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道路交通事故所致精神损害的法医学评价   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Chen GH  Liu JH  Zheng JL 《法医学杂志》2006,22(2):107-110,116
目的研究RTA所致PTSD的相关法医学问题,为司法实践中精神损害赔偿提供科学依据和司法建议。方法对156例因RTA申请伤残程度鉴定的被鉴定人,通过临床精神病学检查确定PTSD的诊断,法医临床学检查评定躯体损伤的伤残程度,并通过问卷调查进一步确定受害人的心理社会状态。结果156例被调查对象PTSD发生率为51.92%。男女PTSD的发生率具有统计学的显著性差异;随着伤残程度的严重性增加,发生PTSD的可能性也随着增加;PTSD组与非PTSD组在生活质量总均分和生理、心理、社会关系、环境四个维度以及焦虑、抑郁的各项得分中都有显著性差异;获得赔偿将明显降低PTSD的发生率。结论RTA作为创伤性事件,申请赔偿的RTA受害人存在较高的PTSD发生率,获得良好的赔偿可以明显地降低申请赔偿的RTA受害人PTSD的发生率。  相似文献   

Bodies found in water may cause problems for forensic pathologists who have to differentiate drowning from postmortem immersion or fresh from salt water drowning. The exact physiopathology of drowning is still controversial and complementary tests can not exactly establish the exact cause of death if macroscopic findings at autopsy are not conclusive. We have employed atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) as a marker in an experimental series of fresh and salt water drowning, comparing their results with a non-drowned control series. There are differences between the plasma basal levels of the control series (79 pg/ml) and the levels in animals drowned in fresh water (358 pg/ml, P less than 0.001) and between control and rabbits drowned in salt water (190 pg/ml, P less than 0.001). According to these values, there are also differences between fresh and salt water drowned animals (P less than 0.001). We propose this peptide as a new marker in cases of drowning, with the ability to differentiate drowning from postmortem immersion and fresh from salt water drowning.  相似文献   

道路交通事故损伤中的损伤部位与伤残关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究道路交通事故中活体损伤案例 ,损伤部位、伤残率、伤残程度之间关系。收集 1997年~ 1999年间武汉地区道路交通事故中活体损伤案例 35 47例 ,对其进行统计和分析。 1792例损伤被评残 ( 5 0 5 2 % ) ,伤残评定率最高的部位为周围神经损伤和耳外伤 ,分别为 90 0 0 % ,83 30 %。最低为躯干及四肢软组织损伤 ( 17 5 2 % )。伤残程度评定中Ⅸ~Ⅹ级和Ⅰ~Ⅴ级伤残评定率分别为 78 74%和 4 41%。伤残评定率与损伤部位的发生并不一致 ,伤后治疗效果直接影响伤残评定。伤残程度以Ⅸ~Ⅹ级最多 ,各部位损伤均可见 ,Ⅰ~Ⅴ级伤残较少 ,Ⅰ级伤残仅见于颅脑和脊髓损伤  相似文献   

股骨颈骨折是交通事故较常见的损伤之一 ,其诊断并不困难 ,治疗方法也多种多样。目前临床上尚无一种公认最佳的处理方案 ,并且该骨折的愈合过程及预后情况差异很大 ,股骨头坏死的发生率较高 ,且股骨头坏死的明确诊断一般要在伤后数月甚至更长时间才能确定。因股骨颈骨折申请伤残评定的伤者普遍担心伤残评定后是否会发生股骨头坏死 ,因此 ,如何掌握股骨颈骨折伤残评定的最佳时机 ,是伤残评定人员常常感到非常棘手的问题。笔者通过对近三年来因交通事故致股骨颈骨折来我处要求伤残评定的 87例伤者愈后情况进行详细分析 ,探讨如何科学合理地判…  相似文献   

张弢 《证据科学》2001,8(2):94-96
股骨颈骨折是交通事故较常见的损伤之一,其诊断并不困难,治疗方法也多种多样。目前临床上尚无一种公认最佳的处理方案,并且该骨折的愈合过程及预后情况差异很大,股骨头坏死的发生率较高,且股骨头坏死的明确诊断一般要在伤后数月甚至更长时间才能确定。因股骨颈骨折申请伤残评定的伤者普遍担心伤残评定后是否会发生股骨头坏死,因此,如何掌握股骨颈骨折伤残评定的最佳时机,是伤残评定人员常常感到非常棘手的问题。笔者通过对近三年来因交通事故致股骨颈骨折来我处要求伤残评定的87例伤者愈后情况进行详细分析,探讨如何科学合理地判定伤残评定最佳时机,最大限度减少伤者经济上的损失,更好地为交通事故损害赔偿提供科学依据,以便促进今后的伤残评定工作。分析报告如下:  相似文献   

Researchers have studied the involvement of drugs and alcohol in fatal road traffic incidents, but with particular emphasis on the possible impairment of the driver. This paper describes a comparative study of drug and alcohol findings in various victim groups (drivers of cars, vans or lorries, car passengers, motorcyclists, motorcycle passengers, cyclists and pedestrians) between 2000 and 2006. Post-mortem blood and urine specimens submitted were analysed by immunoassay, GC–NPD, GC–FID, GC–MS and HPLC–DAD. The results of 1047 cases indicated 54% of all victims were positive for drugs and/or alcohol, with the highest percentage of positive findings occurring in pedestrians (63%). Males between the ages of 17–24 were most likely to be involved in a road traffic accident, whether being in control of a vehicle (driver) or involved indirectly (car passenger, pedestrian, motorcycle passenger). A wide range of drugs were detected (e.g. drugs of abuse, anti-convulsants, anti-histamines, anti-inflammatories, anti-psychotics, cardiac drugs and over-the-counter products), but alcohol and cannabinoids were the most frequent substances across the victim groups. When detected, alcohol was commonly above the legal driving limit in blood and urine (> 63% in those in control and > 60% not in control). Overall, the presence of drugs and/or alcohol was of similar frequency in those victims in control (55% of driver, 48% of motorcyclists, 33% of cyclists) and not in control of a vehicle (52% of car passengers, 63% of pedestrians). This degree of frequency strongly implicates the involvement of drugs and alcohol in road traffic incidents and infers an effect on driving ability and individual impairment.  相似文献   

