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The dominant narrative concerning the Bush Doctrine maintains that it is a dangerous innovation, an anomaly that violates the principles of sound policy as articulated by the Founders. According to the conventional wisdom, the Bush Doctrine represents the exploitation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, by a small group of ideologues—the “neoconservatives”—to gain control of national policy and lead the United States into the war in Iraq, a war that should never have been fought. But far from a being a neoconservative innovation, the Bush Doctrine is, in fact, well within the mainstream of U.S. foreign policy and very much in keeping with the vision of America's founding generation and the practice of the statesmen in the Early Republic. The Bush Doctrine is only the latest manifestation of the fact that U.S. national interest has always been concerned with more than simple security.  相似文献   

This article explores Lincoln's relationship with William H. Seward, his Secretary of State; examines several cases of foreign policy in action—particularly during 1861 and 1862—years fraught with peril for the Union cause, and concludes with how Lincoln's foreign policy is relevant today.  相似文献   

Barack Obama finishes his second term with a mixed but positive foreign policy legacy. America’s global standing is much improved from the waning days of the George W. Bush administration eight years ago. Obama’s most notable achievements were the international agreement slowing Iran’s progress toward nuclear weapons capability and diplomatic normalisation with Cuba. On the other side of the ledger were his failure to extricate America from military overextension in the greater Mideast and from the global policing mindset that produced that overextension. Also marring his record was his incoherent response to Syria’s deadly civil war and Libya’s collapse into anarchy following the 2011 international intervention.  相似文献   

后冷战时期,俄罗斯地缘政治潜力下降,促使其对外政策中地缘经济战略凸现。地缘经济战略中的能源外交成为俄对外政策的重点。俄地缘经济战略的实施使其经济从解体后的萧条中复苏,但其也存在着不可忽视的变数。随着世界政治经济格局的变化,俄对外政策中地缘政治与地缘经济因素互动着,这成为后冷战时期俄罗斯对外政策的特点。  相似文献   

2009年4月3日,纳吉布接替巴达维出任马来西亚第六任总理后,即提出以“一个马来西亚”理念推动改革,以构建和谐、安定的多元文化社会。然而,“一个马来西亚”政策实施至今虽取得了一些成果,但仍面临诸多问题,尤其是在处理宗教、种族等问题上面临种种挑战。  相似文献   

Since the Vietnam War, scholarly interest in public and elite opinion of U.S. foreign policy has grown. Because elites generally have greater access to policy makers and more consistent political views, most work on this topic has focused on elite opinions of foreign policy. Most research has defined the term elite broadly, often placing more emphasis on social status than political power. We will reexamine elite foreign policy beliefs using a different elite, presidential campaign contributors. We have two main goals in this article. First, we will assess the differences between the foreign policy outlooks of political campaign contributors and other elites. While many types of elites may influence policy, political contributors are particularly likely to gain access to policy makers. The second part of this research note offers some food for thought on the origins of these beliefs. We present evidence that foreign policy beliefs are related to the same ideological orientations that shape contributors' views on domestic issues. The origins of foreign and domestic policy views should probably be considered together.  相似文献   

以色列对外政策趋向及其后果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年5月,以色列拦截国际人道主义救援船队事件,印证了以色列政府在涉及自身安全问题上的一贯强硬和一意孤行,既折射出其面临的安全和外交困境,也反映了以色列继续奉行以"安全至上"为基本原则的国家安全战略.袭船事件持续"发酵",牵动中东地区和国际社会相关角色的"神经",势必对以安全环境及地区局势产生深远影响.  相似文献   

试论奥巴马外交的得与失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥巴马上台后推出的外交新政,经过一年的扩充与演化,基本上形成了一套比较完整的外交思想与政策。其主要特点是在坚持美国世界领导地位的前提下,以谋求多边合作为基调,以运用巧实力为基础,以柔性务实策略为基本手段。检点一年来的实践,奥巴马外交在一定程度上改善了美国的国际形象与对外关系,但由于其未能跳出美国独家支配的全球战略框架,成效和作用有限。  相似文献   

2005年总的国际形势可概括为:美国继续推行一超独霸战略,但明显表露出力不从心;世界主要力量开始向均衡化方向发展;经济全球化成为影响国家内部和国与国关系的主要因素;恐怖主义和公共安全威胁对国际政治的影响日甚。中国外交着眼多边外交,增强外交软实力,取得了一系列新的成果。  相似文献   

卢拉政府外交政策评析及未来外交政策走向   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2006年大选中,针对卢拉第一任期的外交政策,卢拉与反对党总统候选人进行了激烈的辩论,辩论内容涉及外交政策的各个方面。本文首先以两位总统候选人对外交政策的辩论为切入点,分析他们在外交政策上的各自立场;然后针对这些分歧总结卢拉第一任期内外交政策的特点及实效;最后对未来4年卢拉政府外交政策的走向作出初步预测。  相似文献   

日本民主党胜选并组阁,将对日本政府的内外政策及国家发展战略模式的选择产生重大影响,其宣示的亚洲政策将是推进和发展中日关系的一个机遇。然而,日本以日美同盟为基轴的总体外交政策不会发生根本性变化,其亚洲政策目前也只是原则性口号,缺少实际内容和可操作性;中日之间的战略分歧、结构性矛盾、具体的利益争端和摩擦也不会轻易解决;日本可能在人权、全球无核化、削减碳排放问题上对中国形成新的压力和挑战。  相似文献   

赫鲁晓夫执政后,在对外政策上重申执行和平共处原则,外交实践中主动对西方国家采取了一系列和解行动,在一定程度上打破了苏联与西方国家关系停滞不前的状态。但是,由于对形势认识的偏差、体制固有的弊端、理论上的缺陷以及外部因素的影响,其对外政策也有许多失误。因此,科学考察和客观评析赫鲁晓夫时期苏联对外政策对于我们今天制定对外政策和处理对外关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

欧盟的对外战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战时期,美国国务卿基辛格主张在资本主义阵营里实行“分工”:美国承担“全球性”任务,西欧承担“地区性”任务。其用意是限制西欧对外活动的范围。由于在冷战期间美国是全球性力量,西欧是地区性力量,西欧只能在事实上被迫接受这一主张。冷战后,多极化趋势不断发展,欧盟的综合实力超过了冷战时期的欧共体,它开始从地区性力量向全球性力量逐渐过渡。由于力量对比的变化,它越来越不满足于只承担“地区性”的任务。为此,欧盟制订了一系列对外战略。其对外战略的总目标是使自己成为与美国势均力敌的一极,该目标是与美国维护自己超级…  相似文献   

On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama sworn in as the first African-American President of the United States. More than two million people witnessed this unforgettable moment in American history in glacial wind. Obama took office with high expectation from the people and ushered in "a new era of Obama administration".  相似文献   

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