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The report ‘Trafficking in Human Beings, Ten years of independent monitoring’ marked the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the post of National Rapporteur as an independent monitoring mechanism of the Netherlands’ efforts to combat human trafficking. It also marked ten years of making recommendations, 200 in all. Many of those recommendations have been acted upon, the importance of some has receded and others have been regularly repeated. The report outlines the progress made in efforts to tackle human trafficking in the Netherlands over the last ten years in light of those recommendations. In this contribution, the most important aspects of the report are summarised, with a focus on the three P’s (protection, prevention and prosecution), together with the additional P’s (punishment and partnership).  相似文献   

Following the changing mentality, the efforts to find a common definition,concerning trafficking in human beings, focusing on the issue to harmonisethe national and international legal measures, legal instruments aiming atcombat-ing traffic in human beings, we are witnessing an important segmentof the process towards internationalisation and europeanization of criminallaw and criminal justice.  相似文献   

Although trafficking of human beings has been widely regardedas a human rights issue, little attention has been paid to humanrights aspects of smuggling as it is mainly characterised asfacilitation of illegal migration. The purpose of this articleis to demonstrate that smuggling of human beings equally raiseshuman rights concerns. The article begins by exploring the definitionsof trafficking and smuggling and their policy implications.It then highlights some human rights issues inherent in theact by examining its causes, process and consequences. It continueswith an analysis of human rights obligations imposed upon non-Stateand State actors. The fact that non-State actors are not helddirectly accountable under international human rights law pointsto an investigation of legal obligations imposed upon States,and this article examines an obligation to protect victims asan example.  相似文献   

汪海霞 《政法学刊》2005,22(4):80-82
尊重和保障人权写入宪法,意味着国家和人民对公安执法活动提出了更高要求,公安机关必须十分注意对公民个人合法权利的保护.在市场经济建设的过程中强调对广大人民权利的保障,强调人权保护的重要性是促进我国经济良性发展的人文环境保证,更是衡量我国公安工作成效的最终指标.所以公安机关在具体的执法过程中,必须从基本理念、监督机制、程序性执法等方面来建立和规范对人权有效保障的机制.  相似文献   

朱海波 《政法学刊》2008,25(2):99-102
走人权保障与行政执法有密切关系,尊重和保障人权是现代法治文明的体现,在现代行政执法中,执法文明是人权保障的需要,也是政府工作法治化的要求。政府工作应在法治化目标下,加强行政执法建设,更好地保障人权。  相似文献   

张先福 《政法学刊》2005,22(5):85-87
十届全国人大第二次会议将“国家尊重和保障人权”写入新修正的《中华人民共和国宪法》,是中国特色社会主义人权观 的重大突破。当前公安民警在行政执法中尊重和保障人权方面存在的问题十分突出。落实“国家尊重和保障人权”的宪法规定,要把 打击违法犯罪和保护人权贯穿于行政执法的全过程。  相似文献   

作为前英国殖民地,并在1997年成为中华人民共和国的特别行政区,香港为公法与国际人权法的互动提供了有研究价值的一个个案。自1991年起,透过殖民地宪法文件的修订及立法方式,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》的人权规范在香港开始具有宪法性效力,并且可为本地法院适用,作为违宪审查中审查立法及政府行为是否违宪的基准。1997年香港回归祖国后,在根据《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》成立的新宪制下,香港法院继续行使这种违宪审查权。本文概述了香港法制中国际人权法规范的适用情况,透过香港近年来的一些重大案例,阐明了公法和国际人权法在香港互动的情况。并试图在国际及全球性脉络中,探求香港个案的定位,为研究香港公法与国际人权法的互动和汇流建立一个概念架构。  相似文献   

