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When patients present with unusual, atypical, and difficult-to-understand complaints known as dissociative and somatoform disorders or medically unexplained symptoms, clinicians may administer symptom validity tests (SVTs) to determine whether or not the patient exhibits negative response bias. Such tests are especially informative in a context where incentives play a substantial role (e.g., the legal arena). If patients fail SVTs and exhibit negative response bias, how should that bias be interpreted? Some authors have argued that psychological problems (e.g., unconscious conflicts and depression) and circumstances (e.g., a cry for help) may explain such bias. In the current article, we critically review this “psychopathology = superordinate” position. We argue that (1) there is no empirical evidence to suggest that psychological problems may foster SVT failure per se and (2) that the “psychopathology = superordinate” position invites circular argumentation: to clarify the nature of the atypical symptoms, SVTs are administered and a negative response bias is found, which is explained away by the atypical symptoms. Negative response bias allows for only one conclusion: the patient’s self-report of symptoms and life history can no longer be taken at face value.  相似文献   

The Fake Bad Scale (FBS; Symptom Validity Scale) has fundamental psychometric flaws, interpretive problems, and potentially adverse societal consequences that are not appreciated by Ben-Porath et al. (Psychological Injury and Law 2(1), 62–85, 2009a, b). The FBS was constructed without due consideration to scientifically based guidelines for scale development (Clark and Watson, Psychological Assessment 7, 309–319, 1995; Jackson, Psychological Review 78, 229–248, 1971; Nunnally 1978; Holden and Troister, Canadian Psychology 50, 120–130, 2009). After almost two decades in existence, its face, content, and construct validity have not been established in the empirical literature. Oft-cited discriminant studies that appear to support the FBS are premature because of the scale’s unestablished psychometric foundation. In addition, these studies have significant methodological weaknesses that preclude definitive conclusions about what the scale actually measures. We review these weaknesses and recent legal cases that challenge the scale. We recommend that the FBS’s validity and fairness be addressed in an independent scientific review by the Buros Mental Measurement Test Evaluation System, a non-profit center specializing in the evaluation of commercially available tests.  相似文献   

Choral music is the leading form of public participation in the arts in the United States. This article describes choral music from an organizational perspective, using a strategic management framework to examine total market scale, scope of activity, and internal structure. While many tens of thousands of choruses are embedded in educational and religious institutions, this article focuses on independent, community-based choruses. Data from public and private sources, including the leading national service organization for choruses, shows that an estimated 3,000 of these choruses operate in the U.S. They are typically organized along club models, with significant contributions to finances and governance made by chorus singers. Summary data in the article show variation in governance and program activity within budget ranges and among chorus types including professional, symphonic, volunteer, and children/youth.  相似文献   

The experience of injured workers is influenced by multiple systems—the workplace, the healthcare system, and the workers’ compensation system. Little research has been conducted on the impact of the workers’ compensation system on injured workers’ personal experience and on the justice of the workers’ compensation process. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a measure of the justice of the compensation process. Injured workers (n?=?446) with musculoskeletal injuries, in Ontario, Canada, filing a lost-time claim, completed a telephone survey 6 months post-injury. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted with two separate samples, and concurrent validity was examined. The four hypothesized factors emerged: distributive justice, procedural justice, informational justice, and interpersonal justice factors accounted for 96.3% of the variance. Confirmatory factor analyses had satisfactory fit indices to confirm the initial model. Alpha coefficients ranged from 0.86 to 0.92. Concurrent validity of the scale was supported: relationships of distributive and procedural justice with claim status, claim processing delay, perception of going back to work too soon, duration of work accommodation, and satisfaction with work accommodation were in the expected direction. Workers’ experience of the justice of the compensation process can now be measured with a psychometrically sound and theoretically based instrument. This instrument offers researchers the opportunity to focus on the justice of the compensation process of injured workers. It can increase the attention that policy-makers, compensation management, healthcare providers, and other return-to-work stakeholders give to the impact of the compensation system and provide a broadened view of workers’ experience.  相似文献   