256例儿童和少年道路交通事故伤残评定回顾性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨儿童和少年道路交通事故活体损伤的流行病学、损伤及伤残评定特点。方法 对256例儿童和少年道路交通事故伤残评定资料进行回顾性研究。结果 男性多于女性,多见于6~18岁儿童,交通事故每天10~12时和16~18时最多,车辆类型以小汽车和货车多见,肇事方式多见于机动车与行人相撞,伤者的交通方式以步行多见,损伤部位以头部和四肢多见,损伤类型以骨折、挫伤、创多见,但内脏损伤相对较轻,下肢骨折远多于上肢。损伤程度多评定为轻伤,伤残程度以Ⅸ、Ⅹ级轻度伤残为主(33.2%)。结论 儿童和少年道路交通事故伤残评定应适当放宽标准,伤残评定标准应增加儿童和少年的有关条款。  相似文献   

During a 1-year period all fatal road accidents in the police district of Aarhus, Denmark, were investigated regarding the presence of alcohol, medical drugs or narcotic substances, and the nature of the accident. Out of a total of 30 accidents 24 were investigated. Two thirds had been caused by the victim him- or herself. In one third of the accidents alcohol was present and considered an important contributory factor. Medical drugs and narcotic substances played a lesser role.  相似文献   

Alcohol is one of the main causes of traffic accidents worldwide. Its use decreases significantly the driving ability of an individual as well as the reflexes of a pedestrian increasing in this way the possibilities of their involvement in motor-vehicle accidents. The above possibilities are increased when a psychoactive substance has been taken in combination with alcohol due to their synergistic effect. The Laboratory of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of the University of Athens is authorized to perform the toxicological investigation of traffic accidents that happen in the major part of Greece. The findings of the toxicological analyses that were performed in our laboratory during the years 1995 to 1997 are classified according to the alcohol concentration and the kind of psychoactive substance detected as well as to the gender and the age of the victims, drivers or pedestrians. The results of the above classification are evaluated and the conclusions regarding alcohol, drugs and traffic accidents in Greece are discussed thoroughly.  相似文献   

道路交通事故受伤人员后期医疗费评估的法医学探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨 13 71例交通事故中受伤人员后期医疗费的影响因素 ,并为此类案例后期医疗费的法医学评估积累经验。 方法 设定影响因素参数为“评估时间、是否评残及后期有无手术” ,并行卡方检验。 结果 评估时间在 1月内者为 475例 ,3月内者 1118例 ;评估时间的不同、是否评残及后期有无手术等因素对后期医疗费的影响有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。 结论 后期医疗费的法医学评估是必要的 ,原则上应依据“普及价格”并考虑多种影响因素综合评估  相似文献   

The present study measured the existence of traumatic stress symptomatology as reported by certified law enforcement officers within the State of Delaware. A questionnaire was devised which documented age, sex, race, education, years of service, marital status, children, rank, position, and shift work. The questionnaire was divided into parts which assessed the exposure and the frequency of specific traumatic incidents experienced in the line of duty, and the frequency of experienced traumatic symptomatology criteria: re-experiencing, numbing, and arousal.  相似文献   

The intersection between the legal and mental health professions is sometimes marked by controversy, and the application of psychological assessments to forensic issues is no exception. However, the field of psychological assessment holds particular promise for clarifying decision making within the forensic arena, as it can bring a particularly well-established body of theory and data to bear upon clinical forensic practice. This article describes one psychometric instrument, the Personality Assessment Inventory, as an example of how particular assessment instruments can help inform this process.  相似文献   

A study of motorcycle fatalities in the period 1977-1983 in the county of Funen, Denmark was compared with an analysis of data obtained from the Accident Register at the Odense University Hospital. Among the operators killed one fifth were illegally operating the motorcycle. A remarkable statistical difference in distribution of accidents involved motorcycles and the total distribution of motorcycles in the county was reported, thus finding an over-representation of heavy motorcycles in the present study. No important differences were found in the distribution of type of accidents compared to other studies. In the present study all but one victim were tested for blood-alcohol concentration (BAC). The results differ from previous studies in as much as 50% of the killed operators of an accident involving motorcycles had a BAC above 0.08%. The reported distribution by age, licensing experience and size of motorcycle in fatal motorcycle accidents seem to support introduction of a graduated licence depending on motorcycle size as well as operator age. Furthermore a limitation in the right to carry a pillion passenger should be considered, and the operator of the motorcycle carrying a pillion passenger should be held responsible for the passenger wearing a helmet.  相似文献   

The construct of psychopathy has often been considered mutually exclusive to the presence of genuine depressive or anxiety symptomotology. This article addresses the hypothesized reasons for this dichotomous relationship. In this study, 68 civilly committed adult male sex offenders were evaluated using a variety of psychological measures to determine if psychopathic individuals in this group would demonstrate clinically significant affective symptoms. Results indicate that the men in this sample endorsed high rates of psychopathy on the PCL-R, with 42% of these expressing concurrent symptoms of depression and 26% manifesting symptoms of an anxiety disorder. Relationships between affective symptoms and PCL-R factor scores and qualitative differences between these constructs in child molesters and rapists are also discussed.  相似文献   

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