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Improving public policy efficiency and effectiveness in land use planning is an established priority on the prevailing political agenda in the UK. Practical measures to enhance policy formulation in local land use development plans in Scotland offer an interesting case study of an attempt to improve policy consistency, and to secure efficiency gains in policy authorship. This article considers the specific focus on the drafting stage of public policy‐making drawing on insights provided by research into the production of model policies in Scotland. It questions the extent to which such an initiative will promote a more robust public policy‐making discipline in light of the policy cycle. The discussion of the case study illustrates a practical attempt by central government to enhance public policy‐making at the local level, while raising questions about the dangers of invoking a technocratic and instrumentalist approach to policy analysis.  相似文献   

In 2005, the Ontario government passed the Places to Grow Act and the Greenbelt Act, both major changes in land use policy designed to preserve greenspaces and combat urban sprawl in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Canada's largest conurbation. This article examines the actors, actor beliefs, and inter‐actor alliances in the southern Ontario land use policy subsystem from the perspective of the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). Specifically, this paper undertakes an empirical examination of the ACF's Belief Homophily Hypothesis, which holds that inter‐actor alliances form on the basis of shared policy‐relevant beliefs, creating advocacy coalitions. The analysis finds strong evidence of three advocacy coalitions in the policy subsystem—an agricultural coalition, an environmentalist coalition, and a developers' coalition—as predicted by the hypothesis. However, it also finds equally strong evidence of a cross‐coalition coordination network of peak organizations, something not predicted by the Belief Homophily Hypothesis, and in need of explanation within the ACF.  相似文献   

This article outlines the new regionalism movement and its metropolitanagenda, reviews federal efforts to promote new regionalism underISTEA and TEA–21, considers how the new federal policieschanged the role of metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs)in transportation planning by examining the MPO for the Louisvillemetropolis, and assesses the MPO process in Louisville. Thelocal decision of whether to build a new bridge across the OhioRiver was a major test of the enhanced MPO process. Federaltransportation policies enhanced regional coordination and cooperationin transportation planning in the Louisville metropolis resultingin a consensus plan to build two bridges across the Ohio River.However, the MPO process did not lead to the development ofa metropolitan-wide interest or perspective. Moreover, the newregionalist agenda was not advanced because sprawl was not afactor in the decision on whether and where to build the bridges.  相似文献   

可持续发展与人的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"可持续发展"是人类21世纪的必然选择,可持续发展概念有着丰富的哲学内涵,它是人、自然、社会三位一体的协调发展,其核心内容是人类发展的可持续性,其本质是人的全面发展.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the developmental efforts of the federal government of Nigeria and how these efforts have proceeded during the "boom and bust" cycles that have been a major feature of the Nigerian economy. The unpredictability of resource flows creates uncertainty in resource allocation and capital accumulation. Thus, economic development is subject to the characteristic "boom and bust budgeting," resulting in disastrous delays and cancellations of expenditures and projects. For economic development to continue uninterrupted, Nigeria must develop a core of ability-based, as opposed to needs-based, programs that must be protected from the hazards of boom and bust budgeting and the business cycle.  相似文献   

从社会、经济、环境生态三个方面构建丽水市土地利用综合效益评价指标体系,对丽水市1996——2005年的土地利用综合效益进行定量分析;并从产业结构升级的角度,对丽水市在不同工业化发展阶段的土地利用各项效益及产业结构调整对土地利用综合效益提高的驱动作用进行分析。丽水市工业化初期,土地利用环境生态效益值明显高于社会和经济效益值,各效益系统基本处于高度协调状态,进入工业化中期后,社会和经济效益增长较快,而环境生态效益却快速下降。在追求工业化发展同时也要注重环境和生态的保护,走土地资源的可持续利用和社会经济的可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

Fisher  Patrick; Nice  David 《Publius》2002,32(1):131-142
The Intermodal Surf ace Transportation Efficiency Act gave stategovernments increased flexibility in spending federal transportationgrant funds. However, most of the flexibility was not used;there are many other potential sources of inflexibility in transportationpolicymaking. States were more likely to use flexibility ifthey were politically liberal, had larger populations and, otherthings being equal, had less metropolitan populations. Statesthat were previously more involved in nontraditional transportationprograms were also somewhat more likely to use flexibility.  相似文献   

