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Visa Diplomacy     
The consular element of national diplomatic power plays an essential, but often overlooked role in international relations. This is unfortunate, since the process of globalization places increasing importance on so-called “low politics”—trade, commerce, tourism, migration—all traditional consular areas of interest. This study examines the visa component of consular diplomacy as an integral device in the conduct of international relations. The simple visa serves an important purpose in international relations and is a well-used, but little studied, instrument of foreign policy in today's system of sovereign states.

In this article, “visa diplomacy” is defined as the use of visa issuance or denial at an individual, group, and interstate level, to influence another state's policies. Although possessing limitations, visa diplomacy is an available signaling and retorsion instrument which makes it a viable policy option in the arena of international affairs. At the operative level, it links an individual or group to its sovereign country and respective national policies. Denial or issuance at the individual or group level can have outcomes on overall interstate interactions as illustrated in the cases selected for this study. The conclusion assesses where the use of visa diplomacy seems most effective in international relations.  相似文献   

In terms of the question, “how to create an effective peace-making process in the Israeli–Palestinian case,” this article argues that the answer is a multidimensional approach to peace-making diplomacy that contains two main settings: political-elite diplomacy and public diplomacy. Political-elite diplomacy suggests various modes of peace-making interactions between political-elites. Public diplomacy provides instruments to involve the people in the peace-making struggle, prepares them for a change, and presses the leadership to reach agreements. The analysis suggests establishing an institution for the operation of public diplomacy—a major Israeli-Palestinian public negotiating congress. The congress is a democratic peace-making institution that invites representatives of the opposing societies to discuss, debate, and negotiate solutions to their struggle. The article also presents the concepts of political-elite diplomacy and public diplomacy as competitive settings that should be regarded as complementary. It includes lessons from the “Minds of Peace Experiment”—a small-scale Israeli–Palestinian public negotiating congress—which has been conducted in different places around the world.  相似文献   


The actors, or “players,” involved in the transactions of diplomacy occasioned by sport are manifold. In the case of the world’s “global game”—association football—they include but are not limited to individual footballers, football clubs, national leagues, national associations, football’s international governance structures, multi-national sponsors, and numerous hangers on. Importantly for this analysis, such a panoply of actors creates an architecture, replicated across other sports, which speak to the necessity of furthering the understanding of the relationship between sport and diplomacy. These two phenomena share a long-standing similarity in global affairs; both having been over-looked as means of comprehending relations between different polities otherwise centred on the nation-state. This exegesis advances our understanding in two areas. First, it addresses the parameters of the discussion of “sport and diplomacy” and problematises the discourse between the two with a note on language; and second, it utilises a framework provided by an appreciation of “global diplomacy” to explore concepts of communication, representation, and negotiation in sport and diplomacy.  相似文献   

安倍政府对东盟的现实主义外交渗透着严重的实力支配主义及利益至上原则,其战略目标不单纯是谋求维护及扩大日本在东盟地区的现实利益,更意图与东盟个别国家乃至东盟整体建立以合作应对中国威胁为基本价值观、以集体遏制中国发展为战略目标的同盟体系。自2012年末安倍政府上台以来,它就通过政治、经济、安全等多个维度对东盟国家展开全方位的现实主义外交。但必须指出的是,安倍政府对东盟的现实主义外交暴露出强烈的逐利性,同时,刻意追求对华均势的战略效果,凸显继承性、破坏性、争议性、自我性的严重缺陷。  相似文献   

Since the end of the Cold War, China's military diplomacy has displayed an omni-directional and multi-level form, and with an increasing transparency which has increased trust and reduced doubt. China has enhanced its conventional military functions and strengthened its military soft power. This has helped China develop into a responsible state on the world stage. Through military exchanges with other countries, the Chinese military has gradually strengthened its ability to undertake a variety of tasks. The Chinese military has to make greater efforts to counter the perception of a "China threat." There is also a need to establish a system of military spokesmen and to develop a theory of military diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

准联盟外交是国家间在非正式安全合作协定基础上开展的安全合作,它具有隐蔽性、动态性和开放性等特点.此外交模式的运作不依靠盟约,而依靠领导人互访、口头承诺、非正式安全协定或对外援助.当获得外部战略资源与保持外交自主性在决策者心里达成一种平衡时,准联盟外交就会比联盟外交和中立外交更具吸引力.实证研究表明,无论是中立国家还是结盟国家都推行过准联盟外交,这为中国开展准联盟外交提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

'Intelligence' as a discrete institution is part of twentieth-century government. It combines the skills of covert collection with expertise on certain subjects. Its differentiation from legitimate diplomacy is on the whole clear: intelligence provides information by special methods, diplomacy uses it. Nevertheless, there are numerous operational overlaps. Intelligence's overseas liaisons interact with diplomacy and foreign policy. Embassies act as intelligence bases and are targets for local intelligence attacks. The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office plays a leading part in intelligence assessment. Some distancing between diplomacy and covert intelligence is desirable, but Western intelligence is less of a rival to diplomacy than has sometimes been portrayed. In Britain, in particular, intelligence's knowledge has not meant power.  相似文献   