Development and Validation of the Validity Indicator Profile   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Validity Indicator Profile (VIP; Frederick, 1997) is a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) procedure intended to identify when the results of cognitive and neuropsychological testing may be invalid because of malingering or other problematic response styles. The test consists of 100 problems that assess nonverbal abstraction capacity and 78 word-definition problems. The VIP attempts to establish whether an individual's performance in an assessment battery should be considered representative of his or her true overall capacities (valid or invalid). Performances classified as valid are classified as compliant and reflect a high effort to respond correctly. Performances classified as invalid are subclassified as careless (low effort to respond correctly), irrelevant (low effort to respond incorrectly), or malingering (high effort to respond incorrectly). The VIP development sample included 944 nonclinical participants and 104 adults undergoing neuropsychological evaluation. The cross-validation sample consisted of 152 nonclinical participants, 61 brain-injured adults, 49 individuals considered to be at risk for malingering, and 100 randomly generated VIP protocols. The nonverbal subtest of the VIP demonstrated an overall classification rate of 79.8%, with 73.5% sensitivity and 85.7% specificity. The verbal subtest of the VIP demonstrated an overall classification rate of 75.5%, with 67.3% sensitivity and 83.1% specificity.Ross Crosby was at NCS Assessments, Minnetonka, Minnesota, during much of this project  相似文献   

目的对自行研制的《精神病人限定刑事责任能力评定量表》的信效度进行多中心研究。方法:在国内四地七家精神疾病司法鉴定机构取样,对被评定为限定责任能力的案例按量表手册进行评分,并与各中心鉴定专家按辨认能力和控制能力受损大小将限定刑事责任能力所作的三级划分进行比较。结果共纳入702例案例,根据专家意见限定责任能力分为三级:小部分责任能力组、部分责任能力组和大部分责任能力组。小部分、部分和大部分组量表均分分别为21.32±3.85、25.91±5.69和29.54±5.19,差异具有统计学意义;量表各条目与总分相关系数在0.27~0.61之间,再测信度为0.85,评分者一致性kappa在0.5~0.91之间;主成分分析提取六个因子,累积贡献率为67.26%,主要反映被鉴定人的作案预谋、作案动机、作案后的行为表现、反映精神疾病对被鉴定人自我状态和社会功能的影响、案发前被鉴定人面临的环境及其反应程度;判别分析显示,作案动机、对作案时间的选择性、作案后逃避责任、检验或审讯时伪装、对作案行为的罪错性认识、自知力损害和自控能力损害纳入判别式,回代正确率为62.3%。结论《精神病人刑事限定责任能力评定量表》构建合理,有较好的信效度。  相似文献   

The prevalence of serious mental illnesses in jail populations is significantly greater than in the general population. Identifying individuals who warrant psychiatric evaluations is important and benefits correctional staff as well as detainees. One widely used screening instrument intended for this task is the Referral Decision Scale (RDS). This paper reviews the development and validation of the RDS. Using data from a multisite study which assessed postrelease outcomes for detainees with mental illness, various types of validity are addressed. The results confirm that the RDS has some inherent characteristics that seriously limit its practical application as a screening instrument for use by correctional staff.  相似文献   

法国行政法对法典化发展路径的选择,根源于对其传统判例法发展路径的反思.在行政法发展的初期,判例法发展路径能够克服成文法的规范分散、填补成文法的规范空白并避免与行政机关的直接冲突.然而,进入20世纪下半叶,判例法已日益无法满足民主性及体系化要求,法国改革者决定通过法典化重建清晰、稳定的行政法规范体系,以提升行政法规范面对社会公众的可接受性与可理解性.法国行政法之法典化的发展,先后经历了行政汇编模式、立法审议模式与特定法令模式,其对法典内容的编排乃基于判例规则形塑成文规范,调适成文规范嵌入目录结构,并划定法典边界协调内容交叠.借鉴法国行政法之法典化经验,我国行政立法领域之法典化应当明确以实体优化为主兼顾形式优化之目标;并采用不同组织形式分别编纂行政纲领性法典与行政领域性法典;对编纂之范围应当选择存量规范分散但同质性较强的领域进行法典化;并应引入结构性十进制编码完成条款整合;在法典编纂结束后,应由全国人大常委会法工委与司法部协作完成对于增量规范的持续嵌入.  相似文献   

This article will identify the inconsistency and confusion in mediation regarding the definition of mediation, the role of the mediator, and the difference between mediation confidentiality and privilege. Further, it will discuss the confusion and inconsistency in the protection of mediation communication, specifically regarding the definition of mediation communication, the time frame for protected communication, waiver of the protections and exceptions to protected mediation communication. It will provide a roadmap and fact pattern for determining whether mediation communications are protected and if so, the protection they are afforded. Lastly, it will offer recommendations so parties, professionals and the courts may better understand and reap the benefits of mediation.  相似文献   


