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梁晓春 《政法学刊》2003,20(1):28-30
恐怖主义是当今国际社会普遍关注的焦点问题之一,对恐怖主义犯罪的惩治也愈加成为当今世界及各国关注的热点。如何有效地惩治恐怖主义犯罪既是国际社会和各国需要迫切解决的课题,也是目前学术界研究的热点话题。  相似文献   

Transitional justice is broadly understood to refer to formal efforts to deal with past wrongs in the midst of a transition from an extended period of conflict or repression to democracy. In this paper, I consider the role of international criminal trials in transitional justice. I argue that such trials may contribute to transitional justice, but such contributions are conditional on two main factors. The first factor is time. The second factor is what other transitional justice responses are adopted domestically.  相似文献   

The number of U.S. states with criminal libel laws has been steadily declining since the 1960s, and the offense has been struck down in the United Kingdom and several former British colonies. In Canada, however, criminal libel not only continues to exist, but appears to be enjoying a resurgence, albeit one that has flown beneath the radar of Canadian lawyers, judges, and journalists, who frequently assert that criminal libel prosecutions are rare. The research reported in this article found more than 400 prosecutions since the beginning of the twenty-first century. While many of these cases were brought against people who disseminated sexual slurs against former romantic partners, in a substantial number of cases criminal libel law was used to punish citizens’ political speech, particularly speech critical of police or other justice system officials, a use wholly inconsistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  相似文献   

The paper argues that contemporary theoretical and philosophical concerns relating to the practice of plea bargaining in international trials for crimes such as genocide should be seen in the broader context of the perceived legitimacy of international trial justice. The paper questions the capacity of international trial structures to deliver a form of truth which contributes to justice suggesting that the legitimacy of the truth available is conditioned by ideology and normative practice. The paper suggests that the key to transforming international trial justice lies in promoting the link between trial ideology and the perceived moral legitimacy of its outcomes through the exercise of judicial discretionary power. Ralph Henham is Professor of Criminal Justice, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University.  相似文献   

In recent times it has been argued that international criminalproceedings are too costly, too long and no longer politicallyor financially viable. This article proposes several ways inwhich pre-trial proceedings in international criminal trialsmay be fairly expedited. The author argues that more judicialinvolvement in the pre-trial phase could assist in reducingthe length and ineffectiveness of international criminal trials.  相似文献   

本文从“改造”这一刑罚的中国经验出发,结合现代刑罚发展的历史,在修正国内流行的“刑罚进化论”的基础上,以改造刑为例,对现代刑罚制度与理论的迷误及其刑罚理性的谵妄与僭越,进行了具体的工具分析和价值批判;同时,借此分析与批判,本文最后将对于刑罚问题的认识引向关于“刑罚范式”革命的思考,提出了在“刑罚范式”的意义上,现代刑罚应从“国家vs罪犯”向“刑事债权人vs刑事债务人”进行转换,以此实现从“改造刑”到“契约刑”的刑罚制度变革,走向刑事法治的新境界。  相似文献   

The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly insisted that what distinguishes a criminal punishment from a civil penalty is the presence of a punitive legislative intent. Legislative intent has this role, in part, because court and commentators alike conceive of the criminal law as the body of law that administers punishment; and punishment, in turn, is conceived of in intention-sensitive terms. I argue that this understanding of the distinction between civil penalties and criminal punishments depends on a highly controversial proposition in moral theory – namely, that an agent’s intentions bear directly on what it is permissible for that agent to do, a view most closely associated with the doctrine of double effect. Therefore, legal theorists who are skeptical of granting intention this kind of significance owe us an alternative account of the distinctiveness of the criminal law. I sketch the broad outlines of just such an alternative account – one that focuses on the objective impact of legislation on a class of protected interests, regardless of the state’s motivations in enacting the legislation. In other words, even if the concept of punishment is unavoidably intention-sensitive, it does not follow that the boundaries of the criminal law are likewise intention-sensitive, because the boundaries of the criminal law may be drawn without reference to the concept of punishment. I conclude by illustrating the application of this view to a pair of well-known cases, and noting some of its ramifications.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to illustrate how the pervading ideologyof retributivism has affected the norms and practice of sentencingin international criminal trials. It examines the nature andoperation of international sentencing law and procedure andthe parameters set for the exercise of discretionary power,suggesting how these militate against the development of moreconstructive rationales for punishment because of their continuedemphasis on principles of consistency and proportionality. Itis argued that the rationales for international sentencing needto engage more with the aspirations for justice of victims andpost-conflict societies. This would suggest a re-evaluationof punishment and a change in the sentencing practices of internationalcriminal tribunals. The article concludes that comparative contextualanalysis could provide important insights, which would be ofgreat assistance for international sentencing.  相似文献   

