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正On September 6,CIIS President Qi Zhenhong met with a delegation of Indian senior diplomats,led by India's High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Taranjit Singh Sandhu.The two sides exchanged views on China-India relations,the Belt and Road Initiative and India's development strategies,cooperation between Chinese and Indian think tanks,  相似文献   

<正>Hosted by the Department of European Affairs,MFA and organized by CIIS,the 10th Workshop for European Diplomats,themedThe Belt and Road Initiative and New Prospect of China-EU Relations,was successfully held from July 14-25.2015.29 diplomats of different ranks from 27 European countries attended  相似文献   

For much of the nineteenth century, Canadian education-related international activities resided outside the realm of traditional diplomacy. This situation was exacerbated by Canada's colonial link with Great Britain. Obstacles that prevented educationalists from playing a more substantive role in diplomacy were local, imperial, and ecclesiastical in origin. Educational activities were also a tool in the service of governments in the era between the zenith of British Imperialism in the 1890s and the founding of the United Nations in 1945. In the post-1945 era there was greater collaboration between the federal Ministry of External Affairs and provincial ministries of education. Education also emerged in the late twentieth century as part of the new diplomacy. A flowering of new international governmental organizations dedicated to furthering creative diplomacy brought new energy to this field.  相似文献   

What is citizen diplomacy and how do we assess its significance? These are important questions because of the recent upsurge in international activity of this kind, and because how we answer them says a great deal about how we do IR. By examining citizen diplomacy in Duluth, Minnesota, this paper offers a typology of citizen diplomats organized around the ideas of who or what they are representing and to whom. Assessing the significance of citizen diplomacy is a more difficult problem since individuals tend to generate a priori answers to it based on our respective theoretical orientations to IR as a whole. As a solution to this problem, the paper proposes a diplomatic approach which focuses on both the representation of differences to one another and the professional commitment which diplomats have to maintaining the practices and institutions which make such relations possible.  相似文献   

2002年阿根廷形势及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一  2 0 0 2年经济形势自 2 0 0 1年年底阿根廷爆发政治、经济和社会的全面危机以来 ,2 0 0 2年年初上台的杜阿尔德政府为使国家尽快走出危机而采取了许多措施。但到目前为止阿根廷经济还没有出现走出危机和开始复苏的明显迹象 ,主要原因有以下几个方面。(一 )债务问题没有解决是导致阿根廷仍不能走出危机的主要原因。2 0 0 1年 1 2月 ,严重的经济危机造成的财政困难 ,迫使阿根廷政府宣布无力偿还高达 1 3 2 0亿美元的债务。此举不但使阿根廷成为历史上迄今为止最大的倒账国 ,而且对阿根廷经济造成恶劣影响。为了尽快摆脱不利局面 ,从 2 0 …  相似文献   

论后冷战时期的国际危机与危机管理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
国际危机与危机管理是后冷战时期国际政治中的重要问题。本文在界定国际危机这一概念的基础上 ,探讨后冷战时期国际危机的成因与后冷战时期危机管理中的新特性。  相似文献   

全球化进程是急剧改变人类社会经济生活以及人类自身的深刻变革,它在给人类带来诸多福祉的同时,也会导致不同层面、相互联系的危机。管理危机、欠发达世界的危机、全球性垄断危机、文明之间的竞争以及第二次“古登堡”危机将给国际社会带来诸多难题,人类的智慧面临巨大挑战。  相似文献   

Sovereign debt problems exist not only in European countries.Most advanced countries are troubled with a debt burden.There has been a lot of discussion about the reasons for the crisis in Europe-high g...  相似文献   

今年3月14日开始,支持泰国前总理他信的“红衫军”在曼谷掀起十多万人的大规模示威,用“洒血总理府、民主党总部和总理官邸”、车队游街等方式逼迫政府下台。泰国政府全力应对,双方均不愿做实质性让步,政局再度陷入难解危机。  相似文献   

The "audience cost" literature argues that highly-resolved leaders can use public threats to credibly signal their resolve in incomplete-information crisis bargaining, thereby overcoming informational asymmetries that lead to war. If democracies are better able to generate audience costs, then audience costs help explain the democratic peace. We use a game-theoretic model to show how public commitments can be used coercively as a source of bargaining leverage, even in a complete-information setting in which they have no signaling role. When both sides use public commitments for bargaining leverage, war becomes an equilibrium outcome. The results provide a rationale for secret negotiations as well as hypotheses about when leaders will claim that the disputed good is indivisible, recognized as a rationalist explanation for war. Claims of indivisibility may just be bargaining tactics to get the other side to make big concessions, and compromise is still possible in equilibrium.  相似文献   

Leon Trotsky,founder of the Soviet Red Army,once lamented "You may not be interested in war,but war is interested in you".1 His words are highly relevant to crisis public diplomacy today.Although not enough attention is paid to it,crisis public diplomacy is destined to become vital and complementary to other diplomacies in an era of frequent crisis.It plays a prominent role in domestic diplomatic strategies and appears to be very conspicuous in international affairs.This was clearly indicated in the report made by former General Secretary Hu Jintao at the 18th Congress of the CPC (Communist Party of China),  相似文献   

