line with its own development.  相似文献   

In terms of the question, “how to create an effective peace-making process in the Israeli–Palestinian case,” this article argues that the answer is a multidimensional approach to peace-making diplomacy that contains two main settings: political-elite diplomacy and public diplomacy. Political-elite diplomacy suggests various modes of peace-making interactions between political-elites. Public diplomacy provides instruments to involve the people in the peace-making struggle, prepares them for a change, and presses the leadership to reach agreements. The analysis suggests establishing an institution for the operation of public diplomacy—a major Israeli-Palestinian public negotiating congress. The congress is a democratic peace-making institution that invites representatives of the opposing societies to discuss, debate, and negotiate solutions to their struggle. The article also presents the concepts of political-elite diplomacy and public diplomacy as competitive settings that should be regarded as complementary. It includes lessons from the “Minds of Peace Experiment”—a small-scale Israeli–Palestinian public negotiating congress—which has been conducted in different places around the world.  相似文献   

朱航 《亚非纵横》2010,(3):11-16
公共外交是一国政府通过信息传播、文化交流、大众媒体、民意调查和支持非政府组织等形式影响国外民众,扩大本国政府、公民与国外民众的对话,减少他国公众对本国的错误观念,提高本国在国外公众中的形象和国际影响力,进而增进本国国家利益的外交方式。世博会为我国开展公共外交提供了一个盛大的平台,也成为中国面向全世界的“公共外交”新舞台。  相似文献   

Leon Trotsky,founder of the Soviet Red Army,once lamented "You may not be interested in war,but war is interested in you".1 His words are highly relevant to crisis public diplomacy today.Although not enough attention is paid to it,crisis public diplomacy is destined to become vital and complementary to other diplomacies in an era of frequent crisis.It plays a prominent role in domestic diplomatic strategies and appears to be very conspicuous in international affairs.This was clearly indicated in the report made by former General Secretary Hu Jintao at the 18th Congress of the CPC (Communist Party of China),  相似文献   

正President Xi Jinping put forward the term Silk Road Economic Belt on September 7th,2013 in Kazakhstan when he proposed in his speech to forge closer economic ties,deepen cooperation and expand development space in the Eurasian region,we should take an innovative approach and jointly  相似文献   

战略深度主义是近年来活跃于土耳其外交舞台的新外交思想,其以土耳其的历史深度和地缘战略深度为基础,主张对此前土耳其不平衡的外交政策进行修正,并扩大土耳其的地区影响力。  相似文献   

The term "public diplomacy" was first used in 1965 by the Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University. The term has no fixed definition no matter in China or other countries. Scholars agree on some points but disagree on some others. The Dictionary of International Relations Terms compiled by the U.S. Department of State in 1987 illustrates that public diplomacy refers to government-sponsored programs intended to understand, inform or influence public opinion in other "countries, reduce foreign governments' and public's misperceptions on the United States, enhance the image and influence of the United States in overseas public and promote national interest;  相似文献   

中国的和平发展与公共外交   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国快速发展引起国际社会高度关注,各国都把如何应对中国崛起作为战略考量。中国要为国家振兴营造更宽松友好的国际舆论环境,就须更加重视国际社会普遍存在的对华认知问题,公共外交因此负有重要历史使命。开展公共外交要以我为主、立足国情、兼收并蓄,借鉴吸收外国成功经验,探索有中国特色的有效的公共外交模式,政府和公众双管齐下,精心培育骨干力量,重视构建对外话语体系。  相似文献   

拓展有中国特色的公共外交   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
正公共外交一词由美国人在1965年首先提出。关于它的定义,国内外学者仁者见仁,智者见智,有共识也存在不少争议。美国国务院1987年编撰的《国际关系词典》给出的基本定义是:"由政府发起交流项目,利用电台等信息传播手段,了解、获悉和影响其他国家的舆论,减少其他国家政府和  相似文献   

In recent years, countries around the world have attached
increasing importance to public diplomacy. The United States has made public diplomacy a constant subject in foreign policy making. And the promotion of U.S. values and ideas throughout the world has become one of the two pillars of the Strategic Plan of the U.S. Department of State. In Germany,  相似文献   

