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在西方基督教会全面离开中国60年后的今天,宗教再度成为中美关系中的重要因素.目前中美宗教交往已进入"后传教时代",而且比以往任何时候都更加多样化.中美关系是不断发展的动态关系,即使在一些通常认为是两国关系的"问题"或"结构性分歧"的领域,交流和沟通对促进两国关系具有积极作用.  相似文献   

宗教对美国政治向来具有较大影响。20世纪90年代以来,尤其是“9·11”以后,美国内的基督教保守派势力上升,美国的对外政策凸显宗教因素。宗教势力往往直接影响美国的大选结果,对美国外交政策的影响是复杂且长期的。  相似文献   

Immigration and changing demographic trends mean that Europe will in the very near future inevitably be transformed, culturally and politically. As in the Cold War, it again represents a critical theater for rivalry, but this time it is between Christianity, Islam, and secularism. European nations will either be the sites of religious conflict and violence that sets Muslim minorities against secular states and Muslim communities against Christian neighbors, or it could become the birthplace of a liberalized and modernized Islam that could in turn transform the religion worldwide. We urgently need to understand the developing contours of European religious beliefs and practices, and not just as they apply to Muslims, for the outcome of the rivalry there will have profound implications for the United States.  相似文献   


This article investigates two ways in which state involvement in religion—minority and majority restriction—generates terrorism. Using a time-series, cross-national negative binomial analysis of 174 countries from 1991–2009, this study finds that when religiously devout people find themselves marginalized through either form of religious restriction, they are more likely to pursue their aims through violence. The article concludes with recommendations for policymakers.  相似文献   

Despite ample anecdotal evidence, previous research on violent conflict has found little evidence that religion is an important factor in organized violence. Quantitative work in this area has been largely confined to the interreligious character of conflict and measures of religious diversity, and has strongly neglected the peace aspect of religion. The Religion and Conflict in Developing Countries (RCDC) dataset helps to fill this gap with innovative and fine-grained data for 130 developing countries between 1990 and 2010. RCDC includes four types of religious violence (assaults on religious targets, attacks by religious actors, clashes between religious communities, and clashes with the state). In addition, RCDC contains data on interreligious networks and peace initiatives. This article demonstrates the usefulness of RCDC by applying our data to a preliminary analysis. The results indicate that interreligious networks are a reaction to identity overlaps and previous interreligious conflict.  相似文献   

美国学者谈宗教与安全的关联问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,宗教一直被视为导致安全和战争问题的诸多相关因素之一。现在,它似乎已经成为引发全球性冲突唯一的、最重要的政治—意识形态动因,各种宗教狂热分子和机会主义者正在利用宗教意识形态所蕴涵的巨大能量来提升暴力的程度、范围和形式。可以说,21世纪将是一个宗教暴力和战争频发的时代。一、宗教与冲突的关联愈加紧密在人们看来,任何一种宗教的领导人都会虔诚地反复告诫自己的信徒,宗教的目的在于爱与和平,而不是杀戮。然而,在相当的程度上,任何宗教都是一种具备了广泛的理论和原则、可以同时主宰生与死两个方面的意识形态。宗教不仅…  相似文献   

This brief essay explores some ways of defining what we need to know — but don't — about conflict within and between communities where there are strong identity differences based on religion, culture, gender, and race. Its particular focus is on the role that religion and religious leaders play in attempting to resolve identity-based conflict.  相似文献   


This article analyzes the relationship between religion and Israeli approaches to the conflict with the Palestinians. It seeks to explain why religion has become closely correlated with hawkishness since 1967. While the Jewish religion advocates no single approach to the conflict with the Palestinians, the religious have been significantly more hawkish than the nonreligious in Israel. This is because religion in Israel has reinforced ethnocentricity among the Jewish public, which in turn is highly correlated with hawkishness. Yet the correlation between religion and hawkishness only became politically prominent after 1967. This prominence is a function of the way religion has interacted with changes in Israeli political culture that were driven by the process of postmodernization. Whereas mainstream Israeli political culture has become less ethnocentric and more liberal, and consequently more dovish, the religious community has moved in the opposite direction. In this vein, religion has served to shield its adherents from most of the effects of postmodernization while simultaneously encouraging countervailing trends, which accounts for the polarization referred to above. In other words, it is the way religion has interacted with postmodernization that has made it the most effective incubator for hawkishness in Israel since 1967.  相似文献   

宗教与当代国际关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从国际关系作为一门学科在西方诞生以来,宗教一直是被西方国际关系理论界所长期忽视、边缘化甚至"放逐"的研究对象,然而,在当今国际政治和国际关系中,宗教日益成为跨地区和跨国界现象。自冷战结束以来,世界上几乎所有的重大事件或多或少均有宗教的背景和动因,因此"不重视宗教就无法理解国际关系"。  相似文献   

乌兹别克斯坦共和国(Republic of Uzbekistan,Pec)位于中亚的中部,北面和东北接哈萨克斯坦,南连阿富汗,东部及东南部与吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦接壤,西北濒咸海,西南与土库曼斯坦毗邻,东西长1400公里,南北宽925公里,国土面积44.74万平方公里,其中陆地面积42.54  相似文献   

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