This article develops two distinct explanations for the failure of potential consequences to influence behavior. Discounting is the tendency to deliberatively devalue the future. In contrast, poor impulse control refers to the failure to consider the future. The implications of this distinction were investigated with data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health. The study produced several findings. First, both forms of present-orientation independently predicted a range of problem outcomes among respondents. Second, high discounting was a better predictor of deliberative or future-related problem outcomes, whereas poor impulse control was a better predictor of urge driven behaviors or conduct involving little forethought. Third, only poor impulse control but not high discounting predicted violent offending among respondents. While both forms of present-orientation were associated with property offending, high discounting was a stronger and more consistent predictor. These three findings were far more evident for males than they were for females.  相似文献   

"非刑罚化"与"刑罚化"--论刑罚的退守与进攻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在刑罚谦抑思想、犯罪学的新发展以及现实的需要下,我国的刑罚要顺应"非刑罚化"的趋势,在刑事政策的视野中广泛适用非刑罚的犯罪制裁方式,以及建立保安处分制度等,必须退守.同时,刑事政策视野中我国的"犯罪化"趋势以及刑罚和非刑罚措施本身的不合理性又决定着刑罚必须进攻,即"刑罚化".把单位犯罪和劳动教养制度的"刑罚化"改革作为契机以实现刑法的科学与完善.在"非刑罚化"和"刑罚化"两个大趋势的辨证作用下我国的刑法才能更加成熟与完善.  相似文献   

This article starts from the observation that in classical Athens the discovery of democracy as a normative model of politics has been from the beginning not only a political and a legal but at the same time a philosophical enterprise. Reflections on the concept of criminal law and on the meaning of punishment can greatly benefit from reflections on Athenian democracy as a germ for our contemporary debate on criminal justice in a democracy. Three main characteristics of the Athenian model will be analysed: the self-instituting capacity of a democracy based on participatory and reflective citizenship, political power as the capacity of citizens for co-operating and co-acting with others, and the crime of hubris as one of the key issues in Athenian criminal law. These analyses will lead to the conclusion that one of the key issues of a democratic legal order lies in its capacity of recognizing the fragility of the human condition and of developing workable and effective standards of justice in that context. A relational conception of criminal law and punishment, based on proportionality, reflexivity, mutual respect and responsibility fits best with a democracy under the rule of law.
René FoquéEmail:

This paper considers whether publicizing criminal labels is justified as a form of punishment. It begins by arguing that making criminal labels public is inevitably stigmatizing and that stigmatization is not, as is often implied, a defining aspect of censure, but needs independent justification. It argues that justifying grounds for public criminal labelling cannot be found in either the communicative account of punishment or deterrence theory. Rather, public criminal labelling should be understood as undermining of both the communicative and the deterrent functions of punishment. Recent empirical work is drawn upon to support the claims about public criminal labelling and deterrence.  相似文献   

程序性制裁机制固然有着重大价值,但是也应当承受效益分析与伦理评价.在我国刑事诉讼存在历史共业的背景下,程序性制裁机制将无法有效慑止司法人员的违法行为,其收益低于所付出的社会成本,陷入所谓的效益困局.另外,程序性制裁机制有着反实质正义的天然倾向,具有很强的功利性,会产生相当程度的道德风险.为了应对程序性制裁机制之弊,应当重视实质正义,在该机制中引入无害错误的分析环节,同时遵循利益权衡原则,对违法行为区别对待,以校正其机械适用与抽象适用的倾向.  相似文献   

Public opinion on criminal sentencing and aims of punishment has been surveyed mostly in Western countries. In non-Western countries, especially Islamic societies, little has been published, at least in Western journals, on these issues. In fact, no published study examining public views toward criminal sentences and the aims of punishments in Islamic societies may be located in any major database of Western literature. As a result many questions like the relationship between perceived purpose of criminal punishment and its severity and the interactions between the belief in Islam and its Shari’a (Islamic culture) and punitive attitude to criminality have remained unasked. Therefore, the meaning and motive behind the death penalty and other severe forms of punishment in Islamic countries remains unknown to scholars, whether within or outside these countries. This paper introduces, first, Shari’a sentencing laws and practices in some Islamic societies and then, by drawing on a survey administered in Iran in 2008, tries to show and explain the variations in attitudes to Shari’a criminal laws and different forms of punishment, mostly based on Shari’a, across different genders and professions (judges, lawyers, students, Tulab and police).  相似文献   

‘Strategic foresight’ is a technique used by institutions to prepare for a technology‐charged future. It involves considering how the institution might look in the future. In doing so, it enables the institution to prepare for and achieve the preferred future. This article explores what the process of strategic foresight has to offer common law criminal justice systems, with a particular emphasis on the role of expert evidence in criminal jury trials. A hypothetical vision for the future set in 2030, which foresees the adoption of technological advances in the courtroom, is compared and contrasted with processes from a 2012 murder trial. We examine how a well‐designed digital courtroom could enhance the delivery of expert evidence. Considering ‘alternative future law scenarios’ can illuminate what a legal system is likely to need in times to come and can identify the necessary steps for beneficial adaptation via research, policies, and training.  相似文献   

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