国外对公共外交的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡锦涛主席在第十次驻外使节会议上指出, "维护我国发展的重要战略机遇期,争取和平稳定的国际环境、睦邻友好的周边环境、平等互利的合作环境和客观友善的舆论环境,为全面建设小康社会服务,是当前和今后一个时期我国外交工作的根本任务,也是基本目  相似文献   

论中国公共外交的两条战线   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国公共外交存在"合作"与"竞争"两条战线,其中对美国和日本的公共外交为竞争性公共外交,对中东、东南亚、俄罗斯和非洲等国家和地区的公共外交属合作性公共外交。从中国公共外交现状看,竞争性公共外交战线处于被动局面,合作性公共外交战线则成效显著。因此,中国的公共外交实施策略必须针对竞争性公共外交对象进行设计:提升公共外交的战略地位,对其增加投入;淡化政府身份,多以非政府形式操作;不纠缠话语信息的是非曲直,以行动服人;与对手建立民间利益共生体。  相似文献   

公共外交的经典含义与中国特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共外交的经典含义是一国政府为争取他国民心而采取的公关行动。经典意义上的公共外交新中国自成立之日就已开始进行且卓有成效。新时期中国公共外交的特色,一是内外并重,因为全球化时代外交决策者和执行者必须从国内外两个大局看问题;二是追求共赢,中国公共外交的重点是介绍自己,而不是抨击别人,与西方国家总是试图通过公共外交操控别国内政,甚至颠覆别国政权形成了鲜明对比。中国可通过"搭台唱戏"、"借台唱戏"、"让别人唱我的戏"的方式进一步加强新时期的公共外交。  相似文献   

Understanding and mitigating the consequences of clashing moral perceptions should be a primary goal of diplomacy and foreign policy analysis. Personal interviews and primary documents about the Lockerbie negotiations are used to illustrate the dangerous collision of different moral claims in the international arena, the mistakes made by the United States and United Kingdom in handling this aspect of the negotiations, and South African President Nelson Mandela's use of strategic moral diplomacy to resolve the stalemate between Libya, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Mandela's strategy in these negotiations is an example of how an intelligent and pragmatic moral position, rather than the conventional image of an enemy as evil, can produce the desired strategic results—in this case, Colonel Qaddafi's handover of the two Libyan citizens accused of the Lockerbie bombing.  相似文献   

唐翀 《东南亚》2011,(1):28-31
公共外交是国家的一项重要战略资产,对于传播本国外交理念,塑造国家形象,改善本国的国际舆论环境有重要的意义。但作为一种外交手段,公共外交也具有局限性,其作用不应该过度被夸大。本文以中国在东南亚地区的公共外交为例,分析了我国公共外交存在的问题并提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

欧盟公共外交源于欧盟共同外交和安全政策(CFSP)发展的需要.它以信息与沟通为主题,以全球热点事件、文化、学术和教育交流、对外援助以及基金资助为手段,极大地充实了欧盟对外政策,增进了世界其他国家和地区民众对欧盟理念和价值观的认同,改善了欧盟同邻国的关系,并逐渐成为欧盟预防危机的有效机制.但是,欧盟公共外交在实施过程中仍有不少问题,欧盟内部机制缺失以及各成员国话语分权,导致欧盟公共外交活动存在分散和不连贯现象,且整体协调难度大,广度和深度明显不足.  相似文献   

公共外交刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张九桓 《亚非纵横》2011,(2):1-4,59
公共外交是政府主导下的全民外交,它是政府外交的延伸,是对政府外交的有益和有效补充。同时,我们应注意到民间外交作为国与国之间的经常性互动形式也是公共外交的重要组成部分。演讲是公共外交的主要手段,传媒则为公共外交的发展增添了活力。我们除了要做好日常性的工作之外,还应处理好各类突发事件,使之成为我公共外交的新亮点。  相似文献   

随着全球化和信息化的迅速发展,作为传统外交的补充形式,公共外交在塑造国家形象、建立国家间互信方面扮演了重要角色。本文从介绍公共外交理论开始,探讨中国对东南亚国家公共外交的实践,并就中国对东南亚的公共外交提出建议。  相似文献   

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