7月中旬以来,巴勒斯坦自治领土加沙地带发生了由巴部分武装分子参与的绑架人质、枪战、纵火和游行示威等一系列事件,致使加沙陷入前所未有的混乱状态,并引发政治危机,包括总理库赖在内的多名高官向巴民族权力机构主席阿拉法特递交辞呈。巴陷入了十多年来最严重内部危机。  相似文献   

乌克兰危机的民族政治解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌克兰危机是民主政治、大国地缘政治博弈、民族政治等要素杂糅并复合互动的产物,作者从民族政治的角度对之加以解读。第一,历史上的民族积怨与对立是导致乌克兰危机的重要历史根源,但它在当下如何被“记忆”与“重新发现”才是理解这一根源的关键。第二,在乌克兰二十余年国家建设中,出现了国族主导与主体民族主导两种路径的张力与冲突,这是导致当前乌克兰危机的深层次国内政治根源。第三,在乌克兰民主实践中,出现了现代政党政治与传统民族政治合体的趋势,这一合体包含了内在张力,实际上是乌克兰国家转型不成熟的标志,这是当前乌克兰危机爆发的政治制度与政治文化根源。第四,不恰当地运用民族自决权,则是乌克兰危机迈向国际危机的重要根源。第五,从国内政治角度看,乌克兰危机源自国家建设的失败,其民族政治更应从国家建设意义上加以审视。鉴于乌克兰危机短时间难有转机,面对危机发酵以及后危机时代的冲突治理,民族政治因素的负面作用仍不容忽视,民族政治在未来的乌克兰政治生活中仍将是一个棘手的对象。  相似文献   

南海地区,中国与有关东南亚国家关于岛礁主权与海洋权益的争端久拖未决,该地区历史上爆发过数次国际危机,美国均不同程度介入其危机管理过程。当前南海问题的发展走向与美国的亚太再平衡战略密切相关,美国对于任何可能出现的南海危机不会置身事外,在南海问题趋紧以及美国积极介入的态势下,中国要汲取以往的经验教训,加强南海地区的危机管理机制建设,维护我国在南海地区的国家利益。  相似文献   

由新华出版社出版发行的<别样风雨>一书是以前驻外大使为主体的资深外交官撰写的外交题材文集.  相似文献   

美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机对世界各国影响巨大。鉴于此,对金融危机进行有效治理显得尤为重要。作为发展中大国的中国,更有责任对其进行认真研究,探寻危机治理的合理且有效的策略和方式,以此为其他国家应对和治理危机提供经验借鉴和策略支持,从而展现自身价值和角色作用。  相似文献   

语言影响人们的思维和认知,是人与人、国与国之间交流和沟通的媒介,也是安全研究的重要维度。特定的话语可塑造威胁身份,叙述危机故事,对言语对象制造话语障碍,形成话语压力,建构话语危机,影响相关政策,使特定问题安全化,并影响安全程度的高低,导致不同的安全政策,甚至助推战争。中国在近三十年来一直面临来自西方世界的话语压力,在国际舆论场中经常陷入不利境地,有时由于某个话题成为舆论焦点,遭遇话语危机,如“中国威胁论”“中国强硬论”“中国威胁南海航行自由”“中国威胁世界秩序”以及中美“修昔底德陷阱”等。中国成为世界第二大经济体后日益成为世界关注的焦点,中国亟须研究和应对话语压力和话语危机。中国需要加大世界发声力度,提高话语主动性和自觉性;加大中国文化理念的国际宣传,重塑中国话语的国际语境;努力提升国际话语权;避免话语与行为的盲目自大,避免不必要的话语攻击和误解、有针对性地做好美国关于中国话语的改善工作。只有这样,才能够减少话语障碍和话语压力,有效缓解和化解话语危机。这是为中国塑造良好外部环境、提升中国国际形象、使中国与世界的互动更加顺畅的重要条件。  相似文献   

陷入危机的欧盟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年5月29日和6月1日法国和荷兰全民公决先后否决《欧盟宪法条约》,不仅使欧盟为之奋斗数年、几经周折才获通过的首部欧盟统一宪法前景堪虞,欧洲一体化建设也陷入进退两难的尴尬境地。4月16-17日欧盟首脑会议虽一致同意“暂停”宪法条约的批准程序,并未能就2007年-2013年中期预算方案达成妥协,使欧盟陷入前所未有的严重危机。出现这种局面的根本原因在于,欧盟去年实现大规模东扩并试图通过统一宪法推进政治一体化,这一决定本身就埋下了爆发危机的种子。  相似文献   

4月12—14日,拉美第四大国委内瑞拉的部分军人和反对派联合“逼宫”,推翻号称“拉美政治强人”的查韦斯总统,不料形势突变,查韦斯仅在48小时后就东山再起,重掌总统权力。委政局表明,年初委出现的经济形势恶化、社会动荡演升为严重的政治危机,成为继阿根廷危机之后拉美地区爆发的“新世纪第二场危机”。其前因后果,值得揣摩。  相似文献   

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