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Dizziness from preoccupation with the 20th century robbed us of the time to contemplate the 21st century. This is a well-known dictum early back in the 1960s by the late French strategist Raymond Aron. Now the new century is upon us. What were believed to be irrelevant then have turned out into hot topics these days. An early warning for the unfolding century, the September 11 events represent but only a prelude  相似文献   

FeaturesoftheInternationalSituationattheTurnoftheCenturybyWuXingtangAnewcenturyisapproachingandweareattheturnofthecentury.Att...  相似文献   

Commemoratingthe50thAnniversaryoftheFoundingoftheUnitedNationsbyourstaffreporterTheUnitedNationshaveundergone50yearsofvicissi...  相似文献   

The China-Japan relationship has swung between deterioration and improvement in the 21st century while Japanese leaders'cognition and Japanese public opinion remain operative at a deep level.The return of the bilateral relationship in 2018 to the normal development track was aided by Japan's shift toward coordination,China's re-shaped policy,and a boost by the Trump administration.Though the China-Japan relationship will continue improving in the short run,it is unlikely“deterioratiomimprovcment”cycles will end since too many glaring structural contradictions exist.While memories of their intense history and today's territorial issues linger,the fluctuation of Japan*s diplomatic options and weak Japanese public opinion for improved relations with China will continue the same cyclical,but not forward,momentum.  相似文献   

AttheinvitationoftheInternationalInitiativesofChangeAssociationofJapanIICAJIaccompa-niedMr.LiYangCouncilMemberofChineseAs-sociationforInternationalUnderstandingCAFIUonthevisittoJapanfromJune10to18andat-tendedthe27thInternationalConferenceoftheInitiativeofChangeinOdawara.DuringourstaythereweseparatelymetwithTutomuHataAdvi-sortotheIICAJandformerPrimeMinisterofJapanSomaYukikaHonoraryPresidentofIICAJToruHashimotoPresidentofIICAJandAdvisortotheJapanMizuhoFinancialGroupandD…  相似文献   

Editorial note: The State Council of the People's Republic of China has published the Circular of the State Council on Policy Measures for the Implementation of the Development Strategy of the Western Region on December 27, 2000. The following is the full text (unofficial translation).The implementation of the development strategy of the western region for speeding up development of the central and western regions, is an important component of the modernization strategy in China. It is …  相似文献   

Since the end of the cold war, the world has undergone extensive, complex and profound changes. The features of such changes are multi -polarization, globalization and diversification. These three features are interconnected and closely linked. They influence each other and promote each other. Muhipolarization, globalization and diversification are still in the process of development, and are therefore fluid and constantly changing. Generally speaking, the development of the world situation is in favour of world peace and stability. But in the process of multi-polarization, globalization and diversification, various unprecedentedly complicated contradictions and new problems crop up, so we still need to jointly and appropriately handle the situation.  相似文献   

The U. S. A will succeed militarily in the Iraq war. However, it is far away from the true meaning of victory in war defined by distinguished strategic thinker B. H. Liddell Hart, even inaccessible. Using Hart's own word, the true victory in war is to attain a better state of peace and improve the quality of life for the survivors after the war is over. What await America after the basic success in Iraq are grave military and political difficulties. Moreover, there may be bigger economic and financial troubles as well.  相似文献   

From December 12 to 18, a seven people publication delegation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding, led by Mr. Song Zude, visited Japan with the focus on the publication industry and other cultural industries at the warm invitation o…  相似文献   

On the verge of the new century, the renewed triangular relations between China, the United States and Russia are of significance to the international relations as the world's three big powers have readjusted their ties in recent years.rather long time to come, the state that the United States is strong, Russia re-mains weak, and China is rising will remain unchanged by and large, and so willthe triangle. Readjustments of the Triangle Since the end of the Kosovo war, China, America and Russia, with differentstrategic considerations in mind, have stepped up restoration of mutual relations  相似文献   

Invited by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), theDelegation of Japan Anti- War Alliance (JAWA) came to Beijing to attend the assembly celebrating the60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggressionand the World Anti- Fascist War. On Sept. 2, the delegation visited the Chinese Association for Inter-national Understanding(CAFIU) and was met by Mr. Li Chengren, Executive Vice- Pre…  相似文献   