Alain Zysset 《Ratio juris》2019,32(3):278-300
Legal scholars and theorists have recently drawn a more sustained attention to the link between international human rights law (hereafter IHRL) and international criminal law (hereafter ICL). This concerns both positive and more normative accounts of the link. Whether positive or normative, the predominant approach to constructing the link is substantive. This overlap is normatively justified in similar terms by reference to a subset of moral human rights. In this paper, I offer an alternative to the substantive approach. After identifying two flaws in the substantive approach (the problem of threshold and the problem of ethical neutrality), I defend what I call a structural account by focusing on duty‐holders. I start by reconstructing two structural characteristics common to IHRL and ICL qua international legal regimes: who has the authority to address violations of IHRL and ICL, and who can be liable for those violations. I then infer that public authority (functionally construed) constitutes the common structural core of IHRL and ICL. I rely on the extraterritorial application of IHRL and on the collective dimension of ICL violations to further support the argument. I finally offer an argument explaining the normative point of those structural features. I hold that IHRL and ICL (their adjudicative and liability regimes) are both necessary (but clearly not sufficient) to render this exercise of public authority legitimate to its subjects.  相似文献   

民事强制执行中的人权保障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"人权入宪"要求相关法律必须作出呼应与调整,进一步健全我国的人权保障法律体系.人权的历史,"基本上是奉行程序保障的历史".民事诉讼法中的强制执行程序与人权密切攸关.它至少应当在公民实体性权利实现的程序保障、程序自身的人权保障以及违反正当程序时的程序救济保障三个方面得以改进调整,使强制执行程序成为强壮、富有人情味的健康的程序,以切实维护和保障公民的合法权益.  相似文献   

This article will define the concepts of smuggling and trafficking in human beings and discuss the difficulty in applying the definition. The magnitude and scope of the problem will be examined as well as its causes. Trafficking in human beings will be analysed as an illegal market, particularly with reference to its relationship with other illegal markets and the involvement of organised crime groups. The phenomenon will be discussed in more depth focusing on countries and regions where projects are currently being implemented under the auspices of the United Nations Global Programme against Trafficking in Human Beings. The discussion closes with an overview of situations which facilitate the practice, and current measures and recommendations to stem the tide of smuggling and trafficking.  相似文献   

This article presents an empirical analysis of the impact of the Human Rights Act on the House of Lords. Drawing on a database of judgments from 1994 to 2007, changes in judgment‐giving behaviour are identified by charting patterns of agreement and dissent across different categories of case. Voting records are also examined in order to identify whether significant differences exist between individual Law Lords in their approach to human rights cases.  相似文献   

Risse  Mathias 《Law and Philosophy》2017,36(2):169-190
Law and Philosophy - I begin by summarizing some of the main features of Buchanan’s account. I argue next that his account gets no support from defeating his envisaged opponent, the Mirroring...  相似文献   

Abstract:  The European Union aims to develop a European criminal justice to combat cross-border crimes of smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings. This article focuses its attention on European Community/European Union (EC/EU) law and on two Member States, Italy and the United Kingdom (UK). The findings show that there are diversities and ambiguities in the definition of irregular migration. On the contrary, the EU and Member States should concentrate their efforts on the two crimes of smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings rather than criminalising irregular migration.  相似文献   

This article examines mediarepresentation of cases decided in respect ofthe United Kingdom Human Rights Acts (1998).These representations suggest that only somepeople are deserving of human rights. Further,a distinction between legal human rights andhuman rights is made because of this problem ofaccess. Indeed, before one can be clear abouthow to protect human rights in a legal context,one has to be clear about what human rights areuniversally and uncontroversially.  相似文献   

Janis  M.W. 《荷兰国际法评论》2004,51(1):115-116
Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

朱羿锟 《法学论坛》2003,18(2):79-82
欧盟公司法的国际化协调在涉及根深蒂固的文化传统领域遭遇立法僵局 ,绕道而行回避了一些敏感问题。90年代兴起的“准法”这种中间调节机制消融了这些坚冰 ,成为进一步走向融合与趋同的催化剂。  相似文献   

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