Critics of neoliberalism argue that so-called meritocratic and identity-neutral social policies and political positions actually reinforce and exacerbate intersecting inequalities, namely racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, and ethnocentrism/xenophobia. The purpose of these studies was to develop and initially validate a scale of neoliberal attitudes from a wide range of existing instruments that reflect anti-neoliberal theory. A series of three studies resulted in a 25-item instrument—the Anti-Neoliberal Attitudes Scale (ANAS)—that exhibits initial evidence of construct validity, internal consistency, and test–retest reliability. Exploratory factor analysis with students from two universities revealed a four-factor structure of Racism and Sexism Awareness, Communitarian Values, Multicultural Ideology, and Inequality Consciousness. However, a confirmatory factor analysis with an independent sample of undergraduate students suggests a bifactor model in which the general factor explains most of the variance and that the instrument should be treated as a single scale, rather than independent subscales. Significant correlations with measures of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation suggest convergent validity. Temporal stability was established via a test–retest analysis in an independent sample of undergraduate students. Finally, responses from a sample of MTurk workers provided evidence of the ANAS’s incremental validity when compared to an existing measure of neoliberal beliefs. Implications for future empirical work on the psychological dimensions of neoliberalism are discussed.



Few empirical studies have investigated the issue of integrity in the military. This may be due, in part, to the lack of good measurement instruments. This study addressed this problem by developing a military integrity attitude scale (MIAS). Three studies were conducted to develop and validate the MIAS. A large sample size (N?=?2375) was used in an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and the results revealed the stable and good fit of the factor structure, while also demonstrating the scale’s good internal consistency, content validity, criterion-related validity, and discriminant validity. In addition, the MIAS was also shown to be able to effectively distinguish anti-corruption personnel and soldiers in the military; hence, it has good contrast group validity. The implications for future research are also discussed.


The Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP) is a promising, efficient measure of the psychopathic personality. Previous examinations of its latent structure have yielded inconsistent results; therefore, the goal of the current study was to evaluate previously reported two- and three-factor models in three separate groups of male correctional inmates (n = 573), male college students (n = 202), and female college students (n = 200). Confirmatory factor analyses revealed that the best-fitting model across all the three groups was the three-factor model proposed by Brinkley et al. (Assessment 15:464–482, 2008). The convergent and discriminant validity of this three-factor structure as well as a revised 19-item total score were elaborated on in terms of predicting scores on conceptually relevant external criteria. The LSRP total and factor scales evidenced good convergent and discriminant validity with a few notable exceptions. Implications for theory and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

元认知的结构、功能与开发   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
元认知是关于认知的认知,是个体对自己的认知加工过程的自我觉察、自我反省、自我评价与自我调节,它包括元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控三个成分,它们相互联系、密不可分.元认知具有自我意识性、调节性、能动性、反馈性、有效性、迁移性等特点,其实质是主体对认知活动的自我意识和自我调节.元认知的发展水平直接制约着个体智力的发展,影响着个体的认知效率,因此教学中对学生进行元认知开发、提高学生的元认知发展水平从而教会学生学习、促进学生智力发展显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

Screening applicants for the position of peace officer is a very uncertain process. Concomitantly, trying to select applicants who will be successful throughout their careers adds another, important dimension. Unfortunately, the selection process has primarily been one of screening-out those who are for one reason or another unfit. This article used the Thurstone Scale as the methodological basis to identify those traits that experts agreed are the ones that are meaningful in predicting police officer career success.  相似文献   

当前,金融危机的阴影虽然尚未完全消退,但经过国际社会共同努力,积极应对,世界经济出现积极变化.值此时刻,围绕"创新、增长与发展"这一主题,探讨知识产权对于鼓励创新、促进经济增长的作用,在总结各国成功经验的基础上,探索共同发展之道,具有重要的现实意义和历史意义.  相似文献   

抵押物转让效力之比较研究──兼评我国担保法第49条   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抵押物转让之后,大陆法系的主要国家均认为抵押权人享有遍及权, 在抵押权人与抵押物受让人的利益衡平方面,各国则采取了颇为不同的措施。抵押 权追及主义立场和与之相配套的各项制度并不合理,为体现民法的逻辑体系与街平 理念,有必要舍弃抵押权追及主义,而代之以物上代位主义。  相似文献   

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