GracefulBearingofthePearloftheOrientbyZhouZhiqinHongkong,whosenamehasbeeninthemindofsomanyChinesepeopledayandnight,isfinallyc...  相似文献   

The Korean nuclear issue has entered a phase of substantive settlement. Neither the DPRK nor the United States wanted the  相似文献   

In D ecem ber 2004, a how ling ocean disasterwhirled away the year-end happiness, leaving am em ory ofdam ages and sadness and an expectationofrebuilding on ruins.O n the Eve ofChristm as,the threatfrom the naturedidn't dim inish w ith the bell, and the tsunam i,caused by the deadly earthquake in Indian O cean,struck deep wounds along ever-beautifulseashores.In this disaster, several hundred thousand peoplefrom 26countries died orw ere m issing,and justin asingle night the econom y and devel…  相似文献   

Tanvi Madan 《India Review》2013,12(4):368-385

In recent years, as China has continued to rise as an economic, political and military power, there has been increasing consideration of its role in shaping US–India relations over the last two decades. However, this article, considering the period 1949–1979, shows that American and Indian perceptions of and policy toward China shaped the US–India relationship even during the Cold War. In doing so, the article seeks not just to bring China back into the story of past US–India relations, but also shed light on the China–India–US triangle of today and of tomorrow.  相似文献   

Alex Callinicos and Justin Rosenberg have both drawn on the concept of uneven and combined development to resolve what they see as deficiencies in international relations theory: in the case of the former, the absence of a non-realist explanation for the persistence of the states system; in the case of the latter, the absence of a sociological dimension to geopolitics. However, Callinicos omits any consideration of the ‘combined’ aspect of uneven and combined development, while Rosenberg ascribes characteristics of transhistoricity and internationality to uneven and combined development which it does not possess. Against attempts to either restrict or over-extend use of the concept, I will argue that its theoretical usefulness depends on understanding the limits of its spatial and chronological reach. An alternative, if still partial, explanation for the continued existence of the states system will emphasize the continuing indispensability of nationalism as a means of both containing class conflict within capitalist states and mobilizing support for ‘national capitals’ engaged in geoeconomic and geopolitical competition.  相似文献   

There were both good times and bad times in the history of SinoJapanese relations.And the single most important lesson we could draw from it is that cooperation 1eads to a in-win situation,while conflict lose-lose.The purpose of reviewing and contemplating on this part of history is to look forward to the future.  相似文献   

FromtheColdWartothe21stCenturyTowardsaNewErainTheAsia-PacificFromtheColdWartothe21stCenturyTowardsaNewEraintheAsia-Pacific¥Bi...  相似文献   

This analysis shows the importance of a problem of maritime law in an on-going debate between two interpretations of Wilsonian neutrality that have competed in various guises since the end of the First World War: can British blockade actions in that war be justified by American Civil War precedents? It proves that reliance on the “Civil War precedents” to justify Britain’s blockade measures was disingenuous from the beginning. British diplomats first used it in October 1914, and Woodrow Wilson embraced it to defend his mild response to British violations of neutral rights to incensed American citizens despite continuous protests from the State Department. Whilst all politicians involved knew the comparison was wrong, historians have embraced it as a justification of Britain’s illegal blockade ever since Arthur S. Link claimed it as the key to understanding Wilson’s neutrality policy.  相似文献   

Inthisgoldenseasonofautumntheseminaron″InternationalSecurityOrderaftertheIraqWar″whichissponsoredjointlybytheInternationalDepartmentoftheCPCCentralCommitteeIDCPCCCtheChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstandingCAFIUandtheFriedrichEbertStiftungFESofGermanyisnowopentodayinBeijing.OnbehalfofCAFIUIwouldliketoextendmywarmwelcometoguestsMr.Scharpingandotherparticipantsandtoexpressmysincerecongratulationstotheopenningoftheseminar.Itisofgreatsignificancethattodayspecialistsoninte…  相似文献   

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