农村土地使用权流转的创新与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前我国试点实施的农村土地使用权流转,引发了一系列制度和理论上的创新。这些创新主要包括:农村土地使用权流转丰富和延伸了产权的内涵,变革了当前的农业生产方式,实现了农业产权制度的创新;由农业产权制度创新而引发的土地组织经营模式的创新;土地使用权流转促进了土地使用权的资本化,使农业资本得以在农业内部产生,从而促进了农业资本理论的创新。  相似文献   

KEMPE RONALD HOPE  SR 《管理》2005,18(2):283-311
To accomplish the objectives and the outcomes of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), African leaders have agreed, among other things, to subject their countries to peer review through the use of a unique and innovative African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). This paper analytically describes and assesses the APRM. It contends that peer review represents a sea of change in the thinking of African leaders as they seek to reverse the trend of lack of accountability, political authoritarianism, state failure, and corruption to embrace and consolidate democracy as well as effect sound and transparent economic management. It is further argued that peer review would provide a number of benefits to those countries that subject themselves to it and that, in turn, would have positive multiplier effects on Africa's development performance.  相似文献   

Both during and since the 2016 referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union, concerns were raised as to the absence of contingency planning within Whitehall. This situation was in direct contrast with 1975, when extensive planning took place for the possibility of a vote to leave the European Community. However, there has been little in the way of detailed analysis of the contingency planning undertaken in 1975. Using archival evidence of the Wilson government's preparations, this article highlights the complex challenge that withdrawal would have posed for the UK in 1975, the tensions that existed between the political imperative for a swift withdrawal, in the event of a leave vote, and the civil service's concerns as to whether such a withdrawal was deliverable. Finally, it shows how dependent the UK's position would have been on the approach taken by the other members of the EC.  相似文献   

一、农业可持续发展是可持续发展战略的重要内容1 农业可持续发展的概念和实质“农业可持续发展”这一概念是从可持续发展概念中引伸出来的 ,目前比较一致的理解是 :农业可持续发展是一种建立在生态、经济、社会效益基础上的农业发展模式。它运用现代农业科学技术改造低效益的传统农业 ,建立高投入、高效益、高品质的现代化农业体系 ,满足国民经济和社会发展对农产品日益增长的需求 ;科学合理、综合有效地利用农村社会、经济和自然资源 ,提高资源的利用效率 ,促进资源再生产的良性循环 ;结合自然资源条件 ,通过生物多样化 ,创建和谐的生态系…  相似文献   

All states in the New England and Middle Atlantic regions of the United States provide State Police services without charge to municipalities without full-time local police departments. Efficiency and equity issues have resulted from this tradition and the development of local police departments or shared departments across neighboring municipalities in rural and exurban areas has been discouraged. These problems will diminish in scope as municipalities receiving the State Police subsidy opt out of the program and adopt local policing. We examine this potential by estimating models of the municipal decision to use the State Police for local policing among New Jersey municipalities with less than 15,000 population. We find that the elasticities of the decision to use the State Police for local policing with respect to population and median family income to be −1.1 and −2.3, respectively. If recent income and population trends in New Jersey municipalities using the State Police continue, our upper range estimate is that about 20 of the 90 municipalities using the State Police will opt out of the program in the next decade.  相似文献   

This article argues that the complex multi‐stakeholder arrangements anticipated for implementing Sustainable Development Goals call for a distinct type of host: an interlocutor. This central idea arises from new comparative research on multi‐stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) undertaken in four countries: Costa Rica, Indonesia, Kenya and Kyrgyzstan. This work adds a detailed dimension to meta‐studies on conditions for success and practical guides for establishing and running MSIs. It begins to fill a significant gap in knowledge by analysing the attributes and competencies required for effectively orchestrating MSIs as well as illuminating their relative significance over time. The context is an anticipated expansion in demand for finely tuned and skilled hosting of Sustainable Development Goals‐inspired MSIs. This task will probably be more complicated than MSIs associated with climate change and Millennium Development Goals, both of which saw business on the side lines with uneven attention paid to the principle of local ownership. Recognising and investing in interlocution as a pivotal role can increase the performance of internationally inspired MSIs which, to date, have a mixed but generally poor record of effectiveness. © 2017 The Authors Public Administration and Development Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

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