略论普京治下的俄罗斯外交   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
普京1999年12月31日从叶利钦手中接过俄罗斯最高权力,任代总统,今年3月26日他又在大选中获胜,任总统,顺利地完成了政权交接,开辟了俄历史的新时期。俄在新时期推行何种对外政策,是人们普遍关心的问题。为了便于研究普京的对外政策,有必要回顾一下俄立国八年走过的外交历程,看看普京从其前任手中接过的是一份什么样的外交遗产,然后再分析普京当政后的外交思想和外交举措,从中可以看出普京对外政策的概貌和发展趋向。一、普京接过的外交遗产  普京外交是其前任外交的自然延伸。因此,研究普京外交必须弄清叶利钦外交的历程,必须…  相似文献   

在苏联解体后的第一个10年里,俄罗斯的综合国力在世界的排名直线下落。在1998年世界人均国内生产总值排名中,俄罗斯仅列第48位;1999年俄罗斯国内生产总值占世界的比重仅为1.9%,约为美国的1/10。国力的衰退必然使得俄罗斯的外交战略空间出现不断收缩的趋势。尽管如此,俄罗斯却从未放弃过复兴大国地位的努力。在叶利钦执政后期,俄罗斯两次调整外交战略,基本确立了以“恢复大国地位,确保势力范围”为目标,东西方平衡的全方位外交战略。普京上台后,又对该战略作了进一步的扩充,其主要内容是:大力推行以国家利益为基础,以恢复俄世界大国地位和全球战略稳定为目标,积极推动多极化和世界新秩序的建立,欧亚并重、东西兼顾、平衡的全方位外交。但是,在勃勃雄心的背面,国力衰落的俄罗斯可运用的外交筹码是十分有限的,只有石油能够是并且已经是俄罗斯复兴大国地位的一件特别重要的工具。  相似文献   

正President Xi Jinping put forward the term Silk Road Economic Belt on September 7th,2013 in Kazakhstan when he proposed in his speech to forge closer economic ties,deepen cooperation and expand development space in the Eurasian region,we should take an innovative approach and jointly  相似文献   

针对美国的敌视和封锁,古巴以医疗外交为利器,积极拓展外交空间。古巴利用具有优势的医疗资源,积极向他国提供医疗援助和开展医疗合作,其医疗外交的战略重点主要集中在拉美和加勒比地区,并扩展到非洲和亚太国家。古巴医疗外交的主要内容集中在传染病防治、灾后医疗援助和医务人员培训等方面。通过三方医疗合作、医务人员费用的共同分担制、医疗援助与医疗技术合作并举等方式,古巴的医疗外交实现了诸多创新。古巴的医疗外交成就斐然,前景广阔,具有多重意义。  相似文献   

This article concerns itself with the agenda, the instruments, and the goals of public diplomacy (PD). Taking into account the current state of PD that concentrates predominantly on forging cultural and educational links and promoting values, but not policies, it refocuses PD in two substantial ways: driving it, first, to focus on the most significant global issues and, second, to employ profound discursive processes. The emphasis then shifts to how PD can strengthen the global public sphere with regard to the profoundly political and critical issues of the present era. It argues in favour of strategic discursive PD and suggests ways to enhance both the legitimacy and efficiency of states' foreign policies on the handling of the Greek economic crisis and the issue of economic governance.  相似文献   

日本环境外交战略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本自20世纪80年代以来凭借资金、技术优势从多角度推进环境外交,现已形成以亚太为中心、重视非洲兼顾拉美的环境外交战略格局。从实践看,日本环境外交具有鲜明的现实主义特点,是日本实现国家利益目标的重要途径与平台。随着国际环境外交博弈的加剧和日本国内政局的变动,日本政府不断调整环境外交战略,并将对日本外交战略和国际形势产生影响。  相似文献   

国际组织外交是法国总体外交的重要组成部分,它的变迁折射出法国对外政策的沿革及其综合国力与国际地位的兴衰.国际组织在二十世纪得到迅猛发展,经历了三个阶段,而法国经过第二次世界大战也由世界一流强国沦落为二等国家.实力的巨变使法国从国际格局的主导者屈居于从属乃至边缘的地位,对于国际组织的政策和态度也前后大相径庭.但法国没有屈服于命运,以戴高乐为代表的法国领导人独辟蹊径,一方面在美国主导的体制内积极抗争,赢得法国的话语权;一方面致力建立和发展其掌控下的区域国际组织和机制,扩展法国的影响,从而在国际组织外交层面谱写了法国独立自主外交的乐章.  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦的能源多元外交   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈萨克斯坦为地处中亚的内陆国,西濒里海,海岸线长1730公里. 东南连接中国,北邻俄罗斯,南与乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦接壤.面积为272.49万平方公里.哈萨克斯坦的油气资源非常丰富,根据哈能矿部副部长基伊诺夫2005年4月在中哈能源分委会第一次会议上所做的报告,哈陆上石油可采储量为40亿吨,天然气3万亿立方米;哈属里海地区石油可采储量约为80亿吨,其中仅最大的卡沙干油田石油可采储量就达16亿吨,天然气可采储量超过1万亿立方米.  相似文献   

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