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入世以来,西方跨国公司知识产权垄断行为已经给我国民族经济带来了严重的冲击,美日等发达国家的知识产权拥有者,利用他们在知识产权领域里的优势,把知识产权作为垄断手段限制竞争对手的现象日趋严重。而从我国现有的法律来看,虽然有些条款可以用来对知识产权的垄断行为进行限制,但是由于可操作性不强。效果并不理想。因此,我国应该联系世界发达国家和立法状况以及我国目前的实际情况,尽早制定出在知识产权领域中的反垄断法。  相似文献   

Community social worker Lu Jiaxin and her colleague have recently received many kindnesses from caring people. In September, they col-lected donations for impoverished local households living in apartments in dire need of reno-vation in Zhongnan Subdistrict of Guangzhou, capital city of Guangdong Province. They handed out flyers, called on shop owners and visited com-pany buildings to reach out to potential donors. Though the donations they re-ceived are mostly small in amount, they can help many households complete some indoor upgrades, according to Lu.  相似文献   

Going It Alone     
Faced with a tight employment market, many college graduates are grabbing every chance to start their own business but very few know how to run their companies and get them on their feet.  相似文献   

"90"后大学生的思想道德行为在生活方式上存在发展滞后的生活能力,标新立异的生活态度,贪恋当下的享受快乐;在行为方式上存在自我中心的行为取向,我行我素的行为特征,理性务实的行为作风;在思想理念上存在浓厚的民主理念,率性的自由精神,剧烈的价值冲突。对此应将思想政治教育与制度管理相结合、人文关怀与心理教育相结合、素质教育与能力培养相结合、挫折教育与激励教育相结合,以帮助其健康成长。  相似文献   

Glamping It Up     
When he is not at work, he is busy with his camping business. Yu Sanshui, a 31-year-old digital product engineer in Beijing, spends over 70 percent of his spare time on camping-related activities. He rented a 12-square-meter warehouse space in northwestern suburban Beijing as his "base" and goes there al-most every day. The engineer slash vlogger slash camper originally rented the space to store his extensive camping equipment, which simply cannot fit into his apartment. Since his first camping experi-ence back in 2018, he has spent a total of roughly 150,000 yuan ($23,190) on gear. Every time he goes out camping, he picks up differently com-posed kits from his base.  相似文献   

西江苗族先民历史上经历了长期迁徙,其服饰随着生境的变化而改变。之后,千百年其先民在西江独特的自然与文化环境中传承和发展了独具特色的服饰文化。同时,在与不同民族的文化交流过程中吸收了部分周围民族的服饰文化符号,不断扬弃和发展其服饰文化,呈现出突出的兼具传统性与兼容性的服饰特点。  相似文献   

马玉珍 《思想战线》2004,30(3):60-65
中日妇女具有相近的文化背景,她们的境遇、社会地位、社会作用和社会权利的发展变化也大致相似。尽管中日两国政治制度不同,但在现代化进程中两国妇女的经历却大同小异。  相似文献   

秋瑾认为妇女要获得自身的解放 ,首先必须冲破封建家庭的束缚 ,走向社会 ,学习先进的科学文化知识 ,掌握谋生的手段 ,在经济和人格上获得独立 ;广大妇女要彻底解放 ,必须团结全国人民 ,推翻满清封建王朝。  相似文献   

"饭稻羹鱼"--水族传统农耕文化的主题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
今天生活在贵州南部黔桂边境地带的水族同胞,之所以孜孜不倦地追求"饭稻羹鱼"的稻作农耕文化思想,得益于历史上他们在广东、广西邕江流域长期的渔猎与采集的经济生活,在"垦食骆田"时代形成的稻鱼共生共获的生产格局,在他们辗转迁徙定居黔桂边境之后,演变成了"稻田养鱼",从而使"饭稻羹鱼"的传统农耕文化得以延续.  相似文献   

城镇化是我国现代化进程的重大战略,城镇化的发展带给农民翻天覆地的变化。失去或离开土地的农民成为城市中的新市民,不再依靠土地为生。他们在城市中的身份权、就业权、子女受教育权等问题关乎到新市民如何适应城镇生活,提高其生活质量等至关重要的问题,本文从新市民众多权利中选取户籍制度、就业权、子女受教育权等侧面,分析其中存在的问题并提出应对之策。  相似文献   

