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司法行政机关是依法维护公平正义、保障人民民主、塑造社会诚信、化解社会矛盾、维护和谐稳定的专门机关。黑龙江省司法行政机关在高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利,实现黑龙江的全面振兴中肩负着重大责任和庄严使命。当前和今后一个时期我省司法行政系统的首要政治任务,是深入学习贯彻十七大精神;而要深入学习贯彻十七大精神,关键要将十七大精神贯穿我省司法行政工作全过程,自觉以新精神指导新实践,以新定位谋划新发展,以新举措开创新业绩。  相似文献   

储昭根 《检察风云》2011,(16):30-32
泰国看守内阁总理阿披实7月27日称,以英拉为总理的下一届政府有望在8月10日产生。泰国最终选择了英拉。英拉当选后的第一个交易日,泰国股市与汇市双双报捷:泰铢创下2008年2月以来的最大升幅,泰国股市也跃升4.7%。  相似文献   

新世纪、新视角、新境界──寄语新世纪的中国比较法学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新的一个世纪到来了!这个新的世纪对于人类将意味着什么?是和平相处共同进步,抑或兵戎相见彼此杀戮?是增进理解交融文化,还是自封霸主强加于人?是步人后尘东施效颦,还是知彼知己自强自立?我能肯定,一切有思想、有胸怀、有境界的人,在新的世界到来之时,都必然会思考这些问题,尽管他们思考的角度和深度可能完全不同.而作为一个民族灵魂的载体,一个民族文化与精神的承担与宣扬者,文化人更应该对此有所思考、有所认识、有所宣扬.况且,中国的文化人历来都是把自己的命运和社会、民族和国家紧密联系在一起的.  相似文献   

近25年的普法实践充分表明,普法依法治理是实施依法治国基本方略、建设社会主义法治国家的基础性工程。五个五年普法规划的全面贯彻落实,对于维护社会和谐稳定、促进经济社会发展、服务保障改善民生、推进民主法制建设,发挥了积极的重要作用。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(2):222-229
Austin Francis Muldoon III joined the NYPD in 1979 and after working uniform and plain-clothes street level enforcement was assigned to Narcotics as an investigator in 1985. From January 1988 until his retirement from Homicide in 1999 he worked as a detective in Upper Manhattan which included a time when the crack epidemic resulted in record homicide rates. Since 1999 M. Muldoon has been with the Special Commissioner of Investigation in NYC where he is working with the FBI and the US Attorney's Office investigating corruption and bid rigging in the Department of Education.  相似文献   

The very name of our topic, so popular a subject for discussion at the threshold of the twenty-first century and evoked in the title of our article, conceals a dual problem.  相似文献   

Intersectional approaches to sentencing move beyond simply predicting disparities to consider the ways in which social characteristics such as gender, age, race, ethnicity, and class combine to create even more pronounced inequalities. The current review examines research on intersectionality within the context of criminal sentencing. We identify some of the most promising recent trends in this literature, such as attention to family status in the context of focal concerns as well as the inclusion of immigration status in studies of federal sentencing outcomes. Moving beyond the sentencing stage, we also suggest that an intersectional approach can be extended to decision making within the context of postsentencing outcomes, such as gender-specific and culturally sensitive programming and treatment of offenders in institutional and community corrections settings.  相似文献   

We begin this paper by reviewing some recent transformations in governance. We then propose three new concepts that we believe assist us in coming to terms with these transformations and the political statuses that have emerged as part of them. These concepts are 'nodal governance', 'denizens', and 'communal space'. Following this we will explore the normative implications of nodal governance as it has taken shape to date, with an emphasis on the 'governance disparity' that is paralleling the 'wealth disparity' across the globe. In response to this disparity, we will end with an outline of a normative vision and practical programme aimed at deepening democracy in poor areas of South Africa, Argentina, and elsewhere. We will argue that the main virtue of nodal governance, namely, the emphasis on local capacity and knowledge can be retrieved, reaffirmed, and reinstitutionalized in ways that enhance the self-direction of poor communities while strengthening their 'collective capital'.  相似文献   

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