The Call of the Wild,is one of Jack London's most pop-ular novels.It apparently is a dog's story.In the deep part,London makes a reflection of the real human life throughBuck's life.He treats ani mals like human beings and humanbeings like ani mals,recognizing no essential difference be-tween man and ani mal.Jack London's uncanny understandingof ani mal and human natures give this novel a striking vitalityand power.After readingit,people could not help ponderingover his ownlife and thinkin…  相似文献   

农村留守妇女问题研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对国内学者在留守妇女的产生原因、经济与社会地位的变化、婚姻状况以及生存状况方面的研究进行系统梳理,在此基础上提出可以进一步研究制度背景下的留守妇女为何没有形成集体认同感、留守妇女如何打破"符号暴力"等问题.  相似文献   

客家人是沙捞越最早的移民群体,主要分布在沙捞越的古晋、三马拉汉及美里省等地。早期移居到沙捞越的客家人,延续着在中国聚族而居的形态。在人地生疏的异乡环境中,沙捞越的客家人为了互为济困,成立了社团组织,并发挥着教育同乡子弟、举办慈善事业等角色与功能。  相似文献   

检察民主是指在依法独立行使检察权的前提下,让民众通过一定的途径参与检察活动,并在必要的时候对检察权的运行加以监督。国外对检察民主有一定程度的实践。我国则以相对的检察独立、检务公开制度及人民监督员制度构成中国特色的检察民主。  相似文献   

文学理论:从教学形态到理论本体探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张永刚 《思想战线》2002,28(4):76-79
探讨文学理论的学科体系和理论本体问题 ,可以从文学理论的教学形态入手。在我国现行文学理论教学形态中 ,其学科概念、范畴所指存在着一些习惯性的理解与表达错误 ,导致文学理论与文学发展史、文学批评相分离。文学理论的理论活力减弱 ,使其逐渐成为知识汇编。重建文学理论学科 ,改进其教学形态 ,其思想基点是深入探索文学理论赖以生存的哲学美学资源和文学构成本身。文学理论首先是一种“理论” ,思维与方法是其不可缺少的特质 ;然后是关于“文学的”理论 ,必须紧扣文学本身进行言说。  相似文献   

生活在城市边缘的女民工,她们抱着不同的理想来到城市,其工作和生活状况虽各有不同,但多处于社会的下层,但她们中的一部分人不向生活低头,通过不懈努力和奋斗,找到了自己生存和发展的空间,为家庭和谐和社会稳定做出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   

PUSHING open the tail gate,you are welcomed with the delieate scent of orchids, waft ins: in the breeze. This is a wild orchid farm, lying 19 kilometers outside of Kunming, provincial capital of Yunnan. The various species of orchid growing randomly by the small bridges and local offices make the people feel they are living in the most peaceful place on earth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the self-reported sexual attitudes and behaviors of adolescents living in the Midwest. A survey was administered to 463 African American youths ages 11–19. The results indicate that intent to have sexual intercourse, reported likelihood toward having sexual intercourse, and whether participants felt that they would have sex in the next 3 months were predictors of whether they had sexual intercourse at the 3-month follow-up. The results also revealed that the opinions of referent others did not predict sexual intercourse at 3 months. Negative attitudes toward condoms did predict condom use at 3 months and the opinions of referent others also predicted condom use at 3 months. Limitations as well as future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the self-reported sexual attitudes and behaviors of adolescents living in the Midwest. A survey was administered to 463 African American youths ages 11-19. The results indicate that intent to have sexual intercourse, reported likelihood toward having sexual intercourse, and whether participants felt that they would have sex in the next 3 months were predictors of whether they had sexual intercourse at the 3-month follow-up. The results also revealed that the opinions of referent others did not predict sexual intercourse at 3 months. Negative attitudes toward condoms did predict condom use at 3 months and the opinions of referent others also predicted condom use at 3 months. Limitations as well as future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

社会经济的发展,对贵州民族传统文化带来了巨大的冲击和影响,面对民族文化资源日渐流失的严重趋势,我们必须采取有利措施,处理好严格保护、合理开发和永续利用的关系,在改善少数民族群众生活水平的同时保护好优秀的民族文化。  相似文献   

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